Greetings in the name of the Ancient Traditions and voices of Nature.
We are reaching out to all the Natural people of the Americas,
responding to a Vision of People prepared by knowledge and wisdom to
survive and prosper.
Our Ancestral Heritage is rooted in the respect for all Manifestations
of Creation.
We also share the Spiritual knowledge that we are a Global Community.
Therefore we feel that the time is now here for all to come together:
to learn respect and to live in PEACE and in Balance with our Mother
Earth and all our Relations.
this in mind and heart, we are fostering people that are sharing relevant
knowledge for the emerging Age.
goal of our organization is to provide the fiscal agency for groups and
individuals that want to share the Natural and Traditional Ways of
building cooperation, friendships and trust. We want above all to build
a Peaceful Future of coexistence with the Earth and all beings.
INTK's mission is
to teach sustainable co-existence and
environmental education. INTK received an international mandate from
Leaders across North, Central and South America, to transition our
economies back to localized community production.
INTK has a multi-pronged approach to sustainable practice: Victory
Gardens for the home, Children's Gardens for schools, and CSA Gardens
for Villages and Communities. Available also are courses in sustainable
practices, such as retrofitting buildings for efficiency, forest
gardening, construction of natural buildings with
local materials, and basic earth-honoring teachings from around the
world. Home school and after school programs are available.
Through our Agricultural branch known as "Traditional Peoples Magicinal Herbs" we are raising the funds we need to address the needs of our communities locally and around the globe. In
essence growing and selling natural herbal medicines. We are able
to demonstrate and foment health with nature and it gifts. With these
funds we are addressing the poverty, caused by
lack of
healthy education and sustainable living practices, in our communities.
The funds make possible tutoring, classes and scholorships to higher