Spanish-English Medicinal Plant Names for Southwest U.S.A. and
(Emphasis on Plants of New Mexico, U.S.A. & Morelos,
Incomplete Draft
Compiled by Paul Mc Kee (2019)
_A_, _B_, _C_, _D_, _E_, _F_, _G_, _H_, _I_, _J_, _K_, _L_, _M_, _N_, _O_, _P_, _Q_, _R_, _S_, _T_, _U_, _V_, _W_, _X_, _Y_, _Z_
Abanico - Celosia argentea - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Abecedaria - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Abedul - Alnus acuminata - (Mexican-American)
- Betula alba (= Betula pubescens) - (Mexican-American)
- Betula pubescens - (Mexican-American)
- Populus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelasia - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelasir - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelasis - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelmoschus - Medik. - Genus Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Abelmoschus - - (BONAP)
See notes.
Abelmoschus esculentus - (L.) Moench - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Names
Abelmosco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelmosco comestible - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ají turco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algalia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Angelonia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Angú - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bindi - - (MMPND-English)
Bolondrón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bombó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Café del país - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calalú - - (Spanish-Américas)
Candia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Candía - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chaucha turca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chicombó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chimbombo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chimbombó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chumbombó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gambó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gombo - - (MMPND-English, MMPND-Spanish)
Guingambó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guingombó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gumbo - - (MMPND-English)
Gumbó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ladies' fingers - - (MMPND-English)
Lady's finger - - (MMPND-English)
Lagarto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Majagua - - (Spanish-Américas)
Molondrón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Morito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Najú or ñajú or ñangú - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ocra - - (Spanish-Américas, MMPND-Spanish)
Ochro - - (EthnobotDB)
Okra - - (Spanish-Américas, BONAP)
Quiabeiro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quiabo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quigombó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quimbombo - - (MMPND-Spanish)
Quimbombó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quingombo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quingombó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ruibarbo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Semilla de culebra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yambó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yerba de culebra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelmoschus manihot - (L.) Medik - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Pajiza - - (southwest US & northern Mexico)
Viuda - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abelmoschus moschatus - Medik. - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Names
Abelmosco - - (EthnobotDB, Spanish-Américas)
Alcalia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algalia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Almis - - (Atlas Mexico)
Almizcle - - (Spanish-Américas)
Almizcle vegetal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Almizclillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alvira - - (Atlas Mexico)
Ambarcillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambarina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambreta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambrette - - (southwest US & northern Mexico)
Anaucho - - (Spanish-Américas)
Antiviperina - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Argalia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bomba kapel - - (Atlas Mexico: San Luis Potosí)
Borraja - - (Atlas Mexico)
Guingambó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba almizclada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de culebra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba de la culebra - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de semilla de culebra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Lagarto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva almizclera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Monito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Musk mallow - - (southwest US & northern Mexico, MMPND-English)
Musk okra - - (MMPND-English)
Musky-seeded hibiscus - - (MMPND-English)
Quigombó de cheiro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quimbombó - - (Spanish-Américas)
Rosa almiscarada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Semilla de culebra - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Silk flower - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Viborana - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zaandy ujts - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca)
Abelmosco - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Abelmoschus moschatus - (EthnobotDB, Spanish-Américas)
Abelmosco comestible - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelo - Populus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Abeto - Abies balsamea - (Mexico)
- Abies concolor - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Abies religiosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abeto balsámico - Abies balsamea - (Spanish-Américas)
Abeto blanco americano - Abies arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abeto blanco de las rocosas - Abies arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abeto blanco de las sierras - Abies arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abeto de las Montañas Rocosas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abeto del Colorado - Abies concolor - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abeto lasiocarpa americano - Abies arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abies - P. Mill. - Genus Name
Family Pinaceae
Common Name
Fir - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 2 species: - - (BONAP)
Abies arizonica Merriam
(= Cork-bark fir, Subalpine fir)
Abies concolor (Gordon & Glendinning) Lindley ex Hildebrand
(= White fir),
See notes.
Abies balsamea - (L.) P. Mill. - Species Name
Famiy Pinaceae
Common Names
Abeto - - (Mexico)
Abeto balsámico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alerce balsámico del Canadá - - (Spanish-Américas)
Balsam fir - - (U.S.A.)
Bálsamo del Canadá - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fir - - (Mexico)
Sapino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abies arizonica - (Hook.) Nutt. - Species Name
Family Pinaceae
Common Name
Abeto blanco americano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abeto blanco de las rocosas - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abeto blanco de las sierras - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abeto lasiocarpa americano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpine fir - - (U.S.A.)
Balsam fir - - (U.S.A.)
Blanco de las sierras - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real blanco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real blanco de las sierras - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real de las sierras - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rocky mountain fir - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Subalpine fir - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Abies bifolia A. Murray var. arizonica - (Merriam) O'Kane & K.D.Heil - (NM)
Abies lasiocarpa (Hooker) Nuttall var. arizonica - (Merriam) Lemmon - (NM)
Abies concolor - (Gord. & Glend.) Lindl. ex Hildebr. - Species Name
Family Pinaceae
Common Name
Abeto - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abeto de las Montañas Rocosas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abeto del Colorado - - (southwest US & Mexico)
California white fir - - (CRC)
Pinabete - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino blanco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real blanco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rocky Mountain white fir - - (CRC)
Sierra white fir - - (CRC)
White fir - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Abies religiosa - (H.B.K.)Schldl.&Cham. - (PFAF) Species Name
Family Pinaceae
Common Name
Abeto - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Acsoyate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acxoyate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acxoyatl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Axoyate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bansú - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cahuite - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cipreso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guayamé - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hoja petate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hoja de petate - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jalocote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ocopetla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oyamel - - (Spanish-Américas)
Oyametl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Picea común - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pinabete - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino oyamel - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sacred fir - - (Southwestern N. America/Mexico)
Tucumu - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Xalócotl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
See Aceite de Pale or
Aceite de Abeto.
Abizcoba - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Abobeira de moita - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abobobeira grande - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora almiscar - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora almiscarada - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora amarela - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora carneira - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora catinga - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora cheirosa - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora chila - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora de agua - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora de coroa - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora de enfeite - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora de porco - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora do telhado - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora gigante - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora gila - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora grande - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora jerimu - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora laranja - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora machado - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora melão - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora menina - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora moganga - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora moranga - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora pepa - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora porqueira - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora preta - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora rasteira - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Abreojos - Tribulus terrestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Abreuello - Tribulus terrestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrin - Abrus precatorius - (Uphof, 1959)
Abrofia - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrojo - Tribulus
cistoides - (Mexican-American)
- Tribulus
terrestris - (Mexican-American)
Abrojo amarillo - Tribulus cistoides - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrojo común - Tribulus terrestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrojo de tierra caliente - Tribulus terrestris - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Abrojo rojo - Tribulus cistoides - (Mexican-American)
- Tribulus terrestris - (Mexican-American)
Abrojo terrestre - Tribulus terrestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrojo terrestre de Cuba - Tribulus cistoides - (Spanish-Américas)
Abronia - Juss. - Genus Name
Family Nyctaginaceae
Common Name
Sand verbena - - (BONAP)
Sand-verbena - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 6 species: - - (BONAP, NM)
Abronia angustifolia Greene
(= Narrow-leaf sand-verbena, Purple sand verbena),
Abronia bigelovii Heimerl.
(= Galisteo sand verbena),
Abronia bolackii Atwood, Welsh, & Heil.
(= Bolack's sand-verbena),
Abronia carletonii Coulter & Fisher
(= Carleton's sand verbena),
Abronia elliptica A. Nelson
(= White sand-verbena),
Abronia fragrans Nuttall ex Hooker
(= Fragrant sand-verbena, Heart's delight, Snowball sand verbena)
See notes.
Abronia elliptica - A. Nels. - Species Name
Family Nyctaginaceae
Common Name
Fragrant white sand verbena - - (BONAP)
White sand-verbena - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Abronia fragrans var. elliptica - (A. Nels.) M.E. Jones - (BONAP)
Abronia nana S. Watson var. harrisii - Welsh - (NM)
Abronia pumila - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Abronia ramosa - Standl. - (BONAP)
Abronia salsa - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Abronia fragrans - Nutt. ex Hook. - Species Name
Family Nyctaginaceae
Common Names
Alfambrilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fragrant sand-verbena - - (NM)
Heart's-delight - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lasater's pride - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lechuguilla - - Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Sand puff - - (U.S.A.)
Sand verbena - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Snowball sand verbena - - (U.S.A.)
Sweet sand verbena - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Abronia fendleri - Standley - (NM)
Abronia fragrans var. glaucescens - A.
Nels. - (BONAP)
Abronia maritima - Nutt. ex
S. Wats. - Species Name
Family Nyctaginaceae
Common Names
Alfambrilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alfombrilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Beach sand verbena - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abrina - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Abro de cuentas - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrus - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrus - Adans. - Genus Name
Family Fabaceae
See notes.
Abrus precatorius - L. - Species Name
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Abrin - - (Uphof, 1959)
Abrina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abro de cuentas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrus - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bangati - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bead vine - - (CRC)
Bejuco de peonia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Black-eyed Susan - - (CRC)
Brujitos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bugallón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cansasage - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chochito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chocho - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coral-bead plant - - (CRC)
Coral pea - - (Plant Book)
Crab-eye vine - - (CRC)
Crab's eye - - (Uphof, 1959)
Guisantes de América - - (Spanish-Américas)
Habros - - (Spanish-Américas)
Indian licorice - - (CRC)
Indian liquorice - - (Uphof, 1959)
Jamaica liquorice - - (CRC)
Jecquirity bean - - (CRC)
Jequerity seeds - - (Plant Book)
Jequiriti - - (Spanish-Américas)
Jequirity - - (Uphof, 1959)
Jequirity bean - - (CRC)
John crow beads - - (CRC)
Jumbie bead - - (CRC)
Licorice - - (CRC)
Licorice bean - - (CRC)
Licorice vine - - (CRC)
Licor indio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Love bean - - (CRC)
Love pea - - (CRC)
Lucky bean - - (CRC)
Lucky beans - - (Plant Book)
Mate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Oxcoac - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oxoak - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Paternoster beans - - (Plant Book)
Peonía - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Peronía - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pois rouge - - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Prayer bean - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Prayer beads - - (CRC)
Precatory bean - - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Precatory-pea - - (CRC)
Red bead plant - - (CRC)
Red bean vine - - (CRC)
Regaliz de las Antillas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Rosario - - (Spanish-Américas)
Rosary pea - - (Uphof, 1959)
Rosarypea - - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Sagán - - (Spanish-Américas)
Semilla de culebra - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tento muido - - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Weather plant - - (CRC)
Weather vine - - (CRC)
Wild licorice - - (CRC)
Wild liquorice - - (Uphof, 1959)
Xoxoac - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yogoak - - (CRC)
See notes.
Absinth - Artemisia absinthium - (Mexico)
Absinth sagewort - Artemisia absinthium - (BONAP)
Absinthe - Artemisia absinthium - (International)
Abugués - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Abuje - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Abutilon - P. Mill. - Genus Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Names
Abutilon - - (U.S.A.)
Indian mallow - - (BONAP)
Pelotazo - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 7 species: - - (BONAP, NM)
Abutilon fruticosum Guillemin & Perrottet
(= Shrubby Indian-mallow),
Abutilon incanum (Link) Sweet
(= Pelotazo),
Abutilon malacum S. Watson
(= Yellow Indian mallow),
Abutilon mollicomum (Willdenow) Sweet
(= Sonoran Indian mallow),
Abutilon parvulumGray
(= Dwarf Indian mallow),
Abutilon theophrasti Medikus
(= Velvetleaf),
Abutilon wrightii Gray
(= Wright's Indian mallow).
Abutilon - Abutilon incanum - (BONAP)
Abutilón - Abutilon theophrasti - (Spanish-Américas)
Abutilon incanum - (Link) Sweet - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Abutilon - - (BONAP)
Escoba - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Indian mallow - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva peluda - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pelotazo - - (BONAP, NM)
Pelotazo chico - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pringle's abutilon - - (BONAP)
Tronador - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Abutilon incanum ssp. pringlei - (Hochr.) Felger & Lowe - (NM)
Abutilon pringlei - Hochr. - (BONAP)
Sida incana - Link - (NM)
See notes.
Abutilon theophrasti - Medik. - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Abutilón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acalia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Button weed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chinajute - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de la China - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva india - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva índica - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvavisco de Indias - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvavisco de las Indias - - (Spanish-Américas)
Velvetleaf - - (BONAP, NM)
Yute de la China - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Abutilon abutilon - (L.) Rusby - (BONAP)
Abutilon avicennae - Gaertn. - (BONAP)
Sida abutilon - Linnaeus - (NM)
See notes.
Acacia - P. Mill. - Genus Name
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Acacia - - (BONAP)
Tezo - - (Kay)
In Morelos - - (Atlas Mexico)
In New Mexico, 6 species: - - (BONAP, NM)
Acacia angustissima (= Prairie acacia)
= Acaciella angustissima (Miller) Britton & Rose,
Acacia constricta (= Whitethorn acacia)
= Vachellia constricta (Bentham) Seigler & Ebinger,
Acacia greggii (= Catclaw acacia)
= Senegalia greggii (Gray) Britton & Rose,
Acacia millefolia (= Milfoil wattle)
= Mariosousa millefolia (S. Watson) Seigler & Ebinger,
Acacia neovernicosa (= Viscid acacia)
= Vachellia vernicosa (Britton & Rose) Seigler & Ebinger,
Acacia roemeriana (= Roundflower catclaw)
= Senegalia roemeriana (Scheele) Britton & Rose.
6 species of Acacia s.l. used medicinally in Mexico
(including common names): - - (Atlas Mexico)
Acacia angustissima (Miller) Kuntze (= Timbre)
= Acaciella angustissima (Miller) Britton & Rose,
Acacia cochliacantha Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. (= Cubata)
= Vachellia campechiana (Mill.) Seigler & Ebinger,
Acacia collinsii Saff (= Cornezuelo),
= Vachellia collinsii (Saff.) Seigler & Ebinger
Acacia cornigera (L.) Willd (= Cornezuelo),
= Vachellia cornigera (L.) Seigler & Ebinger,
Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. (= Huizache)
= Vachellia farnesiana (L.) Wight et Arn.,
Acacia pennatula (Cham. & Schlechtendal) Benth. (= Tepame)
= Vachellia pennatula (Schltdl. & Cham.) Seigler & Ebinger.
The genus Acacia world-wide has been redefined, and although
all are still known (by common name) as Acacia, the recently segregated genera
of North America are Acaciella, Mariosousa, Senegalia, and
See notes.
Acacia - Acacia - (BONAP)
- Acacia cornigera - (Atlas Mexico)
- Acacia farnesiana - (Mexico)
- Acacia senegal - (Mexico)
Acacia angustissima - (P. Mill.) Kuntze - Species Name
= Acaciella angustissima (Miller) Britton & Rose
Family Fabaceae
Common Name
Acacia de las praderas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Barba de chivo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cantemó - - (Atlas Mexico: Tabasco)
Cáscara del timbre - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cheramusco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chirahui - - (Atlas Mexico: Sonora)
Day - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fern acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gavia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Guaje brujo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Guajillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Ocpatl - - (C. Ratsch)
Palo de pulque - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Piche - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pichehumo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pichejumo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pichihumo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pichijumo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Prairie acacia - - (BONAP)
Pulque tree - - (C. Ratsch)
Shame-weed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Shisich - - (Atlas Mexico: Hidalgo)
Timbe - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Timbre - - (Atlas Mexico)
Timbrillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Uaxim - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Vinorama - - (Atlas Mexico)
White-ball acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Xaax - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Xisich - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico, 2 varieties: - - (BONAP, NM)
Acacia angustissima var. suffrutescens (= Prairie acacia),
Acacia angustissima var. texensis (= Prairie wattle)
This small tree was named Ocpatl by the Aztecs, which can be translated as
"pulque drug" and in present day Mexican Spanish the tree has been called
Palo de pulque ("tree of pulque"). - - (C. Ratsch)
Apparently, Acacia angustissima and sometimes Havardia albicans (Kunth) Britton & Rose
[= Acacia albicans Kunth = Pithecolobium albicans (Kunth) Benth.] was used as a pulque
additive. - - (C. Ratsch)
The last mentioned species (not found in New Mexico) is native to Mexico, Caribbean
Islands, and Central America (e.g., Yucatan Peninsula).
Both the Acacia angustissima additive and the resulting drink were known as Teoctli
("divine pulque") or Xochioctli ("flower pulque"). Apparently, this addition to the drink
was forbidden during the colonial period. - - (C. Ratsch)
Acacia angustissima var. suffrutescens - (Rose)
Isely - Variety Name
= Acaciella angustissima (Miller) Britton & Rose var. angustissima
Family Fabaceae
Common Name
Prairie acacia - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Acacia angustissima (Miller) Kuntze var. hirta - (Nuttall) B.L. Robinson - (NM)
Acacia angustissima var. cuspidata - (Schlecht.) L. Benson p.p. - (BONAP)
Acacia cuspidata - Schlecht. p.p. - (BONAP)
Acacia hirta - Nuttall - (NM)
Acacia angustissima var. texensis - (Torr. &
Gray) Isely - Variety Name
= Acaciella angustissima (Miller) Britton & Rose var. texensis (Torrey & Gray) L. Rico
Family Fabaceae
Common Name
Prairie acacia - - (NM)
Prairie wattle - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acacia angustissima (Miller) Kuntze var. chisosiana - Isely - (NM)
Acacia angustissima var. cuspidata - (Schlecht.) L.
Benson p.p. - (BONAP)
Acacia angustissima (Miller) Kuntze var. texensis - (Torrey & Gray) Isely - (NM)
Acacia cuspidata - Schlecht. p.p. - (BONAP)
Acacia texensis - Torr. & Gray - (BONAP)
Acacia berlandieri - Benth. - Species Name
= Senegalia berlandieri (Benth.) Britton & Rose
Family Fabaceae
Common Name
Berlandier Acacia - - (?)
Espino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Guajillo - - (BONAP, Elsa Campos)
Guajillo Acacia - - (?)
Huajillo - - (?)
Huispancle - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Matorral - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mimbre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Thóbem - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Thornless acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
See notes.
Acacia cochliacantha - Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. - Species Name
= Vachellia campechiana (Mill.) Seigler & Ebinger
Family Fabaceae
Common Name
Binolo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Binolo prieto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Boat-thorn acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chirahui - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chiroui - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Corteno - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cubata - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cucharilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cucharitas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cucharo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Encinilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Espino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Guinole - - (Kay)
Guisache - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guisache corteño - - (Spanish-Américas)
Huinol - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huinole - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huisache - - (Spanish-Américas)
Huisache costeño - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huisache tepame - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo de cucharitas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sínala - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tepamo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Vinolo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Vinolo prieto - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Vinorama - - (Kay)
Acacia cochliacantha f. cochliacantha - - (KEW)
Acacia cochliacantha f. houghii - (Britton & Rose) Seigler & Ebinger - (KEW)
Acacia cochliacantha - S.Watson - (KEW)
Acacia cochliacantha - Willd. - (KEW)
Acacia cymbispina - Sprague & Riley - (KEW)
Acacia collinsii - Saff - Species Name
= Vachellia collinsii (Saff.) Seigler & Ebinger
Family Fabaceae
Common Name
Cornezuelo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Subin - - (Yucatán)
Subin che' - - (Yucatán)
Tsubin - - (Yucatán)
Acacia glutea - Ram.Goyena - (KEW)
Acacia constricta - Benth. - Species Name
= Vachellia constricta (Bentham) Seigler & Ebinger
Family Fabaceae
Common Name
Chaparro prieto - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de niño - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gigantillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Huisache - - (Spanish-Américas)
Huizache - - (Spanish-Américas)
Largancillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Largoncillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mescat acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mezquitillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Vara - - (Spanish-Américas)
Vara prieta - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Varaprieta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Vinorama - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Western white-thorn acacia - - (NM)
Whitethorn - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Whitethorn acacia - - (BONAP)
White-thorn acacia - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Acacia constricta var. paucispina - Wooton & Standley - (NM)
Acacia constricta var. vernicosa - L.D. Benson - Variety Name
= Vachellia vernicosa (Britton & Rose) Seigler & Ebinger
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Eastern white-thorn acacia - - (NM)
Viscid acacia - - (EOL)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Acacia neovernicosa - Isely - (NM)
Acacia vernicosa - Standley, not Fitzgerald - (NM)
Acaciopsis vernicosa - Britton & Rose - (NM)
Acacia cornigera - (L.) Willd. - Species Name
= Vachellia cornigera (L.) Seigler & Ebinger
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Acacia - - (Atlas Mexico)
Arbol del cuerno - - (Atlas Mexico)
Bullhorn acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bullhorn wattle - - (BONAP)
Cachito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachito de toro - - (Atlas Mexico)
Carnizuelo - - (Mexican-American)
Chicorno - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chixcanal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cornezuelo - - (Mexican-American)
Cortapito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuernecillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuernito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuernitos - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cuerno de toro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Espino blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guang apix y guana arich - - (Atlas Mexico)
Guisache - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hoitzmamaxali - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hoitzmamazali - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huitzmamaxalli - - (Kay)
Huizache - - (Atlas Mexico)
Iscanal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Izcanal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Piñuela - - (Spanish-Américas)
Puas de piedra (Thorns of stone) - - (Kay)
Subin - - (Atlas Mexico: Yucatán)
Subin-che - - (Atlas Mexico: Yucatán; Maya)
Tepame - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tobem - - (Atlas Mexico: San Luís Potosí)
Tobera k'idh - - (Atlas Mexico: San Luís Potosí)
Torito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Toritos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tsujpin - - (Atlas Mexico: Puebla)
Velo de novia - - (Mexican-American)
Velo de viuda - - (Mexican-American)
Vinorama - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Waj aptx - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca)
Zubin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zubín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zubinché - - (Spanish-Américas)
Native to Mexico and Central America.
Acacia de las Indias - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Acacia de las praderas - Acacia angustissima - (Spanish-Américas)
Acacia del Senegal - Acacia senegal - (Spanish-Américas)
Acacia farnesiana - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Acacia farnesiana - (L.) Willd. - Species Name
= Vachellia farnesiana (L.) Wight et Arn.
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Acacia - - (Mexico)
Acacia de las Indias - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acacia farnesiana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amarillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aroma - - (Atlas Mexico)
Aromito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo - - (Mexico)
Aromo amarillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo común - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo de agujas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo espinoso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Aromo oloroso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo prieto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Arumbari - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Bayahonda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bihi - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Binorama - - (Kay)
Cachito de aroma - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cantiriz - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cakilizche - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Cambrón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carambomba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carambuco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cascalote - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cashaw - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Cassie - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chapote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Churqui negro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Colita - - (Atlas Mexico)
Corôa Christi - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coronacris - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coronha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Corteza de curtidora - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cuca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cují - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuji aromo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuji cimarrón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuntich - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Espina divina o sagrada - - (Atlas Mexico)
Espinillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Espino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Espino blanco - - (Atlas Mexico)
Fiñisachi - - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de aroma - - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de niño - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gabia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gavia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Guisache - - (Mexico)
Güisache - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guizache - - (Atlas Mexico)
Guizache yondero - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Hichin - - (Atlas Mexico: Veracruz)
Huechachin (náhuatl) - - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Huichaxin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huisache - - (Atlas Mexico: Guerrero; Mexico)
Huisache de semilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huisache yóndiro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huitzaxin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huizache - - (Atlas Mexico)
K'ank'ilixche - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Kankilizche - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Kantiriz - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Kuká - - (Atlas Mexico: Sonora)
Maroma - - (Atlas Mexico)
Matita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mimosa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nacazcalotl - - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Panthahochoixachin - - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Pedo de burro - - (Atlas Mexico)
Spunge tree - - (Mexico)
Subin - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Subín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Subinche - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Subinché - - (Spanish-Américas)
Subin-che (maya) - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Sweet acacia - - (U.S.A.)
Tataré - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tsurimbíní - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Tsurumbíni - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Tzurembini - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Tzurinbini - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Uisatain - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uña de cabra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Vinorama - - (Kay)
Wichachin (náhuatl) - - (Atlas Mexico: Guerrero)
Xemb - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca)
Xhag - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca)
Xkantirish - - (Spanish-Américas)
X'k'ant'ilix - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Yag guiichi - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca)
Zubin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zubín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zubinche - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zubinché - - (Spanish-Américas)
In Morelos - - (Atlas Mexico)
Acacia smallii - Isely - (KEW)
Acacia gomosa - Acacia senegal - (southwest US & Mexico)
Acacia greggii - Gray - Species Name
= Senegalia greggii (Gray) Britton & Rose
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Algarrobo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Black locust - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cat claw - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Catclaw - - (NM)
Catclaw acacia - - (U.S.A.)
Cat's claws - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cimmarón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Devil's claw - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gatuña - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo chino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Patito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Patitos - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Tepame - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tésota - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tis - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Uña de gato - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Uña del gato - - (Kay)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acacia greggii var. arizonica - Isely - (BONAP)
Acacia greggii var. greggii - Gray - (BONAP)
Acacia hindsii - Benth. - Species Name
= Vachellia hindsii (Benth.) Seigler & Ebinger
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Arbol del cuerno - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carretadera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carretadero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cornezuelo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuernitos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cutupito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuerno de toro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Espino blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guascanal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hat-thorn acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hinds acacia - - (?)
Huisache corteño - - (Spanish-Américas)
Huisache costeño - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Iscanal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Iscanal negro - - (EOL)
Ixiconal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jarretadera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Piñuela - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zubín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zubinche - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acacia millefolia - S. Watson - Species Name
= Mariosousa millefolia (S. Watson) Seigler & Ebinger
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Culuncuahui - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mauto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Milfoil acacia - - (NM)
Milfoil wattle - - (BONAP)
Santa Rita acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tepemezquite blanco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Vera prieta - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acacia pennatula - (Schlecht. & Cham.) Benth. - Species Name
= Vachellia pennatula (Schltdl. & Cham.) Seigler & Ebinger
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Algarrobo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Algarrobo espino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cajui - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chírahui - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coqueta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coquetta - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cucabit - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuquet - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Espino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Espino blanco - - (Atlas Mexico)
Espino de jiote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Feather acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fernleaf acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Garrobo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huisache - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huisache tepame - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jiote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Palo garrobo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sierra Madre acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tepame - - (Atlas Mexico)
Tihuixtle (náhuatl) - - (Atlas Mexico: Guerrero)
Xabxib - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yepouecha - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Acacia roemeriana - Scheele - Species Name
= Senegalia roemeriana (Scheele) Britton & Rose.
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Palo de arco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Roemer acacia - - (NM)
Roundflower catclaw - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acacia malacophylla - Benth. - (BONAP)
Acacia rigudula - Benth. - Species Name
= Vachellia rigidula (Benth.) Seigler & Ebinger
Family Fabaceae
Common Names
Blackbrush acacia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Catclaw - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chaparro prieto - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gavia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Acacia senegal - (L.) Willd. - Species Name
= Senegalia senegal (L.) Britton
Family Fabaceae
Common Name
Acacia - - (Mexico)
Acacia del Senegal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acacia gomosa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Goma arabe - - (Mexico)
Goma arábiga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gum arabic - - (BONAP)
Senegal gum - - (EOL)
Acacia verek - Guillemin & Perrottet - (?)
Acagualillo - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Acahualillo - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Acalia - Abutilon theophrasti - (Spanish-Américas)
Acalypha - L. - Genus Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Common Name
Acalypha - - (BONAP)
In Morelos - - (Atlas Mexico)
In New Mexico, 3 species: - - (BONAP, NM)
Acalypha lindheimeri Muller Argoviensis
(= Lindheimer's copperleaf, Shrubby copperleaf)
Acalypha neomexicana Muller Argoviensis
(= New Mexico copperleaf)
Acalypha ostryifolia Riddell
(= Pineland threeseed mercury, Three-seed mercury)
Acalypha adenostachya - Muell.Arg. - (?) Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha hypogaea - S.Watson - (?) Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha langiana - Muell.-Arg. - (?) Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha lindheimeri - Muell.-Arg. - Species Name
[= Acalypha phleoides, according to Species 2000/ITIS]
Family Euphorbiaceae
Common Names
Cancerisha - - (?)
Hierba del cáncer - - (?)
Shrubby copperleaf - - (BONAP)
Three-Seeded Mercury (3 seeds are indeed found in fruit) - - (?)
Yerba del cancer - - (Moore)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acalypha lindheimeri var. major - Pax & K. Hoffmann - (BONAP)
See notes.
Acalypha monostachya - Cav. - (?) Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Acalypha phleoides - Cav. - (Species 2000/ITIS) Species Name
Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Common Names
Copper leaf - - (Mexico)
Hierba del cancer - - (Mexico)
Shrubby copperleaf - - (USDA)
Three-Seeded Mercury (3 seeds are indeed found in fruit) - - (?)
In New Mexico - - (Species 2000/ITIS)
Acalypha lindheimeri - Muell.-Arg. - (Species 2000/ITIS)
Acalypha lindheimeri var. major - Pax & K.
Hoffmann - (BONAP)
See notes.
Acalypha septemloba - Muell.-Arg. - (?) Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Acamelt - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Agave atrovirens - (Spanish-Américas)
Acanthaceae - Juss. (1789) - (APG III) Family Name
Lamiales - Bromhead - (APG III) Order Name
Common name
Acanthus family - - (?)
Higher level lineages:
o Lamiidae Takhtajan;
o Garryidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids I = asterids I);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In Morelos, medicinal genus Justicia L - - (Atlas Mexico)
In New Mexico, species of 10 genera: - - (BONAP, New Mexico)
Anisacanthus Nees (= Desert-honeysuckle),
Carlowrightia Gray (= Wrightwort),
Dicliptera Juss. (= Foldwing),
Dyschoriste Nees (= Snakeherb),
Elytraria Michx. (= Scalystem),
Justicia L. (= Water-willow),
Ruellia L. (= Wild petunia),
Siphonoglossa Oerst. (= Tubetongue),
Stenandrium Nees (= Shaggytuft),
Tetramerium Nees (= Tetramerium)
See notes.
Acatl - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Phragmites australis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Acaxacahuitztli - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Acebo - Berberis fremontii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Acedera - Rumex Acetosa - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Acederaque - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Aceite de Abeto: See notes.
Aceite de comer: See notes.
Aceite de Pale: See notes.
Aceite de la vibora: See notes.
Aceite mexicano: See notes.
Aceitilla - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Bidens - (Mexican-American)
- Bidens pilosa - (Mexican-American)
Aceitilla chatay - Bidens pilosa - (Hernandez-Galicia, et al., 2002)
Aceitunillo - Vitex mollis -
- Vitex agnus-castus -
Acer - L. - Genus Name
Family Aceraceae
Now placed in family Sapindaceae - - (APG III)
Common Name
Maple - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 3 species: - - (BONAP)
Acer glabrum (= Rocky Mountain maple),
Acer grandidentatum (= Bigtooth maple)
Acer negundo (= Boxelder)
See notes.
Acer glabrum - Torr. - Species Name
Family Aceraceae
Now placed in family Sapindaceae - - (APG III)
Common Name
Rocky Mountain maple - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 2 varieties: - - (BONAP)
Acer glabrum var. glabrum (= Rocky Mountain maple),
Acer glabrum var. neomexicanum (= New Mexico maple)
Acer glabrum var. glabrum - Torr. - Variety Name
Family Aceraceae
Now placed in family Sapindaceae - - (APG III)
Common Name
Rocky Mountain maple - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acer glabrum var. tripartitum - (Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray) Pax - (BONAP)
Acer glabrum var. typicum - (Wesmael) Keller - (BONAP)
Acer tripartitum - Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray - (BONAP)
Acer glabrum var. neomexicanum - (Greene) Kearney & Peebles - Variety Name
Family Aceraceae
Now placed in family Sapindaceae - - (APG III)
Common Name
New Mexico maple - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acer glabrum ssp. neomexicanum - (Greene) E. Murr. - (BONAP)
Acer glabrum var. parviflorum - E. Murr. - (BONAP)
Acer neomexicanum - Greene - (BONAP)
Acer negundo - L. - Species Name
Family Aceraceae
Now placed in family Sapindaceae - - (APG III)
Common Name
Boxelder - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acer negundo var. arizonicum - Sarg. - Variety Name
Family Aceraceae
Now placed in family Sapindaceae - - (APG III)
Common Name
Arizona boxelder - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acer negundo var. interius - (Britt.) Sarg. - Variety Name
Family Aceraceae
Now placed in Sapindaceae - - (APG III)
Common Name
Boxelder maple - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acer interius - Britt. - (BONAP)
Acer negundo ssp. interius - (Britt.) A.& D.
Love - (BONAP)
Negundo aceroides ssp.
interius - (Britt.) A.& D. Love - (BONAP)
Negundo interius - (Britt.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Acer negundo var. texanum - Pax - Variety Name
Family Aceraceae
Now placed in family Sapindaceae - - (APG III)
Common Name
Ashleaf maple - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Acer negundo ssp. latifolium - (Pax) Schwerin - (BONAP)
Aceraceae - Juss. - (BONAP) Family Name
(Now placed by APG III with Hippocastanaceae A.Rich.
in broader family Sapindaceae)
Sapindales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, including species of 1 genus: - - (BONAP)
Acer - L. - (BONAP)
Acetillo - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Acetín - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas) Achicoria (= Chicoria) - Taraxacum officinale - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Achicoria amarga (= Chicoria) - Taraxacum officinale - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Achicoria dulce - Sonchus oleraceus - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
- Sonchus ciliatus - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Achilea - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
A-chili - Persicaria hydropiper - (southwest US & Mexico)
Achilillo hembra - Persicaria lapathifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
Achillea - L. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Yarrow - - (BONAP)
In Morelos - - (Atlas Mexico)
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (BONAP, NM)
Achillea millefolium L. (= Common yarrow, Western yarrow)
Achillea millefolium - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common names
Abrofia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Achilea - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alcaina - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alcanfor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alcanforero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alterraina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Altarreina - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Aquilea - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aquiléia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Artemisa bastarda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bloodwort - - (ITIS, USDA)
Camomila de los montes - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carpenter's weed - - (ITIS, USDA)
Ciento en rama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cientoenrama - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ciprés de invierno - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ciprés de Judea - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ciprés de perla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Colchón de pobre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Common yarrow - - (BONAP, ITIS, U.S.A.)
Erva carpinteira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva das cortadelas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva de São João - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva do Bom Deus - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos carpinteiros - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos golpes - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos militares - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos soldados - - (Spanish-Américas)
Feiteirinha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Feteirinha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de la pluma - - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de pluma - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gordoloba - - (USDA)
Herva do carpintero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba carpintera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de Aquiles - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de la cortadura - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la muela - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de las cortaduras - - (ITIS, USDA)
Hierba de las heridas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de los carpinteros - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del carpintero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del cortes - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del soldado - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba meona - - (Spanish-Américas)
Macelão - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mão de Deus - - (Spanish-Américas)
Meona - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mil en rama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mil hojas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Milefolio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Milenrama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Milflor - - (Mexico)
Milfoil - - (European English, ITIS, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Milfolhada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Milfolio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Milhojas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Millenrama - - (Mexico)
Nosebleed - - (European English, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Old man - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pêlo de carneiro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Perla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pluma de la tierra (feather of the land) - - (Kay)
Plumajillo (little feather) - - (ITIS, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Plumajo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Prazer das damas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Real de oro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Salvaçao do mundo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sereno de invierno - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sneezeweed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Staunchgrass - - (European English)
Thousand seal - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Tlalquequesal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tlaquequetzal - - (Kay)
Viuda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Western yarrow - - (ITIS, NM, U.S.A.)
Yarrow - - (Mexico, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yarrow (common) - - (ITIS)
In New Mexico: - - (BONAP, NM)
Achillea alpicola - Rydberg
Achillea angustissima - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Achillea aspleniifolia - auct. non Vent. - (BONAP)
Achillea eradiata - Piper - (BONAP)
Achillea fusca - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Achillea gracilis - Raf. - (BONAP)
Achillea lanulosa - Nuttall - (BONAP)
Achillea lanulosa subsp. apicola - (Rydberg) Keck - (NM)
Achillea lanulosa subsp. lanulosa - Nuttall - (NM)
Achillea lanulosa subsp. typica - Keck - (NM)
Achillea lanulosa var. alpicola - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Achillea lanulosa var. arachnoidea - Lunell - (BONAP)
Achillea lanulosa var. eradiata - (Piper) M.E. Peck - (BONAP)
Achillea laxiflora - Pollard & Cockerell - (NM)
Achillea millefolium ssp. occidentalis - (DC.) Hyl. - (BONAP)
Achillea millefolium ssp. pallidotegula - Boivin - (BONAP)
Achillea millefolium var. alpicola - (Rydberg) Garrett - (NM)
Achillea millefolium var. aspleniifolia - (Vent.) Farw. - (BONAP)
Achillea millefolium var. fusca - (Rydb.) G.N. Jones- (BONAP)
Achillea millefolium var. gracilis - Raf. ex DC. - (BONAP)
Achillea millefolium var. lanulosa - (Nuttall) Piper - (NM)
Achillea millefolium var. rosea - (Desf.) Torr. & Gray - (BONAP)
Achillea millefolium var. russeolata - Boivin - (BONAP)
Achillea occidentalis - (DC.) Raf. ex Rydb. - (BONAP)
Achillea rosea - Desf. - (BONAP)
Achillea subalpina - Greene - (BONAP)
Achillea tomentosa - Pursh, non L. - (BONAP)
See notes.
Achiote - Bixa orellana - (Mexican-American)
Achiotl - Bixa orellana - (Nahuatl)
Achiotillo - Bixa Orellana - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Achuscarris - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Acíbar - Aloe - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Acíbara - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Acleisanthes - Gray - Genus Name
Family Nyctaginaceae
Common Name
Trumpets - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Some authors now consider the genus Acleisanthes as
synonym of the genus Selinocarpus.
Acleisanthes longiflora
- Gray - Species Name
Family Nyctaginaceae
Common Names
Angel's trumpets - - (BONAP)
Yerba del a Rabia - - (herbarium sheet by Dr. Gregg)
Yerba Santa - - (herbarium sheet by Dr. Gregg)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Some authors now consider the
genus Acleisanthes as
a synonym of the genus Selinocarpus.
Acocohxihuitl - Bidens - (Mexican-American)
- Bidens pilosa - (Mexican-American)
Aconite - Aconitum tragoctonum - (Mexico)
Aconito - Aconitum tragoctonum - (Mexico)
Acónito - Aconitum Napellus - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Aconitum - L. - Genus Name
Family Ranunculaceae
Common Name
Monkshood - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Aconitum columbianum - Nutt. - Species Name
Family Ranunculaceae
Common Names
Aconite - - (Moore)
Columbian monkshood - - (BONAP)
Monk's-hood - - (NM)
Western aconite - - (Moore)
Western monkshood - - (Moore)
In New Mexico, including 1 subspecies: - - (BONAP)
Aconitum columbianum ssp. columbianum Nutt. (= Monk's-hood)
Aconitum columbianum ssp. columbianum - Nutt. - Subspecies Name
Family Ranunculaceae
Common Names
Aconite - - (Moore)
Columbian monkshood - - (BONAP)
Monk's-hood - - (NM)
Western aconite - - (Moore)
Western monkshood - - (Moore)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Aconitum columbianum var. bakeri - (Greene) Harrington - (BONAP)
Aconitum columbianum var. ochroleucum - A. Nels. - (BONAP)
Aconitum columbianum ssp. pallidum - Piper -
Aconitum geranioides - auct. p.p. non Greene - (BONAP)
Aconitum leibergii - auct. p.p. non Greene - (BONAP)
Aconitum mogollonicum - auct. p.p. non Greene - (BONAP)
Aconitum tragoctonum - (?) - Species Name
Family Ranunculaceae
Common Names
Aconite - - (Mexico)
Aconito - - (Mexico)
Acónito - - (Plantas, Cultura y Sociedad)
Goats bane - - (Mexico)
Acoraceae - Martynov - (APG III) Family
(Acoraceae J.G. Agardh, according to Delta)
Acorales - Link - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Monocotyledoneae de Candolle (= monocots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
Family not in New Mexico, but species of its single
genus widely used in folk medicine:
Acorus - L. - (BONAP)
Acorn squash - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Acoro - Acorus calamus - (Mexico)
Acorus - L. - (BONAP:
Genus Name)
Family Acoraceae
Common Name
Sweetflag - - (BONAP)
Acorus americanus - (Raf.) Raf. - Species Name
Family Acoraceae
Common Name
Sweetflag - - (BONAP)
Acorus calamus - auct. non L. - (BONAP)
Acorus calamus var. americanus - (Raf.) H.D. Wulff.
See notes.
Acorus calamus - L. - Species Name
Family Acoraceae
Common Names
Acoro - - (Mexico)
Calamus - - (Mexico, U.S.A.)
Calamo aromatico - - (Mexico)
Sweet flag - - (Mexico, U.S.A.)
See notes.
Acrocomia - Mart. - Genus Name
Family Arecaceae
Acrocomia aculeata - (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Mart. - Species Name
[= Acrocomia mexicana Kar. ex Mart.]
Family Arecaceae
Acsoyate - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Actaea - L. - (BONAP:
Genus Name)
Family Ranunculaceae
Common Name
Baneberry - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Actaea rubra - (Ait.) Willd. -
Species Name
Family Ranunculaceae
Common Names
Red baneberry - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Actaea rubra ssp.
arguta - (Nutt.) Hulten - Subspecies Name
Family Ranunculaceae
Common Names
Baneberry - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cohosh - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
baneberry - - (BONAP)
Yerba del peco - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Actaea arguta -
Nutt. - (BONAP)
Actaea arguta var.
viridiflora - (Greene) Tidestrom - (BONAP)
Actaea rubra var. arguta - (Nutt.) Lawson - (BONAP)
Actaea spicata var. arguta - (Nutt.) Torr. -
Acuyo - Piper sp. - (Moore)
Acxoyate - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Acxoyatic - Ipomoea muricata - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Acxoyatl - Abies religiosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Adam's needle (=
Palmilla) - Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca baccata var. baccata
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca glauca - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Adam's thread and needle (=
Palmilla) - Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca baccata var. baccata
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca glauca - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Adelfilla - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Adiantaceae - Newman - Family Name
(adiantoids, including Adiantum + sometimes vittarioids)
Often placed in family Pteridaceae.
Polypodiales - Link - Order Name
Common Name
Maidenhair ferns - - (?)
In New Mexico, including 1 genus: - - (BONAP)
Adiantum L. (= Maidenhair fern)
In New Mexico, defined more broadly to include 9 genera: - - (NM)
Adiantum L. (= Maidenhair fern),
Argyrochosma (Sm.) Windham (= Cliffbrake, Cloak-fern),
Astrolepis D.M.Benham & Windham (= Cloak-fern),
Bommeria Fourn. (= Bommeria fern),
Cheilanthes Sw. (= Lipfern),
Cryptogramma R. Br. (= Rockbrake),
Notholaena R. Br. (= Cloak fern),
Pellaea Link (= Cliffbrake), and
Pentagramma Yatskievych, Windham & Wollenweber (= Goldfern)
Adianto - Asplenium trichomanes - (Spanish-Américas)
Adiantum - L. - Genus Name
Family Pteridaceae
Polypodiales - Schimp. - Order Name
Common name
Maidenhair fern - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (NM)
Adiantum capillus-veneris L.
(= Southern maiden-hair).
Adiantum capillus-veneris - L. - Species Name
Family Pteridaceae
Common Names
Adianto - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Arañuela - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Avenca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Black maiden's hair - - (northern U.S.A.)
Cabellos de Venus - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Capilaria - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Common maidenhair - - (BONAP, ITIS)
Common maidenhair fern - - (ITIS)
Culandrillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo de ojo de agua - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Culantrillo de pozo - - (Elsa Campos)
Dudder-grass - - (northern U.S.A.)
Helecho - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Helecho de culantrillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lady's hair - - (northern U.S.A.)
Maidenhair fern - - (Elsa Campos)
Southern maidenhair - - (southwest US & Mexico)
True maiden's hair - - (northern U.S.A.)
Venus hairfern - - (ITIS)
Venus-hair fern - - (northern U.S.A.)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Adiantum capillus-veneris var. modestum - (Underwood) Fern. - (BONAP)
Adiantum capillus-veneris var. protrusum - Fern. - (BONAP)
Adiantum modestum - Underwood - (BONAP)
Adiantum pedatum - L. -
Species Name
Family Pteridaceae
according to KEW)
Common Names
Culantrillo del pozo - - (Mexico)
Lock-hair fern - - (northern U.S.A.)
Maidenfern - - (ITIS)
Maidenhair - - (ITIS)
Maiden-hair - - (northern U.S.A.)
Maidenhair fern - - (ITIS, Mexico)
Northern maidenhair - - (ITIS, U.S.A.)
Adiantum tenerum - Sw. -
Species Name
Family Pteridaceae
Common Names
Fan maidenhair - - (ITIS)
Adiantum trapeziforme - L. - Species Name
[= Adiantum trapeciforme]
Family Pteridaceae
Common Name
Diamond maidenhair - - (ITIS)
Tlaquequétzal - - (Kay: Nahuatl)
Adormidera - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Papaver rhoeas - (Mexican-American)
Adormidera espinosa - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Adormideras - Papaver somniferum - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Adoxa - L. - Genus Name
Family Adoxaceae
Common Name
Adoxa - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
Adoxa moschatellina - L.
- Species Name
Family Adoxaceae
Common Name
Muskroot - - (BONAP)
Known as a medicinal elsewhere.
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Adoxaceae - E.Mey. - (APG III) Family Name
(Adoxaceae Trautv., according to Delta)
Dipsacales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Order Name
Common Name
Adoxa or Muskroot family - - (BONAP)
Higher level lineages:
o Dipsapiidae D. C. Tank & M. J. Donoghue (2010);
o Apiidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino;
o Campanulidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino
(euasterids II = asterids II = campanulids);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
Family in New Mexico, including 2 genera:
Adoxa - L. - (BONAP)
Sambucus - L. - (BONAP)
Adrue - Cyperus articulatus - (Grieve)
Aegilops - L. - Genus Name
Family Poaceae
Common Name
Goatgrass - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
See notes.
Agalinis - Raf. - Genus Name
Family Orobanchaceae
Common Name
False foxglove - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Agalinis tenuifolia - (Vahl) Raf. - Species Name
Family Orobanchaceae
Common Name
Slenderleaf false foxglove - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
See notes.
Agalinis tenuifolia var. parviflora - (Nutt.) Pennell - Variety Name
Family Orobanchaceae
Common Name
Slenderleaf false foxglove - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Gerardia tenuifolia var. parviflora - Nutt. - (BONAP)
Gerardia tenuifolia ssp. parviflora - (Nutt.)
Pennell - (BONAP)
See notes.
Agallas de Lavante: See notes.
Agarico blanco: See notes.
Agarico yesca - Boletus igniarius - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
- Boletus fomentarius - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Agastache - Clayton ex Gronov. - Genus Name
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
Giant hyssop - - (BONAP)
In Morelos - - (Atlas Mexico)
In New Mexico, 8 species - - (BONAP)
and 8 subspecies or varieties.
Agastache breviflora (Gray) Epling
(= TransPecos giant hyssop),
Agastache cana (Hook.) Woot. & Standl.
(= Mosquito plant),
Agastache mearnsii Woot. & Standl.
(= San Luis Mountain giant hyssop),
Agastache micrantha (Gray) Woot. & Standl.
(= White giant hyssop),
Agastache pallidiflora (Heller) Rydb.
(= Bill Williams' Mountain giant hyssop),
Agastache pringlei (Briq.) Lint & Epling
(= Pringle's giant hyssop),
Agastache rupestris (Greene) Standl.
(= Threadleaf giant hyssop), and
Agastache wrightii (Greenm.) Woot. & Standl.
(= Sonoran giant hyssop).
Subspecies or varieties:
Agastache pallidiflora ssp. pallidiflora var. gilensis R.W. Sanders
(= Bill Williams' Mountain giant hyssop),
Agastache pallidiflora ssp. pallidiflora var. greenei (Briq.) R.W. Sanders
(= Greene's giant hyssop),
Agastache pallidiflora ssp. neomexicana var. havardii (Gray) R.W. Sanders
(= Havard's giant hyssop),
Agastache pallidiflora ssp. neomexicana (Briq.) Lint & Epling
(= New Mexican giant hyssop),
Agastache pallidiflora ssp. neomexicana var. neomexicana (Briq.) R.W. Sanders
(= New Mexican giant hyssop),
Agastache pallidiflora ssp. pallidiflora (Heller) Rydb.
(= Pallid flower giant hyssop),
Agastache pallidiflora ssp. pallidiflora var. pallidiflora
(Heller) Rydb.
(= Pallid flower giant hyssop), and
Agastache pringlei var. verticillata (Woot. & Standl.) R.W. Sanders
(= Pringle's giant hyssop).
Agastache mexicana - ? - (?)
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
Tlalamatl - - (Kay)
Toronjil - - (Kay, Mexico)
Agastache palmeri - (B.L.Rob.) Lint & Epling - (?)
[= Agastache palmeri (B.L.Rob.) Standl.]
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
Betónica - - (San Luis Potosí)
Agauja - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Agavaceae - Dumort. - Family Name
[Usually including plants in the once named families
Anemarrhenaceae Conran, M.W. Chase & Rudall,
Behniaceae Conran, M.W. Chase & Rudall,
Herreriaceae Endl.
is more recently and optionally placed
within the larger family Asparagaceae Juss.
of higher asparagoids, also
including the other families
Aphyllanthaceae Burnett,
Hesperocallidaceae Traub,
Hyacinthaceae Batsch ex Borkh,
Laxmanniaceae Bubani,
Ruscaceae Spreng., and
Themidaceae Salisb.]
Asparagales - Link - (APG III) Order Name
[= Asparagales Bromhead (= asparagoids)]
Common Name
Agave family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o rest of the core monocots
other than those in the family Petrosaviaceae Hutch.;
o core monocots;
o Nartheciidae S.W. Graham & W.S. Judd
o Monocotyledoneae de Candolle (= monocots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In Morelos - - (Atlas Mexico)
In New Mexico, species of 4 genera: - - (NM)
Agave L. (= Agave),
Echeandia Ortega (= Echeandia),
Leucocrinum Nutt. ex Gray (= Starlily),
Yucca L. (= Yucca).
See notes.
Agave - L. - Genus Name
Family Asparagaceae (including
[Species of the closely related genera Manfreda Salisb., Polianthes L.,
and Prochnyanthes S. Watson (none in New Mexico) are sometimes
assigned to Agave (due to limited molecular studies indicating that
Agave is paraphyletic to Manfreda, Polianthes, and Prochnyanthes).]
Common Names
Agave - - (BONAP)
Century plant - - (Kay)
Maguey - - (Mexico)
In New Mexico, 5 species: - - (NM)
Agave gracilipes Trel.
(= Slimfoot agave, Slimfoot century plant),
Agave lechuguilla Torr.
(= Lechuguilla),
Agave palmeri Engelm.
(= Palmer's agave, Palmer's century plant),
Agave parryi var. neomexicana (Woot. & Standl.) Ullrich
(New Mexico agave),
Agave parryi var. parryi Engelm.
(= Parry's agave),
Agave schottii Engelm.
(= Schott's agave, Schott's century plant),
See notes.
Agave - Agave americana - (Mexico)
- Agave guttata - (Mexico)
Agave americana - L. - Species Name
[= Agave americana var. americana = Agave gracilispina (Rol.-Goss.) Engelmann ex Trelease (included in EthnobotDB)]
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae)
Common names
Abecedaria - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acamelt - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acíbara - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agave - - (Mexico)
Agave americana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aloe dos cem anos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Áloe de cien años - - (Spanish-Américas)
American Agave - - (ITIS)
American Aloe - - (?)
American Century Plant - - (ITIS)
Azabara - - (Spanish-Américas)
Azul champagra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Babosa brava - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabuyal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calamaco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caraguatá - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Century plant - - (Mexico, Mansfeld's Encyclopedia)
Centuryplant - - (ITIS)
Champa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Champagra azul - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cháguar - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chuchau - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocú - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocuí - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocuy - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocuyo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocuisa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fique - - (Spanish-Américas)
Garabatá - - (Spanish-Américas)
Henequén - - (Spanish-Américas)
Jeniquén - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey - - (Spanish-Américas, Mexico)
Maguey amarillo - - (Kay)
Maguey americano - - (ITIS)
Maguey arroqueño - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey chichimeco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey chino - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey de mezcal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey de pulque - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey fino - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey meco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mecoztli - - (Kay)
Mescal - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Metl - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Mezcal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Motua - - (Spanish-Américas)
Nequén - - (Spanish-Américas)
Penca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita americana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita común - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita maguey - - (Spanish-Américas)
Piteira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Piteira brava - - (Spanish-Américas)
Piteira de boi - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pitera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Teometl - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
See notes.
See notes.
Agave americana - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Agave americana ssp. protamericana - Gentry - Subspecies Name
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae)
Common name
American century plant - - (BONAP)
Agave angustifolia - Haw. - (ITIS) Species Name
[= Agave kirchneriana A. Berger]
Family Asparagaceae (including
Common Names
Bacanora - - (southern Sonora)
Bacanora agave - - (southern Sonora)
Century plant - - (ITIS)
Ixtle manso - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey africano - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Mescal casero - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Mescal del monte - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey delgado - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey espadín - - (ITIS)
Mezcal - - (southern Sonora)
Pita-ci - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Zapupe fuerta - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Agave atrovirens - Karw. ex Salm-Dyck - Species Name
[= Agave latissima Jacobi]
Family Asparagaceae
(including Agavaceae)
Common names
Acamelt - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amole - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey - - (Spanish-Américas, Kay, BONAP, ITIS, Mexico)
Maguey de aguamiel - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey de montaña - - (ITIS)
Maguey de pulque - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey del cumbre - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey javalin - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey manso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Metl - - (Kay, Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Pita fina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Teomel - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepeme - - (Mexico, Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Tlacamel - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tlacametl - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Tobalá - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tuah - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Agave fourcroydes - Lem. - Species Name
[= Agave sullivani Trelease]
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae)
Common Names
Kí - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Yucatán)
Sac-ci - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Sak-ki - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Yucatán)
White henequen - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia)
Yucatan sisal - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia)
Agave gracilipes - Trel. - Species Name
Family Asparagaceae
(including Agavaceae) - - (APG III)
Common names
Maguey de pastizal - - (?)
Slimfoot agave - - (NM)
Slimfoot century plant - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
Agave guttata - Jacobi & C.D.Bouché - (PSORG) Species Name
[= Manfreda guttata
(Jacobi & C.D.Bouché) Rose (= Agave commutata)
= Polianthes guttata (Jacobi & C.D.Bouché) Shinners from IPNI]
Family Asparagaceae
(including Agavaceae)
Common names
Agave - - (Mexico)
Amole - - (Mexico)
Apintle - - (Spanish-Américas)
According to KEW, the genus
Manfreda Salisb. = Agave L.
Agave lechuguilla - Torr. - Species Name
Family Asparagaceae
(including Agavaceae) - - (APG II)
Common names
Agave lechuguilla - - (?)
Lecheguilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lechuguilla - - (BONAP, Spanish-Américas)
Maguey lechuguilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico
Agave lophantha var. poselgeri - (Salm-Dyck) Berger - (BONAP)
Agave mapisaga - Trelease - (?) Species Name
Family Asparagaceae
(including Agavaceae)
Common name
Carrizo - - (?)
Agavepalo - Tillandsia recurvata - (Spanish-Américas)
Agave schottii - Engelm. - Species Name
Family Asparagaceae
(including Agavaceae)
Common names
Amole - - (Spanish-Américas)
Schott's agave - - (NM)
Schott's century plant - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
Agave salmiana - Otto ex Salm-Dyck - (?) Species Name
Family Asparagaceae
(including Agavaceae)
Common names
Maguey blando of Mexico - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia)
Maguey cimarrón - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey de aguamiel - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Guatemala)
Maguey de pulque - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey manso - - (Spanish-Américas, Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Pita fina - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Guatemala)
Pulque agave - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Tlacamel - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tlacametl - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Agave salmiana of Mexico is the most important species used in production of both pulque and tequila. - - (C. Ratsch)
Agave salmiana var. salmiana - Otto ex Salm-Dyck - Variety Name
[= Agave compluviata Trelease (included in EthnobotDB)]
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae)
Common Name
Maguey verde - - (Spanish-Américas)
Manso - - (?)
Agave sp. - ? - (?)
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae) - - (APG III)
Common Name
Cabuya - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabuyo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caragra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caraguatá - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caruata - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocui - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocuisa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Curaguata - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chaguar - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chaguarguero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chuchao - - (Spanish-Américas)
Garavatá - - (Spanish-Américas)
Henequén - - (Spanish-Américas)
Jeniquén - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mercal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mezcal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Nequén - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapupe - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zoyate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agave spp. - ? - (?)
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae) - - (APG III)
Common Name
Cabuya - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fique - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agave tequilana - A. Weber - Species Name
Family Asparagaceae
(including Agavaceae)
Common names
Bermejo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chato - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chino azul - - (Spanish-Américas, Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Chino bermejo - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Jarcia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey azul - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey de tequila - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mano larga - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Mescal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mezcal azul - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mezcal azul tequilero - - (ITIS)
Mezcal chino azul - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mescal de tequila - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Guatemala)
Pato de mula - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Pié de mula - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Tequila - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tequila agave - - (ITIS)
Tequila mescal - - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Zapalote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agave weberi - Cels ex Poisson - Species Name
Family Asparagaceae
(including Agavaceae)
Agenjo (= Estafiate) - Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Agenjo del pais (= Estafiate) - Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Agenjo oficinal (= Estafiate) - Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana (= Artemisia mexicana) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Agracejina - Berberis vulgaris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agracejo (= Oregon) - Berberis fremontii - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Berberis repens - (Mexico)
- Berberis vulgaris - (Mexico)
Agracejo de España - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Agracejo de Europa - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Agracillo - Berberis vulgaris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agramonia - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Mexico)
- Eupatoria - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Agrarista - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agraz - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Agrazón - Berberis vulgaris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agrecillo - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Agriar - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Agriaz - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Agrimoña - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Agrimonia - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Mexico, Spanish-Américas)
Agrimonia - L. - Genus Name
Family Rosaceae
Common Name
Agrimony - - (BONAP)
Burhead - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 2 species: - - (BONAP)
Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. (= Tall hairy agrimony) and
Agrimonia striata Michx. (= Roadside agrimony).
Agrimonia eupatoria - L. - Species Name
Family Rosaceae
Common Name
Agramonia - - (Mexico)
Agrimoña - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agrimonia - - (Mexico, Spanish-Américas)
Agrimony - - (Mexico)
Algafete - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algafil - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algafite - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amoricos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Churchsteeples - - (BONAP)
Ciento en rama - - (Mexico)
Cientoenrama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cockleburr - - (Mexico)
Erva agrimónia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva eupatória - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva hepática - - (Spanish-Américas)
Eupatoria dos griegos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Eupatorio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gafetí - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de San Guillermo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del podador - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mermasangre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agrimonia gryposepala - Wallr. - Species Name
Family Rosaceae
Common Name
Hairy burhead - - (NM)
Tall hairy agrimony - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
Agrimonia striata - Michx. - Species Name
Family Rosaceae
Common Name
Roadside agrimony - - (BONAP)
Woodland burhead - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Agrimonia brittonia - Bicknell - (NM)
Agrimonia brittonia var. occidentalis - Bicknell - (NM)
Agrimony - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Mexico)
Agrión - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Agrito - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Agropyron - Gaertn. - Genus Name
Family Poaceae
[Some species in New Mexico called Couch-grass,
Quackgrass or
Quitch-grass (e.g., Agropyron repens
(L.) Beauv. =
Elytrigia repens var. repens)
now assigned to the
genus Elytrigia.]
Common Name
Wheatgrass - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Agua miel, Aguamiel (translated "honey water"),
or Metl ("Agave juice"):
See notes.
Agua piedra: See notes.
Aguacate - Persia americana -
- Persia gratissima - (Mexican-American, AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Aguacate olorosa - Persea drymifolia - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Aguacate cimarron - Persea amplexicaulis - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Aguapa - Typha latifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Aguatosa - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Aguavilla - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Ahala - Malva parviflora - (Atlas Mexico)
Ahiya - Guazuma tomentosa
- (Nahuatl)
- Guazuma ulmifolia - (Nahuatl)
Ahuacate - Persia americana -
- Persia gratissima - (Mexican-American)
Ahuacatl - Persia americana - (En Nahuatl)
Ahuehuete - Taxodium mucronatum - (Mexican-American)
Ahuehuetl - Taxodium mucronatum - (Nahuatl)
Ahuilote - Vitex mollis -
- Vitex agnus-castus - (Mexican-American)
Ahuyama - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Ailé - Alnus arguta - (Stuart)
Ajalote (= Guajalote, tiger salamander) - Ambystoma tigrinum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Ajamete - Asclepias subulata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ajenjo - Artemisia absinthium -
- Artemisia franserioides - (Mexican-American)
- Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana - (Northwestern New
- Artemisia vulgaris - (Mexico)
Ajenjo del pais - Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana - (Northwestern New Spain)
Ajeno del Pais - Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana - (EB 54(4): 427–438,2000)
Ajicillo - Persicaria punctata - (Spanish-Américas)
Ají de culebra - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Ají turco - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Ajo (= Garlic) - Allium sativum - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley, Galisteo)
- Cyperus rotundus - (Spanish-Américas)
Alache - Anoda cristata - (Guerrero)
Alachi - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alacran - Plumbago - (Mexican-American)
- Plumbago pulchella - (Mexican-American)
- Plumbago scandens - (Mexican-American)
Genus Plumbago not native in New Mexico.
Àlamo - Platanus lindeliana - (Stuart)
- Populus - (Mexican-American)
- Populus alba - (Mexican-American)
- Populus angustifolia - (Mexican-American)
- Populus balsamifera - (Spanish-Américas)
- Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni - (Mexican-American)
- Populus fremontii - (Moore, Spanish-Américas)
- Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo argentino - Populus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo boleana - Populus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo blanco - Alnus acuminata - (Mexican-American)
- Betula pubescens - (Mexican-American)
- Populus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
álamo canelo - Platanus lindeliana - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo carolino - Populus deltoides - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo criollo - Populus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo de hoja redonda - Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Àlamo de la Carolina - Populus deltoides - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo de la hoja redonda - Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni - (Galisteo)
Àlamo de Lombardía - Populus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo negro - Populus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo sauco - Populus angustifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Àlamo temblón - Populus tremuloides - (Spanish-Américas)
Alamillo - Populus tremuloides - (Spanish-Américas)
Alanche - Anoda cristata - (Veracruz)
Alarguez - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Albaca - Ocimum basilicum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Albacar - Ocimum basilicum -
(EB 54(4): 427–438,2000; Mexican-American)
- Ocimum spp. - (Mexican-American)
Albacaron - Ocimum basilicum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Albahaca - Celosia virgata - (BONAP)
- Ocimum basilicum - (Mexican-American)
- Ocimum spp. - (Mexican-American)
Albahacar - Ocimum basilicum -
- Ocimum spp. - (Mexican-American)
Albaricoque - Prunus armeniaca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alboheza - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Albohol - Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
Albohol de Castilla - Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
Alcachofa - Cynara scolymus - (Mexican-American)
Alcaina - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alcalia - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Alcancer (= Cancerina) - Cuphea -
- Cuphea aequipetala -
- Cuphea jorullensis -
- Hippocratea excelsa (= Hemiagium
excelsum) - (Mexican-American)
Alcanfor (= Camphor) - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cinnamomum camphora - (Mexican-American)
Alcanforero - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alcayota - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Alcayota común - Cucurbita ficifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alchemilla - L. - Genus Name
Family Rosaceae
Common Name
Lady's mantle - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (NM)
Alchemilla vulgaris Linnaeus (= Lady's mantle)
Alchemilla vulgaris - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Rosaceae
Common Name
Lady's mantle - - (NM)
Thinstem lady's mantle - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
Alchemilla filicaulis Buser - (NM)
Alchemilla filicaulis ssp. vestita (Buser) M.E. Bradshaw - (NM)
Alchemilla minor Huds. - (NM)
Alchemilla monticola Opiz - (NM)
Alchemilla vestita (Buser) Raunk. - (NM)
Alchemilla vulgaris var. vestita (Buser) Murb. - (NM)
See notes.
Alcibar - Aloe socotrina - (Mexico)
Alder - Alnus rubra - (Mexico)
Alehoof - Glechoma hederacea - (Elsa Campos)
Alegria - Amaranthus cruentus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Amaranthus spp. - (Mexican-American)
Alelaila - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Alelí - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Alerce balsámico del Canadá - Abies balsamea - (Spanish-Américas)
Alfalfa - Medicago sativa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alfalfon - Melilotus alba - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alfambrilla - Abronia fragrans - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Abronia maritima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alfarín - Phalaris minor - (Spanish-Américas)
Alficaz - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alfileria - Erodium cicutarium - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alfilerillo - Erodium cicutarium - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alfombrilla - Abronia maritima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algafete - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Algafil - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Algafite - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Algalia - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Algarrobo - Acacia greggii - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Acacia pennatula - (Atlas Mexico)
Algarrobo espino - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algerita - Berberis fremontii - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Berberis haematocarpa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algodón bulboso - Asclepias tuberosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algodoncillo - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Alguese - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Alhelí - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Alhucema (= Lavender) - Lavandula angustifolia - (Mexican-American)
- Lavandula latifolia - (Elsa Campos)
- Lavandula spica - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Lavandula spp. - (Mexican-American)
- Lavandula vera - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alhusema (= Lavender) - Lavandula spp. - (Mexican-American)
Alicochis (=? Pitajaya) - Echinocereus paucispinus (?) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alilaila - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Aliso - Alnus glutinosa - (Spanish-Américas)
- Alnus rubra - (Mexico)
- Alnus serrulata - (Spanish-Américas)
Alkanet - Anchusa officinalis - (Mexico)
Alligator pear - Persia americana - (Elsa Campos)
Alliaceae - Batsch ex. Borkh. - Family Name
[Now inappropriately still placed by certain authors
in Liliaceae
Juss., which belongs to a different order.]
[The previously defined families Alliaceae, Amaryllidaceae,
and Agapanthaceae F. Voigt have been optionally placed by
APG III in the broader family Amaryllidaceae J. St.-Hil.
of higher asparagoids.]
Asparagales - Link - (APG III) Order Name
[= Asparagales Bromhead (= asparagoids)]
Common Name
Onion family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o rest of the core monocots
other than those in the family Petrosaviaceae Hutch.;
o core monocots;
o Nartheciidae S.W. Graham & W.S. Judd
o Monocotyledoneae de Candolle (= monocots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
If not included within Amaryllidaceae,
the family Alliaceae in New Mexico comprises 2 genera:
Allium L. (= Onion),
Nothoscordum Kunth (= False-garlic)
If Alliaceae is included within Amaryllidaceae, this family
in New Mexico comprises the above 2 genera plus
Zephyranthes Herbert (= Fairy-lily, Rain-lily, Zephyr-lily).
Family Agapanthaceae (sometimes also placed within Amaryllidaceae)
is not in North America but can be found only in South Africa.
The genera Androstephium, Dichelostemma, and Milla
(placed in Liliaceae by some authors) are now placed in the family
Salisb. or the more broadly defined family Asparagaceae s.l.
Alligator pear - Persea gratissima - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Allium - L. - Genus Name
Family Amaryllidaceae (including Alliaceae)
Common name
Onion - - (U.S.A.)
Garlic - - (U.S.A.)
Wild onion - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 13 species:
Allium acuminatum Hook. (= Tapertip onion),
Allium bigelovii S. Wats. (= Bigelow's onion),
Allium bisceptrum S. Wats. (= Aspen onion, Twincrest onion),
Allium cernuum Roth (= Nodding onion),
Allium drummondii Regel (= Drummond's onion),
Allium geyeri var. geyeri S. Wats. (= Geyer's onion),
Allium geyeri var. tenerum M.E. Jones (= Bulbil onion, Geyer's onion),
Allium gooddingii Ownbey (= Goodding's onion),
Allium kunthii G. Don (= Kunth's onion),
Allium macropetalum Rydb. (= Arizona onion, Largeflower wild onion),
Allium perdulce var. perdulce S.V. Fraser (= Plains onion),
Allium rhizomatum Wooton & Standley (= New Mexico onion),
Allium textile A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. (= Textile onion, White wild onion).
Wild onions have sometimes been dangerously
confused with
species of the often poisonous genus Zygadenus
= Zigadenus Michx.
(Death Camas) of family Melanthiaceae (order Liliales).
Allium cepa - L. - Species Name
Family Amaryllidaceae (including Alliaceae)
Common Name
Cebolla - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Garden onion - - (BONAP,
Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Onion - - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern
Allium cernuum - Roth - Species Name
Family Amaryllidaceae (including Alliaceae)
Common Name
Blue dick - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cebollita del campo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cacomite - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cluster lily - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Grassnut - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Nodding onion - - (BONAP)
Saitas - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Spanish lily - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wild onion - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Allium cernuum var. obtusum - Cockerell ex MacBride - (NM)
Allium natans - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Allium recurvatum - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Allium sativum - L. - (BONAP:
Species Name)
Family Alliaceae - - (APG
Common Name
Ajo - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley, Galisteo)
Cultivated garlic - - (BONAP)
Garlic - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Allium spp. (~= Allium cepa)
- ? - (?)
Family Alliaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Cebolla - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Garden onion - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Onion - - (Kay)
Almaciga de sabina (= Juniper pitch): See notes.
Almendra de tierra - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Almis - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Atlas Mexico)
Almizcle - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Almizcle vegetal - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Almizclillo - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Almorranera - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Alnus - P. Mill. - Genus Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alder - - (BONAP)
Yaga - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico, 2 species: - - (BONAP)
Alnus incana (Linnaeus) Moench (= Mountain alder) and
Alnus oblongifolia Torrey (= Arizona alder)
Alnus acuminata - Kunth - Species Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Abedul - - (Mexican-American)
Àlamo blanco - - (Mexican-American)
Alder - - (BONAP)
Aylin - - (Nahuatl)
Tepeylin - - (Nahuatl)
Alnus glutinosa - (L.) Gaertn. - Species Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Aliso - - (Spanish-Américas)
European alder - - (BONAP)
Rubia menor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alnus incana - (L.) Moench - Species Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Mountain alder - - (BONAP)
Tag alder - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico, 1 subspecies: - - (BONAP)
Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia (Nutt.) Breitung
(= Thinleaf alder).
Alnus incana ssp. tenuifolia - (Nutt.) Breitung - Subspecies Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Mountain alder - - (NM)
Thinleaf alder - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Alnus incana var. occidentalis - (Dippel) C.L. Hitchc. - (BONAP)
Alnus incana var. virescens - S. Wats. - (BONAP)
Alnus X purpusii - Callier - (BONAP)
Alnus tenuifolia - Nutt. - (BONAP)
Alnus oblongifolia - Torr. - Species Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Arizona alder - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Alnus rubra - Bong. - Species Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alder - - (Mexico)
Aliso - - (Mexico)
Red alder - - (BONAP)
Alnus serrulata - (Ait.) Willd. - Species Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Aliso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hazel alder - - (BONAP)
Aloaceae - Batsch - (Old Family Name)
placed in family Asphodelaceae. - - (APG
Aloe - Aloe vera - (Kay)
Aloe - L. - (KEW: Genus Name)
Asphodelaceae - - (APG II)
cultivated but not native to New Mexico.
Aloe arborescens - Miller - (BONAP:
Species Name)
Family Asphodelaceae -
- (APG II)
Common Name
Candelabra aloe -
áloe de cien años - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Aloe dos cem anos - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Aloe ferox - Miller - (BONAP: Species
Family Asphodelaceae - - (APG
Common Name
Cape aloe - - (BONAP)
Aloe perryi - Baker - (BONAP: Species
Family Asphodelaceae - - (APG
Common Name
Perry's aloe - - (BONAP)
Aloe socotrina - ? - (?:
Species Name)
Family Asphodelaceae -
- (APG II)
Common Name
Alcibar - -
Aloe vera - - (Mexico)
Savila - - (Mexico)
Aloe vera - Aloe mexicana (?) -
- Aloe socotrina (?) - (Mexico)
Aloe vera - (Kay)
Aloe vera - (L.) Burm. f. - (BONAP: Species Name)
(= Aloe barbadensis P. Mill.)
(= Aloe vulgaris Lam.)
Family Asphodelaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Barbados aloe - - (BONAP)
Alomia - Kunth - (KEW: Genus Name)
Morelos, Mexico - - (?)
Family Asteraceae
- - (?)
Common Name
Aloe - - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Aloe vera - - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern
Aloe yacapichtlense - - (Kay)
Medicina repelente -
- (Kay)
Tlailochtia - - (Kay)
Sabila - - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Zabila - - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern
Aloysia - Juss. - Genus Name
Family Verbenaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Aloysia - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 2 species - - (NM)
Aloysia gratissima (Gillies & Hooker) Troncoso
(= White beebush); and
Aloysia wrightii (Gray) Heller ex Abrams
(= Wright's beebrush).
Aloysia triphylla - (L'Her.) Britt. - Species Name
(= Lippia citriodora)
Family Verbenaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cedron - - (Mexican-American)
Lemon beebrush - - (BONAP)
Lemon scented verbena - - (Mexican-American)
Yerba luisa - - (Mexican-American)
Alpasotes - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Alpine fir - Abies arizonica - (U.S.A.)
Alpine pink - Phlox nana - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alpinia - Roxb. - (BONAP:
Genus Name)
Family Zingiberaceae - -
Common Name
Alpinia - - (BONAP)
Alpinia galanga - (L.) Sw. -
(BONAP: Species Name)
Family Zingiberaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Galangal - - (Mexico)
Greater galangal - - (BONAP)
Alpinia cardamomum - ? -
(?: Species Name)
See Elettaria cardamomum.
Alpista - Phalaris canariensis - (Spanish-Américas)
Alpiste - Phalaris canariensis - (Atlas Mexico)
- Phalaris minor - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpiste blanco - Phalaris canariensis - (Quattrocchi)
Alpiste canario - Phalaris canariensis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpiste de canarios - Phalaris canariensis - (Quattrocchi)
Alpiste menor - Phalaris minor - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpistera - Phalaris canariensis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpisteria - Phalaris canariensis - (Spanish-Américas)
Alpiste silvestre - Phalaris minor - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpiste valillo - Phalaris minor - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpistillo - Phalaris minor - (southwest US & Mexico)
Altabaquillo - Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
Altamandría - Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
Altamisa - Artemisia absinthium -
- Artemisia franserioides -
Altamisa de la casa - Artemisia ludoviciana - (Colorado Spanish)
Altamisa de la sierra -
Artemisia franserioides - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Artemisia frigida - (Colorado Spanish)
Altamisa Mexicana - Tanacetum parthenium - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Altarreina - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Altea - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alterraina - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Althaea - L. - (BONAP:
Genus Name)
Family Malvaceae - - (BONAP)
Althaea officinalis - L.
- (BONAP: Species Name)
Family Malvaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Althea - - (Mexico)
Common marshmallow - - (BONAP)
Mallow - - (Mexico)
Malva - - (Mexico)
Marshmallow - -
Althea - Althaea officinalis - (Mexico)
Altingiaceae - Horan. - (APG II: Family
(Altingiaceae Lindl., according to Delta)
- Dumort. - (APG II: Order Name)
Higher level lineages (APG II,
Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot; Rosid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Although not native to New Mexico, this family is
represented (in cultivation) by a single genus:
- L. - (BONAP)
Aluinos - Artemisia absinthium - (Mexico)
Alum stone (= Piedra alumbre or Piedra lumbre) - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alvacar - Ocimum basilicum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alvira - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Atlas Mexico)
Amacapulín - Morus microphylla - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amapola - Papaver rhoeas - (Mexican-American)
Amapola amarilla - Argemone ochroleuca - (Atlas Mexico)
Amapola blanca - Argemone hispida - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Argemone mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amapola de México - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Amapola espinosa - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Amapola mexicana - Argemone mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amapolita - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amapolita del campo - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amapolita mejicana - Anoda cristata - (Spanish-Américas)
Amapolita morada - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amaranth - Amaranthus powellii -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Amaranthus spp. - (Mexico)
Amaranthaceae - Juss. - Family Name
(Often broadened to include most all of the traditional family
Chenopodiaceae Vent.
except the genus Sarcobatus Nees)
Caryophyllales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, the family Amaranthaceae s.s. includes 9 genera: - - (NM)
Acanthochiton Herrmannsen (= Greenstripe),
Alternanthera Forsk. (= Khaki-weed),
Amaranthus L. (= Pigweed, Amaranth),
Froelichia Moench (= Snakecotton),
Gomphrena L. (= Globe-amaranth),
Gossypianthus Hook. (= Cotton-flower),
Guilleminea Kunth (= Matweed),
Iresine P. Br. (= Bloodleaf), and
Tidestromia Standl. (= Honeysweet).
If defined to include most of the traditional family Chenopodiaceae Vent.,
the broader family Amaranthaceae s.l. (in New Mexico) comprises
19 more genera (in addition to the 9 genera listed above):
Allenrolfea Kuntze (= Iodinebush),
Atriplex L. (= Saltbush),
Bassia All. (= Smotherweed),
Chenopodium L. (= Goosefoot),
Corispermum L. (= Bugseed),
Cycloloma Moq. (= Tumbleweed),
Dysphania R.Br. (= Wormseed),
Grayia Hook. & Arn. (= Hop-sage),
Halogeton C.A. Mey. (= Halogeton),
Kochia Roth (= Kochia),
Krascheninnikovia Guldenstaedt (= Winterfat),
Monolepis Schrad. (= Povertyweed),
Neokochia Ulbrich (= Molly),
Salicornia L. (= Saltwort),
Salsola L. (= Russian-thistle),
Sarcocornia A.J. Scott (= Glasswort),
Suaeda Forsk. ex J.F. Gmel. (= Seepweed),
Suckleya Gray (= Suckleya), and
Zuckia Standl. (= Siltbush).
Although traditionally often placed in the family Chenopodiaceae Vent.,
the genus Sarcobatus Nees (= Greasewood) is now often placed in the
separate family Sarcobataceae Behnke, which may be closely related to
the family Nyctaginaceae Juss. or more likely the family Phytolaccaceae R.Br..
Amaranthus - L. - (BONAP: Genus Name)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Amaranthaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Pigweed - - (BONAP)
Species in New Mexico (according to BONAP)
not in main list that may be medicinal are
acanthochiton Sauer (Greenstripe),
Amaranthus albus L.
(= Prostrate pigweed),
Amaranthus arenicola I.M. Johnston
(= Sandhill amaranth),
Amaranthus bigelovii Uline &
Bray (= Bigelow's amaranth),
Amaranthus crassipes
Schlecht. (= Spreading amaranth),
Amaranthus fimbriatus
(Torr.) Benth. ex S. Wats. (= Fringed amaranth),
hybridus L. (= Slim amaranth),
Amaranthus obcordatus
(Gray) Standl. (= Trans-Pecos amaranth),
Amaranthus palmeri
S. Wats. (= Carelessweed),
Amaranthus retroflexus L. (=
Redroot amaranth),
Amaranthus rudis Sauer (= Tall
Amaranthus viridis L. (= Slender amaranth),
Amaranthus viscidulus Greene (= Sticky amaranth), and
Amaranthus wrightii S. Wats. (= Wright's amaranth).
Amaranthus blitoides -
S. Wats. - (BONAP: Species Name)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Amaranthaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Chile puerco - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Mat amaranth - -
Pigweed - - (Upper Rio Grande
Amaranthus graecizans - auct. non L. -
hypochondriacus - L. - (BONAP: Species Name)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Amaranthaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Ficaria - - (Mexico)
Pilewort - - (Mexico)
Prince-of-Wales feather - - (BONAP)
Amaranthus hybridus ssp. hypochondriacus
- (L.) Thellung - (BONAP)
leucocarpus - S. Wats. - (BONAP)
Amaranthus cruentus - L.
- (BONAP: Species Name)
In New Mexico - -
Family Amaranthaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alegria - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lady bleeding - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Princess feather - - (Upper Rio Grande
Red amaranth - - (BONAP)
cockscomb - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
hybridus ssp. cruentus - (L.) Thellung - (BONAP)
Amaranthus hybridus var. cruentus - (L.) Moq. -
Amaranthus paniculatus - L. -
Amaranthus powellii - S.
Wats. - (BONAP: Species Name)
In New Mexico
- - (BONAP)
Family Amaranthaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Amaranth - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pigweed - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Powell's amaranth - - (BONAP)
Quelites colorado yus - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
yus - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
bouchonii - Thellung - (BONAP)
bracteosus - Uline & Bray - (BONAP)
Amaranthus retroflexus var. powellii - (S. Wats.)
Boivin - (BONAP)
Amaranthus spp. - ? - (?)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Amaranthaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alegria - - (Mexican-American)
Amaranth - - (Mexico)
- - (Mexico)
Chichilquiltic - - (Mexican-American)
puerco - - (Mexican-American)
Cockscomb - - (Mexican-American)
Huauhtli - - (Nahuatl)
Kix-xtez - - (Maya)
Pigweed - -
Quihlitl - - (Nahuatl)
Tlanepaquelitl - -
Amargoseira brastarda - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Amargoseira do Himalaya - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Amarilla - Mirabilis jalapa -
- Mirabilis longiflora -
- Mirabilis multiflora (= Quamoclidion
multiflorum) - (Mexican-American)
Amarillo - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Amate - Ficus carica - (Mexican-American)
Amatl - Cordia boissieri - (Nahuatl)
Ficus carica - (Nahuatl)
Amaquahuitl - Cordia boissieri - (Nahuatl)
Amaryllidaceae - J. Saint-Hilaire - (APG III) Family Name
Asparagales - Link -
(APG III) Order Name
Common Name
Amaryllis Family - - (?)
Higher level lineages:
(non-commelinid); asparagoids; higher asparagoids.
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
In New Mexico, the family comprises 1 genus:
Zephyranthes Herbert (= Fairy-lily, Rain-lily, Zephyr-lily).
If family Alliaceae is included within Amaryllidaceae, the family Amaryllidaceae
in New Mexico comprises the above genus plus
two additional genera:
Allium L. (= Onion),
Nothoscordum Kunth (= False-garlic).
The genus Zephyranthes includes some species that were part of
the once separely defined and no longer accepted genus Cooperia Herbert.
Ambarcillo - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambarina - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Scabiosa atropurpurea - (?)
Ambarina Negra - Scabiosa atropurpurea - (?)
Ambreta - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambrette - Abelmoschus moschatus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ambrósia - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambrosia - L. - Genus Name
(Including Franseria Cav.)
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Ragweed - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 8 species and 3 varieties - - (NM)
Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hooker
(= Bur ragweed),
Ambrosia artemisiifolia Linnaeus var. elatior (Linnaeus) Descourtils
(= Annual ragweed),
Ambrosia confertiflora A.P. de Candolle
(= Mexican ragweed),
Ambrosia grayi (A. Nelson) Shinners
(= Wooly-leaf bursage),
Ambrosia monogyra (Torrey & Gray ex Gray) Strother & Baldwin
(= Cheesebush),
Ambrosia psilostachya A.P. de Candolle
(= Perennial ragweed),
Ambrosia tomentosa Nuttall
(= Skeleton-leaf bursage),
Ambrosia trifida Linnaeus var. texana Scheele
(= Great ragweed), and
Ambrosia trifida Linnaeus var. trifida
(= Great ragweed).
Ambrosia acanthicarpa - Hook. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Flatspine burr ragweed - - (BONAP)
Yerba del sapo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Franseria acanthicarpa - (Hook.) Coville - (BONAP)
Gaertneria acanthicarpa - (Hook.) Britt. - (BONAP)
Ambrosia ambrosioides - (Cav.) Payne - Species Name
(= Franseria ambrosioides Cav.)
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Ambrosia leaf burr ragweed - - (U.S.A.)
Bursage - - (Kay)
Canyon ragweed - - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Chicura - - (Kay: Mexico Spanish)
False cocklebur - - (Kay)
Yerba del sapo (frog's herb) - - (Kay)
In northern Mexico, Arizona, and southern California.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Ambrosia de hojas de ajenjo - - (Spanish)
American wormwood - - (?)
Annual bur-sage - - (?)
Annual ragweed - - (BONAP, English)
Artemisia del pais - - (Spanish)
Bastard wormwood - - (English-United Kingdom)
Bitterweed - - (English)
Blackweed - - (English-Canada)
Carrot-weed - - (English-Canada)
Common ragweed - - (English)
Hay-fever weed - - (English-Canada)
Hog-weed - - (English)
Low ragweed - - (English)
Ragweed - - (English)
Roman bitterweed - - (English-Canada)
Roman wormwood - - (English)
Short ragweed - - (English)
Small ragweed - - (English)
Stammerweed - - (English-Canada)
Stickweed - - (English-Canada)
Tassel weed - - (?)
Wild tansy - - (English-Canada)
In New Mexico, 1 variety: - - (NM)
Ambrosia artemisiifolia Linnaeus var. elatior (Linnaeus) Descourtils
(= Annual ragweed).
See notes.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior - (L.) Descourtils - Variety Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Annual ragweed - - (BONAP, English)
In New Mexico
Ambrosia confertiflora - DC. - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Mexican ragweed - - (Roalson & Allred)
Weakleaf burr ragweed - - (BONAP)
Yerba del sapo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Franseria confertiflora - (A.P. de Candolle) Rydberg - (NM)
Franseria strigulosa - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Franseria tenuifolia - Gray - (NM)
Gaertneria tenuifolia - Harvey & Gray - (BONAP)
Gaertneria tenuifolia - (Gray) Kuntze - (NM)
Ambrosia de hojas de ajenjo - Ambrosia ambrosioides - (Spanish)
Ambrósia de México - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ambrosia leaf burr ragweed - Ambrosia ambrosioides - (U.S.A.)
Ambrosia trifida - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Great ragweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 2 varieties: - - (NM)
Ambrosia trifida Linnaeus var. texana Scheele
Ambrosia trifida Linnaeus var. trifida
Ambrosio - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambystoma tigrinum - ? - Species Name
[Animal, salamander]
Common Name
Ajalote - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Guajalote - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Tiger salamander - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
American Agave - Agave americana - (ITIS)
American Aloe - Agave americana - (?)
American Century Plant - Agave americana - (ITIS)
American common reed - Phragmites australis - (PFAF)
American licorice - Glycyrrhiza lepidota - (NM)
American pasqueflower - Pulsatilla patens - (BONAP)
American saffron (= Azafran) - Carthamus tinctorius - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
American spikenard - Aralia racemosa - (BONAP)
- Aralia racemosa ssp. bicrenata - (NM)
American white waterlily - Nymphaea odorata - (PFAF)
American wild gourd - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Moerman)
American wild mint - Mentha canadensis - (PFAF)
American wormwood - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (?)
Amole (Amoli, Amolli, Amollyi) - Agave atrovirens - (Spanish-Américas)
- Agave chrysoglossa - (southern Sonora)
- Agave guttata - (Mexico)
- Agave schottii - (Spanish-Américas, southern Sonora)
- Agave schottii var. schottii - (Spanish-Américas, southern Sonora)
- Agave schottii var. treleasei - (southern Sonora)
- Agave vilmoriniana - (southern Sonora)
- Ipomoea spp. - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Leuchtenbergia principis - (southern Sonora)
- Manfreda - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Nolina palmeri - (southern Sonora)
- Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Polianthes geminiflora - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Polianthes tuberosa - (southern Sonora)
- Prochnyanthes - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Sapindus drummondii - (southern Sonora)
- Sapindus saponaria - (southern Sonora)
- Stegnosperma halimifolium - (southern Sonora)
- Yucca - (Mexican-American)
- Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca baccata var. baccata - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Yucca glauca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca schidigera - (Mexican-American)
- Yucca spp. - (Mexican-American)
- Yucca valida - (Mexican-American)
Amole dulce - Ziziphus amole -
(southern Sonora)
- Ziziphus obtusifolia var. canescens
- (southern Sonora)
Amoli - Ipomoea spp. - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Manfreda - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Polianthes geminiflora - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Prochnyanthes - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Prochnyanthes mexicana - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amolillo - Glycyrrhiza lepidota - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Prochnyanthes mexicana - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amolli - Ipomoea spp. - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Manfreda - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Polianthes geminiflora - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Prochnyanthes - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Prochnyanthes mexicana - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amollyi - Ipomoea spp. - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Manfreda - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Polianthes geminiflora - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Prochnyanthes - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
- Prochnyanthes mexicana - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amolquelite - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Amolquilitl - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Amolxihuitl - Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amor de hortelano - Galium mexicanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amor del gringo - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Amoreira branca - Morus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Amoreira multicaule - Morus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Amoreira negra - Morus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Amoreira preta - Morus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Amores - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cosmos parviflorus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Amores casados - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Amoreuxia - Moc. & Sesse ex DC - Genus Name
Family Bixaceae
Common Name
Yellowshow - - (FNA)
In New Mexico, one species: - - (NM)
Amoreuxia palmatifida Sesse & Mocino ex A.P. de Candolle
(= Mexican yellowshow).
Amoreuxia gonzalezii - Sprague & L.Riley - Species Name
Family Bixaceae
Common Name
Rita Mountain yellowshow - - (?)
Saya - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Saya mome - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amoreuxia palmatifida - Sesse & Mocino ex A.P. de Candolle - Species Name
Family Bixaceae
Common Name
Arizona yellow show - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mexican yellowshow - - (NM)
Saya - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sayasaga - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Suyas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Témaqui - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Amoreuxia wrightii - A. Gray - Species Name
Family Bixaceae
Common Name
Wright's yellowshow - - (FNA)
o Johnson-Fulton, S., & Watson, L. (2018) Comparing Medicinal
Uses of Cochlospermaceae throughout Its Geographic Range with
Insights from Molecular Phylogenetics. Diversity, 10(4), 123.
Amoricos - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Ampelopsis - Michx. - Genus Name
Family Vitaceae (= Vitidaceae) - - (?)
Common Name
Ampelopsis - - (BONAP)
In Morelos - - (?)
Closely related (?) to plants in New Mexico such as:
Parthenocissus Planch. (Creeper),
Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. (Virginia creeper),
Parthenocissus quinquefolia var. quinquefolia (L.) Planch. (Virginia creeper)
= Ampelopsis quinquefolia (L.) Michx., and
Parthenocissus vitacea (Knerr) A.S. Hitchc. (Woodbine).
Amphipterygium - Schiede ex Standl. - Genus Name
[= Amphyterygium or Juliania Schltdl.(SUH)]
Family Anacardiaceae
(including Julianaceae) - - (?)
In Morelos, Mexico - - (?)
There may be as many as four species in Mexico and Peru.
Amphipterygium adstringens - (Schlecht) Standley - Species Name
[= Amphyterygium adstringens]
Family Anacardiaceae
(including Julianaceae) - - (?)
Common Name
Chalalate - - (Elsa Campos)
Cuachalala - - (Blacksmith's Blizog, Elsa Campos)
Cuachalalate - - (Elsa Campos)
Cuachalalote - - (Blacksmith's Blizog)
Cuachalate - - (Blacksmith's Blizog)
Cuachalualate - - (Mexican-American)
Cuauchalalá - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuauchalalate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuauchalalote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Juliana - - (Mexican-American)
Palo de rosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tapicerán - - (Spanish-Américas)
Volador - - (Spanish-Américas)
In Morelos, Mexico - - (?)
Juliana adstringens Schlecht.
This species is also reported to be found wild in Durango, Mexico.
The bark yields a red dye.
The inflorescence has a flattened peduncle and the ovules are unitegmic.
Amphyterygium amplifolium is commonly known as Maticerán. - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambrósia das boticas - Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Amush - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amyris - P. Br. - Genus Name
Family Rutaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Torchwood - - (U.S.A)
Amyris balsamifera - L. -
(BONAP: Species Name)
Family Rutaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Balsam torchwood - - (U.S.A.)
Amyris elemifera - L. - (BONAP:
Species Name)
Family Rutaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Sea torchwood - - (BONAP)
Amyris gileadensis - ? -
(?: Species Name)
Family Rutaceae - -
Common Name
Balsam of giliad - - (Mexico)
Balsamo - - (Mexico)
Amyris madrensis - S. Wats. - (BONAP:
Species Name)
Family Rutaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Mountain torchwood - -
Amyris plumieri - ? - (?:
Species Name)
Family Rutaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Tecomaca - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
A resinous tree gum, native to Yucatan.
Amyris texana (Buckl.) - P. Wilson - (BONAP:
Species Name)
Family Rutaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Texas torchwood - - (BONAP)
Anacahuite - Cordia
boissieri - (Mexican-American)
- Cordia alliodora -
(Elsa Campos)
Anacardiaceae - R.Br. - (APG III) Family Name
(Anacardiaceae Lindl., according to Delta,
also including Julianaceae Hemsl.)
Sapindales - Dumort. - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
Family in New Mexico, including 2 genera:
Rhus L. (= Sumac),
Toxicodendron P. Mill. (= Poison-ivy)
Anagalide - Anagallis spp. - (Mexico)
Anagallis - L. - Genus Name
Family Primulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Anagalide - - (Mexico)
Bog pimpernel (= Anagallis tenella) - - (U.S.A.)
Flaxleaf pimpernel (= Anagallis monelli) - - (U.S.A.)
Florida pimpernel (= Anagallis pumila) - - (U.S.A.)
Pimpernel - - (Mexico)
Poorman's weatherglass (= Anagallis foemina) - -
Scarlet pimpernel (= Anagallis arvensis) - -
Tlalocoxochitl - - (Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Anagallis arvensis - L. - Species Name
Family Primulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Scarlet pimpernel - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Anagallis minima - (L.) Krause - (BONAP:
Species Name)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Primulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Chaffweed - - (BONAP)
Centunculus minimus - L. - (BONAP)
Analkak - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Anamu - Petiveria alliacea - (Elsa Campos)
Ananash - Persicaria lapathifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Persicaria punctata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Anaphalis - DC. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Pearlyeverlasting - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, including 1 species: - - (BONAP)
Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Benth. & Hook. f.
(= Western pearlyeverlasting).
Anaphalis margaritacea - (L.) Benth. & Hook. f. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Gordolobo - - (Kay)
Pearl-flowered life everlasting - - (?)
Western pearlyeverlasting - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
Anaphalis margaritacea var. angustior - (Miq.) Nakai - (BONAP)
Anaphalis margaritacea var. intercedens - Hara - (BONAP)
Anaphalis margaritacea var. occidentalis - Greene - (BONAP)
Anaphalis margaritacea var. revoluta - Suksdorf - (BONAP)
Anaphalis margaritacea var. subalpina - Gray - (BONAP)
Anaphalis occidentalis - (Greene) Heller - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium margaritaceum - L. - (BONAP)
See notes.
Anaucho - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Ançarinha branca - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Anchusa - L. - (BONAP)
Boraginaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Bugloss - - (BONAP)
Anchusa officinalis - L.
- (BONAP: Species Name)
Family Boraginaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alkanet - - (Mexico)
Buglosa - - (Mexico)
Bugloss - -
Common bugloss - - (BONAP)
Anco - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Anderson's wolfberry - Lycium andersonii - (NM)
Andropogon citratus - DC.
ex Nees - Species Name
(= Andropogon citratum)
See Cymbopogon citratus.
Anemone pulsatilla - L. -
(BONAP: Species Name)
See Pulsatilla
Anemopsis - Anemopsis spp. - (BONAP)
Anemopsis - Hook. & Arn. - Genus Name
Family Saururaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Anemopsis - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Anemopsis californica -
(Nutt.) Hook. & Arn. - (BONAP: Species Name)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Saururaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Bavisa - - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Hierba el manso - - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Lizard tail - - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Mansa - - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern
Manso grass - - (Kay)
del manso - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba mansa - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Anemopsis californica var.
subglabra - L. Kelso - (BONAP)
Anethum graveolens - L. -
(BONAP: Species Name)
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Dill - - (BONAP, Mexico)
Eneldo - -
Not native but widely cultivated.
Angel trumpet (= Toloache) -
Brugmansia arborea - (Mexican-American)
- Datura stramonium - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Datura wrightii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Angel's trumpet (= Toloache) -
Brugmansia arborea - (Mexican-American)
- Burgmansia x candida - (Elsa Campos)
- Datura spp. - (Mexican-American)
- Datura stramonium - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Datura wrightii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Angel's trumpets - Acleisanthes longiflora - (BONAP)
Angelica - Angelica archangelica -
- Angelica atropurpurea - (Mexico)
Angelica - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Wild celery - - (BONAP)
Angelica ampla - A. Nels. -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Giant angelica - - (BONAP)
Angelica archangelica -
L. - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Angelica - - (Mexican-American)
Norwegian angelica - -
Raiz de angelica - -
Angelica atropurpurea -
L. - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Angelica - - (Mexico)
Archangel - - (Mexico)
angelica - - (U.S.A.)
Raiz de angelica - - (Mexican-American)
Angelica grayi - (Coult. &
Rose) Coult. & Rose - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Gray's angelica - - (BONAP)
Angelica pinnata - S. Wats.
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Smallleaf angelica - -
Angelonia - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Angú - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Anil or Añíl - Batisia tintoria - (Mexico)
- Helianthus annuus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Indigofera suffruticosa - (Armando González Stuart)
Añil del muerto - Verbesina crocata - (Mexican-American)
- Verbesina encelioides - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Verbesina spp. - (Mexican-American)
Anis or Anís - Pimpinella anisum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Tagetes filifolia - (Mexican-American)
- Tagetes lucida - (Mexican-American)
- Tagetes micrantha - (Mexican-American)
Anis de Estrella - Illicium verum - (Mexican-American)
Anise (= Anis) - Pimpinella anisum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Anís silvestre - Stevia serrata - (Soejarto)
Anisote - Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. redolens - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Anogra runcinata - ? - (?)
See Oenothera pallida
ssp. runcinata.
Annatto - Bixa orellana - (Mexican-American, Stuart)
Annona - Annona spp. - (BONAP)
Annona - L. - (BONAP)
Family Annonaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Annona - - (BONAP)
Annona reticulata - ? - (Armando González Stuart)
Family Annonaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Anona - - (Armando González Stuart)
Annonaceae - Juss. - (APG II: Family
Magnoliales - Bromhead - (APG II: Order Name)
level lineages (APG II, Delta):
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
No natives species in New Mexico.
Annual Canary grass - Phalaris canariensis - (Quattrocchi)
Annual coreopsis - Coreopsis tinctoria - (southwest US & Mexico)
Anoda - Cav. - Genus Name
Family Malvaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Anoda - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 3 species: - - (NM)
Anoda cristata (Linnaeus) Schlectendal
(= Spurred anoda),
Anoda lanceolata Hooker & Arnott
(= Lance-leaf anoda),
Anoda pentaschista Gray
(= Field anoda).
Anoda thurberi Gray (= Arizona anoda) is expected in NM,
but verification is needed.
Anoda cristata - (L.) Schlectendal - Species Name
Family Malvaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Aguatosa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alach - - (?)
Alache - - (Atlas Mexico: Guerrero)
Alachi - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alanche - - (Atlas Mexico: Veracruz)
Altea - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amapolita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amapolita del campo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amapolita mejicana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amapolita morada - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Crested mallow - - (?)
Flor decampante - - (Atlas Mexico)
Genciana - - (Atlas Mexico)
Halanche - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba mora - - (Atlas Mexico)
Huinarillo - - (?)
Malva - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva chica - - (?)
Malva con espuelas - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva de Castilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva morada - - (?)
Malvavisco - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malvón de campo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malvón de quesitos - - (Atlas Mexico)
Quesito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Requesón - - (Atlas Mexico)
Rewé - - (?)
Reweque - - (?)
Spurred anoda - - (NM)
Tlachpahuatla - - (Atlas Mexico: Puebla)
Tzalyaltzai - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Violeta - - (Atlas Mexico)
Violeta de campo - - (?)
Violeta de monte - - (Atlas Mexico)
Violeta del campo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Violeta del país - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Violettas - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Violetilla - - (?)
In New Mexico
In Mexico, stems, leaves and
flowers used medicinally (e.g., for cough).
Anoda arizonica Gray var. digitata - Gray - (NM)
Anoda cristata (Linnaeus) Schlechtendal var. digitata - (Gray) Hochreutiner - (NM)
Sida cristata - Linnaeus - (NM)
Anoda lavaterioides - Medikus - (NM)
Anona - Annona reticulata - (Armando González Stuart)
Anonima mechoacanense - Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. mexicana - (Kay)
Annual bur-sage - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (?)
Annual ragweed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (BONAP,
- Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior - (BONAP, English)
Anserina vermífuga - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Antelope horns - Asclepias asperula - (Kay)
- Asclepias asperula ssp. capricornu - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Antelopehorns - Asclepias asperula ssp. capricornu - (BONAP)
Antennaria - Gaertn. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Pussytoes - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, including 8 species, 3 subspecies: - - (BONAP, NM)
Antennaria corymbosa E. Nelson
(= Flat-top pussytoes),
Antennaria dimorpha (Nuttall) Torrey & Gray
(= Cushion pussytoes),
Antennaria marginata Greene
(= White-margin pussytoes, whitemargin pussytoes),
Antennaria media Greene
(= Rocky Mountain pussytoes),
Antennaria microphylla Rydberg
(= Little-leaf pussytoes, littleleaf pussytoes),
Antennaria parvifolia Nuttall
(= Nuttall's pussytoes, smallleaf pussytoes),
Antennaria rosea (D.C. Eaton) Greene subsp. confinis (Greene) R.J. Bayer
(= Rosy pussytoes),
Antennaria rosea (D.C. Eaton) Greene subsp. arida (E.E. Nelson) R.J. Bayer
(= Rosy pussytoes),
Antennaria rosea (D.C. Eaton) Greene subsp. rosea
(= Rosy pussytoes), and
Antennaria rosulata Rydberg
(= Wooly pussytoes, Kaibab pussytoes).
See notes.
Antennaria dioica - (L.) Gaertn. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Catsfoot - - (PFAF)
Cudweed - - (?)
Everlasting - - (Moerman)
Mountain everlasting - - (BSBI List 2007)
Pie de gato - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pussy-toes - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Stoloniferous pussytoes - - (Plants database)
Antennaria neglecta - Greene - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Field pussytoes - - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Lesser cat's foot - - (Charlotte Erichsen-Brown)
Prairie everlasting - - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Antennaria parvifolia - Nuttall - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Little-leaf pussytoes - - (BONAP)
Littleleaf pussytoes - - (NM)
Pussy toes - - (Moerman)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Antennaria plantaginifolia (L.) Richards
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Plantain everlasting - - (Moerman)
Plantain leaf everlasting - - (Charlotte Erichsen-Brown)
White plantain - - (Moerman)
Antennaria rosea - (D.C. Eaton) Greene - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Pink pussy toes - - (Moerman)
Pussytoes - - (Moerman)
Rosy pussytoes - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
See notes.
Antennaria rosulata - Rydberg - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Kaibab pussytoes - - (BONAP)
Pussy toes - - (Moerman)
Wooly pussytoes - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Anteón - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Anthemis nobilis - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Chamomile - - (Mexico)
Manzanilla - - (Mexico)
Antiviperina - Abelmoschus moschatus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ants: see Honey ants or Large red ants or Pouched ants
Apache pine - Pinus engelmannii - (BONAP)
Apache plume (= Ponil) - Fallugia paradoxa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Apapatla - Nymphaea mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Apasote - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Apasote blanco - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Apazote - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Apegaderas - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
- Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Apiaceae - Lindl. - (APG III) Family Name
(= Umbelliferae Juss.)
Apiales - Nakai - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Dipsapiidae D. C. Tank & M. J. Donoghue (2010);
o Apiidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino;
o Campanulidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino
(euasterids II = asterids II = campanulids);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, family Apiaceae includes at least 37 genera: - - (BONAP, NM)
Aletes Coult. & Rose
(= Indian parsley, Indian-parsley),
Ammoselinum Torr. & Gray
(= Ammoselinum, Sand-parsley),
*Angelica L.
(= Angelica, Wild celery),
*Apium L.
(= Celery, Wild celery),
*Berula Bess. ex W.D.J. Koch
(= Waterparsnip, Water-parsnip),
Bowlesia Ruiz & Pav.
(= Bowlesia),
*Bupleurum L.
(= Thorough-wax),
Carum L.
(= Caraway),
*Cicuta L.
(= Water hemlock, Water-hemlock),
*Conioselinum Hoffmann
(= Hemlockparsley, Hemlock-parsley),
*Conium L.
(= Poison hemlock, Poison-hemlock),
*Coriandrum L.
(= Coriandrum, Parsley),
Cyclospermum Lag.
(= Marsh-parsley),
*Cymopterus Raf.
(= Cymopterus, Spring-parsley),
Daucosma Engelm. & A. Gray ex A. Gray
(= Parasol),
*Daucus L.
(= Carrot, Wild carrot),
*Eryngium L.
(= Eryngo),
Eurytaenia Torr. & Gray
(= Spreadwing),
*Foeniculum P. Mill.
(= Fennel),
Harbouria Coult. & Rose
(= Harbouria, Whisk-broom),
*Heracleum L.
(= Cowparsnip, Cow-parsnip),
*Hydrocotyle L.
(= Hydrocotyle, Pennywort),
*Levisticum Hill
(= Levisticum, Lovage),
*Ligusticum L.
(= Ligusticum, Wild-lovage),
*Lomatium Raf.
(= Biscuit-root, Lomatium),
?*Musineon Raf.
(= Musineon),
Neoparrya Mathias
(= False Indian-parsley, Neoparrya),
Orogenia S. Watson
(= Indian-potato),
*Osmorhiza Raf.
(= Sweet-cicely, Sweetroot),
Oxypolis Raf.
(= Cowbane),
*Pastinaca L.
(= Parsnip),
*Perideridia Reichenb.
(= Wild caraway, Yampa),
Podistera S. Wats.
(= Podistera, Wood-root),
?*Polytaenia DC.
(= Hairy moss),
*Sanicula L.
(= Sanicle, Snakeroot),
*Sium L.
(= Waterparsnip, Water-parsnip),
Spermolepis Raf.
(= Scaleseed),
Torilis Adans.
(= Hedge-parsley),
Yabea K.-Pol.
(= False carrot, Yabea).
Countries are reported (EthnobotDB) to use species
of the genera Angelica,
Apium, Berula,
Cicuta, Conioselinum, Conium, Coriandrum,
Eryngium, Foeniculum, Heracleum,
Hydrocotyle, Levisticum, Ligusticum,
Lomatium, Musineon, Osmorhiza, Pastinaca, Perideridia, Sanicula, and
Sium for medicinals.
In North America (north of Mexico), species of the genera Angelica, Berula,
Cicuta, Conioselinum, Conium, Cymopterus, Daucus, Eryngium, Heracleum,
Hydrocotyle, Ligusticum, Lomatium, Oreoxis, Osmorhiza, Pastinaca,
Perideridia, Polytaenia, Pseudocymopterus, Pteryxia, Sanicula, and Sium
are reported (NAEDB) to be used by native tribes for medicinals.
Apio - Apium graveolens - (Mexico)
- Apium graveolens var. dulce - (Mexican-American)
Apio de montaña - Levisticum officinale - (Spanish-Américas)
Apio de monte - Levisticum officinale - (Spanish-Américas)
Apio montano - Levisticum officinale - (southwest US & Mexico)
Apium - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Wild celery - - (BONAP)
Apium graveolens - L. -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Apio - - (Mexico)
- - (Mexico)
Wild celery - - (BONAP)
Apium graveolens
var. dulce - (P. Mill.) DC. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Apio - - (Mexican-American)
Celery - - (Mexican-American)
Wild celery - - (BONAP)
dulce - Miller - (BONAP)
graveolens - (L.) Britt. p.p. - (BONAP)
Aplopappus spinulosus, see Machaeranthera pinnatifida ssp. pinnatifida var. pinnatifida.
Apocynaceae - Juss. - Family
(Including Asclepiadaceae
Borkh. or
Asclepiadaceae R.Br., according to Delta)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Gentianales - Lindl. - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Lamiidae Takhtajan;
o Garryidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids I = asterids I);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
Family Apocynaceae in New Mexico, including 4 genera or
combining Asclepiadaceae 8 genera:
Amsonia -
Walt. - (BONAP)
(= Amsonia),
- L. - (BONAP)
(= Dogbane),
- A. DC. - (BONAP)
(= Haplophyton),
Macrosiphonia - Muell.-Arg. - A. DC. - (BONAP)
(= Rocktrumpet).
Family Asclepiadaceae in New Mexico,
including 4 genera:
Asclepias L.
(= Milkweed),
Funastrum E.Fourn.
(= Milkvine),
Matelea Aubl.
(= Milkvine), and
Metastelma R.Br.
(= Milkvine).
Apocynum - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apocynaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Dogbane - - (BONAP)
androsaemifolium - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apocynaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Bitter root - - (Mexico)
Spreading dogbane - - (BONAP,
Verdolaga de la montana - - (Mexico)
Apocynum androsaemifolium ssp. androsaemifolium - L.
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apocynaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Spreading dogbane - -
Apocynum androsaemifolium ssp. androsaemifolium var.
androsaemifolium - L. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apocynaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Spreading dogbane - - (BONAP)
Apocynum ambigens - Greene - (BONAP)
Apocynum androsaemifolium var. glabrum - Macoun -
Apocynum androsaemifolium ssp. androsaemifolium var.
incanum - A. DC. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apocynaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Spreading dogbane - - (BONAP)
Apocynum pumilum var. rhomboideum - (Greene) Beg. &
Bel. - (BONAP)
Apocynum scopulorum -
Greene ex Rydb. - (BONAP)
Apocynum cannabinum - L. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apocynaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Indianhemp - - (BONAP)
Apocynum album var. hypericifolium - Gray - (BONAP)
Apocynum cannabinum var. angustifolium - (Woot.) N.
Holmgren - (BONAP)
Apocynum cannabinum
var. glaberrimum - A. DC. - (BONAP)
Apocynum cannabinum var. greeneanum - (Beg. &
Bel.) Woods. - (BONAP)
cannabinum var. hypericifolium - Gray - (BONAP)
Apocynum cannabinum var. nemorale - (G.S. Mill.)
Fern. - (BONAP)
Apocynum cannabinum
var. pubescens - (Mitchell ex R. Br.) Woods. - (BONAP)
Apocynum cannabinum var. suksdorfii - (Greene) Beg.
& Bel. - (BONAP)
hypericifolium - Ait. - (BONAP)
pubescens - Mitchell ex R. Br. - (BONAP)
Apocynum sibiricum - Jacq. - (BONAP)
Apocynum sibiricum var. cordigerum - (Greene) Fern.
Apocynum sibiricum var.
farwellii - (Greene) Fern. - (BONAP)
Apocynum sibiricum var. salignum - (Greene) Fern. -
Apocynum suksdorfii - Greene
Apocynum suksdorfii var.
angustifolium - (Woot.) Woods. - (BONAP)
cannabinum var. lividum - (Greene) Woods. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Apocynaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Dogbane - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Indian hemp - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Intermediate dogbane - - (U.S.A.)
Lechuguilla - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
A very commom synonym in literature for Apocynum
X floribundum.
Apocynum X floribundum - Greene (pro sp.) - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Apocynaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Dogbane - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Indian hemp - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Intermediate dogbane - - (U.S.A.)
Lechuguilla - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Apocynum jonesii - Woods. -
Apocynum medium - Greene -
Apocynum medium var.
floribundum - (Greene) Woods. - (BONAP)
Apocynum medium var. lividum - (Greene) Woods. -
Apocynum medium var.
leuconeuron - (Greene) Woods. - (BONAP)
Apocynum medium var. sarniense - (Greene) Woods. -
Apocynum medium var. vestitum
- (Greene) Woods. - (BONAP)
milleri - Britt. - (BONAP)
Apodanthera - Arn. - Genus Name
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Melon-loco - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (NM)
Apodanthera undulata Gray (= Melon-loco).
Apodanthera undulata - Gray - Species Name
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Bitter pumpkin - - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Calabaza amarga - - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Calabaza hedeonda - - (
Calabaza hedionda - - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Calabaza loca - - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Crazy pumpkin - - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Melón - - (Hicks)
Melon de coyote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Meloncillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Melon lóco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Melon-loco - - (NM)
Stinky pumpkin - - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
In New Mexico
Apoyomatli - Cyperus articulatus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Apple of Peru (= Toloache) - Datura stramonium - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Datura wrightii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Apricot (= Albaricoque) - Prunus armeniaca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Apurí - Morus microphylla - (southwest US & Mexico)
Aquiche - Guazuma
tomentosa - (Maya)
- Guazuma ulmifolia - (Maya)
Aquilea - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Aquiléia - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Araceae - Juss. - Family Name
(Including Duckweed famiy: Lemnaceae Martynov)
Alismatales - Dumort. - (APG III) Order Name
Common Name
Aroid family - - (?)
Higher level lineages:
o Monocotyledoneae de Candolle (= monocots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 2 genera (traditionally
placed in famiy Lemnaceae):
Lemna L. (= Duckweed),
Spirodela Schleid. (= Duckmeat, Duckweed).
Although most aroids (members of famiy Araceae)
are not found growing wild in
New Mexico, members of this group
are commonly employed as attractive indoor,
house plants with a
distinctive (sometime colorful) open sheath-like structure called
spathe closely associated or surrounding a more or less fleshy
stalk bearing a
compact cluster of stalk-less flowers called a
However, the often tiny, aquatic (fresh water
inhabiting), free-floating "duck weeds"
of the family
Lemnaceae (actually found in New Mexico) are now considered part of the
family Araceae. A medicinal genus in family Araceae in Morelos, Mexico is
Xanthosoma Schott.
Arachis - L. - Genus Name
Family Fabaceae
Cultivated Arachis hypogaea L. (= Peanut) of South American origin
used medicinally in Morelos. - - (Atlas Mexico)
Aralia - Aralia - (BONAP)
- Aralia humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
- Aralia racemosa - (Mexico)
Aralia - L. - Genus Name
Family Araliaceae
Common Name
Aralia - - (BONAP)
Spikenard - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 species:
Aralia racemosa L. (= American spikenard).
Aralia humilis - Cav. - Species Name
Family Araliaceae
Common Name
Aralia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Arizona spikenard - - (BONAP)
Cuajilotillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Curguatón - Aralia humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo santo - Aralia humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tepetate - Aralia humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
The possible presence of this species in New Mexico
awaits verification.
Aralia racemosa - L. - Species Name
Family Araliaceae
Common Name
American spikenard - - (BONAP)
Aralia - - (Mexico)
Espicanardo - - (Mexico)
Espicardo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Nardo americano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Spikenard - - (Mexico)
In New Mexico, 1 variety:
Aralia racemosa subsp. bicrenata (Wooton & Standley) Welsh & Atwood
(= American spikenard).
Aralia racemosa ssp. bicrenata - (Woot. &
Standl.) Welsh & Atwood - Variety Name
Family Araliaceae
Common Name
American spikenard - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Aralia bicrenata - Woot. & Standl. - (BONAP)
Araliaceae - Juss. - (APG III) Family Name
Apiales - Nakai - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Dipsapiidae D. C. Tank & M. J. Donoghue (2010);
o Apiidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino;
o Campanulidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino
(euasterids II = asterids II = campanulids);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, Araliaceae incudes only 2 genera:
Aralia L.
(= Aralia, Spikenard) and
Hedera L. (= Ivy)
Arangoso - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Arberry - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Arbol de las manitas - Chiranthodendron pentadactylon - (Mexican-American)
Árbol de quitasol - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Arbol del cuerno - Acacia cornigera - (Atlas Mexico)
- Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Árbol del paraíso - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Arbol del tabaco - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Árbol enano - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Árbol paraíso - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Archangel - Angelica atropurpurea - (Mexico)
Arctium - L. 1753 not Lam. 1779 - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Burdock - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 introduced species: - - (NM)
Arctium minus (Hill) Bernhardi
(= Burdock).
Arctium lappa - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Achuscarris - - (Spanish-Américas)
Anteón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Apegaderas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bardana - - (Mexico)
Bardana mayor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Burdock - - (Mexico)
Cachorrera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachurrera mayor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachurro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cadillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cadillos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cahurros - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardo ajonjero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cocklebur - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Garrapote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de los tiñosos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del amor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del tiñoso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lamparaza - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lampazo - - (Mexico)
Lapa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pegadillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pegotes - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pergamasso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pergamasso maior - - (Spanish-Américas)
Purpùrea - - (Spanish-Américas)
Repalesa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Respigón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zarapón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zarrapote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zarrapotillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lappa major - ? - ?
Arctium minus - (Hill) Bernhardi - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Amores - - (Spanish-Américas)
Apegaderas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bardana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bardana carrapicho - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bardana común - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bardana menor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bardana ordinária - - (Spanish-Américas)
Burdock - - (NM)
Cachurrera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachurros - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cadillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lampaza - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lampazo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lampazo menor - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lesser burdock - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pega-pega - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pegamacaco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pegamasco menor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pegotes - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico, introduced but now found wild
mostly in
northern part of state and in the Sacramento
Mountains. - - (NM)
Lappa minus - Hill - (NM)
Arctostaphylos - Adans. - Genus Name
Family Ericaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Manzanita - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 2 species: - - (BONAP)
*Arctostaphylos pungens Kunth (= Pointleaf manzanita)
*Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel (= Bearberry)
See notes.
Arctostaphylos pungens - Kunth - Species Name
Family Ericaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Abizcoba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abugués - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agauja - - (Spanish-Américas)
Avugués - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gaulla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gayuba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Inundido - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mansanilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Manzanilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Manzanita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Palo de pingüica - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pinguica - - (Kay)
Pingüica - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pointleaf manzanita - - (NM)
Tepeizquite - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepescuinte - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepescuintle - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepescuihtli - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepesquisúchil - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepesquite - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepezcuinte - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepezquisúchil - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepezquite - - (Spanish-Américas)
See notes.
Arctostaphylos spp. - (?) - Species Name
Family Ericaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Barberry - - (Kay)
Manzanita - - (Kay)
Planta que da frutos acinosos al tomatl - - (Kay)
Tepetomatl (mountain tomatoes) - - (Kay)
Tomazquitl - - (Kay)
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Linnaeus) Sprengel - Species Name
Family Ericaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Abizcoba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abugués - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abuje - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agauja - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aguavilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Arangoso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Arberry - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Arenoso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Argalloba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Argayoba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Arrastrera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Avugués - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bearberry - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bizcoba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bujarola - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bujarolla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Buserola - - (Spanish-Américas)
Buxilo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Búxulo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coralillo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gallua - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gallubera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gaulla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gaúva - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gayuba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gayubera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gorrincha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guayuba - - (Mexico)
Harinoso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Kinnikinnic - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Madroño rastrero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Manzanete - - (Spanish-Américas)
Manzanita - - (Californian Spanish)
Manzanilla del pastor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Medronheiro rojante - - (Spanish-Américas)
Medronheiro ursino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pinguica - - (Mexico)
Red bearberry - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Upland cranberry - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Uruga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uva de oso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uva de zorro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uva ursi - - (Mexico)
Uva ursina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uvaduz - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zarabata - - (Spanish-Américas)
See notes.
Arecaceae - Schultz Sch. - Family Name
(= Palmae Juss.)
- Bromhead - Order Name
Higher level lineages (APG II,
Angiosperm; Monocot;
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
No native species in New Mexico. Medicinal genera in
Morelos, Mexico
include Cocos L. and Phoenix L.
Also Acrocomia Mart.
[Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.)
Lodd. ex Mart.] is considered medicinal
in Mexico.
Arenaria - Arenaria mariana - (Mexico)
Arenaria mariana - Arenaria -
- Sandwort - (Mexico)
Arenoso - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Argalia - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Argalloba - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Argayoba - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Argémona - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Argemone - L. - Genus Name
Family Papaveraceae
Common Name
Prickly-poppy - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 4 species and 4 subspecies: - - (NM)
Argemone hispida Gray (= Rough prickly-poppy),
Argemone ochroleuca Sweet
= Argemone polyanthemos (Fedde) G. Ownbey
(= White prickly-poppy),
Argemone pleiacantha Greene subsp. pinnatisecta G. Ownbey
(= Sacramento prickly-poppy),
Argemone pleiacantha Greene subsp. pleiacantha
(= Southwestern prickly-poppy),
Argemone squarrosa Greene subsp. glabrata G. Ownbey
(= Hedgehog prickly-poppy), and
Argemone squarrosa Greene subsp. squarrosa
(= Hedgehog prickly-poppy).
The possible presence of Argemone aenea G.B. Ownbey in New Mexico
awaits varification. - - (NM)
Argemone hispida - Gray - Species Name
Family Papaveraceae
Common Name
Amapola blanca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cardo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cardo santo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chicalote - - (Atlas Mexico, southwest US & northern Mexico)
Flatbud prickly poppy - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huitzquilitl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nardo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Prickle poppy - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rough prickly poppy - - (U.S.A.)
Thistle poppy - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Argemone platyceras - Link & Otto - (NM)
Argemone mexicana - L. - Species Name
Family Papaveraceae
Common Name
Aceitilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Adormidera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Adormidera espinosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amapola blanca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amapola de México - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amapola espinosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amapola mexicana - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Argémona - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayohuixtle - - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Canlal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carbosanto - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cardo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardo amarillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cardo blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardo flor amarilla - - (Mexico)
Cardolechero - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cardo reina - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cardo santo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardosanto - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cardo santo campestre - - (Kay: Northwestern New Spain)
Cardón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardosanto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carmensanto - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chacalota - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicale - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalota - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalote - - (Kay: Northwestern New Spain)
Chicalote blanco - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalote sha - - (Atlas Mexico: Nayarit)
Chicalotl - - (Kay)
Chicallotl - - (C. Ratsch)
Chichillotl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chigalotl - - (Morelos)
Chillazotl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chocolata - - (Atlas Mexico)
Devil's fig - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Dormidera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Espina blanca - - (Atlas Mexico)
Fachina - - (Atlas Mexico)
Falso cardo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Higo del infierno - - (Spanish-Américas)
Holy thistle - - (Kay)
Ix'k'ann lool - - (Atlas Mexico: Yucatán)
Jam - - (Yucatán)
Kanlal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mexican poppy - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mexican prickly poppy - - (C. Ratsch)
Mexican pricklypoppy - - (U.S.A.)
Papoula de espinho - - (Spanish-Américas)
Papoula espinhosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Papoula de México - - (Spanish-Américas)
Prickly poppy - - (Kay)
Quixzaclol - - (southwest US & Mexico)
San Pedro agats - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca)
Tachino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tlamexcaltzin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tlapa - - (Atlas Mexico)
Xaté - - (Spanish-Américas)
X-carbesanto - - (Atlas Mexico: Yucatán)
Xicólotl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Argemone ochroleuca - Sweet - Species Name
= Argemone polyanthemos (Fedde) G. Ownbey
Family Papaveraceae
Common Name
Amapola amarilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cardo - - (Kay)
Cardo santo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chacalote - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chiacalote - - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Chicalote - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalote amarillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalotl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Espinocilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba loca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
San Carlos - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Shate - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Tachino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tlamexcaltzin - - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Xata' - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Xate - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Yellow prickly poppy - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In Morelos - - (Atlas Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Argemone barclayana - Penny ex Loudon - (PL)
Argemone intermedia - Sweet - (NM)
Argemone intermedia Sweet var. polyanthemos - Fedde - (NM)
Argemone mexicana var. ochroleuca - (Sweet) Lindl. - (PL)
Argemone sulphurea - Sweet ex Loudon - (PL)
Ario - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Aristolochia - L. - Genus Name
Family Aristolochiaceae
Common Name
Dutchman's-pipe - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 2 species
Aristolochia watsonii Wooton & Standley
(= Indian-root) and
Aristolochia wrightii Seemann
(= Wright's Dutchman's-pipe).
In New Mexico, found in the extreme southwest corner of state in desert mountains.
Although species of this genus have been widely used as herbal remedies in many
parts of the world from ancient times to the present, none should be used in
concentrated doses or for extended periods of time due to their nephrotoxic,
potentially carcinogenic chemical constituents called aristolochic acids that increase
the risk of kidney failure and urothelial carcinoma.
Aristolochia brevipes - Benth. - Species Name
Family Aristolochiaceae
Common Name
Birthroot - (Kay)
Guaco - - (SEINet)
Hierba del indio - - (Kay)
Snakeroot - - (Kay)
Southwestern pipevine - - (SEINet)
Yerba del indio - - (SEINet)
See related Aristolochia watsonii and Aristolochia wrightii.
Aristolochia mexicana
Medicina buena para el parto (good birth medicine) - (Kay)
Phehuame - (Kay)
Aristolochia pentandra - Hierba del indio - (Kay)
Aristolochia serpentaria -
Aristoloquia - (Mexico)
- Birthwort - (Mexico)
- Guaco -
- Serpentaria - (Mexico)
- Snake root - (Mexico)
Virginia snake root - (Mexico)
Aristolochia spp. - Guaco -
(Kay: Northwestern New Spain)
- Yerba del indio - (Kay)
Aristolochia watsonii - Wooton & Standley - Species Name
[= Aristolochia brevipes Bentham var. acuminata Watson (non A. acuminata Lamarck)]
Family Aristolochiaceae
Common Name
Arizona snakeroot - - (Moore)
Birthroot - - (Kay)
Guaco - - (Kay: Northwestern New Spain)
Hierba del indio - - (Kay)
Indian-root - - (FNA; NM)
Indio - - (Moore)
Raiz del indio - - (Moore)
Snakeroot - - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern
Yerba del indio - - (Kay)
In New Mexico, found in the extreme southwest corner of state in desert mountains.
Warning: potentially toxic.
Aristolochia porphyrophylla - Pfeifer - (FNA)
Aristolochia wrightii - Seemann - Species Name
Family Aristolochiaceae
Common Name
Wright's Dutchman's-pipe - - (FNA)
Wright's dutchman's pipe - - (Plants)
Yerba del indio - - (Kay)
In New Mexico, found in the extreme southwest corner of state in desert mountains.
Warning: potentially toxic.
Aristolochia brevipes Bentham var. wrightii - (Seemann) Duchartre - (FNA)
Aristolochiaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Piperales - Dumort. - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Magnoliidae Novák ex Takhtajan;
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, 1 genus: - - (BONAP)
Aristolochia L. (Dutchman's-pipe).
Warning: potentially toxic.
Arizona pine - Pinus arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Arizona spikenard - Aralia humilis - (BONAP)
Arizona yellow show - Amoreuxia palmatifida - (southwest US & Mexico)
Arlera - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Arlo - Berberis vulgaris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Arnica - Arnica montana - (Mexico)
- Heterotheca inuloides - (Durango)
- Xanthisma blephariphyllum (= Aster gymnocephalus) - (Durango)
Arnica - L. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Arnica - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 3 species: - - (BONAP)
Arnica chamissonis Less. (= Chamisso arnica),
Arnica cordifolia Hook. (= Heartleaf arnica),
Arnica latifolia Bong. (= Broadleaf arnica).
Arnica capitaneja - Verbesina crocata - (Atlas Mexico)
Arnica del pais or Árnica del país - Heterotheca inuloides - (Mexican-American)
- Heterotheca spp. - (Mexican-American)
Arnica falsa - Heterotheca inuloides - (Elsa Campos)
Arnica Mexicana - Heterotheca inuloides - (Mexican-American)
- Heterotheca spp. - (Mexican-American)
Arnica montana - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Arnica - - (Mexico)
Leopardsbane - - (Mexico)
Mountain arnica - - (BONAP)
See notes.
Aroma - Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
Aromito - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo - Acacia farnesiana - (Mexico)
Aromo amarillo - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo común - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo de agujas - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo espinoso - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Aromo oloroso - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Aromo prieto - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Arracacia - Bancr. - Genus Name
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Arracacia - - (BONAP)
Only Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancr. is reported in
North America north of Mexico.
Arracacia atropurpurea - ? - Species Name
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Acocotli - - (Kay)
Acocotli tepecuacuilcense - - (Kay)
Comino - - (Northwestern New Spain)
Hierba de tallo hueco (hollow stemmed herb) - - (Kay)
Arracacia brandegeei - ? - Species Name
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Chuchupate - - (Kay)
Arrastrera - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Artemisa - Artemisia absinthium - (Mexican-American)
- Artemisia vulgaris - (Mexico)
Artemisia - L. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Sagebrush - - (BONAP)
Wormwood - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 17 species: - - (BONAP, NM)
Artemisia biennis (= Biennial wormwood),
Artemisia bigelovii (= Bigelow's sagebrush),
Artemisia campestris (= Field sagewort),
Artemisia cana (= Silver sagebrush),
Artemisia carruthii (= Carruth's sagewort),
Artemisia dracunculus (= Wormwood),
Artemisia filifolia (= Sand sagebrush),
Artemisia franserioides (= Ragweed sagebrush),
Artemisia frigida (= Fringed sagewort),
Artemisia laciniata (= Parry's wormwood),
Artemisia lindleyana (= Northwest sagebrush),
Artemisia ludoviciana (= Louisiana sagewort),
Artemisia nova (= Black sagebrush),
Artemisia pattersonii (= Patterson's wormwood),
Artemisia pygmaea (= Pygmy sagebrush),
Artemisia scopulorum (= Alpine sagebrush),
Artemisia spinescens (= Bud sagebrush),
Artemisia tridentata (= Big sagebrush).
See notes.
Artemisia abrotanum - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Abródiga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrótamo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abrótano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Abrótano macho - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ajenjo arbóreo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ajenjo moruna - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Boja - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Boja común - - (Spanish-Américas)
Botija - - (Spanish-Américas)
Brótano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cidronela - - (Spanish-Américas)
Herb royal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba lombriguera - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Incienso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Old man - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Southernwood - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Toronjil - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yerba lombriguera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Widely grown in gardens in North America (including New Mexico).
Artemisia absinthium - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Absentio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Absincio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Absinçio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Absinth - - (Mexico)
Absinth sagewort - - (BONAP)
Absinthe - - (International)
Absinthio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Absintio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Absinto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Absynthio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Absyntio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acencio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acíntheo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acintro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ajenjo - - (Mexico)
Ajenjo común - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ajenjo extranjero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ajenjo macho - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ajenjo mayor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ajenjos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ajorizo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alosna - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aluina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Aluinos - - (Mexico)
Altamisa - - (Mexican-American)
Alvina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Artemisa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Artemisia - - (Mexican-American)
Artemisia amarga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Asenjo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Asensio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Asentos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Citronela maior - - (Spanish-Américas)
Common wormwood - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuabilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Doncel - - (Spanish-Américas)
Encienso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Encienso de Andalucía - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ensensio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ensensio común - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos vermes - - (Spanish-Américas)
Estafiate - - (Mexican-American)
Grande absinto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva dos vermes - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba maestra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba santa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Incienso ajenjo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Incienso de Andalucía - - (Spanish-Américas)
Losna - - (Spanish-Américas)
Losna da humpata - - (Spanish-Américas)
Losna maior - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maestra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Maistra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Old woman - - (Mexico)
Prodigiosa - - (Atlas Mexico)
Sintro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Wormwood - - (Mexico)
See notes.
Artemisa bastarda - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Artemisia biennis - Willd. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Biennial wormwood - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, introduced into the wild.
Artemisia bigelovii - Gray - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Bigelow's sagebrush - - (U.S.A.)
Chamiso hediondo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Sagebrush - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wormwood - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Artemisia petrophila - Wooton & Standley - (NM)
Seriphidium bigelovii - (Gray) K. Bremer & Humphries - (NM)
Artemisia campestris - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Field wormwood - - (NM)
Field sagewort - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 2 subspecies: - - (NM)
Artemisia campestris subsp. caudata (= Field wormwood)
Artemisia campestris subsp. pacifica (= Field wormwood)
Artemisia campestris subsp. caudata - (Michaux) Hall & Clements - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Field wormwood - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Artemisia campestris var. caudata - (Michaux) Palmer & Steyermark - (NM)
Artemisia caudata - Michaux - (NM)
Artemisia forwoodii - S. Watson - (NM)
Artemisia campestris subsp. pacifica - (Nuttall) Hall & Clements - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Field wormwood - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Artemisia campestris var. pacifica - (Nuttall) Peck - (NM)
Artemisia campestris var. scouleriana - (Besser) Cronquist - (New Mexico)
Artemisia pacifica - Nuttall - (NM)
Artemisia scouleriana - (Besser) Rydberg - (NM)
Artemisia cana - Pursh - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Silver sagebrush - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 subspecies: - - (NM)
Artemisia cana subsp. viscidula (= Silver sagebrush)
Artemisia cana subsp. viscidula - (Osterhout) Beetle - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Silver sagebrush - - (NM)
Artemisia cana var. viscidula - Osterhout - (NM)
Artemisia carruthii - Wood ex Carruth. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Carruth's sagebrush - - (NM)
Carruth's sagewort - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia carruthii var. wrightii - (Gray) Blake - (BONAP)
Artemisia kansana - Britt. - (BONAP)
Artemisia wrightii - A. Gray - (New Mexico)
See notes.
Artemisia del pais - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (Spanish)
Artemisia dracunculus - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Dragoncillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Dragon wormwood - - (NM)
Estafiate - - (Kay)
Estragón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tárrago falfo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tarragon - - (Mexico, New Mexico)
Wormwood - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia dracunculina - S. Watson - (NM)
Artemisia dracunculoides - Pursh - (BONAP)
Artemisia dracunculoides var. dracunculina - (S. Wats.) Blake - (BONAP)
Artemisia dracunculus ssp. dracunculus - L. - (BONAP)
Artemisia glauca - Pallas ex Willdenow - (NM)
Artemisia glauca var. dracunculina - (S. Wats.) Fern. - (BONAP)
Oligosporus dracunculus - (L.) Poljakov - (BONAP)
Oligosporus dracunculus ssp. dracunculinus - (S. Wats.) W.A. Weber - (BONAP)
See notes.
Artemisia filifolia - Torrey - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Romerillo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Sand sage - - (NM)
Sand sagebrush - - (U.S.A.)
Silver sage - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia franserioides - Greene - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Ajenjo - - (Mexican-American)
Altamisa - - (Mexican-American)
Altamisa de la sierra - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Estafiate - - (Mexican-American)
Mountain mugwort - - (Mexican-American)
Ragweed sagebrush - - (U.S.A.)
Ragweed wormwood - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia frigida - Willdenow - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Altamisa de la sierra - - (Colorado Spanish)
Estafiata - - (NM)
Fringed sage - - (NM)
Fringed sagebrush - - (Kay)
Fringed sagewort - - (BONAP)
Plumajillo de la sierra - - (Colorado Spanish)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia laciniata - Willdenow - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Ajenjo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Parry's wormwood - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 subspecies: - - (NM)
Artemisia laciniata subsp. parryi (= Parry's wormwood)
In Mexico, used medicinally. - - (Atlas Mexico)
Artemisia laciniata subsp. parryi - (Gray) W.A. Weber - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Parry's wormwood - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Artemisia parryi - Gray - (NM)
Artemisia saxicola var. parryi - (Gray) A. Nelson - (NM)
Artemisia lindleyana - ? - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Northwest sagebrush - - (BONAP)
See notes.
Artemisia ludoviciana - Nuttall - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Altamisa de la casa - - (Colorado Spanish)
Estafiate - - (New Mexico Spanish)
Romerillo - - (New Mexico Spanish)
Western Mugwort - - (Kay)
In New Mexico, 3 (-4) subspecies: - - (New Mexico)
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. albula (= New Mexico wormwood),
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. incompta (= Louisiana wormwood),
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. ludoviciana (= Louisiana wormwood),
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. mexicana (= Mexican wormwood),
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. sulcata (= ?)
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. albula - (Wooton) Keck - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
New Mexico wormwood - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia albula - Wooton - (New Mexico)
Artemisia microcephala - Wooton - (New Mexico)
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. incompta - (Nuttall) D.D. Keck - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Louisiana wormwood - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Artemisia incompta - Nuttall - (NM)
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. ludoviciana - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Louisiana wormwood - - (U.S.A.)
Mariola - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Sage brush - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wormwood - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia gnaphaloides - Nuttall - (NM)
Artemisia rhizomata - A. Nelson - (NM)
Artemisia silvicola - Osterhout - (NM)
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. mexicana - (Willdenow ex Sprengel) Keck - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Agenjo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Agenjo del pais - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Agenjo oficinal - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Ajenjo - - (Kay: Northwestern New Spain)
Ajenjo del pais - - (Kay: Northwestern New Spain)
Ajenjo del paÍs - - (Atlas Mexico)
Ajeno del Pais - - (EB 54(4): 427–438,2000)
Altamiza - - (Atlas Mexico)
Altaniza - - (Atlas Mexico)
Anisote - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Anonima mechoacanense - - (Kay)
Artemisia - - (Atlas Mexico)
Azumate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Azumate de Puebla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Black sage - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cola de zorrillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Ensencio de mata verde - - (Atlas Mexico)
Epazote de castilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Estafiate - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Estomiate - - (Atlas Mexico)
Guietee - - (Atlas Mexico: Puebla)
Hierba maestra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba maistra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Incienso - - (Atlas Mexico)
Incienso verde - - (Atlas Mexico)
Istafiate - - (Atlas Mexico)
Istafiatl - - (Atlas Mexico: Estado de México)
Ixtauyate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Iztauhyaitl - - (Hidalgo)
Iztauhyatl - - (Kay, Atlas Mexico: Puebla)
Iztauhyatl latifolio - - (Kay)
Mexican wormwood - - (New Mexico, U.S.A.)
Osomiate - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Rocky mountain sage - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Sal amarga - - (Kay)
Southwestern wormwood - - (U.S.A.)
Tzaguangueni - - (Kay)
Wormwood - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia mexicana - Willdenow - (New Mexico)
Artemisia neomexicana - Greene - (New Mexico)
Artemisia redolens - Gray - (New Mexico)
See notes.
Artemisia ludoviciana subsp. sulcata - (Rydberg) Keck - Subspecies Name
Artemisia nova - A. Nelson - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Black sagebrush - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia arbuscula subsp. nova - (A. Nelson) G.H. Ward - (NM)
Seriphidium novum (A. Nelson) - W.A. Weber - (NM)
Artemisia pattersonii - Gray - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Patterson's wormwood - - (New Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia pygmaea - A. Gray - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Pygmy sagebrush - - (New Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Seriphidium pygmaeum - (A. Gray) W.A. Weber - (New Mexico)
Artemisia scopulorum - Gray - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alpine wormwood - - (New Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia spinescens - D.C. Eaton - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Budsage - - (New Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Picrothamnus desertorum - Nuttall - (New Mexico)
Artemisia tridentata - Nuttall - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Big sagebrush - - (U.S.A.)
Chamiso hediondo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chamisona - - (Kay)
Sagebrush - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wormwood - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico, 3 subspecies: - - (BONAP)
Artemisia tridentata subsp. tridentata (= ),
Artemisia tridentata subsp. vaseyana (= Mountain sagebrush),
Artemisia tridentata subsp. wyomingensis (= ).
See notes on Artemisia arbuscula.
Artemisia tridentata subsp. tridentata - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Big sagebrush - - (New Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Seriphidium tridentatum - (Nuttall) W.A. Weber - (New Mexico)
Artemisia tridentata subsp. vaseyana - (Rydberg) Beetle - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Mountain sagebrush - - (New Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Artemisia vaseyana - Rydberg - (New Mexico)
Seriphidium vaseyanum - (Rydberg) W.A. Weber - (New Mexico)
Artemisia tridentata subsp. wyomingensis - Beetle & A.M. Young - Subspecies Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Wyoming sagebrush - - (New Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Seriphidium tidentatum subsp. wyomingense - (Beetle & A.M. Young) W.A. Weber - (New Mexico)
Artemisia vulgaris -
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Artemisa - - (Mexico)
Ajenjo - - (Mexico)
Corona de san juan - - (Northwestern New Spain)
Istafiate - - (Kay)
Mugwort - - (Kay)
Romerillo - - (Kay)
Yerba de san juan - - (Northwestern New Spain)
Artera - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Artichoke - Cynara scolymus - (Mexican-American)
Artikira - Cyperus rotundus - (Spanish-Américas)
Arumbari - B>Acacia farnesiana - (Michoacán)
Arundo - Tourn. ex L. - Genus Name
Family Poaceae
Common Name
Giant reed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 species, introduced.
Arundo donax L. (= Giant reed)
Flowering shoots as tall as 2 meters or more;
plume-like flower clusters (panicles); glumes
(two basal leaf-like bracts of spikelets) nearly
equal in length; rachilla (axis of spikelet)
without hairs; lemma (one of two bracts
immediately subtending each flower) with
long, dense, silky hairs.
Arundo donax - L. - Species Name
Family Poaceae
Common Name
Acatl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Baca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bamboo reed - - (PFAF)
Cana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña Castilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cañabrava de Castilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Caña común - - (PFAF)
Caña de Castilla - - (PFAF)
Caña de güín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cana de roca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cana do reino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña gigante - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña guana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña guin - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña-hueca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña hueca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cañahueca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Canamilha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cana vieira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañavera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañaveral - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cañizo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañutillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carizo - - (PFAF)
Carricillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carrizo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Carrizo de la selva - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carrizo de la sierra - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carrizo de sol - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chin - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chin de Castilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Falso bamboo - - (PFAF)
Gallipato alcublano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Giant cane - - (PFAF)
Giant reed - - (PFAF)
Giant reed grass - - (PFAF)
Gibaguy - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guajana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gubaguih - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Güín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Haca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Halal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jara - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Junco gigante - - (PFAF)
Lata - - (Spanish-Américas)
Majchow - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca)
Ocatl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pakaab - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Patamu - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Popo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Popote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Reed - - (Moerman)
Spanish reed - - (PFAF)
Taquára do reino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tarrotekhalal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tekhalal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Verolís - - (Spanish-Américas)
Wild cane - - (PFAF)
Yag rstili - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca)
Zaragüelles - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico, introduced.
Originating from the Mediterranean region but
spreading quickly throughout the world.
At least five indole alkaloids (tryptamines: N,N-DMT,
5-MeO-DMT, bufotenine, dehydrobufotenine, and
bufotenidine) have been detected in the rhizomes
(rootstocks). When used in ayahuasca analogs,
unpleasant side effects may occur. - - (C. Ratsch)
In South America, rhizomes are used as an ayahuasca
additive by Shipibo shamans from Caimito.
This species is claimed to have diaphoretic, diuretic,
emollient, galactofuge, and hypotensive properties. - - (PFAF)
Mentioned as a medicinal in Dioscorides' De Materia
Árvore dos rosarios - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Árvore santa - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Asclepiadaceae - Borkh. - Family Name
[Now placed by APG III within family Apocynaceae Juss.
subfamily Asclepiadoideae Burnett.]
Gentianales - Lindl. - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Lamiidae Takhtajan;
o Garryidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids I = asterids I);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, 4 genera: - - (NM)
Asclepias L.
(= Milkweed),
Funastrum E.Fourn.
(= Milkvine),
Matelea Aubl.
(= Milkvine), and
Metastelma R.Br.
(= Milkvine).
Asclepias - L. - Genus Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Hierba del indio - - (Kay)
Inmortal - - (Kay)
Milkweed - - (BONAP, NM)
In New Mexico, 29 species: - - (NM)
Asclepias arenaria Torrey
(= Sand milkweed),
Asclepias asperula (Decaisne) Woodson
(= Spider milkweed),
Asclepias brachystephana Engelmann ex Torrey
(= Shortcrown milkweed),
Asclepias cutleri Woodson
(= Cutler's milkweed),
Asclepias emoryi (Greene) Vail
(= Emory's comet),
Asclepias engelmanniana Woodson
(= Engelmann milkweed),
Asclepias glaucescens Kunth
(= Nodding milkweed),
Asclepias hallii Gray
(= Hall's milkweed),
Asclepias hypoleuca (Gray) Woodson
(= Mahogany milkweed),
Asclepias incarnata Linnaeus
(= Swamp milkweed),
Asclepias involucrata Engelmann ex Torrey
(= Dwarf milkweed),
Asclepias latifolia (Torrey) Rafinesque
(= Broad-leaf milkweed),
Asclepias linaria Cavanilles
(= Pine-needle milkweed),
Asclepias macrosperma Eastwood
(= Big-seed milkweed),
Asclepias macrotis Torrey
(= Long-hood milkweed),
Asclepias nummularia Torrey
(= Tufted milkweed),
Asclepias nyctaginifolia Gray
(= Mojave milkweed),
Asclepias oenotheroides Chamisso & Schlectendal
(= Zizotes milkweed),
Asclepias pumila (Gray) Vail
(= Low milkweed),
Asclepias quinquedentata Gray
(= Slimpod milkweed),
Asclepias rusbyi (Vail) Woodson
(= Rusby's milkweed),
Asclepias ruthiae Maguire
(= Ruth's milkweed),
Asclepias sanjuanensis Heil, Porter, & Welsh
(= San Juan milkweed),
Asclepias scaposa Vail
(= Bear mountain milkweed),
Asclepias speciosa Torrey
(= Showy milkweed),
Asclepias subverticillata (Gray) Vail
(= Horsetail milkweed),
Asclepias tuberosa Linnaeus subsp. interior Woodson
(= Butterfly milkweed),
Asclepias uncialis Greene
(= Wheel milkweed),
Asclepias verticillata Linnaeus
(= Whorled milkweed),
Asclepias viridiflora Rafinesque
(= Green comet).
Asclepias albicans - S. Wats - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Jumete - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Matacandelillas - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mate candelilla - - (Kay)
Yamate - - (Kay)
Yumate - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Wax milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
White-stem milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
White stem milkweed - - (Kay)
Asclepias asperula - (Dcne.) Woods. - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Antelope horns - - (Kay)
Inmortal - - (Mexico Spanish)
Spider milkweed - - (BONAP, Kay)
In New Mexico, 2 subspecies: - - (NM)
Asclepias asperula (Decaisne) Woodson subsp. asperula
(= Spider milkweed),
Asclepias asperula (Decaisne) Woodson subsp. capricornu (Woodson) Woodson
(= Antelope-horns).
Asclepias asperula ssp. asperula - (Dcne.) Woods. - Subspecies Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Spider milkweed - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
Asclepias asperula ssp. capricornu - (Woods.) Woods. - Subspecies Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Antelope horns - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Antelopehorns - - (BONAP)
Imortal - - (Mexico)
Inmortal - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Spider milkweed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Asclepias asperula var. decumbens - (Nutt.) Shinners - (BONAP)
Asclepias capricornu - Woods. - (BONAP)
Asclepias capricornu ssp. occidentalis - Woods. - (BONAP)
Asclepias decumbens - (Nutt.) Dcne. - (BONAP)
Asclepiodora decumbens - (Nutt.) Gray - (BONAP)
This is the plant mentioned by L.S.M. Curtin (1965).
Asclepias atropurpurea - ? - Species Name
?= Asclepias atroviolacea Woodson
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Oreja de venado - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Asclepias coulteri - Woodson - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Cutler's milkweed - - (NM)
Huichuri - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tlalayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Asclepias curassavica - L. - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Adelfilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Algodoncillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amores casados - - (Spanish-Américas)
Analkak - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bencenuco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bencerueco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Blood flower - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Burladora - - (Atlas Mexico)
Butterfly-weed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cabalkunché - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachumeca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calderona - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calentura - - (Spanish-Américas)
Camburcito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cancerillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cancerina - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cerillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chacanalkak - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chilillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilillosxiu - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chilillo venenoso - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chontalpa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cinco llagas - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cochinita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cocholloxin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cojón de gato - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cominos rústicos - - (Atlas Mexico)
Contrayerba - - (Atlas Mexico)
Corcalito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cresta de gallo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cuchilloxin - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuchilxiu - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Curaçao milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de agua - - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de calentura - - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de culebra - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de la calentura - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de sangre - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de tigre - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba de la culebra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba de leche - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del sapo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba María - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hoja delgada - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hoja de veneno - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Indian root - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ipecacuana de las Antillas - - (Spanish-Américas)
La señorita - - (Atlas Mexico)
Lombricera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mal casada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malcasada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maleza de mariposa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Margarita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Matacaballos - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Matacoyotes - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Niño muerto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Orange milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pablito - - (Atlas Mexico)
Pedo de culebra - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pelo de gato - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pericón - - (Atlas Mexico)
Platanillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Plato y taza - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pochishihuy - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pochitoco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Polkuch - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ponchilhuite - - (Atlas Mexico)
Ponchilhuits - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ponchiuis - - (Atlas Mexico)
Punchuhuiche - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quema cosas - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quiebra muela - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quiebra muelas - - (Atlas Mexico)
Quiebramuelas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quiebra ojo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quiebraojo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Rejalgar - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Revienta - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Revienta muelas - - (Atlas Mexico)
Revientamuelas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Rompe muelas - - (Atlas Mexico)
Saca espinas - - (Atlas Mexico)
Salvilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
San Pablillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Santa Rosa - - (Atlas Mexico)
Seda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Señorita - - (Atlas Mexico)
Sintescochit - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Soldaditos - - (Atlas Mexico)
Soldadillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Solidadito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Solimán - - (Atlas Mexico)
Veintiunilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Venenillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Veneno rojo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Vevenillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Víbora - - (Atlas Mexico)
Viborana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Viborona - - (Atlas Mexico)
Xpolcútzil - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yuquilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacacanzelxiu - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Native to the American tropics, but widely introduced elsewhere;
and often cultivated as an ornamental commonly referred to
as Blood flower.
Asclepias glaucescens - Kunth - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Guievada - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jicaca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Najcala - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nodding milkweed - - (NM)
Oreja de burro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oreja de liebre - - (Atlas Mexico)
Oreja de mula - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palohuisi - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pipitzomeh - - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Señorita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tlalsanunatli - - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Viborona - - (Atlas Mexico)
In Morelos
In New Mexico: only present in extreme southwest corner of state.
Asclepias hypoleuca - (Gray) Woodson - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Mahogany milkweed - - (NM)
New Mexico milkweed - - (Nabhan)
Talayote - - (Nabhan)
In New Mexico
Asclepias lanuginosa - Nutt. - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Ceniso - - (Mexico)
Milkweed - - (Mexico)
Asclepias latifolia - (Torr.) Raf. - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Broadleaf milkweed - - (U.S.A.)
Lechones - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Milkweed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Asclepias lemmonii - A. Gray - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Inmortal - - (Kay)
Lemmon's milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Asclepias linaria - Cav. - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Algodoncillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chiche de burra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chichivilla cimarrona - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cinco negritos - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cola de gato - - (Atlas Mexico)
Guajito - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba de la punzada - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del cuervo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Inmortal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lechestrenza - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mapipitza - - (Spanish-Américas)
Oreja de liebre - - (Atlas Mexico)
Patito - - (Atlas Mexico)
Pine-needle milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pineneedle milkweed - - (BONAP)
Pinillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Plumerillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Plumilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Romerillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Solimán - - (Atlas Mexico)
Talayote de coyote - - (Atlas Mexico)
Teperomero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Teperromero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tezonpatli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tlalacxoyatl - - (Kay)
Tlalayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tlalnochtle - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tlalnochtli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Torbisco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Torito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Venenillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yamete - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yerba de la punzada - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico
Although sometimes used as a medicine in Mexico, this species
can contain toxic levels of Digitalis-like glycosides called
cardenolides (= cardiac glycosides).
The use of the juice as a drastic purgative is dangerous. - - (Standley)
In Durango leaves have been applied to the temples for headache.
Asclepias quinquedentata - Gray - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Contra yerba de la sierra - - (Kay)
Slimpod milkweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Asclepias speciosa - Torr. - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Greek milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lechero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lecheros - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lechón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Milkweed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Showy milkweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Asclepias douglasii - Hook. - (KEW)
Asclepias giffordii - Eastw. - (BONAP)
Asclepias subulata - Decne. - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Ajamete - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cadenilla bronca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Candelilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Candelilla bronca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Desert milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jumete - - (Kay)
Matacandelillas - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Reed-stem milkweed - - (Kay)
Rush milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yamete - - (Kay)
Yumete - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Although sometimes used as a medicine in Mexico
(e.g., milky Juice as an emetic and purgative), this species
can contain toxic levels of Digitalis-like glycosides called
cardenolides (= cardiac glycosides).
Asclepias tuberosa - L. - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Algodón bulboso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hieba de la mariposa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Inmortal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Butterfly milkweed - - (BONAP)
Orange milkweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pluerisy root - - (Mexico)
Raíz de pleuresia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Raíz de pleuriz - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tlalacxoyatl - - (Mexico)
Tlalacxóyatl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico, 1 subspecies: - - (NM)
Asclepias tuberosa Linnaeus subsp. interior Woodson
(= Butterfly milkweed).
Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior - Woods. - Subspecies Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Butterfly milkweed - - (BONAP, NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Asclepias tuberosa var. interior - (Woods.) Shinners - (BONAP)
Asclepias tuberosa ssp. terminalis - Woods. - (BONAP)
Asclepias verticillata - L. - Species Name
Family Asclepiadaceae
Common Name
Lechones - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lechugas - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley: Galisteo)
Lechuria - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley: Cienega)
Lengua de vaca - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley: Galisteo)
Milkweed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Whorled milkweed - - (U.S.A.)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Asclepias galioides - Kunth - (KEW)
Asclepias linifolia - Kunth - (KEW)
Asclepias parviflora - Leconte ex Decne. - (KEW)
Asclepias verticillata var. galioides - (Kunth) Decne. - (KEW)
Asclepias verticillata var. leptophylla - Torr. - (KEW)
Asclepias verticillata var. linifolia - (Kunth) Decne. - (KEW)
Asparagaceae - Juss. - (APG III) Family Name
[Also recently and
optionally including (according to APG II and III)
the families Agavaceae
Aphyllanthaceae Burnett (Western Mediterranean),
Hesperocallidaceae Traub (Hesperocallis undulata,
Southwestern U.S.A.),
Hyacinthaceae Batsch ex Borkh (Mostly Old
Laxmanniaceae Bubani (Mostly Australia, also Madagascar,
India, South America),
Ruscaceae Spreng. (= Convallariaceae Horan. + Nolinaceae T. Nakai +
Dracaenaceae R.A. Salisbury of temperate to tropical regions),
Themidaceae Salisb. (British Columbia to northern Guatemala)]
[See genera in New Mexico in Asparagaceae s.l.,
Agavaceae, Asparagaceae s.s.,
Hyacinthaceae, Ruscaceae s.l. (including Convallariaceae and Nolinaceae),
and Themidaceae]
Asparagales - Link - (APG III) Order Name
Common name
Asparagus family - - (?)
Higher level lineages:
Angiospermae; Mesangiospermae;
(non-commelinid); asparagoids; higher asparagoids.
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
(seed plants)
In New Mexico, the broadly defined family Asparagaceae s.l.,
now including 7 once separately defined families - - (APG III, BONAP, NM)
(1) Family Agavaceae in New Mexico,
including 4 genera:
Agave L. (= Agave),
Echeandia Ortega (= Echeandia),
Leucocrinum Nutt. ex Gray (= Starlily),
Yucca L. (= Yucca).
(2) The narrowly defined family Asparagaceae s.s. in New Mexico,
including 1 genus:
Asparagus L. (= Asparagus).
(3) Family Hyacinthaceae in New Mexico,
including 1 genus:
Muscari P. Mill. (= Grapehyacinth).
(4) Family Ruscaceae Spreng. in New Mexico [= subfamily Nolinoideae Spreng.
of Asparagaceae s.l. (APG III)], including 4 genera:
Dasylirion Zucc. (= Sotol),
Maianthemum G.H. Weber ex Wiggers (= Beadruby, False Solomon's-seal),
Nolina Michx. (= Beargrass),
Polygonatum P. Mill. (= Solomon's seal).
(5) The genera Maianthemum and Polygonatum of New Mexico often
placed in the separate family Convallariaceae. - - (NM)
(6) The genera Dasylirion and Nolina of New Mexico often
placed in the separate family Nolinaceae. - - (NM)
(7) Family Themidaceae in New Mexico,
including 3 genera:
Androstephium Torr. (= Funnellily),
Dichelostemma Kunth (= Snakelily),
Milla Cav. (= Milla).
See notes.
Asparagus - Asparagus officinalis - (Mexico)
Asparagus - L. - (BONAP)
Genus Name
Family Asparagaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Asparagus - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (BONAP)
Asparagus officinalis (= Garden asparagus).
Asparagus berries - combined with Yerba del sapo - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Asparagus officinalis - L. - (BONAP)
Species Name
Family Asparagaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Asparagus - - (Mexico)
Asparrago - - (Mexico)
Garden asparagus - - (BONAP)
Asparrago - Asparagus officinalis - (Mexico)
Asperilla dulce - Galium odoratum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Asperilla olorosa - Galium odoratum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Asperula - Galium odoratum - (Mexico)
Asphodelaceae - Jussieu - Family Name
(= Aloaceae Batsch)
(This previously defined family is more recently placed by APG III
together with Hemerocallidaceae R. Br. in the broader family
Xanthorrhoeaceae Dumort. of higher asparagoids.)
Asparagales - Link - (APG III) Order Name
[= Asparagales Bromhead (= asparagoids)]
Common Name
Asphodel (or Aloe) family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o rest of the core monocots
other than those in the family Petrosaviaceae Hutch.;
o core monocots;
o Nartheciidae S.W. Graham & W.S. Judd
o Monocotyledoneae de Candolle (= monocots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, the family comprises 1 genus:
Asphodelus L. (= Onionweed)
Aspleniaceae - Newman - (Smith, et al., 2006) Family Name
(One of the eupolypod II families;
see also eupolypods.)
Polypodiales - Link - (Smith, et al., 2006) Order Name
(= polypods)
Common Name
Spleenwort family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o tree ferns + polypods;
o schizaeoid ferns + core leptosporangiates;
o core leptosporangiates;
(= heterosporous water ferns in families
Marsileaceae and Salviniaceae, including Azollaceae,
plus tree ferns/polypods);
o Leptosporangiatae Bessey;
o Monilophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= monilophytes).
Highest level lineages:
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue;
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 1 genus: - - (NM):
Asplenium L. (Spleenwort).
Asplenium - L. - Genus Name
Family Aspleniaceae
Common Name
Spleenwort - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 4 or 5 (A. palmeri?) species of 1 genus: - - (NM)
*Asplenium platyneuron (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenburg
(= Ebony spleenwort),
Asplenium resiliens Kunze
(= Black-stem spleenwort),
Asplenium septentrionale (Linnaeus) Hoffmann
(= Forked spleenwort),
*Asplenium trichomanes Linnaeus
(= Maidenhair spleenwort).
Asplenium platyneuron - (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenburg - Species Name
Family Aspleniaceae
Common Name
Ebony spleenwort - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Asplenium trichomanes - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Aspleniaceae
Common Name
Adianto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabello de Venus - - (Spanish-Américas)
Capilera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo bastardo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo de pozo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo hawaiiano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo menor - - (EthnobotDB)
Culantrillo rojo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Falsía - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maidenhair spleenwort - - (NM)
Politrico - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico
Asqui - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Asteraceae - Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Family Name
(= Compositae Giseke)
Asterales - Link - (APG III) Order Name
Common Name
Sunflower (or Aster) Family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o Apiidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino;
o Campanulidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino
(euasterids II = asterids II = campanulids);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, the Asteraceae is a well - - (BONAP, NM)
represented family with the following 191 genera:
Achillea L. (= Yarrow),
Acourtia D. Don (= Desert-holly),
Acroptilon Cass. (= Knapweed),
Adenophyllum Pers. (= Dogweed),
Ageratina Spach (= Snakeroot),
Ageratum L. (= Whiteweed),
Agoseris Raf. (= s.n.),
Almutaster A.& D. Love (= Marsh-aster),
Amauriopsis Rydberg
(= Bahia),
Ambrosia L. (= Ragweed),
Amphiachyris (A. DC.) Nutt. (= Broomweed),
Anaphalis DC.
(= Everlasting, Pearly everlasting),
Antennaria Gaertn.
(= Pussytoes),
Anthemis L. (= Chamomile),
Aphanostephus DC.
(= Dozedaisy, Faintcrown),
Arctium L. (= Burdock, Burrdock), Arida
(R. L. Hartman) D. R. Morgan
& R. L. Hartman
(= Spine-aster), Arnica
L. (= s.n.), Artemisia L.
(= Sagebrush,
Asanthus R.M.King
& H.Rob. (= Brickell-bush),
Baccharis L. (= Seep-willow), Bahia Lag.
(= s.n.), Baileya Harvey & Gray
ex Gray (= Desert marigold),
Barkleyanthus H. Robinson & Brettell
(= Barkley's groundsel),
Bartlettia Gray (= Bartlett's daisy), Bebbia Greene
(= Sweetbush),
Berlandiera DC. (= Greeneyes),
Bidens L. (= Beggartick),
Brickellia Ell.
(= Brickell-bush), Brickelliastrum R.M. King & H. Rob.
(= Brickell-bush), Calycoseris Gray (= Tackstem),
Calyptocarpus Less.
(= s.n., Straggler-daisy), Carduus L. (= Plumeless thistle, Thistle),
Carminatia Moc. ex DC.
(= Plumeweed, s.n.), Carphochaete Gray
(= Bristlehead),
Carthamus L.
(= Distaff thistle, Safflower), Centaurea L.
(= Knapweed, Star thistle),
Chaenactis DC. (= Pincushion, s.n.),
Chaetopappa DC. (= Leastdaisy, Sand-aster),
Chamaechaenactis Rydb. (= Fullstem, s.n.),
Chaptalia Vent. (= Silverpuff, Sunbonnetts),
Chloracantha Nesom (= Devilweed, s.n.),
Chrysactinia Gray (= Damianita, s.n.),
Chrysothamnus Nutt. (= Rabbitbrush),
Cichorium L. (= Chicory),
Cirsium P. Mill. (= Thistle),
Conoclinium DC. (= Mist-flower),
Conyza Less. (= Horseweed),
Coreopsis L. (= Tickseed),
Cosmos Cav. (= s.n.),
Cotula L. (= Brassbuttons),
Crepis L. (= Hawk's beard, Hawksbeard),
Cyclachaena Fresen. (= Careless-weed),
Diaperia Nutt. (= Cudweed),
Dicoria Torr. ex Gray (= s.n., Twinbugs),
Dicranocarpus Gray (= Pitchforks, s.n.),
Dieteria Nutt. (= Spine-aster),
Dyssodia Cav. (= Fetid-marigold, s.n.),
Echinacea Moench (= Coneflower, Purple coneflower),
Eclipta L. (= False daisy, s.n.),
Encelia Adans. (= Brittlebush),
Engelmannia Gray ex Nutt. (= Engelmann's daisy, s.n.),
Ericameria Nutt. (= Goldenbush, Heathgoldenrod),
Erigeron L. (= Fleabane),
Eriophyllum Lagasca. (= Easter-bonnets, Easterbonnets),
Euthamia Nutt. ex Cass.
(= Goldentop),
Eutrochium Rafinesque (= Joe-Pye-weed),
Flaveria Juss. (Yellowtops),
Fleischmannia Sch. Bip. (= Thoroughwort),
Flourensia DC. (Tarbush, Tarwort),
Gaillardia Foug. (= Blanket-flower, s.n.),
Galinsoga Ruiz & Pavon (= Gallant soldier, s.n.),
Gamochaeta Wedd. (= Everlasting),
Gazania Gaertn. (= Treasure-flower),
Gnaphalium L. (= Cudweed),
Grindelia Willd. (= Gumweed),
Gutierrezia Lag. (= Snakeweed),
Gymnosperma Less. (= Gumhead, s.n.),
Haploesthes Gray (False broomweed, Falsebroomweed),
Hedosyne (A. Gray) Strother (= Marsh-elder),
Hedypnois Mill. (= Cretanweed),
Helenium L.
(= Sneezeweed),
Helianthella Torr. & Gray (= Dwarf sunflower, s.n.),
Helianthus L.
(= Sunflower),
Heliomeris Nutt. (= Goldeneye, s.n.),
Heliopsis Pers. (= Oxeye, s.n.),
Herrickia Woot. & Standl. (= s.n., Wood-aster)
Heterosperma Cav. (= s.n., Wing-petal),
Heterotheca Cass. (= Golden-aster, Telegraphplant),
Hieracium L. (= Hawkweed),
Hymenopappus L'Her. (= s.n., Woolywhite),
Hymenothrix Gray (= s.n., Thimblehead),
Hymenoxys Cass. (= Rubberweed, s.n.),
Hypochaeris L. (= Cat's ear, Catsear),
Ionactis Greene (= Ankle-aster, s.n.),
Isocoma Nutt. (= Jimmyweed, s.n.),
Iva L.
(= Marsh-elder, s.n.),
Jefea Stother (= Boss-daisy, s.n.),
Koanophyllon Arruda
(= Thoroughwort),
Krigia Schreb. (= Dwarf-dandelion, s.n.),
Lactuca L. (= Lettuce),
Laennecia Cass. (= s.n., Woolwort),
Lapsana L. (= Nipplewort),
Lasianthaea DC.
(= Daisy, s.n.),
Lasthenia Cass. (= Goldfields, s.n.),
Layia Hook. & Arn. ex DC. (= Tidytips),
Leibnitzia Cass. (= s.n., Sunbonnets),
Leontodon L. (= Hawkbit),
Lepidospartum (Gray) Gray
(= Broomsage, Scalebroom),
Leucanthemum P. Mill. (= Daisy, s.n.),
Leuciva Rydb. (= Marsh-elder),
Liatris Gaertn. ex Schreb. (= Gayfeather),
Logfia Cass. (= Cotton-rose),
Lorandersonia Urbatsch,
R.P. Roberts & Neubig (= Rabbitbrush),
Lygodesmia D. Don (= Skeleton-plant, Skeletonplant),
Machaeranthera Nees (= s.n., Spine-aster),
Madia Molina (= Tarweed),
Malacothrix DC. (= Desert-dandelion, s.n.),
Matricaria L. (= Mayweed, Pineappleweed),
Melampodium L. (= Blackfoot-daisy, s.n.),
Nicolletia Gray (= s.n.),
Nothocalais (Gray) Greene (= Prairie dandelion, s.n.),
Onopordum L. (= Cottonthistle, Scotch-thistle),
Oreochrysum Rydb. (= Goldenrod),
Osteospermum L. (= Daisybush),
Oxytenia Nutt. (= Copperweed),
Packera A. Löve &
D. Löve (= Ragwort),
Palafoxia Lag. (= Palafox, s.n.),
Parthenice Gray (= s.n.),
Parthenium L. (= Feverfew),
Pectis L. (= Chinchweed, Fetid marigold, Lemonweed),
Pentzia Thunb. (= African sheepbush, s.n.),
Pericome Gray (= s.n., Tail-leaf),
Perityle Benth. (= Rock-daisy, Rockdaisy),
Petradoria Greene (= Goldenrod, Rockgoldenrod),
Picradeniopsis Rydb. ex Britt. (= Bahia, False bahia),
Pinaropappus Less.
(= Rock-lettuce, Rocklettuce),
Platyschkuhria Rydb. (= Basin-daisy, s.n.),
Plectocephalus D. Don
(= Basketflower),
Pluchea Cass. (= Arrow-weed, s.n.),
Porophyllum Adans. (= Poreleaf, s.n.),
Prenanthella Rydb. (= Brightwhite, s.n.),
Psacalium Cass (= Indianbush, s.n.),
Rydb. (= Turtleback),
Pseudoclappia Rydb. (= Clapdaisy, s.n.),
Pseudognaphalium Kirp.
(= Rabbit-tobacco),
Psilactis Gray (= Ray-aster),
Psilostrophe DC. (= Paper-flower, Paperflower),
Pyrrhopappus DC. (= Desertchicory, False-dandelion),
Pyrrocoma Hook. (= Goldenweed, s.n.),
Rafinesquia Nutt. (= California chicory, Desert chicory),
Ratibida Raf. (= Mexican-hat,
Prairie coneflower),
Rayjacksonia R.L. Hartm. (= Camphor-daisy),
Roldana La Llave & Lex.
(= Hairwort),
Rudbeckia L. (= Coneflower),
Sanvitalia Lam. (= Abert's dome, s.n.),
Sartwellia Gray (= s.n.),
Schkuhria Roth (= False threadleaf, Threadleaf),
Scorzonera L.
(= s.n., Vipergrass),
Senecio L. (= Groundsel),
Silphium L. (= Compass-plant, Rosinweed),
Silybum Adans. (= Milk-thistle, Milkthistle),
Simsia Pers. (= Bush-sunflower, Bushsunflower),
Solidago L. (= Goldenrod),
Sonchus L. (= Sow-thistle, Sowthistle),
Stenotus Nutt. (= Goldenweed, s.n.),
Stephanomeria Nutt. (= Wire-lettuce, Wirelettuce),
Stevia Cav. (= Candyleaf),
Stylocline Nutt. (= s.n., Wooly-heads),
Symphyotrichum (= Aster), Tagetes L. (= Marigold),
Tanacetum L. (= Tansy),
Taraxacum G.H. Weber ex Wiggers (= Dandelion),
Tetradymia DC. (= Horsebrush),
Tetraneuris Greene (= Hymenoxys, Rubberweed),
Thelesperma Less. (= Greenthread),
Thymophylla Lag. (= Dogweed, s.n.),
Tonestus A. Nels. (= Serpentweed, s.n.),
Hook. (= s.n., Townsend-daisy),
Tragopogon L. (= Goatsbeard, Salsify),
Sch. (= False mayweed),
Trixis P. Br. (= s.n., Threefold),
Uropappus Nutt. (= Silverpuff),
Verbesina L. (= Crownbeard),
Vernonia Schreb. (= Ironweed),
Viguiera Kunth (= Goldeneye),
Wyethia Nutt. (= Mule's-ears, s.n.),
Xanthisma DC. (= Sleep-daisy, Xanthium),
Xanthium L. (= Cocklebur),
Zaluzania Pers. (= Yellow-streamers),
and Zinnia L. (= s.n.).
75 genera of Asteraceae used medicinally in Mexico
(including a few common names of their medicinal species): - - (Atlas)
Achillea L. (e.g., Milenrama or Tlaliztahyac),
Acourtia D. Don (e.g., Coapatli),
Ageratina Spach (e.g., Chamisa or Hierba de la paloma, Hierba del ángel or Yolochíchitl),
Ageratum L. (e.g., Cebollina, Hawayche),
Alomia Kunth (e.g., Yerba del ángel or Zohuapahtli),
Ambrosia L. (e.g., Altamisa or Estafiate, Chicura, Cotafiata or Estafiate),
Artemisia L. (e.g., Ajenjo, Estafiate),
Baccharis L. (e.g., Azumiate, Escoba, Jarilla, Meste),
Bahia Lag. (e.g., Aceitilla amarilla),
Barkleyanthus H.Rob. & Brettell (e.g., Izcatzoyatl or Jarilla),
Berlandiera DC. (e.g., Coronilla),
Bidens L. (e.g., Aceitilla or Mozote, Té de milpa),
Brickellia Ell. (e.g., Peisto or Peistom, Prodigiosa),
Calea L. (e.g., Jaral de castilla or Chilchaca, Prodigiosa or Yerba amarga, Zacatechichi),
Calendula L. (e.g., Alta reyna or Mercadela),
Chaptalia Ventenat (e.g., Agacha cabeza or Chupona),
Chionolaena DC. (e.g., Alcanfor corriente or Gordolobo),
Chromolaena DC. (e.g., Cruz dulce grande or Tokaban),
Cirsium Mill. (e.g., Cardo, Cardosanto, Cardo santo),
Conyza Less. (e.g., Cimonillo, Gordolobo, Simonillo),
Cosmos Cav. (e.g., Andan cabezón, Cocopite, Mirasol),
Critonia P.Browne (e.g., Tabaquillo),
Cynara L. (e.g., Alcachofa or Alcachofera),
Dahlia Cav. (e.g., Dalia or Xicamoxochitl),
Dyssodia Cav. (e.g., Hierba del zorrillo, Micaelita),
Elephantopus L. (e.g., Cebadilla or Escoba),
Emilia Cass. (e.g., Bela' conquie or Lombriz),
Epaltes Cass. (e.g., Hierba del sapo or Tres lomos),
Erigeron L. (e.g., Arrocillo, Manzanilla cimarrona, Marimonia, Pata de león),
Flaveria Juss. (e.g., Hierba de la barranca or Retama),
Fleischmannia Sch. Bip. (e.g., Cruz dulce chica),
Gnaphalium L. (e.g., Gordolobo),
Gutierrezia Lag. (e.g., Hierba del pasmo, Pasmo),
Gymnosperma Less. (e.g., Escobilla or Tatalencho),
Helenium L. (e.g., Cabezona or Chapuz or Sacapedo),
Helianthus L. (e.g., Girasol),
Heterotheca Cass. (e.g., Árnica or Árnica de campo or Árnica de monte or Árnica del país),
Hidalgoa La Llave & Lex. (e.g., Bejuco de chilillo or Hoja de encipela or Mosote de monte),
Hieracium L. (e.g., Oreja de conejo or Rowi nacara),
Iostephane Benth. (e.g., Hierba de oso or Hierba del manso or Zacapal),
Isocoma Nutt. (e.g., Escobilla or Bacín de perro or Popote or Tepopozitli),
Koanophyllon Arruda (e.g., Okiny or Vishé),
Lactuca L. (e.g., Lechuga),
Matricaria L. (e.g., Camomila or Manzanilla),
Melampodium L. (e.g., Hierba tomate, Acahual amarillo),
Mikania Willd. (e.g., Guaco, Palo guaco),
Milleria L. (e.g., Cocolmeca),
Montanoa Cerv. in Llave & Lex. (e.g., Cihuapatli or Zoapatle, Cuasosomocle or Tronadora),
Neurolaena R. Br. (e.g., Burrito or Oreja de burro, Lengua de vaca),
Parthenium L. (e.g., Ciguapa, Escobilla or Hierba de la hormiga, Mariola),
Pectis L. (e.g., Cominillo),
Pinaropappus Less. (e.g., Chichicaquilitl or Chipulillo),
Piqueria Cav. (e.g., Hierba de San Nicolás or Tzonixtalti),
Pluchea Cass. (e.g., Flor de ángel or Hierba de la canela or Santa María or Tabaquillo),
Porophyllum Adans. (e.g., Hierba del venado, Pápalo or Papaloquelite, Pipisca de venado),
Psacalium Cassini (e.g., Mataricue or Matarique),
Pseudognaphalium Kirp. (e.g., Gordolobo, Manzanilla del río, Popu),
Sanvitalia Lam. (e.g., Coyoixtli or Ojo de gallo),
Schkuhria Roth. (e.g., Hierba del venado),
Sclerocarpus Jacq. (e.g., Musutl amarillo),
Silybum Adans. (e.g., Cardo de María),
Simsia Pers. (e.g., Acahual or Tlaxcala),
Sonchus L. (e.g., Achicoria or Chicoria or Lechuguilla),
Stevia Cav. (e.g., Chacal, Burrillo),
Tagetes L. (e.g., Anisillo, Anís, Cempasúchil or Flor de muerto, Cinco llagas, Pericón),
Tanacetum L. (e.g., Altamiza or Santa María),
Taraxacum Weber (e.g., Amargón or Diente de león),
Tithonia Desf. (e.g., Amargoso or Árnica, Cabezona or Gigantón),
Tridax L. (e.g., Hierba del toro),
Trixis P. Browne (e.g., Árnica),
Verbesina L. (e.g., Árnica capitaneja or Capitaneja, Chimalacatl, Huichin),
Vernonanthura H. Rob. (e.g., Copal or Santa María),
Viguiera Kunth (e.g., Tah),
Xanthisma DC. (e.g., Árnica morada),
Xanthium L. (e.g., Cadillo or Chayotillo),
See Asteraceae genera
indicated by single stars (*) that are found in New Mexico
with one or more species reported to be used medicinally
somewhere in the world and with genera indicated by
double stars (**) that are found in New Mexico and
one or more species considered medicinal in Morelos.
See also notes.
Atacaya - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Ataco (= Amaranth) - Amaranthus spp. - (Mexico)
Atencocotl - Persicaria glabra - (Atlas Mexico)
- Persicaria punctata - (Atlas Mexico)
Atkinson's tickseed - Coreopsis tinctoria - (BONAP, NM)
Atochietl - Cunia lythrifolia - (Bye)
Atole - made from Corn or Maiz (= Zea mays) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Atriplex canescens - Chamis -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Chamiso - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Saltbush - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Shad scale - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Atropa belladonna - Belladona - (Mexico)
August flower - Grindelia squarrosa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Auyama - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Avena - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Poaceae
- - (BONAP)
Avena - Avena sativa - (Mexico)
Avena sativa - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Poaceae
- - (BONAP)
- Avena - (Mexico)
- Common
oat - (BONAP)
- Oat straw - (Mexico)
Paja - (Mexico)
Avena byzantina - K. Koch - (BONAP)
Avena fatua var. sativa - (L.) Hausskn. - (BONAP)
Avena hybrida - Peterm. ex Reichenb. p.p. - (BONAP)
Avena sativa var. orientalis - (Schreb.) Alef. - (BONAP)
Avinca - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Avocado - Persia americana -
- Persia gratissima - (Mexican-American)
Avugués - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Axonopus compressus - ? - (?)
Family Poaceae
- (Delta)
Common Name
- Grama trenza -
Axonopus fissifolius - ? - (?)
Family Poaceae
- (Delta)
Common Name
- Gramalote -
Axoyate - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayauhtona - Cuphea
- (Nahuatl)
- Cuphea aequipetala - (Nahuatl)
- Cuphea
jorullensis - (Mexican-American)
- Hippocratea excelsa
(= Hemiagium excelsum) - (Nahuatl)
Aylin - Alnus acuminata - (Nahuatl)
Betula alba - (Mexican-American)
- Betula pubescens -
Ayohtli - Cucurbita pepo - (Distrito Federal)
Ayohuixtle - Argemone mexicana - (Morelos)
Ayota - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayote - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayote gigante - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayotera - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayotli - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cucurbita moschata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ayoyote - Thevetia thevetioides - (Mexican-American)
Ayoxochquílitl - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cucurbita moschata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Azabara - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Azafran - Carthamus tinctorius - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
"Azafrán" - Cuscuta spp. - (Armando González Stuart)
Azahar (= dry orange blossoms) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Azahar de naranjo - Citrus
aurantium - (Mexican-American)
- Citrus sinensis -
Azahar lila - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Azahares - Citrus aurantium -
- Citrus sinensis - (Mexican-American)
Aztec spinach - Chenopodium berlandieri - (Commercial name)
Aztec tobacco - Nicotiana rustica - (BONAP)
Azucena de América - Nymphaea odorata - (Spanish-Américas)
Azul champagra - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Azumiate - Sambucus mexicana -
- Sambucus nigra - (Mexican-American)
- Sambucus racemosa - (Mexican-American)
Babosa brava - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Baca - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bacanora - Agave angustifolia - (southern Sonora)
Bacanora agave - Agave angustifolia - (southern Sonora)
Baccharis - Baccharis spp. - (BONAP)
Baccharis - L. - (BONAP:
Genus Name)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Baccharis - - (BONAP)
Desert broom - - (Kay)
amarga - - (Kay)
Romerillon - - (Kay
Seep willow - - (Kay)
or varieties in New Mexico
not in main list that may be medicinal
Baccharis emoryi - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Emory's baccharis),
Baccharis neglecta - Britt. -
(= Rooseveltweed),
pilularis - DC. - (BONAP)
Baccharis salicina - Torr. & Gray -
(= Great Plains falsewillow),
Baccharis texana - (Torr. & Gray) Gray - (BONAP)
(= Prairie falsewillow),
Baccharis thesioides - Kunth
(= Arizona baccharis),
wrightii - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Wright's
Baccharis conferta - ? - (?)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Planta de escobas - - (Kay)
Quauhizquitli - - (Kay)
Tepopotli - - (Kay)
Baccharis pteronioides - DC. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Yerba de pasmo - - (BONAP)
Baccharis salicifolia - (Ruiz & Pavon) Pers. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Batamote - - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Guatamote - - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern
Huatamote - - (Kay)
Mule's fat - -
Seep willow - - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Yerba del pasmo - - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Baccharis glutinosa -
Pers. - (BONAP)
Baccharis viminea -
Molina salicifolia -
Ruiz & Pavon - (BONAP)
Baccharis sarothroides - Gray - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Broom baccharis - -
Desert broom - - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Desertbroom - - (BONAP)
Bagá noiva - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Baja tripa - Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bajatripa - Rivina humilis - (Atlas Mexico)
Ball moss - Tillandsia recurvata - (Southern Sonora)
Ball-moss - Tillandsia recurvata - (NM)
Balsam fir - Abies balsamea - (U.S.A.)
- Abies arizonica - (U.S.A.)
Balsam of giliad - Amyris gileadensis - (Mexico)
Balsam torchwood - Amyris balsamifera - (U.S.A.)
Balsamo - Amyris gileadensis - (Mexico)
- Myroxylon balsamum
var. Pereirae - (Mexican-American)
- Myroxylon spp. -
Balsamo de Cartagena - Myroxylon balsamum var. Pereirae -
- Myroxylon spp. - (Mexican-American)
Balsamo de las Indias - Myroxylon balsamum var. Pereirae -
- Myroxylon spp. - (Mexican-American)
Bálsamo del Canadá - Abies balsamea - (Spanish-Américas)
Balsamo Negro del Peru - Myroxylon balsamum var. Pereirae -
- Myroxylon spp. - (Mexican-American)
Balsamodendron myrrh - Mirra - (Mexico)
- Myrrh - (Mexico)
Bamboo reed - Arundo donax - (PFAF)
Banana water-lily - Nymphaea mexicana - (FNA)
Banana yucca - Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yucca baccata var. baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Baneberry (= Yerba del peco) - Actaea rubra ssp. arguta - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bangati - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Bansú - Abies religiosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Barajilla - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Barajita - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Baras de San Jose (= Varas de San Jose) - Pentstemon torreyi - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Barba china - Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Barba de chivo - Acacia angustissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Clematis lasiantha - (Mexican-American)
- Clematis spp. - (Mexican-American)
- Clematis virginiana - (Mexican-American)
Barba de elote (= Corn silk) - Zea mays - (Mexican-American)
Barba de maiz (= Corn silk) - Zea mays - (Mexican-American)
Barballo - Lavandula latifolia - (Elsa Campos)
Barbary matrimony-vine - Lycium barbarum - (GRIN)
Barbasco - Croton corymbulosus (= Croton pottsii var. pottsii) -
- Croton texensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Discorea densiflora - (Mexican-American)
- Discorea
floribunda - (Mexican-American)
Barberry - Arctostaphylos - (Kay)
- Berberis - (BONAP)
- Berberis fremontii - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Berberis haematocarpa - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Berberis vulgaris - (Mexico)
Barchata - Lycium berlandieri var. berlandieri - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium berlandieri var. parviflorum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bardana - Arctium lappa - (Mexico)
- Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Bardana carrapicho - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Bardana común - Arctium minus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bardana mayor - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Bardana menor - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Bardana ordinária - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Barosma bletulina - Buchu - (Mexico)
Barrete de padre - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Basil - Ocimum basilicum - (Elsa Campos)
Bastard saffron (= Azafran) - Carthamus tinctorius - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bastard wormwood - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English-United Kingdom)
Batamote - Baccharis salicifolia - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Batisia tintoria - Anil - (Mexico)
- Indigo - (Mexico)
- Indigo dye - (Mexican-American)
Baya - Morus alba - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Morus microphylla - (southwest US & Mexico)
Baya china - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bayahonda - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Beach sand verbena - Abronia maritima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bead vine - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Bear medicine - Ligusticum porteri - (Moore)
Bear weed (= Yerba del oso) - Heracleum maximum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bearberry - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Beard tongue (= Varas de San Jose) - Pentstemon torreyi - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Beaver tail (= Nopal) - Opuntia spp. - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bedstraw - Galium - (NM)
Bee balm (= Oregano) - Monarda menthaefolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Beggar's ticks - Bidens - (Mexican-American)
- Bidens pilosa - (Mexican-American)
Beggarticks - Bidens - (BONAP)
- Bidens polylepis - (BONAP)
Begoniaceae - C.A. Agardh - Family Name
Cucurbitales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG IV) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o nitrogen-fixing lineage;
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
Bejuco (= Tripa de Judas) - Cissus verticillata - (Mexican-American)
Bejuco de peonia - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Bejuco de piojo - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Belehui - Malva sylvestris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Belénbelén - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Bellis perennis - Bellorita - (Mexico)
- Daisy (common) -
- Margarita - (Mexico)
- Maya - (Mexico)
Bellorita - Bellis perennis - (Mexico)
Bellota - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bellota de sabina - Juniperus communis - (Mexican-American)
Juniperus spp. - (Mexican-American)
- Phoradendron juniperinum -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bencenuco - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Bencerueco - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Berberidaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Common name
Barberry family - - (NM)
Ranunculales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
[= eudicots (with Ranunculales basal or peripheral)];
o Ceratophyllales + eudicots
o monocots + [Ceratophyllales + eudicots];
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants).
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, provisionally one genus: - - (NM)
Berberis L. (= Barberry)
But see notes.
Berberiles - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Bérbero - Berberis fremontii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Berberís - Berberis fremontii - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Berberís común - Berberis vulgaris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Berberis - Berberis vulgaris - (Mexico)
Berberis - L. - Genus Name
[Including Alloberberis C.C.Yu & K.F.Chung, Mahonia Nuttall,
and Moranothamnus C.C.Yu & K.F.Chung.]
Family Berberidaceae
Common Name
Barberry - - (BONAP, NM)
In New Mexico, 8 species: - - (NM)
Berberis fendleri Gray (= Fendler's barberry)
Berberis fremontii Torrey (= Desert Oregon-grape)
Berberis haematocarpa Wooton (= Algerita, Red Oregon-grape)
Berberis repens Lindley (= Creeping Oregon-grape)
Berberis thunbergii A.P. de Candolle (= Japanese barberry)
Berberis trifoliolata Moricand (= Laredo Oregon-grape)
Berberis vulgaris Linnaeus (= European barberry)
Berberis wilcoxii Kearney (= Wilcox's barberry)
B. thunbergii is commonly cultivated, but the species has not
yet been found wild in New Mexico. - - (NM)
It is not yet possible to access whether the following names are
accepted or synonyms: - - (Plant List)
B. fremontii, B. haematocarpa, B. repens,
B. trifoliolata, and
B. wilcoxii;
this is also the case for the certain other species,
including B. gracilis and B. moranensis that are used medicially
in Mexico. The reason for this is mostly because (since 1818)
botanists have been debating whether Mahonia should be in the
same genus as Berberis or not.
The genus Berberis L. and its segregated genus Mahonia Nuttall
can be considered the two largest members of family Berberidaceae.
Berberis s.s., Mahonia s.s., and the very recently segregated genera
Alloberberis Yu & Chung (2017) and Moranothamnus Yu & Chung (2017)
are here provisionally 'lumped' as the single monophyletic genus Berberis s.l.
But see notes.
Even though all species of Berberis s.l. probably have some medicinal
potential, not all species of this large genus worldwide are included here.
See notes.
See notes.
Berberis fremontii - Torrey - Species Name
= Alloberberis fremontii (Torr.) C.C.Yu & K.F.Chung, 2017
Family Berberidaceae
Common Name
Acebo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agracejo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algerita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Barberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bérbero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Berberís - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Desert mahonia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fremont's barberry - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Fremont's mahonia - - (BONAP)
Mahonia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo Amarillo (literally, yellow wood) - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Berberis higginsiae - Munz - (BONAP)
Mahonia fremontii - (Torr.) Fedde - (BONAP)
Mahonia higginsiae - (Munz) Ahrendt - (BONAP)
Odostemon fremontii - (Torr.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
See notes.
Berberis gracilis - Hartw. ex Benth - Species Name
= Mahonia gracilis (Benth.) Fedde
Family Berberidaceae
Common Name
Causaia - - (JofE 2015:175:335-345)
Mexican Barberry - - (PFAF)
Palo Amarillo - - (?)
Berberis gracilis var. madrensis - Marroq. - (Plant List)
Mahonia subintegrifolia - Fedde - (Plant List)
Odostemon gracilis - (Benth.) Standl. - (Plant List)
Berberis haematocarpa - Wooton - Species Name
= Alloberberis haematocarpa (Wooton) C.C.Yu & K.F.Chung
Family Berberidaceae
Common Name
Algerita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Barberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo amarillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Red barberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Red mahonia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Red Oregon-grape - - (NM)
Mahonia haematocarpa - (Wooton) Fedde - (Plant List)
Odostemon haematocarpus - (Wooton) A. Heller - (Plant List)
See notes.
Berberis moranensis - Schultes & Schultes F. - Species Name
= Mahonia moranensis (Roemer & Schultes) IM Johnston
Family Berberidaceae
Common Name
Huitzcolotl - - (Atlas Mexico)
Palo amarillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Palo de muerto - - (Atlas Mexico)
Mahonia fascicularis - DC. - (Plant List)
Mahonia pinnata - Kunth - (Plant List)
Odostemon fascicularis - (DC.) Abrams - (Plant List)
Berberis repens - Lindley - Species Name
= Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt.
Family Berberidaceae
Common Name
Agracejo (= Oregon) - - (Mexico)
Creeping barberry - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Creeping mahonia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Herb of the blood - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Hierba de sangre - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Holly-grape - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Holly-leafed barberry - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Hollyleaved barberry - - (BONAP)
Mahonia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mahonia común - - (Spanish-Américas)
Oregon-grape - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oregon grape - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Oregongrape - - (BONAP)
Sangre de Cristo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Sangre de drago - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Trailing mahonia - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Uva de Oregón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Uva silvestre de Oregón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Vid de Oregón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yerba de la sangre - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Berberis amplectens - (Eastw.) L.C. Wheeler - (BONAP)
Berberis aquifolium - Pursh - (Plant List)
(= Berberis aquifolia)
Berberis aquifolium subsp. repens - (Lindl.) Brayshaw - (Plant List)
Berberis aquifolium var. repens - (Lindl.) Scoggan - (BONAP)
Berberis aquifolius - Pursh - (NM)
Berberis nana - Greene - (NM)
Berberis pumila - Greene - (BONAP)
Berberis sonnei - (Abrams) McMinn - (BONAP)
Mahonia amplectens - Eastw. - (BONAP)
Mahonia aquifolium - (Pursh) Nutt. - (BONAP)
Mahonia pumila - (Greene) Fedde - (BONAP)
Mahonia sonnei - Abrams - (BONAP)
Odostemon pumilus - (Greene) Heller - (BONAP)
Odostemon repens - (Lindl.) Cockerell - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Some botanists treat the shrub B. repens as a short, creeping or trailing
subspecies or variety of the species B. aquifolium (= tall Oregon grape).
See notes.
See notes.
Berberis trifoliolata - Moricand - Species Name
= Alloberberis trifoliolata (Moric.) C.C.Yu & K.F.Chung
Family Berberidaceae
Common Name
Agarita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agarito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agrillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algerita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de sangre - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Laredo mahonia - - (?)
Laredo oregon grape - - (?)
Mexican barberry - - (?)
Palo amarillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Texas algerita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
See notes.
Berberis vulgaris - L. - Species Name
Family Berberidaceae
Common Name
Acetillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acetín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agracejina - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agracejo - - (Mexico)
Agracejo de España - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agracejo de Europa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agracillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agraz - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agrazón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agrecillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agrito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alarguez - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alguese - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ario - - (Spanish-Américas)
Arlera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Arlo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Artera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Barberry - - (Mexico)
Berberiles - - (Spanish-Américas)
Berberis - - (Mexico)
Berberís - - (Spanish-Américas)
Berberís común - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bérbero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Berbero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bérberos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bollo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Common barberry - - (BONAP)
English barberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Espinheiro vinheto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Espino cambrón - - (Spanish-Américas)
European barberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Garbanzón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Jaundice berry - - (Pak. J. Pharm. Sci. 20(1):83-92)
Palo de la rosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pepperidge - - (Pak. J. Pharm. Sci. 20(1):83-92)
Pepperidge bush - - (Pak. J. Pharm. Sci. 20(1):83-92)
Retamilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uva espín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uva espim - - (Spanish-Américas)
Vinagrera - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
B. vulgaris has recently been introduced to the wild
of New Mexico from cultivation.
See notes.
Berberis wilcoxii - (Kearney) Rehder - Species Name
Family Berberidaceae
Common Name
Wilcox's barberry - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Because B. wilcoxii is so closely related to the Oregon Grape
(= B. repens = B. aquifolium), the two species can be used
interchangeably as a food and medicine.
See notes.
Berbero - Berberis vulgaris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bérbero - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Bérberos - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Berenjena - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Bergamot (= Oregano) - Monarda menthaefolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Berlandier Acacia - Acacia berlandieri - (?)
Bermuda - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bermuda de la costa - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bermuda grass - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bermudagrass - Cynodon dactylon - (BONAP)
Bero - Coreopsis tinctoria - (southwest US & Mexico)
Berro - Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum - (Mexican-American, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Be still tree - Thevetia thevetioides - (Mexican-American)
Betonia - Betonica officinalis - (Mexico)
Betónica - Agastache palmeri - (San Luis Potosí)
Betonica officinalis - Betonia - (Mexico)
- Wood betony -
Betula - L. - Species Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Birch - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 2 species: - - (BONAP)
Betula glandulosa Michaux (= Bog birch) and
Betula occidentalis Hooker (= Water birch).
Betulaceae - Gray - (APG III) Family Name
Fagales - Engl. - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages (APG II; Delta; Cantino, et al., 2007):
Angiosperm; Eudicot; Gunneridae;
core Eudicot (= Pentapetalae);
Rosid (~= Rosidae);
Eurosid; Eurosid I (=
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
In New Mexico, 3 gemera: - - (BONAP)
Alnus P. Mill. (= Alder),
Betula L. (= Birch), and
Ostrya Scop. (= Hop-hornbeam).
Betula pubescens - Ehrh. - Species Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Abedul - - (Mexican-American)
Àlamo blanco - - (Mexican-American)
Aylin - - (Nahuatl)
Birch - - (Mexican-American)
Downy birch - - (BONAP)
Tepeylin - - (Mexican-American)
White birch - - (Mexican-American)
Betula alba - L. - (BONAP)
Betula pubescens ssp. pubescens - Ehrh. - Subspecies Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Downy birch - - (BONAP)
Bidens - L. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Aceitilla - - (Mexican-American)
Acocohxihuitl - - (Nahuatl)
Beggar's ticks - - (Mexican-American)
Beggarticks - - (BONAP)
Burr marigold - - (Mexican-American)
Chichik-kul - - (Maya)
K'an-mul - - (Maya)
Spanish needles - - (Mexican-American)
Te de coral - - (Mexican-American)
Te de milpa - - (Mexican-American)
Tickseed - - (Mexican-American)
In New Mexico, 13 species: - - (BONAP)
Bidens bigelovii Gray (= Bigelow's beggarticks),
Bidens bipinnata L. (= Spanish needles),
Bidens cernua L. (= Nodding beggartick),
Bidens frondosa L. (= Devil's beggartick, Devil's pitchfork),
Bidens heterosperma Gray (= Rocky Mountain beggarticks),
Bidens laevis (L.) B.S.P. (= Smooth beggartick),
Bidens lemmonii Gray (= Lemmon's beggarticks),
Bidens leptocephala Sherff (= Fewflower beggarticks),
Bidens pilosa L. (= Spanish needles),
Bidens polylepis Blake (= Beggarticks),
Bidens tenuisecta Gray (= Slimlobe beggarticks),
Bidens tripartita L. (= Threelobe beggarticks), and
Bidens vulgata Greene (= Common beggarticks).
The presence of Bidens anthriscoides A.P. de Candolle
in southern New Mexico needs further verification.
Bidens bigelovii - Gray - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Bigelow's beggarticks - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Bidens bipinnata - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Komerillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Spanish needles - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Bidens bipinnata var. biternatoides - Sherff - (BONAP)
Bidens cernua - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Nodding beggartick - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Bidens cernua var. dentata (Nutt.) - Boivin - (BONAP)
Bidens cernua var. elliptica - Wieg. - (BONAP)
Bidens cernua var. integra - Wieg. - (BONAP)
Bidens cernua var. minima - (Huds.) Pursh - (BONAP)
Bidens cernua var. oligodonta - Fern. & St. John - (BONAP)
Bidens cernua var. radiata - DC. - (BONAP)
Bidens glaucescens - Greene - (BONAP)
Bidens prionophylla - Greene - (NM)
Bidens frondosa - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Devil's beggartick - - (BONAP)
Devil's pitchfork - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Bidens frondosa var. anomala - Porter ex Fern. - (BONAP)
Bidens frondosa var. caudata - Sherff - (BONAP)
Bidens frondosa var. pallida - Wieg. - (BONAP)
Bidens frondosa var. stenodonta - Fern. & St. John - (BONAP)
Bidens heterosperma - Gray - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Rocky Mountain beggarticks - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Bidens laevis - (L.) B.S.P. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Smooth beggartick - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Bidens elegans - Greene - (BONAP)
Bidens nashii - Small - (BONAP)
Helianthus laevis - L. - (BONAP)
Bidens lemmonii - Gray - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Lemmon's beggarticks - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Bidens leptocephala - Sherff - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Fewflower beggarticks - - (BONAP)
Slim beggarticks - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Bidens pilosa - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Aceitilla - - (Mexican-American)
Aceitilla chatay - - (Hernandez-Galicia, et al., 2002)
Acocohxihuitl - - (Nahuatl)
Beggar's ticks - - (Mexican-American)
Burr marigold - - (Mexican-American)
Chichik-kul - - (Maya)
Chipaca - - (Spanish-Américas)
K'an-mul - - (Maya)
Margarita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Margarita silvestre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Masiquía - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mozote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pirca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Romerillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Saetilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Spanish needles - - (Mexican-American)
Te de coral - - (Mexican-American)
Te de milpa - - (Mexican-American)
Té de Veracruz - - (Hernandez-Galicia, et al., 2002)
Tickseed - - (Mexican-American)
Zeta - - (Hernandez-Galicia, et al., 2002)
In Morelos and New Mexico - - (BONAP, Columba Monroy-Ortiz)
Bidens odorata - Cav. - (BONAP)
Bidens pilosa var. bimucronata - (Turcz.) Schultz-Bip. - (BONAP)
Bidens pilosa var. minor - (Blume) Sherff - (BONAP)
Bidens polylepis - Blake - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Beggarticks - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Bidens tenuisecta - Gray - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Slim-lobe beggarticks - - (NM)
Slimlobe beggarticks - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Bidens cognata - Greene - (NM)
Bidens tripartita - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Names
Threelobe beggarticks - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Bidens acuta - (Wieg.) Britt. - (BONAP)
Bidens comosa - (Gray) Wieg. - (BONAP)
B. tripartita is traditionally placed in Bidens section Bidens
together with B. amplissima E. Greene, B. cernua L., and
B. frondosa L.
According to the DNA analysis of Crawford, et al. (2009),
the widespread species B. tripartita of tribe Coreopsideae
Turner & Powell is nested within an apparently well supported
but currently unnamed lineage that also includes the sublineages
informally named Coreopsis-6, Bidens-3, and Coreopsis-7 plus
the genus Thelesperma.
B. tripartita is a north temperate species native to North America,
Europe, Asia, and north Africa. This species has been introduced
in Pacific Islands and Australia.
Bidens vulgata - Greene - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Common beggarticks - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Biengranada - Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Biennial wormwood - Artemisia biennis - (BONAP)
Bigelow's beggarticks - Bidens bigelovii - (BONAP)
Bigelow's sagebrush - Artemisia bigelovii - (U.S.A.)
Bigfruit dodder - Cuscuta megalocarpa - (BONAP)
Big root (= Estrella del norte) - Echinocystis lobata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bignoniaceae - Juss. - (APG II: Family
Lamiales - Bromhead - (APG II: Order Name)
Higher level
lineages (APG II, Delta):
Eudicot; core
Eudicot; Asterid; Euasterid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Bihi - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bindi - Abelmoschus esculentus - (MMPND-English)
Binolo - Acacia cochliacantha - (Spanish-Américas)
Binolo prieto - Acacia cochliacantha - (Spanish-Américas)
Binorama - Acacia farnesiana - (Kay)
Birch - Alnus acuminata - (Mexican-American)
- Alnus arguta - (Stuart)
- Betula - (BONAP)
- Betula alba - (Mexican-American)
- Betula pubescens - (Mexican-American)
Birdrape - Brassica rapa var. rapa - (BONAP)
Birdseed grass - Phalaris canariensis - (Quattrocchi)
Birdseedgrass - Phalaris canariensis - (Poisonous Plants Checklist)
Biscuit root - Cymopterus glomeratus var. fendleri - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lomatium dissectum (= Leptotaenia) - (Moore)
Bitter buttons (= Ponso) - Tanacetum vulgare - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bitter pumpkin - Apodanthera undulata - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Bitterweed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English)
- Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Bixa - L. - Genus Name
Family Bixaceae
Bixa orellana - L. - Species Name
Family Bixaceae
Common Names
Achiote - - (Mexican-American)
Achiotl - - (Nahuatl)
Annato - - (Mexico)
Annatto - - (Mexican-American)
Ku-xub - - (Maya)
Lipstick tree - - (Mexican-American)
Bixaceae - Kunth - (Family Name)
(including families Cochlospermaceae Planch. and Diegodendraceae Capuron)
Malvales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - Order Name
Common Name
Annatto family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, one genus: - - (NM)
Amoreuxia de Candolle (= Yellowshow), including one species
A. palmatifida Sesse & Mocino ex A.P. de Candolle
o Johnson-Fulton, S., & Watson, L. (2018) Comparing Medicinal Uses of Cochlospermaceae throughout Its Geographic Range with Insights from Molecular Phylogenetics. Diversity, 10(4), 123.
Bixilla - Phragmites australis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bizcoba - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Blackbrush acacia - Acacia rigudula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Black calabash - Crescentia alata - (Elsa Campos)
Black current - Ribes nigrum - (Elsa Campos)
Black dye - made from Flor de Santa Rita, Guaco, Jarita, Lemita,
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Black elderberry - Sambucus racemosa ssp. pubens var. melanocarpa - (BONAP)
Black-eyed Susan - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Black locust - Acacia greggii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Black mulberry - Morus nigra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Black nightshade (= Tomatito) - Solanum nigrum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Black sage (= Estafiate) - Artemisia mexicana (= Artemisia
ludoviciana ssp. mexicana)
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Blacksamson echinacea - Brauneria angustifolia (= Echinacea angustifolia) - (U.S.A.)
Black samson root - Brauneria angustifolia (= Echinacea angustifolia) - (Mexico)
Blackweed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English-Canada)
Blanco de las sierras - Abies arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Blanket flower (= Coronilla) - Gaillardia pinnatifida - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bledo carbonero - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bledo cenizo - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Blood (= Sangre) - animal blood employed in charms and necromancy - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bloodberry rouge-plant - Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Blood flower - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bloodwort - Achillea millefolium - (ITIS, USDA)
Blow ball (= Chicoria) - Taraxacum officinale - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Blue dick (= Cebollita del campo) - Allium recurvatum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Blue-gray dye - made from Anil - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Blue stone (= Piedra Azul) - the crystals of copper sulphate - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Blue waterlily - Nymphaea mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Boat-thorn acacia - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
Boganga - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Bois d'arc - Maclura pomifera - (PFAF)
Boj - Buxus semprevirens - (Mexico)
Bold - Peumus boldus - (Mexican-American)
Boldo - Peumus boldus - (Mexican-American)
Bollo - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Bolo - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Bolondrón - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Bomba kapel - Abelmoschus moschatus - (San Luis Potosí)
Bombó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Bonetillo - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bonetillos - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Boraginaceae - Juss. - (APG II: Family
(Boraginaceae-Hydrophyllaceae, including
Ehretiaceae Mart. [= Ehretiaceae Lindl.],
Lennoaceae Solms, and
Hydrophyllaceae R.Br.
[= Hydrophyllaceae R. Br. ex Edwards];
therefore, Boraginaceae = subfamilies
Boraginoideae +
[Hydrophylloideae + Heliotropioideae +
Cordioideae + Ehretioideae + family Lennoaceae])
Unplaced (perhaps Boraginales Dumortier) - - (APG II: Order Name)
Higher level lineages (APG II, Delta):
Eudicot; core
Eudicot; Asterid; Euasterid
(Boraginaceae + Vahliaceae + Gentianales + Lamiales +
Solanales may form a lineage)
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Borage - Borago officinalis - (Mexico)
Borago officinalis - Borage - (Mexico)
- Borraja - (Mexico)
Borraja - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Atlas Mexico)
- Borago officinalis - (Mexico)
Borregos de encina: See notes.
Boto-botonis - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Botris - Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Bougainvillea glabra - Bugambilia - (Elsa Campos)
Bouncing Bet (= Clavelina) - Saponaria offcinalis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bouvardia ternifolia - Hierba del indio - (Mexico)
- Hierba
del pasmo - (Mexico)
- Romerillo - (Mexico)
- Scarlet
bouvardia - (Mexico)
- Tabaquillo - (Mexico)
Box thorn - Lycium andersonii - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium pallidum - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium torreyi - (southwest US & Mexico)
Box-thorn - Lycium - (?)
Box tree - Buxus semprevirens - (Mexico)
Bramilla - Cynodon dactylon - (Atlas Mexico)
Brassica - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Brassicaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Mustard - - (BONAP)
Members of Brassica
in Mew Mexico not in main list are:
Brassica juncea - (L.)
Czern. - (BONAP)
(= India mustard),
Brassica nigra - (L.) W.D.J. Koch - (BONAP)
(= Black mustard),
Brassica rapa - L. - (BONAP)
(= Rape mustard).
Brassica rapa var. rapa - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Brassicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Birdrape - - (BONAP)
Mostaza - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Mustard - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Yellow field mustard - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Brassica campestris - L. - (BONAP)
Brassica campestris ssp. campestris - L. - (BONAP)
Brassica campestris var. rapa - (L.) Hartman -
Brassica campestris ssp.
rapifera - (Metzger) Sinsk. - (BONAP)
Brassica rapa ssp. campestris - (L.) Clapham -
Brassica rapa var. campestris
- (L.) W.D.J. Koch - (BONAP)
rapa ssp. olifera - DC. - (BONAP)
Brassica rapa ssp. sylvestris - Janchen - (BONAP)
Caulanthus sulfureus - Payson - (BONAP)
Brassicaceae - Burnett - Family Name
(= Cruciferae Juss.)
Brassicales - Bromhead - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, including 50 genera: - - (NM)
(= Alyssum),
(= Cress),
(= Rock-cress),
(= Horseradish),
(= Yellow-rocket),
(= Madwort),
(= Rock-cress),
(= Mustard),
(= False-flax),
(= Shepherd's purse),
(= Bitter-cress),
(= Western-cabbage),
(= Crossflower),
(= Hare's-ear-mustard),
(= Tansy-mustard),
(= Spectacle-pod),
(= Wall-rocket),
(= Whitlow-grass),
(= Rock-mustard),
(= Garden-rocket),
(= Wallflower),
(= Fissurewort),
(= Plains-mustard),
(= Rocket),
(= Slenderweed),
(= Candytuft),
(= Woad),
(= Pepperweed),
(= Sweet-alyssum),
(= Adder's-mouth),
(= Stock),
(= Water-cress),
(= Fan-mustard),
(= Mountain-cress),
(= Pennellia),
(= Bladderpod, twinpod),
(= Radish),
(= Bastard-cabbage),
(= Yellow-cress),
(= Selenia),
(= Charlock),
(= Hedge-mustard),
(= Prince's-plume),
(= Fiddle-mustard),
(= Jewel-flower),
(= Tumble-mustard),
(= Thelypody),
(= Penny-cress),
(= Fringepod), and
(= Tower-mustard).
Brauneria angustifolia (= Echinacea angustifolia)
Blacksamson echinacea - (U.S.A.)
- Black samson root - (Mexico)
- Echinacea - (Mexico)
Brauneria purpurea (= Echinacea purpurea) - Purple cone flower - (Mexico)
Brazil - Haematoxylon campechianum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Brena - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Brickellia - Brickellia spp. - (BONAP, Mexico)
Brickellia - Ell. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Brickellia - - (BONAP, Mexico)
Hamula -
- (Mexico)
Hamula de monterey - (Mexico)
Prodigiosa - -
Members of Brickellia in New Mexico not in main
list are:
Brickellia amplexicaulis - B.L. Robins. -
(= Earleaf brickellbush),
Brickellia amplexicaulis var. amplexicaulis - B.L.
Robins. - (BONAP)
(= Earleaf brickellbush),
Brickellia baccharidea - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Resinleaf brickellbush),
Brickellia betonicifolia -
Gray - (BONAP)
(= Betonyleaf brickellbush),
Brickellia brachyphylla - (Gray) Gray - (BONAP)
(= Plumed brickellbush),
Brickellia chenopodina -
(Greene) B.L. Robins. - (BONAP)
(= Chenopod
Brickellia coulteri - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Coulter's brickellbush),
Brickellia eupatorioides -
(L.) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= False boneset),
Brickellia eupatorioides var. corymbulosa - (Torr.
& Gray) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= False
Brickellia eupatorioides var. chlorolepis
- (Woot. & Standl.) B.L. Turner - (BONAP)
(= False boneset),
Brickellia fendleri - Gray -
(= Fendler's brickellbush),
Brickellia floribunda - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Chihuahuan brickellbush),
Brickellia grandiflora -
(Hook.) Nutt. - (BONAP)
(= Tasselflower
Brickellia laciniata - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Splitleaf brickellbush),
Brickellia lemmonii - Gray
(= Lemmon's brickellbush),
Brickellia lemmonii var. lemmonii - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Lemmon's brickellbush),
Brickellia lemmonii var.
wootonii - (Greene) B.L. Robins. - (BONAP)
(= Lemmon's brickellbush),
Brickellia microphylla
(Nutt.) - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Littleleaf
Brickellia microphylla var. scabra -
Gray - (BONAP)
(= Rough brickellbush),
Brickellia oblongifolia - Nutt. - (BONAP)
(= Mojave brickellbush),
Brickellia oblongifolia var.
linifolia - (D.C. Eat.) B.L. Robins. - (BONAP)
(= Narrowleaf brickellbush),
Brickellia rusbyi - Gray
(= Stinking brickellbush),
Brickellia simplex - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Sonoran brickellbush),
Brickellia squamulosa - Gray
(= Mule Mountain brickellbush),
Brickellia venosa - (Woot. & Standl.) B.L. Robins. -
(= Veiny brickellbush),
veronicifolia - (Kunth) Gray - (BONAP)
Veronicaleaf brickellbush),
Brickellia veronicifolia var.
veronicifolia - (Kunth) Gray - (BONAP)
(= Veronicaleaf brickellbush).
Brickellia californica - (Torr. & Gray) Gray - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
California brickellbush - -
Yerba de la mala mujer - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Brickellia californica
var. reniformis - (Gray) Torrey & Gray - (Roalson &
Brickellia reniformis - ? - (?)
reniformis - (Gray) Rydberg - (NM)
Brickellia californica var. californica - (Torr. &
Gray) Gray - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - -
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
California brickellbush - - (BONAP)
Bulbostylis californica - Torr. & Gray - (BONAP)
Brickellia reniformis, see Brickellia californica.
Brigham Young weed (= Canutillo del campo) - Ephedra torreyana - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Brionia - Bryonia alba - (Mexico)
Broadleaf milkweed - Asclepias latifolia - (U.S.A.)
Brook mint - Mentha arvensis - (Moore)
Broom baccharis - Baccharis sarothroides - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Broom material - made from Popoton, Yerba del buey - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Broom snakeweed - Gutierrezia sarothrae - (BONAP)
Brown dye - made from Jarita - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Brown nutsedge - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Brown weed (= Escoba de la vibora) - Gutierrezia sarothrae - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Brujitos - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Bryonia - L. - (BONAP)
Cucurbitaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Bryony - - (BONAP)
Bryonia alba - L. - (BONAP)
Cucurbitaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Brionia - - (Mexico)
- - (Mexico)
White bryony - - (BONAP)
Bryony - Bryonia alba - (Mexico)
Buchu - Barosma bletulina - (Mexico)
Buddleia americana - Butterfly bush - (Mexico)
- Hierba de la
mosca - (Mexico)
- Salvia virgen - (Mexico)
- Tepoza -
- Tepozan - (Mexico)
Buenamoza - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Buena mujer (= Pegapega) - Mentzelia multiflora - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Buffalo gourd - Cucurbita foetidissima - (NM)
Buffalo pea (= Patito del pais) - Lathyrus decaphyllus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bugallón - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Bugambilia - Bougainvillea glabra - (Elsa Campos)
Buffalo-berry - Shepherdia argentea - (NM)
Bujarola - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Bujarolla - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Bullhorn acacia - Acacia cornigera - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bullhorn wattle - Acacia cornigera - (BONAP)
Bull nettle (= Tomatillo del campo) - Solanum elaeagnifolium - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Burdock - Arctium lappa - (Mexico)
- Arctium minus - (NM)
Burgmansia x candida - Angel's trumpet - (Elsa Campos)
Florifundio - (Elsa Campos)
- Floripondio - (Elsa Campos)
Burladora - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Burr marigold - Bidens - (Mexican-American)
- Bidens pilosa - (Mexican-American)
Burrillo - Stevia serrata - (Atlas Mexico)
Burro milk (= Leche de burro) - "Goats' milk and asses' milk have long been considered excellent foods and remedies" - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Burseraceae - Kunth - (APG III) Family Name
Sapindales - Dumort. - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
Buserola - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Butter daisy - Verbesina encelioides - (CRC)
Butterfly bush - Buddleia americana - (Mexico)
Butterfly milkweed - Asclepias tuberosa - (BONAP)
- Asclepias tuberosa ssp. interior - (BONAP, NM)
Butterfly-weed - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Butternut - Cucurbita moschata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Butterweed - Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Button weed - Abutilon theophrasti - (southwest US & Mexico)
Buxilo - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Búxulo - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Buxus semprevirens - Boj - (Mexico)
- Box tree - (Mexico)
Caacica - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Caare - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Caa-tay - Persicaria punctata - (Spanish-Américas)
Caátay - Persicaria punctata - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabalkunché - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabello de ángel - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabello de elote (= Corn silk) - Zea mays - (Mexican-American)
Cabello de maiz (= Corn silk) - Zea mays - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cabello de Venus - Asplenium trichomanes - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabeza de moro - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabeza de negro, Mexican yam
- Nymphaea mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cabeza de Turco - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabuyal - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cacaloxochitl - Plumeria rubra - (Elsa Campos)
Cachanquillo - Verbesina crocata - (Guerrero)
Cachito - Acacia cornigera - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachito de aroma - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachito de toro - Acacia cornigera - (Atlas Mexico)
Cachorrera - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
- Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachumeca - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachurrera mayor - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachurro - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Cachurros - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Cacomite (= Cebollita del campo)
Cactaceae - Juss. - (APG III) Family Name
Caryophyllales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, including 14 genera: - - (NM)
Coryphantha (Engelm.) Lem. (= Beehive-cactus),
Cylindropuntia (Engelm.) F.M.Knuth (= Cholla),
Echinocactus Link & Otto (= Barrel cactus),
Echinocereus Engelm. (= Hedgehog-cactus),
Echinomastus Britton & Rose (= Early-bloomer),
Epithelantha F.A.C.Weber ex Britton & Rose (= Ball-cactus),
Ferocactus Britton & Rose (= Barrel-cactus),
Glandulicactus Backeb. (= Fish-hook cactus),
Grusonia Rchb.f. ex Britton & Rose (= Club-cholla),
Mammillaria Haw. (= Nipple-cactus),
Opuntia Mill. (= Prickly-pear),
Pediocactus Britton & Rose (= Pincushion-cactus),
Peniocereus (A.Berger) Britton & Rose (= Cereus), and
Sclerocactus Britton & Rose (= Fish-hook cactus).
Cadenilla bronca - Asclepias subulata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cadillo - Arctium lappa - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Cadillos - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
- Xanthium strumarium var. canadense - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Caesalpinia - L. - (BONAP)
Genus Name
Family Fabaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Nicker - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 3 species: - - (BONAP)
Caesalpinia drepanocarpa (= Sicklepod holdback)
Caesalpinia gilliesii (= Bird-of-paradise shrub)
Caesalpinia jamesii (= James' holdback)
Caesalpinia jamesii - (Torr. & Gray) Fisher - (BONAP)
Species Name
Family Fabaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Camote de raton - - (?)
James' holdback - - (BONAP)
Hoffmannseggia jamesii - Torr. & Gray - (BONAP)
Café del país - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Cafuche - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Cahuite - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Cal: See notes.
Cahurros - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Caimancillo - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Caimoní - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Caimoní cimarrón - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Caimonicillo - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cajui - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cakilizche - Acacia farnesiana - (Quintana Roo)
Calabacera - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacilla - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
- Cucurbita foetidissima - (Atlas Mexico)
- Cucurbita moschata - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabacilla amarga - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacilla hedionda - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabacilla loca - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabacín - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacita - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Cucurbita foetidissima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabacita italiana - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabacita verde - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza - Cucurbita maxima - (Atlas Mexico)
- Cucurbita moschata - (Atlas Mexico)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza almizclada - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza amarga - Apodanthera undulata - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Calabaza amargosa - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza amarilla - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza amelonada - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza arota - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza biche - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza bonetera - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza botonera - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza búfalo - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza cegualca - Cucurbita moschata - (Sonora)
Calabaza chompo - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (Atlas Mexico)
- Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza común - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza confitera - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza cuarentena - Cucurbita moschata - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza de Castilla - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de Chipre - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de cidra - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de comer - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de cuello torcido - Cucurbita moschata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza de invierno - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza de Nápoles - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de olor - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de pepitagruesa - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza de pepita menuda - Cucurbita moschata - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza de San Juan - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de verano - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza forrajera - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza gigante - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza grande - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza hedeonda - Apodanthera undulata - (
Calabaza hedionda - Apodanthera undulata - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Calabaza india - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza loca - Apodanthera undulata - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Calabaza melón - Cucurbita moschata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza mexicana - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Calabaza moscada - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza pastelera - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza pipiana - Cucurbita pepo - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza redonda - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza tamala - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza tamalayota - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza totanera - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza turbante - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabazilla - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Calabazo - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabazona - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calalú - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Calamaco - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Calamus draco (= Sangre de venado)
Calavera - Cuphea - (Mexican-American)
- Cuphea
aequipetala - (Mexican-American)
- Cuphea jorullensis
- (Mexican-American)
- Hippocratea excelsa (= Hemiagium
excelsum) - (Mexican-American)
Calderona - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Calendula - L. - (BONAP: Genus Name)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Marigold - - (BONAP)
Calendula - Calendula officinalis - (Elsa Campos)
Calendula arvensis - L. - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Field-marigold - - (PFAF)
Field marigold - - (BONAP)
Maravilla - -
Maravilla Silvestre - - (PFAF)
Calendula officinalis - L. - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alta reyna - - (?)
noites - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bem me queres - - (Spanish-Américas)
Boas noites - -
Bride of the Sun - - (?)
Caléndula - - (Elsa
Caléndula hortense - - (Spanish-Américas)
China - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chinas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Common calendula - - (?)
Drunkard - -
English marigold - - (?)
European Calendula - - (?)
de la virreina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Garden marigold - - (?)
Goldbloom -
- (Elsa Campos)
Goldes - - (?)
Holigod - - (?)
- - (?)
Husbandman’s Dial - - (?)
Maravilha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maravilha bastarda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maravilha dos jardins - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maravilla - - (PFAF)
Marigold - - (Elsa Campos)
Mariola -
- (?)
Mary bud - - (?)
Marygold - - (?)
Mary Gowles - -
Mercadela - - (Elsa Campos)
Mercadera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pot-marigold - - (PFAF)
Pot marigold - - (BONAP)
Reinita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ruddes - - (?)
Ruddles - - (?)
Solis - - (?)
Summer’s Bride - - (?)
Virreina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zempual - - (?)
Calentura - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
California brickellbush - Brickellia californica - (BONAP)
- Brickellia californica var. californica - (BONAP)
California tickseed - Coreopsis californica - (BONAP)
California white fir - Abies concolor - (CRC)
Calliopsis - Coreopsis tinctoria - (southwest US & Mexico)
Caltrop (= Contrayerba)
Camalote - Persicaria hydropiperoides - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Persicaria glabra - (Spanish-Américas)
Cambrón - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cambronera - Lycium pallidum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Camburcito - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Camelote - Cyperus articulatus - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Persicaria glabra - (Spanish-Américas)
Camichin - Cordia boissieri - (Mexican-American)
Camolenga - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Camomila (= Manzanilla)
Camomila de los montes - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Camomile (= Manzanilla)
Camote de raton - Caesalpinia jamesii - (?)
Camphor (= Alcanfor)
Camphor weed - Heterotheca inuloides - (Mexican-American)
Heterotheca spp. - (Mexican-American)
Cana - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cana agria - Rumex hymenosepalus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Caña borde - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañabrava de Castilla - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña Castilla - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Caña común - Arundo donax - (PFAF)
Canada fleabane - Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Caña de Castilla - Arundo donax - (PFAF)
Caña de güín - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña de India - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña de indio - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña de pantano - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cana de roca - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Canadian horseweed - Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Canadian mint - Mentha canadensis - (BONAP)
Cana do reino - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña gigante - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña guana - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña guin - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña-hueca - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña hueca - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cañahueca - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Canaigra - Rumex hymenosepalus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Canaigre - Rumex hymenosepalus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Canaigre dock - Rumex hymenosepalus - (BONAP)
Canamilha - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Canarium commune, Tecomaca
Canary grass - Phalaris canariensis - (Quattrocchi)
Canarygrass - Phalaris - (NM)
- Phalaris canariensis - (Poisonous Plants Checklist)
Canary seed grass - Phalaris canariensis - (Quattrocchi)
Canatilla (= Canutillo del campo)
Cañavera - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
- Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañaveral - Arundo donax - (Atlas Mexico)
Cana vieira - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Cancerillo - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Cancerina - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cuphea - (Mexican-American)
- Cuphea aequipetala - (Mexican-American)
- Cuphea jorullensis - (Mexican-American)
- Hippocratea excelsa (= Hemiagium excelsum) - (Elsa Campos, Mexican-American)
Candelabrum cactus (= Entrana)
Candelaria (= Punchon) - Verbascum thapsus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Candelilla - Asclepias subulata - (Spanish-Américas)
Candelilla bronca - Asclepias subulata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Candia - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Candía - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Candle cactus (= Entrana)
Cane - Phragmites australis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cane cactus (= Entrana)
Cane grass - Phragmites australis - (Moerman)
Canela - Cinnamomun zeylanicum - (Elsa Campos)
- Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Canelo - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
- Platanus lindeliana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañeta - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañete - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Caniço - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Caniço de agua - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Caniço dos ribeiros - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañizo - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Cankerwort (= Chicoria)
Canlal - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Canloria - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Cannabaceae - Martynov - Family Name
(Cannabidaceae Endl., according to Delta)
Rosales - Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG IV) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o nitrogen-fixing lineage;
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 2 genera: - - (NM)
Cannabis L.
(= Hemp) and
Celtis L.
(= Hackberry).
Cannabis sativa, Marihuana
Canna de vassoura - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañota - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañoto - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cansasage - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Cantemó - Acacia angustissima - (Tabasco)
Cantiriz - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cantoria - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañutillo - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Canutillo del campo, Ephedra torreyana
Canutillo del llano, Equiseturn hiemale
Canzuuc - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Capa rosa - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Capilera - Asplenium trichomanes - (Spanish-Américas)
Capitaneja - Verbesina crocata - (Atlas Mexico, Mexican-American)
- Verbesina encelioides - (Mexican-American)
- Verbesina pedunculosa - (Atlas Mexico)
- Verbesina spp. - (Mexican-American)
Capitaneja anaranjada - Verbesina crocata - (Atlas Mexico)
Capitaneja de Tonila - Verbesina pedunculosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Capitiçova - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Caprifoliaceae - Juss. - Family Name
[The family Valerianaceae is now placed by APG III in the broad family Caprifoliaceae
together with other previously defined families, including Diervillaceae Pyck,
Dipsacaceae Juss., Linnaeaceae Backlund, and Morinaceae Raf.]
Dipsacales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Dipsapiidae D. C. Tank & M. J. Donoghue (2010);
o Apiidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino;
o Campanulidae M.J. Donoghue & P.D. Cantino
(euasterids II = asterids II = campanulids);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, including five genera: - - (NM)
Dipsacus L.
(= Teasel),
Linnaea L.
(= Twin-flower),
Lonicera L.
(= Honeysuckle),
Symphoricarpos Duhamel
(= Snowberry), and
Valeriana L.
(= Valerian).
Capsicum sp., Chile
Capuchina - Tropaeolum majus - (Elsa Campos)
- Tropaeolum
seemanii - (Elsa Campos)
Capulin - Prunus laurocerasus - (Elsa Campos)
- Prunus
melanocarpa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Capulin silvestre (= Flor de sauz)
Caraguatá - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Caralahua - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Carambomba - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Carambuco - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Carizo - Arundo donax - (PFAF)
Carbosanto - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Cardal - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardo - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Argemone hispida - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Argemone ochroleuca - (Kay)
Cardo ajonjero - Arctium lappa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cardo amarillo - Argemone mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cardo blanco - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cardo flor amarilla - Argemone mexicana - (Mexico)
Cardolechero - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Cardo reina - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Cardo santo - Argemone hispida - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Argemone ochroleuca - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cirsium undulatum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cardosanto - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Cardo santo campestre - Argemone mexicana - (Northwestern New Spain)
Cardón - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cargamanta - Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Caricaceae - Dumort. - Family Name
Brassicales - Bromhead - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
Carmensanto - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Carmín - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Carminera - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Carnizuelo - Acacia cornigera - (Mexican-American)
Carpenter's weed - Achillea millefolium - (ITIS, USDA)
Carpintero - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Carretadera - Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Carretadero - Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Carricillo - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
- Phragmites australis - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carriço - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Carrizal reed - Phragmites australis - (Moerman)
Carrizo - Arundo donax - (Atlas Mexico)
- Phragmites australis - (Atlas Mexico)
Carrizo común - Phragmites australis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carrizo de la selva - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carrizo de la sierra - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carrizo de sol - Arundo donax - (Atlas Mexico)
Carrizo grass - Phragmites australis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carrizo reed - Phragmites australis - (Moerman)
Carrot-weed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English-Canada)
Carruth's sagewort - Artemisia carruthii - (BONAP)
Carthamus tinctorius - American saffron - (Mexican-American)
Azafran - (Mexican-American)
- Bastard saffron - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- False saffron - (Mexican-American)
Safflower - (Mexican-American)
- Saffron - (Upper Rio Grande
Cascalote - Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
Cáscara del timbre - Acacia angustissima - (Atlas Mexico)
Cashaw - Acacia farnesiana - (Quintana Roo)
Casposo - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Cassie - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Castanuela - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Castañuela - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Castill (= Anil)
Castilleja - Mutis ex L. f. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Orobanchaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Indian paint brush - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Indian paintbrush - - (BONAP)
Traditionally placed in family Scrophulariaceae.
is a semi-parasitic genus closely related to the genus Pedicularis.
Members of the genus Castilleja in New Mexico not in main
list are:
Castilleja angustifolia - (Nutt.) G. Don -
(= Northwestern Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja applegatei - Fern. - (BONAP)
(= Wavyleaf Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja applegatei
ssp. martinii - (Abrams) Chuang & Heckard - (BONAP),
Castilleja austromontana - Standl. & Blumer - (BONAP)
(= Rincon Mountain Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja exserta
- (Heller) Chuang & Heckard - (BONAP)
Exserted Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja exserta ssp.
exserta - (Heller) Chuang & Heckard - (BONAP)
(= Exserted Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja haydenii -
(Gray) Cockerell - (BONAP)
(= Hayden's
Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja lanata - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Sierran woolly Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja lanata
ssp. lanata - Gray - (BONAP),
lineata - Greene - (BONAP)
Marshmeadow Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja miniata -
Dougl. ex Hook. - (BONAP)
(= Scarlet Indian
Castilleja minor - (Gray) Gray - (BONAP)
(= Lesser Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja miniata var.
miniata - Dougl. ex Hook. - (BONAP)
Green Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja minor ssp. minor
- (Gray) Gray - (BONAP),
occidentalis - Torr. - (BONAP)
Western Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja ornata - Eastw. -
Castilleja organorum -
Standl. - (BONAP)
(= Organ Mountain Indian
Castilleja patriotica - Fern. - (BONAP)
(= Huachuca Mountain Indian paintbrush),
rhexiifolia - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Splitleaf Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja sessiliflora -
Pursh - (BONAP)
(= Downy paintedcup),
Castilleja sulphurea - Rydb. - (BONAP)
(= Sulphur Indian paintbrush),
Castilleja tenuiflora -
Benth. - (BONAP)
(= Santa Catalina Indian
Castilleja wootonii - Standl. - (BONAP)
(= Sacramento Mountain Indian paintbrush).
Castilleja integra - Gray - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Orobanchaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Flor de Santa Rita - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Indian paint brush - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Painter's brush - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Painted cup - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Varas de San Jose -
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wholeleaf Indian paintbrush - -
Yerba de Apache - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Yerba de la miel virgen - - (Upper Rio Grande
Castilleja integra var. integra - Gray - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Orobanchaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Flor de Santa Rita - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Indian paint brush - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Painter's brush - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Painted cup - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Varas de San Jose -
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wholeleaf Indian paintbrush - -
Yerba de Apache - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Yerba de la miel virgen - - (Upper Rio Grande
Castilleja elongata - Pennell -
Castilleja linariifolia - Benth. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Orobanchaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Flor de Santa Rita - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Indian paint brush - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Painter's brush - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Painted cup - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Varas de San Jose -
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wyoming Indian paintbrush - - (BONAP)
Yerba de Apache - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba de la
miel virgen - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
linearis - Rydb. - (BONAP)
linariifolia var. omnipubescens - (Pennell) Clokey -
Castilleja trainii - Edwin -
Castilleja linairaefolia, see Castilleja linariifolia.
Castillo (= Anil)
Castor oil, see Cuero
Catassol - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Cat claw - Acacia greggii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Catclaw - Acacia greggii - (NM)
- Acacia rigudula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Catclaw acacia - Acacia greggii - (U.S.A.)
Cat's claws - Acacia greggii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Catsfoot - Antennaria dioica - (PFAF)
Cattail (= Aguapa)
Causaia - Berberis gracilis - (JofE 2015:175:335-345)
Cayota - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Cayote - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Cebadilla, Frasera speciosa
Cebadilla de la sierra (= Cebadilla)
Cebolla - Allium cepa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cebolleta - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Cebollín - Cyperus esculentus - (Atlas Mexico, Spanish-Américas)
Cebollin - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Cebollín - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Cebollita del campo - Allium recurvatum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Celastraceae - R. Brown - (APG II:
Family Name)
(= Hippocrateaceae Juss.)
In New Mexico - -
Celastrales - Baskerville - (APG II:
Order Name)
Higher level lineages (APG II, Delta):
Eudicot; core
Eudicot; Rosid; Eurosid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Family Celastraceae in New Mexico includes 2 genera:
Mortonia - Gray - (BONAP)
- Raf. - (BONAP)
Celery (= Apio) - Apium graveolens - (BONAP)
- Apium graveolens var. dulce - (BONAP,
Celosia - L. - Genus Name
Family Amaranthaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cock's comb - - (BONAP)
See notes.
Celosia argentea - Lin. - (BONAP)
Family Amaranthaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Abanico - - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Crested cock's comb - - (BONAP)
Celosia cristata Lin. - - (KEW)
Celosia virgata - Jacq. - Species Name
Family Amaranthaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Albahaca - - (BONAP)
Cenchrus pauciflorus (= Roseta)
Ceniso - Asclepias lanuginosa - (Mexico)
Cenizo - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Centaura - Plectocephalus americanus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Centaurea solstitialis - (Spanish-Américas)
Centinodia - Persicaria hydropiper - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
Century plant - Agave americana - (Mexico, Mansfeld's
- Agave angustifolia - (ITIS)
Centuryplant - Agave americana - (ITIS)
Cera de campeche, see Trementina de pinon
Ceratus (= Hueso de cereza)
Cercocarpus montanus, Palo duro
Cerillo - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Ceyotl (= Cuitlapanaatetl) - The kidneys, considered like sexual organs (pactli, the joyful ones, the glad ones) similar to the testicles, but located inside the body - (Kay-Nahuatl)
Chacalota - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Chacalote - Argemone ochroleuca - (Atlas Mexico)
Chacanalkak - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chachal - Stevia salicifolia - (Estado de México)
Chá da Espanha - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Chá do Méjico - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Chá dos jesuitas - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Cháguar - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Chaetopappa - DC. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
In New Mexico, 2 species - - (BONAP)
Chaetopappa ericoides (= Rose heath)
Chaetopappa hersheyi (= Guadalupe leastdaisy)
Chaetopappa ericoides - (Torr.) Nesom - (BONAP)
Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Rose heath - - (BONAP)
Aster arenosus - (Heller) Blake - (BONAP)
Aster hirtifolius - Blake - (BONAP)
Aster leucelene - Blake - (BONAP)
Inula ericoides - Torr. - (BONAP)
Leucelene ericoides - (Torr.) Greene - (BONAP)
Chaguaquelite - Chenopodium album - (Puebla)
Chalalate - Ampbypteryngium adstringens - (Elsa Campos)
Chamaesyce - S.F. Gray - Genus Name
Family Euphorbiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Sandmat - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Chamaesyce abramsiana - (L.C. Wheeler) Koutnik - (BONAP)
(= Abrams' sandmat),
Chamaesyce acuta - (Engelm.) Millsp. - (BONAP)
(= Pointed sandmat),
Chamaesyce albomarginata - (Torr. & Gray) Small -
(= Whitemargin sandmat),
Chamaesyce arizonica - (Engelm.) Arthur - (BONAP)
(= Arizona sandmat),
Chamaesyce capitellata - (Engelm.) Millsp. - (BONAP)
(= Head sandmat),
Chamaesyce carunculata - (Waterfall) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= Sanddune sandmat),
Chamaesyce chaetocalyx - (Boiss.) Woot. & Standl. - (BONAP),
Chamaesyce chaetocalyx var. chaetocalyx - (Boiss.)
Woot. & Standl. - (BONAP),
Chamaesyce dioica - (Kunth) Millsp. - (BONAP)
(= Royal sandmat),
Chamaesyce fendleri - (Torr. & Gray) Small - (BONAP)
(= Fendler's sandmat),
Chamaesyce fendleri var. fendleri - (Torr. &
Gray) Small - (BONAP)
(= Fendler's sandmat),
Chamaesyce geyeri - (Engelm.) Small - (BONAP)
(= Geyer's sandmat),
Chamaesyce geyeri var. geyeri - (Engelm.) Small - (BONAP),
Chamaesyce geyeri var. wheeleriana - (Warnock & M.C. Johnston) Mayfield - (BONAP),
Chamaesyce glyptosperma - (Engelm.) Small - (BONAP)
(= Ribseed sandmat),
Chamaesyce hypericifolia - (L.) Millsp. - (BONAP)
(= Graceful sandmat),
Chamaesyce hyssopifolia - (L.) Small - (BONAP)
(= Hyssopleaf sandmat),
Chamaesyce lata - (Engelm.) Small - (BONAP)
(= Hoary sandmat),
Chamaesyce maculata - (L.) Small - (BONAP)
(= Spotted sandmat),
Chamaesyce micromera - (Boiss.) Woot. &
Standl. - (BONAP)
(= Sonoran sandmat),
Chamaesyce missurica - (Raf.) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= Prairie sandmat),
Chamaesyce nutans - (Lag.) Small - (BONAP)
(= Eyebane),
Chamaesyce parryi - (Engelm.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
(= Parry's sandmat),
Chamaesyce prostrata - (Ait.) Small - (BONAP)
(= Prostrate sandmat),
Chamaesyce revoluta - (Engelm.) Small - (BONAP)
(= Threadstem sandmat),
Chamaesyce serpens - (Kunth) Small - (BONAP)
(= Matted sandmat),
Chamaesyce serrula - (Engelm.) Woot. & Standl. - (BONAP)
(= Sawtooth sandmat),
Chamaesyce setiloba - (Engelm. ex Torr.) Millsp. ex Parish - (BONAP)
(= Yuma sandmat),
Chamaesyce stictospora - (Engelm.) Small - (BONAP)
(= Slimseed sandmat),
Chamaesyce vermiculata - (Raf.) House - (BONAP)
(= Wormseed sandmat),
Chamaesyce villifera - (Scheele) Small - (BONAP)
(= Hairy sandmat).
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia - (Pers.) Small - Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Thymeleaf sandmat - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia - (Per.)
Small - Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Thymeleaf sandmat - - (BONAP)
Yerba de la golondrina - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Chamaesyce albicaulis - (Rydb.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Chamaesyce neomexicana - (Greene) Standl. - (BONAP)
Euphorbia neomexicana - Greene - (BONAP)
Euphorbia serpyllifolia - Pers. - (BONAP)
Chamis (= Chamiso)
Chamiso, Atriplex canescens
Chamiso (= Toloache)
Chamiso blanco, Chrysothamnus graveolens
Chamiso cimarron, Chrysothamus graveolens
Chamiso hediondo, Artemisia bigelovii
Champa - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Champagra azul - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Chan, Salvia reflexa, (also Osha)
Chanclana - Cuphea - (Mexican-American)
- Cuphea
aequipetala - (Mexican-American)
- Cuphea jorullensis
- (Mexican-American)
- Hippocratea excelsa (= Hemiagium
excelsum) - (Mexican-American)
Chandelier cactus (= Entrana)
Chanixnuk - Tribulus cistoides
- (Maya)
- Tribulus terrestris
- (Maya)
Chanxnuc - Tribulus terrestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Chaparro prieto - Acacia constricta - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Acacia rigudula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chapetes, see Hongos
Chapote - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Charms, see Ajo, Albaca, Palo amarillo, Plumajillo, Sangre de venado
Charuteira - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Charuto do rei - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Chaste tree - Vitex mollis - (Mexican-American)
- Vitex
agnus-castus - (Mexican-American)
Chaucha turca - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Clavel del aire - Tillandsia recurvata - (Spanish-Américas)
Cheese, see Queso
Cheese pumpkin - Cucurbita moschata - (Moerman)
Cheeses - Malva neglecta - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cheeseweed - Malva - (NM)
- Malva parviflora - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chenopodium - L. - Genus Name
See also the genus Dysphania.
Family Amaranthaceae
(Once placed, as done by BONAP, in family Chenopodiaceae,
which is now often united within family Amaranthaceae.)
Common Name
Goosefoot - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 22 species: - - (BONAP)
Chenopodium album (= Lambsquarters),
Chenopodium ambrosioides (= Mexican tea),
Chenopodium atrovirens (= Pinyon (piñon) goosefoot),
Chenopodium berlandieri (= Pitseed (pitted) goosefoot),
Chenopodium botrys (= Jerusalem oak goosefoot),
Chenopodium capitatum (= Blite goosefoot),
Chenopodium cycloides (= Sandhill goosefoot),
Chenopodium desiccatum (= Aridland (desert) goosefoot),
Chenopodium foliosum (= Leafy goosefoot),
Chenopodium fremontii (= Fremont's goosefoot),
Chenopodium glaucum (= Oakleaf goosefoot),
Chenopodium graveolens (= Fetid goosefoot),
Chenopodium hians (= Hians (gaping) goosefoot),
Chenopodium hircinum (= Avian (foetid) goosefoot),
Chenopodium incanum (= Mealy goosefoot),
Chenopodium leptophyllum (= Narrowleaf goosefoot),
Chenopodium murale (= Nettleleaf (nettle-leaf) goosefoot),
Chenopodium neomexicanum (= New Mexico goosefoot),
Chenopodium pallescens (= Slimleaf (slim-leaf) goosefoot),
Chenopodium rubrum (= Red goosefoot),
Chenopodium simplex (= Mapleleaf (giant-seed) goosefoot),
Chenopodium watsonii (= Watson's (stinking) goosefoot).
See notes.
Chenopodium album - L. - Species Name
Family Amaranthaceae
Common Name
Ançarinha branca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Apasote blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bledo cenizo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Catassol - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cenizo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chaguaquelite - - (Puebla)
Chingua - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva formigueira branca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fedegosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fedegoso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva de São João - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lamb's quarter - - (NM)
Quelite cenizo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Quelite cimarrón - - (Atlas Mexico)
Quelite de trigo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quelite salado - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Quelites salados - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Quelite verde - - (Atlas Mexico)
Quenopodio blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quielite - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quingua del campo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quinguilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quinoa de perro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tleconesh quilitl - - (Atlas Mexico: Estado de México)
In New Mexico, 3 varieties: - - (NM)
C. album Linnaeus var. album
(= Lamb's quarter),
C. album L. var. lanceolatum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Cosson & Germain
(= Lamb's quarter), and
Chenopodium album var. missouriense (Aellen) Bassett & Crompton
(= Lamb's quarter).
See notes.
Chenopodium ambrosioides - L. - Species Name
= Dysphania ambrosioides (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants
Family Amaranthaceae
Common Name
Acagualillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acahualillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alpasotes - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambrósia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ambrósia de México - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ambrosio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amor del gringo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amush - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Anserina vermífuga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Apasote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Apazote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caacica - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caare - - (Spanish-Américas)
Crecinho do mato - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chá da Espanha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chá do Méjico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chá dos jesuitas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chichiquelite - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Epasote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Epazote - - (Elsa Campos)
Epazote de comer - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Epazote de zorrillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Epazotl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Erva formiga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva formigueira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Formigueira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva ambrósia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva de bicho - - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva do Méjico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva mata pulgas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de santa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de santa maría - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba hedionda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba sagrada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba santa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba vomiqueira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Huacatay - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lombrigueira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lucumxiu - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mastruço - - (Spanish-Américas)
Matruz - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Menstruço - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mentrusto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mentruz - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mexican tea - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pacote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Paico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Paico mocho - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palha teixeira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pasote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Patusai - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pazoli - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pazote - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pisate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pizate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quelite - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quenopódio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quenopodio ambrosio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Santónico americano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Spanish tea - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Taxarinha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Té borde - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Té de España - - (Spanish-Américas)
Té de Germania - - (Spanish-Américas)
Té de Europa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Té de los Jesuits - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Té de Méjico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Té de México - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Té de Nueva España - - (Spanish-Américas)
Té de milpa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Té español - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Té mexicana - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Trêvo de santa maria - - (Spanish-Américas)
Usaidela - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uzaidela - - (Spanish-Américas)
Wormseed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Wormweed - - (Elsa Campos)
In New Mexico, introduced - - (NM)
Teloxys ambrosioides - (L.) W.A. Weber - (NM)
See notes.
Chenopodium berlandieri - Moquin-Tandon - Species Name
Family Amaranthaceae
Common Name
Aztec spinach - - (Commercial name)
Huauzontle - - (AJP1885-Mexico-8)
Huauzontli - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pitted goosefoot - - (NM)
Red Aztec spinach - - (Commercial name)
Southern huauzontle - - (PFAF)
In New Mexico, 3 scarcely (not consistently) distinct varieties: - - (NM)
C. berlandieri Moquin-Tandon var. berlandieri
(= Pitted goosefoot),
C. berlandieri Moquin-Tandon var. sinuatum (Murr) Wahlenberg
(= Pitted goosefoot), and
C. berlandieri Moquin-Tandon var. zschackei (Murr) Murr
(= Pitted goosefoot).
See notes.
Chenopodium botrys - L. - Species Name
= Dysphania botrys (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants
Family Amaranthaceae
Common Name
Ambrósia das boticas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Biengranada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Botris - - (Spanish-Américas)
Feather geranium - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba amarilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de chivatito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de zorrillo cimarrón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba hormiguera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba racemosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba racimosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Jerusalem oak - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Jerusalem oak goosefoot - - (BONAP)
Milgranada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pazote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Racimosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yerba del chivatito - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba del zorillo cimarron - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Botrydium botrys - (L.) Small - (BONAP)
Teloxys botrys - (L.) W.A. Weber - (NM)
See notes.
Chenopodium graveolens - Willd. - Species Name
= Dysphania graveolens (Willdenow) Mosyakin & Clemants
Family Amaranthaceae
Common name
Epazote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Epazote de coyote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Epazote de perro - - (Atlas Mexico)
Epazote de toro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Epazote de zorrillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Epazote morado - - (Atlas Mexico)
Epazotl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fetid goosefoot - - (BONAP)
Goosefoot - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hediondillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de chivato - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de perro - - (Atlas Mexico)
Quelite apestoso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quelite de zorrillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quelite hediondo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sadugua - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yerba del zorillo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Chenopodium graveolens var. neomexicanum - (Aellen)
Aellen - (BONAP)
Chenopodium inciscum Poiret var. neomexicanum - Aellen - (NM)
Chenopodium incisum - Poir. - (BONAP)
Chenopodium incisum var. neomexicanum - Aellen - (BONAP)
Teloxys graveolens - (Willd.) W.A. Weber - (BONAP)
See notes.
Chepica - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cheramusco - Acacia angustissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cherry-bay-tree - Prunus laurocerasus - (Elsa Campos)
Cherry-laurel - Prunus laurocerasus - (Elsa Campos)
Cherry stone (= Hueso de cereza)
Chester lily (= Cebollita del campo)
Chiacalote - Argemone ochroleuca - (Morelos)
Chiberre - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Chicale - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalota - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalote - Argemone hispida - (Atlas Mexico, southwest US & northern Mexico)
- Argemone mexicana - (Kay: Northwestern New Spain)
- Argemone ochroleuca - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalote amarillo - Argemone ochroleuca - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalote blanco - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicalote sha - Argemone mexicana - (Nayarit)
Chicalotl - Argemone mexicana - (Kay)
- Argemone ochroleuca - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chicallotl - Argemone mexicana - (C. Ratsch)
Chicayota - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chicayote - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Spanish-Américas)
Chiche de burra - Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Chichicahuite - Garrya laurifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Chichic-amole - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chichicayotli - Cucurbita - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chichicoyote - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chichicuáhuitl - Garrya ovata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chichik-kul - Bidens - (Maya)
- Bidens pilosa - (Maya)
Chichillotl - Argemone mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chichilquiltic - Amaranthus spp. - (Mexican-American)
Chichilticxihoitl - Mentha arvensis - (Nauatl)
- Mentha puleguim - (Kay)
Chichiquelite - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chichivilla cimarrona - Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicioaquahatl - Jatropha - (Nahuatl)
- Jatropha dioica - (Nahuatl)
- Jatropha macrorhiza - (Nahuatl)
Chico - Lycium pallidum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chico bush (= Chico)
Chicombó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Chicoria - Taraxacum officinale
Chicorno - Acacia cornigera - (Atlas Mexico)
Chicote embarranada, Lygodesmia juncea
Chigalotl - Argemone mexicana - (Morelos)
Chilacaiota - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilacajota - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilacayote - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilacayotl - Cucurbita ficifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chile, Capsicum sp., (also see Culantro; Quelite salado; Oregano; Tequesquite)
Chile burro - Stevia serrata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chile cimarrón - Persicaria hydropiperoides - (Atlas Mexico)
Chileperro - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Chile puerco - Amaranthus blitoides - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Amaranthus spp. - (Mexican-American)
Chilicayote - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chili-cojote - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chilicote - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chilicothe - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chilicoyote (= Calabazilla)
Chilillo - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
- Persicaria hydropiper - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Persicaria hydropiperoides - (Atlas Mexico)
- Persicaria glabra - (Atlas Mexico)
- Persicaria lapathifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Persicaria punctata - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Rivina humilis - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilillo blanco - Persicaria lapathifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilillo de varita - Persicaria glabra - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilillo rojo - Persicaria punctata - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilillosxiu - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chilillo venenoso - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Chillazotl - Argemone mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chilli (= Chile)
Chilocuaco - Rivina humilis - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilpanxuitl - Rivina humilis - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilpun xuitl - Persicaria glabra - (Atlas Mexico)
Chimaha - Cymopterus glomeratus var. fendleri - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chimaja - Cymopterus glomeratus var. fendleri - (Moore)
- Cymopterus purpureus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chimalacatl - Verbesina crocata - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
- Verbesina pedunculosa - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Chimaya - Cymopterus glomeratus var. fendleri - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chimbombo - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Chimbombó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Chin - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
China berry - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chinaberry tree - Melia azedarach - (NM)
Chinajute - Abutilon theophrasti - (Spanish-Américas)
Chin de Castilla - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Chinese boxthorn - Lycium barbarum - (GRIN)
Chinese wolfberry - Lycium barbarum - (GRIN)
Chingua - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Chintul - Cyperus articulatus - (Atlas Mexico)
- Cyperus rotundus - (Spanish-Américas)
Chintule - Cyperus articulatus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chintule grande - Cyperus articulatus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chionolaena salicifolia - (Bertol.) G.L.Nesom - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Alcanfor corriente - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cumas - - (Náhuatl)
Gordolobo - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca, Puebla)
Chionolaena corymbosa Hemsl. - (Illegitimate, TICA)
Chionolaena seemannii (Sch.Bip.) - S.E.Freire - (TICA)
Gnaphaliothamnus rhodanthus - (Sch.Bip.) Kirp. - (TICA)
Gnaphaliothamnus salicifolius - (Bertol.) G.L.Nesom - (TICA)
Gnaphaliothamnus salicifolius - (Bertol.) Anderb. - (Illegitimate, TICA)
Gnaphalium rhodanthum - Sch.Bip. - (Atlas Mexico, TICA)
Gnaphalium salicifolium - (Bert.) Sch. Bip. - (Atlas Mexico, TICA)
Gnaphalium seemannii - Sch.Bip. - (TICA)
Helichrysum salicifolium - Bertol. - (TICA)
Chipaca - Bidens pilosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Chipped wood (= Brazil)
Chiquete de embarranada (= Chicote embarranada)
Chirahui - Acacia angustissima - (Sonora)
- Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chírahui - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chiranthodendron pentadactylon - Arbol de las manitas - (Mexican-American)
- Flor de manita - (Mexican-American)
- Handflower tree - (Mexican-American)
- Macpalxochitl - (Nahuatl)
- Mano de dragon - (Mexican-American)
Chirigaita - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Chiroui - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chispa - Coreopsis (C. sp.) - (Spanish-Américas)
Chiverre - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Chixcanal - Acacia cornigera - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chloris gayana - ? - (?)
Family Poaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Grama de Rodas - (PIER)
Chochito - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Chocho - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Chocolata - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Chocoyole (= Socoyol) - Oxalis violacea - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Choke cherry (= Capulin) - Prunus melanocarpa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cholla (= Entrana)
Chontalpa - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chopo - Populus balsamifera - (Spanish-Américas)
Chopo boleana - Populus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Chopo de Italia - Populus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Chopo lombardo - Populus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Chopo temblón - Populus tremuloides - (Spanish-Américas)
Choya (= Entrana)
Chrysanthemum, Crisanta
Chrysanthemum balsamita, Romero de castilla
Chrysanthemum parthenium, see Tanacetum parthenium.
Chrysothamnus - Nutt. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Rabbitbrush - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 7 species, - - (BONAP)
including some subspecies and varieties:
o *Chrysothamnus depressus Nutt.
(= Longflower rabbitbrush),
o *Chrysothamnus greenei (Gray) Greene
(= Greene's rabbitbrush),
o Chrysothamnus linifolius Greene
(= Spearleaf rabbitbrush),
*Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. nauseosus (Pallas ex Pursh) Britt.
See Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. nauseosa.
(= Rubber rabbitbrush),
Chrysothamnus parryi ssp. parryi (Gray) Greene
See Ericameria parryi var. parryi.
(= Parry's rabbitbrush),
o Chrysothamnus pulchellus (Gray) Greene
(= Southwestern rabbitbrush),
Chrysothamnus pulchellus ssp. baileyi (Woot. & Standl.) Hall & Clements
(= Bailey's rabbitbrush),
Chrysothamnus pulchellus ssp. pulchellus (Gray) Greene
(= Southwestern rabbitbrush),
o Chrysothamnus spathulatus L.C. Anders.
(= Guadalupe rabbitbrush),
o Chrysothamnus vaseyi (Gray) Greene
(= Vasey's rabbitbrush),
o *Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt.
(= Green rabbitbrush),
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. lanceolatus (Nutt.) Hall & Clements
(= Green rabbitbrush),
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt.
(= Green rabbitbrush),
Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. viscidiflorus
var. stenophyllus (Gray) Hall
(= Green rabbitbrush),
*Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus ssp. viscidiflorus
var. viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt.
(= Green rabbitbrush).
Chrysothamnus graveolens,
see Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. glabrata
(= Chamiso blanco or Chamiso cimarron)
= Chrysothamnus nauseosus ssp. graveolens.
Chuchau - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Chuchupate - Arracacia brandegeei - (Kay)
- Ligusticum porteri - (Atlas Mexico: Chihuahua, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Myloxylon balsamum - (Lower Rio Grande)
Chuchupate raiz - Ligusticum porteri - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Chufa - Cyperus esculentus - (NM)
- Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Chufas - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Chufila - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Chumbombó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Churchsteeples - Agrimonia eupatoria - (BONAP)
Churqui negro - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Chuyem - Mirabilis jalapa - (Mexican-American)
- Mirabilis
longiflora - (Mexican-American)
- Mirabilis multiflora (=
Quamoclidion multiflorum) - (Mexican-American)
Cicuta occidentalis, Yerba del Peco
Cidra - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Cidracayota - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Cidra cayote - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Cidracayote - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Cien nudos - Polygonum aviculare - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ciento en rama - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
- Agrimonia eupatoria - (Mexico, Spanish-Américas)
Cientoenrama - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Cilacayote - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Cilantro, (see Culantro) Coriandrum sativum
Cinamomo - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cinamono - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Cinco negritos - Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Cinnamomum camphora - Alcanfor - (Mexican-American)
- Camphor
tree - (Mexican-American)
Cilindrillo - Lycium berlandieri var. berlandieri - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium berlandieri var. parviflorum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cimmarón - Acacia greggii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cinco llagas - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Cinco negritos - Lantana camara - (Elsa Campos)
Cinnamomun zeylanicum - Canela - (Elsa Campos)
Cinnamon, use of, see Alegria, Anil del muerto, Sangre de venado, Yerbabuena, Yerba del lobo
Cinnamon (= Canela) - Cinnamomun zeylanicum - (Elsa Campos)
Cipero - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Cípero - Cyperus rotundus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ciprés de invierno - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Ciprés de Judea - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Ciprés de perla - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Cipreso - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Cirian - Crescentia alata - (Elsa Campos)
Cirsium undulatum, Cardo santo
Cisca - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cissus - L. - Genus Name
Family Vitaceae (= Vitidaceae)
Common Name
Treebine - - (BONAP)
Peppervine - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
A species in New Mexico not listed
here that may be medicinal is:
Cissus incisa Des Moulins (= Ivy treebine).
Cissus verticillata - (L.) D.H. Nicols. & Jarvis -
Species Name
Family Vitaceae (= Vitidaceae)
Common Name
Bejuco - - (Mexican-American)
Temecatl - - (Nahuatl)
Tepemecatl - - (Nahuatl)
Tlayapaloni - - (Mexican-American)
Tripa de Judas - - (Mexican-American)
Tripa de Vaca - - (Mexican-American)
Ya'ax-tabakanil - - (Maya)
Yerba del buey - - (Mexican-American)
Cissus sicyoides - L. - (BONAP)
Cistaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Malvales - Dumort. - Order Name
Common Name
Rock-rose family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, one genus:
Lechea L. (= Pinweed), including the two species
L. mucronata Rafinesque and L. tenuifolia Michaux.
Citerach - Selaginella lepidophylla - (?)
Citronella - Cymbopogon citratus - (Elsa Campos)
Citrus aurantium - Azahar (= dry orange blossoms) - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Azahar de naranjo - (Mexican-American)
Azahares - (Mexican-American)
- Orange blossoms -
Citrus sinensis - Azahar (= dry orange blossoms) - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Azahar de naranjo - (Mexican-American)
Azahares - (Mexican-American)
- Orange blossoms -
Clastico de moscas, see Clavelina
Clavelina, Saponaria officinalis
Clematis - L. - (KEW)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Ranunculaceae - - (BONAP)
Clematis - Clematis lasiantha - (Mexican-American)
- Clematis
spp. - (Mexican-American)
- Clematis virginiana -
Clematis lasiantha
- Barba de chivo - (Mexican-American)
Clematis - (Mexican-American)
- Coctemecatl (= pungent vine) -
- Old man's beard - (Mexican-American)
- Virgin's
bower - (Mexican-American)
Clematis spp.
- Barba de chivo - (Mexican-American)
Clematis - (Mexican-American)
- Coctemecatl - (Nahuatl)
- Old
man's beard - (Mexican-American)
- Virgin's bower -
Clematis virginiana
- Barba de chivo - (Mexican-American)
Clematis - (Mexican-American)
- Coctemecatl - (Nahuatl)
- Old
man's beard - (Mexican-American)
- Virgin's bower -
Cleome serrulata, Guaco
Clerodendrum (Clerodendron) - L. - Genus Name
Family Lamiaceae
[In subfamily Ajugoideae (= Teucrioideae)]
Common Name
Glorybower - - (?)
Bagflower - - (?)
Bleeding-heart - - (?)
In Mexico, at least 2 species used medicinally: - - (Atlas Mexico, KEW)
Clerodendrum chinense (Osbeck) Mabb.
(= Jasmincillo, Jazmín de España), and
Clerodendron ligustrinum (Jacq.) R. Br.
(= Moste).
See notes.
Clerodendrum chinense - (Osbeck) Mabb. - Species Name
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
Bocamelia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Camelia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hortensia silvestre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Jasmincillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Jazmín de España - - (Atlas Mexico)
Jazmín de Italia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Marbella - - (Spanish-Américas)
Marbello - - (Spanish-Américas)
Metroceder - - (Spanish-Américas)
Milflores - - (Spanish-Américas)
Volcameria - - (Spanish-Américas)
Clerodendrum fragrans - (Vent.) R.Br. - (KEW)
Volkameria fragrans - Vent. - (KEW)
Clerodendrum philippinum - Schauer - (KEW)
Clerodendrum ligustrinum - (Jacq.) R. Br. - Species Name
= Volkameria ligustrina Jacq.
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
Árbol sagrado - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cógetelo todo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Guardia civil - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Icinté - - (Spanish-Américas)
Izinté - - (Spanish-Américas)
Moste - - (Atlas Mexico)
Muste - - (Spanish-Américas)
Musté - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Señora de noche - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Clocks (= Alfilerillo)
Cloves, use of, see Alegria, Anil del muerto, Guaco, Popoton, Yerbabuena, Yerba del lobo
Cluster lily (= Cebollita del campo)
Cochinita - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cocholloxin - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cocklebur - Arctium lappa - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Xanthium strumarium var. canadense - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Cockleburr - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Mexico)
Cockscomb - Amaranthus spp. - (Mexican-American)
Coco - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Coco capim - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Coco-grass - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Coco grass - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Cocra - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Coctemecatl - Clematis lasiantha - (Nahuatl)
- Clematis spp. -
- Clematis virginiana - (Nahuatl)
Cocú - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocuí - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocuy - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocuyo - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cocuisa - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Coentro (= Culantro)
Coffee plant - Thelesperma megapotamicum - (?)
Cohombrillo - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cohombro - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cohosh (= Yerba del peco)
Cojón de gato - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Cola de borrego - Stevia serrata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cola de caballo - Equisetum arvense - (Elsa Campos)
Cola de gato - Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Cola de iguana - Plumbago - (Mexican-American)
Plumbago pulchella - (Mexican-American)
- Plumbago
scandens - (Mexican-American)
Genus Plumbago not
native in New Mexico.
Colchón de pobre - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Coliander (= Culantro)
Colita - Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
Colita de rata, Eriogonum racemosum
Collalle - Gutierrezia sarothrae - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Coloquinto - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Colorado cough root - Ligusticum porteri - (Moore)
Colorado greenthread - Thelesperma ambiguum - (BONAP)
Colorado rubber plant (= Pinhue)
Colorín - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Colt's tail - Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Comfrey - Symphytum officinalis - (Elsa Campos)
Cominos rústicos - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Commelinaceae - R. Brown - Family Name
= Commelinaceae Mirb.
Commelinales - Dumort. - Order Name
Common Name
Spiderwort family - - (FNA)
Higher level lineages:
o Commelinidae Takhtajan (commelinids)
o Monocotyledoneae de Candolle (= monocots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 2 genera: - - (NM)
Commelina L.
(= Dayflower);
Tradescantia L.
(= Spiderwort)
In subfamily Commelinoideae Faden & D. R. Hunt of Commelinaceae,
molecular evidence (from DNA phylogenic analysis) supports the primarily
World tribe Commelineae (Meisner) Faden & D. R. Hunt as a
monophyletic group (lineage), consisting of the genera Commelina L.,
Pollia Thunb., Murdannia Royle, and some (10) other genera. However,
in the same subfamily, the primarily New World tribe Tradescantieae
(Meisner) Faden & D. R. Hunt, consisting of the genus Tradescantia L.
and 24 other genera (as currently defined), is almost certainly paraphyletic.
There is strong evidence that the genus Commelina is monophyletic group
of species;
and weaker evidence indicates that the genus Tradescantia L.
is also monophyletic (Burns, et al., 2011).
o Burns, J. H., Faden, R. B., & Steppan, S. J. (2011) Phylogenetic studies
in the Commelinaceae subfamily Commelinoideae inferred from nuclear
ribosomal and chloroplast DNA sequences. Systematic Botany, 36(2), 268-276.
Commelina - L. - Genus Name
Family Commelinaceae
Common Name
Dayflower - - (NM)
Widow's tears - - (Four Corners)
In Mexico, at least 3 species used medicinally. - - (Atlas Mexico)
Commelina coelestis Willd.
(= Hierba del pollo);
Commelina diffusa Burm. F.
(= Climbing dayflower, Hierba del pollo); and
Commelina erecta L.
(= Hierba del pollo or Matlali)
In New Mexico, 2 species: - - (NM)
Commelina dianthifolia Delile
(= Bird-bill dayflower); and
Commelina erecta L. var. angustifolia (Michaux) Fernald
(= White-mouth dayflower)
As part of the genus Commelina, the North American C. coelestis
and C. dianthifolia, together with African C. africana and another
species, form a well-defined lineage. Asian, African and sometimes
more widely distributed species form another lineage, comprising
C. purpurea, C. fluviatilis, C. welwitschii, C. diffusa, and
C. communis.
The species C. erecta shows an uncertain affinity with C. bracteosa,
C. virginica, C. congesta, and C. capitata (Burns, et al., 2011).
Commelina coelestris - Willd. - Species Name
Family Commelinaceae
Common Name
Bakhaxiu - - (EncicloVida)
Barquito - - (EncicloVida)
Blue spider wort - - (PFAF)
Cañita - - (Martínez, 1979)
Chipil de piedra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cielo azul - - (Martínez, 1979)
Coapatli - - (Martínez, 1979)
Commelina - - (PFAF)
Dayflower - - (Elsa Campos)
Hierba del pollo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Kachaxiu - - (EncicloVida)
Matlalina - - (Atlas Mexico)
Matlal-xóchitl - - (EncicloVida)
Mätlälxõchitl - - (Martínez, 1979)
Matlalitzic - - (Martínez, 1979)
Pajilla - - (EncicloVida)
Pata de gallo - - (EncicloVida)
Pata de pollo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Quesadillita - - (Martínez, 1979)
Rosilla - - (Martínez, 1979)
Texcocana - - (Martínez, 1979)
Tripa de pollo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Tripa de pollito - - (Atlas Mexico)
Widow's tears - - (Elsa Campos)
Zaca-matlalín - - (Martínez, 1979)
Zacamätlälin - - (EncicloVida)
Zoyalxóchitl - - (Martínez, 1979)
Commelina dianthifolia - Delile - Species Name
Family Commelinaceae
Common Name
Barba de buey - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Baba mejicana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bird-bill dayflower - - (NM)
Birdbill dayflower - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de perrito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del pollo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Kasalá - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quesadilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico
Infusion for livestock as aphrodisiac or as a strengthener
for weakened patients with tuberculosis, reported to be used by
some Native Americans in New Mexico - - (Four Corners, PFAF)
Commelina diffusa - Burm. F. - Species Name
Family Commelinaceae
Common Name
Chípil de piedra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Climbing dayflower - - (?)
Hierba del pollo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Matalín morado - - (Atlas Mexico)
Quesadilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Commelina erecta - L. - Species Name
Family Commelinaceae
Common Name
Atlic (nahuatl) - - (Atlas Mexico, Puebla)
Blousel blommetjie - - (
Blue commelina - - (
Espuelita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del pollo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Kasmalj - - (Atlas Mexico, Puebla)
Leandro Gómez - - (Spanish-Américas)
Leandrogómez - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malastis - - (Atlas Mexico, Puebla)
Mataliste - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mataliz - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Matlali - - (Atlas Mexico)
Matlalina - - (Atlas Mexico)
Rosilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Slender dayflower - - (
Tripa de gallina - - (Atlas Mexico)
White mouth dayflower - - (
Whitemouth dayflower - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Widow's tears - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yerba de Santa Lucía - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yerba de santalucía - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico, 1 variety - - (NM)
Commelina erecta L. var. angustifolia (Michaux) Fernald
(= White-mouth dayflower)
Common beggarticks - Bidens vulgata - (NM)
Common bermudagrass - Cynodon dactylon - (Herbalgram)
Common Canary grass - Phalaris canariensis - (Quattrocchi)
Common cedar (= Cuipa de sabina)
Common cowparsnip - Heracleum maximum - (BONAP)
Common fig - Ficus carica - (Mexican-American)
Common hop - Humulus lupulus - (BONAP)
- Humulus lupulus var. neomexicanus - (BONAP)
Common mallow - Malva neglecta - (southwest US & Mexico)
Common nasturtium - Tropaeolum majus - (Elsa Campos)
Tropaeolum seemanii - (Elsa Campos)
Common plantain - Plantago major - (Upper Rio Grande
- Plantago major var. major - (BONAP)
Common ragweed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English)
Common reed - Phragmites australis - (NM)
Commonreed - Phragmites australis - (Moerman)
Common reed grass - Phragmites australis - (Moerman)
Common Tobacco - Nicotiana tabacum - (Uphuf, 1959)
Common yarrow - Achillea millefolium - (ITIS, U.S.A.)
Achillea millefolium var. alpicola - (ITIS, BONAP)
Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis - (ITIS)
Condalia spathulata, Teconblate
Cone flower (= Dormilon, Yerba de la tusa) - Ratibida tagetes - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Coneflower - Rudbeckia - (BONAP)
Congarey - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Cóngera - Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Congeraman - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Conisaca - Cyperus rotundus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Congora - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Cóngora - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Cónguera - Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Congueran - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Conioselinum - Hoffmann - (NM)
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Hemlock-parsley - - (NM)
In New Mexico, one species: - - (NM)
Conioselinum scopulorum (Gray) Coulter & Rose
(Rocky Mountain hemlock-parsley).
See notes (under another genus name), with further comments.
Conioselinum scopulorum - (Gray) Coulter & Rose - (NM)
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Rocky Mountain hemlock-parsley - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Ligusticum scopulorum - Gray - (NM)
Conioselinum scopulorum can be easily confused with the closely
related species Ligusticum porteri and vice versa.
Conjira - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Consuelda (= Chicoria)
Consuelda - Symphytum officinalis - (Elsa Campos)
Conteira - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Contrayerba - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
- Kallstroemia californica - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Psoralea pentaphylia - (Elsa Campos)
Contrayerba blanca - Psoralea pentaphylia - (Elsa Campos)
Contra yerba - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Contra yerba de la sierra - Asclepias quinquedentata - (Kay)
Convovulac (= Yerba sin raiz)
Convolvulaceae - Juss. - (APG II) Family Name
Solanales - Dumort. - (APG II) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Lamiidae Takhtajan;
o Garryidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids I = asterids I);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 7 genera: - - (NM)
Calystegia R.Br. (= Hedge bindweed),
Convolvulus L. (= Bindweed),
Cressa L. (= Alkaliweed),
Cuscuta L. (= Dodder),
Dichondra J.R.Forst. & G.Forst. (= Pony's-foot),
Evolvulus L. (= Morning-glory), and
Ipomoea L. (= Morning-glory)
Conyza - Less. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Horseweed - - (BONAP)
Related species or
variety in New Mexico not listed that might be medicinal:
canadensis var. glabrata - (Gray) Cronq. - (BONAP:
Canadian horseweed)
Conyza ramosissima - Cronq. - (BONAP:
Dwarf horseweed)
Conyza canadensis - (L.) Cronq. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Canadian horseweed - -
Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (L.) Cronq. -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Bitterweed - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Butterweed - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Canada fleabane - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Canadian horseweed - - (BONAP)
Colt's tail - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Fleabane - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Horseweed - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Pazotillo - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Pride weed - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Erigeron canadensis -
L. - (BONAP)
Leptilon canadense -
(L.) Britt. - (BONAP)
Copalchi - Coutarea latiflora - (Elsa Campos)
Copalquin, see Contrayerba
'Copangel' - - (Apachian/Madrean region)
See notes.
Copper globemallow - Sphaeralcea angustifolia - (BONAP)
Copper leaf - Acalypha phleoides - (Mexico)
Copper sulphate, see Piedra azul
Coqueta - Acacia pennatula - (Spanish-Américas)
- Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coquetta - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coquí - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cyperus rotundus - (Spanish-Américas)
Coquillo - Cyperus esculentus - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Coquillo amarillo - Cyperus esculentus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coquillo morado - Cyperus rotundus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coquillo purpura - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Coquinho - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Coquito - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cyperus rotundus - (Spanish-Américas)
Coquito amarillo - Cyperus esculentus - (Atlas Mexico)
Coral - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Coral-bead plant - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Coral pea - Abrus precatorius - (Plant Book)
Coral xilacuaco - Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coralillo - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Coralito - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Coralito cimarrón - Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coralitos - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Corcalito - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cordia alliodora - Anacahuite - (Elsa Campos)
- Frei-jorge - (Elsa Campos)
Cordia boissieri - Amatl - (Nahuatl)
- Amaquahuitl - (Nahuatl)
- Anacahuite - (Mexican-American)
- Camichin -
- Little trumpet - (Mexican-American)
Trompillo - (Mexican-American)
- Zalate - (Mexican-American)
Coreopsis - Coreopsis grandiflora - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Coreopsis tinctoria - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coreopsis - L. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Names
Chispa (C. sp.) - - (Spanish-Américas)
Romerillo (C. sp.) - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tickseed - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 3-5 species: - - (NM)
Coreopsis basalis (A. Dietrich) S.F. Blake
var. wrightii (Gray) S.F. Blake (= Rock tickseed, Wright's tickseed);
Coreopsis californica (Nutt.) H.K. Sharsmith (= California tickseed)
= Leptosyne californica Nutt.
(species only known from one collection in Hidalgo county);
Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg ex Sweet (= Largeflower tickseed);
Coreopsis lanceolata L. (= Lanceleaf tickseed); and
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. (= Golden tickseed).
The genus "Coreopsis" is highly polyphyletic.
However, with exception of
C. californica, all other species in New Mexico are probably most closely
related to the well-defined genus Thelesperma.
See notes.
Coreopsis basalis - (A. Dietrich) S.F. Blake - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Names
Rock tickseed - - (BONAP, NM)
Wright's tickseed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, (possibly) 1 variety: - - (NM)
Coreopsis basalis var. wrightii (Gray) S.F. Blake
Coreopsis wrightii - (Gray) H.M. Parker ex E.B. Smith - (NM)
This variety requires varification of occurrence in New Mexico.
Coreopsis grandiflora - Hogg ex Sweet - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Names
Coreopsis - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Golden-wave - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Largeflower tickseed - - (BONAP)
Large-flower tickseed - - (NM)
Tickseed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Coreopsis grandiflora var. harveyana - (A. Gray) Sherff - (FNA)
Coreopsis grandiflora var. longipes - (Hooker) Torrey & A. Gray - (FNA)
Coreopsis grandiflora var. saxicola - (Alexander) E. B. Smith - (FNA)
Coreopsis saxicola - Alexander - (FNA)
Coreopsis lanceolata - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Names
Lanceleaf coreopsis - - (
Lanceleaf tickseed - - (BONAP, NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Coreopsis crassifolia - Ait. - (BONAP)
Coreopsis heterogyna - Fern. - (BONAP)
Coreopsis lanceolata var. villosa - Michx. - (BONAP)
Coreopsis tinctoria - Nutt. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Names
Annual coreopsis - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Atkinson's tickseed - - (BONAP, NM)
Bero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calliopsis - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coreopsis - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Estrelas-do-Egipto (Portugal) - - (JEP 2010:132, 483-490)
Golden tickseed - - (BONAP)
Goldenwaves - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Plains coreopsis - - (
Tinctorial coreopsis - - (JEP 2016:186, 73-83)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Calliopsis cardaminifolia - A.P. de Candolle - (NM)
Coreopsis atkinsoniana Douglas - ex Lindley - (NM)
Coreopsis cardaminifolia - (A.P. de Candolle) Torrey & Gray - (NM)
Coreopsis stenophylla - Boynt. - (BONAP)
Coreopsis tinctoria var. atkinsoniana - (Douglas ex Lindley) H.M. Parker ex E.B. Small - (NM)
Coreopsis tinctoria var. imminuta - Sherff - (BONAP)
See notes.
Coriander (= Culantro)
Coriandro (= Culantro)
Coriandrum sativum, Culantro
Corkbark fir - Abies arizonica var. arizonica - (BONAP)
Corn poppy - Papaver rhoeas - (Mexican-American)
Corn silk - Zea mays - (Mexican-American)
Cornaceae - Bercht. & J.Presl - Family Name
Cornales - Link. - Order Name
Higher level lineages (Cantino, et al., 2007):
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 1 genus - - (BONAP)
Cornus L. (= Dogwood)
See notes.
Cornezuelo - Acacia collinsii - (Atlas Mexico)
- Acacia cornigera - (Mexican-American)
- Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Cornus - L. - Genus Name
Family Cornaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Dogwood - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, including 2 species: - - (BONAP)
*Cornus canadensis (= Canadian bunchberry)
*Cornus sericea subsp. sericea (= Red-osier dogwood)
Cornus alternifolia - L. f. - Species Name
Family Cornaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alternateleaf dogwood - - (BONAP)
Kinnikinnick - - (Menomini, Ojibwe)
Cornus amomum - P. Mill. - Species Name
Family Cornaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Silky dogwood - - (BONAP)
Kinnikinik - - (Menomini)
Kinnikinnick - - (Menomini)
Cornus canadensis - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Cornaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Bunchberry dogwood - - (BONAP)
Canadian bunchberry - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Cornus florida - L. - Species Name
Family Cornaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Albellanino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Flowering dogwood - - (BONAP)
Cornus sanguinea - L. - Species Name
Family Cornaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Albellanino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bloodtwig dogwood - - (BONAP)
Cornejo hembra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sanguiñuelo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sanapudio blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cornus sericea subsp. sericea - Linnaeus - Subspecies Name
Family Cornaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Red-osier dogwood - - (NM)
Tepecuilo - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Cornus instolonea - A. Nelson - (NM)
Cornus sericea Linnaeus subsp. stolonifera - (Michaux) Fosberg - (NM)
Cornus stolonifera - Michaux - (NM)
Corôa Christi - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Corocilla - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Corocillo - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Corocito - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Coronacris - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Coronha - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Coronilla (= little crown) - Gaillardia pinnatifida - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Correhuela - Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
Corrigiola - Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
Cortadera - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Cortapito - Acacia cornigera - (Spanish-Américas)
Corteno - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
Corteza de curtidora - Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
Cosmos (= Amores)
Cosmos parviflorus, Amores
Cota - Thelesperma longipes - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Thelesperma megapotamicum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cottonwood - Populus - (Mexican-American)
- Populus alba - (Mexican-American)
- Populus angustifolia - (Mexican-American)
- Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni - (Mexican-American)
Cotufa - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Cotula fétida - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Coutarea latiflora - Copalchi - (Elsa Campos)
Covillea glutinosa, Hediondilla
Cowbane (= Yerba del peco)
Cow herb (= Clavelina)
Cow-lily - Nuphar - (FNA)
Cow parsnip (= Yerba del oso) - Heracleum maximum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cow pen daisy - Verbesina encelioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cowpen daisy - Verbesina encelioides var. encelioides - (NM)
- Verbesina encelioides var. exauriculata - (NM)
Cow's milk (= Leche de vaca)
Coyolillo - Cyperus rotundus - (Spanish-Américas)
Coyote melon - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coyote tobacco - Nicotiana attenuata - (BONAP)
Crab-eye vine - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Crab's eye - Abrus precatorius - (Uphof, 1959)
Cranesbill (= Patita de leon)
Crassulaceae - J.St.-Hil. - (APG II:
Family Name)
(Crassulaceae DC., according to Delta)
- Dumort. - (APG II: Order Name)
Higher level lineages (APG II,
Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot; Rosid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Crazy pumpkin - Apodanthera undulata - (EB 56(4): 380–398,2002)
Crazy weed (= Frijolillo)
Crecinho do mato - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Creeping barberry - Berberis repens (= Mahonia repens) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Creeping mahonia - Berberis repens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Creosote bush (= Hediondilla)
Crescentia alata - Black calabash - (Elsa Campos)
- Cirian -
(Elsa Campos)
- Cuatecomate - (Elsa Campos)
Cresta de gallo - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Crested mallow - Anoda cristata - (?)
Crisanta, Chrysanthemum indicum
Crisp cheeseweed - Malva crispa - (NM)
Crookneck squash - Cucurbita moschata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Croton - L. - Genus Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Common Name
Croton - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 7 species, 1 variety: - - (NM)
Croton dioicus Cavanilles (= Grassland croton),
Croton fruticulosus Engelmann ex Torrey
(= Bush croton),
Croton glandulosus Linnaeus var. lindheimeri Muller Argoviensis
(= Glandular croton),
Croton lindheimerianus Scheele
(= Lindheimer's croton),
Croton monanthogynus Michaux
(= Prairie-tea),
Croton pottsii (Klotzsch) Mueller Argoviensis
(= Leatherweed), and
Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Mueller Argoviensis
(= Texas croton).
Croton pottsii (Klotzsch) Muell.-Arg - Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Common Name
Barbasco - - (Mexican-American)
Dove weed - - (Mexican-American)
Leatherweed - - (NM)
Palillo - - (Mexican-American)
Pionillo - - (Mexican-American)
Potts' leatherweed - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Croton corymbulosus - Engelm. - (BONAP)
Croton eremophilus - Wooton & Standley - (NM)
Lasiogyne pottsii - Klotzsch - (NM)
Croton texensis - (Klotzsch) Muell.-Arg. - Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae
Common Name
Barbasco - - (Mexican-American)
Dove weed - - (Mexican-American)
Croton weed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Palillo - - (Mexican-American)
Pionillo - - (Mexican-American)
Texas croton - - (BONAP, Mexican-American)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Croton luteovirens - Wooton & Standley - (NM)
Hendecandra texensis - Klotzsch - (NM)
Croton weed (= Barbasco) - Croton texensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Crow foot (= Patita de leon)
Crown Beard - Verbesina encelioides var. exauriculata - (Moerman)
Crownbeard (= Anil del muerto) - Verbesina - (NM)
- Verbesina crocata - (Mexican-American)
- Verbesina encelioides - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Verbesina encelioides var. exauriculata - (Moerman)
- Verbesina spp. - (Mexican-American)
Cuachalala - Ampbypteryngium adstringens - (Elsa Campos)
Cuachalalacua - Rivina humilis - (Atlas Mexico)
Cuachalalate - Ampbypteryngium adstringens - (Elsa Campos)
Cuahchichie - Garrya ovata - (Atlas Mexico)
Cuahulote - Guazuma tomentosa - (Mexican-American)
- Guazuma
ulmifolia - (Mexican-American)
Cuajaleche - Galium mexicanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuajilotillo - Aralia humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuajo (Rennet)
Cuatecomate - Crescentia alata - (Elsa Campos)
Cuauchichi - Garrya laurifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuauchichic - Garrya - (Moore)
Cuauholotl - Guazuma tomentosa - (Nahuatl)
- Guazuma ulmifolia
- (Nahuatl)
Cubata - Acacia cochliacantha - (Atlas Mexico)
Cubilete - Nuphar - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuca - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Cucabit - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cucaracho - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Cucharilla - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cucharitas - Acacia cochliacantha - (Spanish-Américas)
Cucharo - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuchilloxin - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuchilxiu - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cucurbita - L. - Genus Name
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Chichicayotli - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gourd - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 3 species, 2 varieties: - - (NM)
*Cucurbita digitata Gray
(= Finger-leaf gourd),
*Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth
(= Buffalo gourd),
*Cucurbita pepo Linnaeus var. pepo
(= Field pumpkin), and
*Cucurbita pepo Linnaeus var. texana (Scheele) Decker
(= Field pumpkin).
The edible seeds (sometimes fruit) of cultivated species of the genus are
commonly called Pepitas (also often considered medicinal).
o Sanjur, O. I., Piperno, D. R., Andres, T. C., and Wessel-Beaver, L. (2002)
Phylogenetic relationships among domesticated and wild species of Cucurbita
(Cucurbitaceae) inferred
from a mitochondrial gene: implications for crop
plant evolution and areas of origin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 99:535-540.
Cucurbita argyrosperma - C.Huber - Species Name
[Cucurbita argyrosperma K.Koch (unresolved name).] - - (KEW)
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Ayota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacita - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Calabaza arota - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza chompo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza de pepitagruesa - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza mexicana - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Garden pumpkin - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Green-striped cushaw - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Green striped cushaw squash - - (?)
Pumpkin - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cucurbita mixta - Pangalo - (KEW)
The seeds for various cultural varieties of Northern Mexico and US Southwest
are available from Native Seeds/SEARCH, including
Calabaza de las Aguas,
Calabaza Mexicana, Chimayo Calabaza,
Gila Pima "Ha:I," Mesilla Calabaza,
Navajo Cushaw "Tail Squash,"
Papalote Ranch Cushaw, Silver Edged,
Tohono O'odham "Ha:l,"
Velarde, and Veracruz Pepita.
Cucurbita argyrosperma subsp. sororia (L.H. Bailey) Merrick & Bates
is a wild plant that is found today from Mexico to Central America.
This wild subspecies is probably the progenitor of the above cultivated
group that is also called Cucurbita argyrosperma subsp. argyrosperma
(see Sanjur et al., 2002).
Also see Jones (1992).
o Jones, C. S. (1992) Ontogeny of a Wild Cucurbit and its Derived Cultivar,
Evolution, Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 1827-1847.
Cucurbitác - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cucurbitaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Cucurbitales - Dumort. - (APG IV) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o nitrogen-fixing lineage;
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 12 genera: - - (NM)
*Apodanthera Arn.
(= Melon-loco),
Citrullus Schrad. ex Eckl. & Zeyh.
(= Watermelon),
*Cucumis L.
(= Melon),
*Cucurbita L.
(= Gourd),
*Cyclanthera Schrad.
(= Cyclanthera),
Echinocystis Torr. & Gray
(= Wild cucumber),
Echinopepon Naud.
(= Spiny-melon),
Ibervillea Greene
(= Globeberry),
Marah Kellogg
(= Manroot),
Momordica L.
(= Balsam-apple),
Sicyos L.
(= Bur-cucumber), and
Sicyosperma Gray
(= Arrowheads).
Cucurbita digitata - Gray - Species Name
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Calabacilla - - (Food Plants Americas)
Calabaza amarga - - (Food Plants Americas)
Chichicayote - - (Food Plants Americas)
Chichi coyote - - (Felger)
Coyote gourd - - (Food Plants Americas)
Fingerleaf gourd - - (Food Plants Americas)
Finger-leaved gourd - - (NM)
Meloncillo - - (Food Plants Americas)
Melón de coyote - - (Food Plants Americas)
In New Mexico
No synonyms recorded. - - (KEW)
Although the fruit extract of this species may be a source of many
medicinally interesting chemical compounds (et al., Sudarsanam, 2014),
the pulp of fruit is considered poisonous, - - (Food Plants Americas)
and seeds have been roasted and eaten as a snack food
by Native Americans in southwest US, - - (Moerman)
there could not be found any reports of strickly medicinal uses
of this species in North America north of Mexico.
o et al., Sudarsanam (2014) Phytochemical, antioxidant and cytotoxic
properties of the fruit extract
Cucurbita digitata,
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, 6(4), pp. 353-356.
Cucurbita ficifolia - Bouche - Species Name
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Abóbora chila - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora gila - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alcayota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alcayota común - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Boganga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabello de ángel - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cayota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chiberre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilacaiota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilacajota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilacayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilacayotl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chirigaita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chiverre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cidra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cidra cayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cidracayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fig-leaved gourd - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lacahuiti - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lacayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mail - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malabar gourd - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ticati - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ticatsa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tzilacayotli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Vitoriera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cucurbita foetidissima - Kunth - Species Name
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Alficaz - - (southwest US & Mexico)
American wild gourd - - (Moerman)
Buffalo gourd - - (NM)
Calabacilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabacilla amarga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacilla hedionda - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabacilla loca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabacita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza amargosa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza búfalo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabazilla - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chicayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chichic-amole - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chili-cojote - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chichicoyote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chilicayote - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chilicote - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chilicothe - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cohombrillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cohombro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coloquinto - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coyote melon - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cucurbitác - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Desert gourd - - (Moerman)
Gourd - - (Moerman)
Hierba de la víbora - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jamacha - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Missouri gourd - - (Moerman)
Mock orange - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Oreja de burro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pepino del diablo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Wild gourd - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wild melon - - (Moerman)
Wild pumpkin - - (Moerman)
Wild squash - - (Moerman)
Zaracoche - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico
Cucurbita perennis - Gray - (NM)
Pepo foetidissima - (Kunth) Britton - (NM)
Cucurbita maxima - Lam. - Species Name
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Abóbora amarela - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora do telhado - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora gigante - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora grande - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora menina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Acorn squash - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ahuyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alcayota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Auyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ayote gigante - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayotli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ayoxochquílitl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bellota - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bolo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza amarilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza confitera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de cidra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de invierno - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza gigante - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza grande - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza redonda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza tamala - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza tamalayota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza totanera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabazo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabazona - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Casposo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cayota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilacayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chirigaita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chiverre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cidracayota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cidracayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cilacayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Girimu - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gourd - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gueto - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Guu - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hoyito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hubbard squash - - (Moerman)
Istacayota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Melón - - (Atlas Mexico)
Moganga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ojibwe squash - - (Moerman)
Pumpkin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sambo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Squash - - (Moerman)
Tamalayota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tamalayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tecats - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Totanera - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Turban squash - - (Moerman)
Uyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Vitoria - - (Spanish-Américas)
Winter squash - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Xigaba - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zapallito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallito de tronco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallo bugango - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallo criollo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallo forrajero - - (Spanish-Américas)
The seeds for various cultural varieties of Northern Mexico and US Southwest
are available from Native Seeds/SEARCH, including
Calabaza Temporal,
Mayo Blusher, Minnie's Apache Hubbard, Navajo Gray Hubbard,
Navajo Hubbard, Peñasco Cheese, and Taos.
Cucurbita moschata - (Lam.) Poiret - Species Name
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Abóbora almiscar - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora almiscarada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora catinga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora cheirosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora melão - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora preta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora rasteira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ahuyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Anco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Auyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayotli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ayoxochquílitl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Butternut - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabacera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabacín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza almizclada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza amarilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza amelonada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza cegualca - - (Atlas Mexico: Sonora)
Calabaza cuarentena - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza de Castilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de Chipre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de comer - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de cuello torcido - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza de Nápoles - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de olor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de pepita menuda - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza melón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza moscada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cheese pumpkin - - (Moerman)
Crookneck squash - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cum - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cushaw - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hacayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Iscum - - (Spanish-Américas)
Joco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Joko - - (Spanish-Américas)
K'uum - - (Atlas Mexico: Quintana Roo)
Lacayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Melocotón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pumpkin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sapallo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sehualca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Spiral cushaw pumpkin - - (Moerman)
Squash - - (Moerman)
Striped cushaw pumpkin - - (Moerman)
Winter crookneck - - (Moerman)
Xmehen k'uum - - (Atlas Mexico: Yucatán)
Zapallo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallo andai - - (Spanish-Américas)
The seeds for various cultural varieties of Northern Mexico and US Southwest
are available from Native Seeds/SEARCH, including
Carrizo, Guarijio Segualca,
Magdalena Big Cheese, Mayo Kama,
Sonoran, Yoeme Segualca, and
Waltham Butternut (most popular winter squash).
Cucurbita pepo - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Cucurbitaceae
Common Name
Abobeira de moita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abobobeira grande - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora amarela - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora carneira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora de agua - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora de coroa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora de enfeite - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora de porco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora jerimu - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora laranja - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora machado - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora moganga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora moranga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora pepa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abóbora porqueira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ahuyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Anco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Auyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Avinca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayohtli - - (Distrito Federal)
Ayote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ayotera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Barrete de padre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Berenjena - - (Spanish-Américas)
Boganga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bolo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bonetillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bonetillos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabeza de moro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cabeza de Turco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabacita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabacita italiana - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabacita verde - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza biche - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza bonetera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza botonera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza chompa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza común - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza confitera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de San Juan - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza de verano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza forrajera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza india - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabaza pastelera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza pipiana - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza redonda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calabaza tamalayota - - (Atlas Mexico)
Calabaza turbante - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Calabazo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Camolenga - - (Spanish-Américas)
Canloria - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cantoria - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chicayota - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cum - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Dinhángoa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Escariote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Field pumpkin - - (NM)
Hoco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Huyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Iztacayotli - - (Distrito Federal)
Jerimum - - (Spanish-Américas)
Large pie pumpkin - - (Moerman)
Marrow - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pipián - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pumpion pumpkin - - (Moerman)
Pumpkin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Puru - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Purú - - (Spanish-Américas)
Roman squash - - (Moerman)
Sapuyo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Semillas de calabaza - - (Atlas Mexico)
Squash - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Summer squash - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ts'ol - - (Quintana Roo)
Tsolitas - - (Quintana Roo)
Turbante de moro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tzol - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Uyama - - (Spanish-Américas)
Vitoriera - - (Spanish-Américas)
White scallop squash - - (Moerman)
Zambo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zapallito de tronco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallito italiano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallo de Angola - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallo de tronco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zapallo del tiempo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zucchini - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico, 2 wild varieties,
one introduced (var. pepo) and
the other (var. texana) native: - - (NM)
Cucurbita pepo var. pepo
(Field pumpkin) and
Cucurbita pepo var. texana (Scheele) Decker
(Field pumpkin).
The seeds for cultural varieties (various pumpkins, acorn
squash, zucchini and
ornamental gourds) of Northern Mexico and US Southwest are available from
Native Seeds/SEARCH, including
Acoma Pumpkin, Hopi Pumpkin,
Pacheco Pumpkin, Tarahumara,
Big Max Pumpkin, Dark Star Zucchini,
and Yellow Crookneck.
Winter squash varieties of the species includes acorn, spaghetti and delicata;
summer squash varieties include yellow summer squash,
zucchini, pattypan,
and bush scallop.
Although the wild ancestor of the var. pepo
is unknown, Sanjur et al. (2002)
points out that wild populations of plants (called subsp. fraterna) more closely
related to var. pepo may still exist in central or southern Mexico. Therefore,
additional collections of cucurbits in these areas are needed. Teppner (2004)
reported that a plant called Cucurbita pepo subsp. gumala Teppner is cultivated
in Guatemala and Mexico. This cultivated plant is closely related to wild species
and could have been the starting point of the domestication of var. pepo.
According to María Ferriol and Belén Picó (2008), the potential zone for the
domestication of the cultivated acorn types of Cucurbita pepo var. texana
[syn. subsp. ovifera (L.) Decker] ranges from eastern North America to
northeastern Mexico. Wild and native plants of this variety can be found
growing in North America north of Mexico, including New Mexico.
Although the wild populations of plants often called Cucurbita pepo subsp.
fraterna (L.H. Bailey) Lira, Andres & Nee from northern Mexico are closely
related to var. texana (Sanjur et al., 2002), many individuals of these wild
populations are also completely interfertile with the other domesticated variety,
the pumpkin type Cucurbita pepo var. pepo.
o María Ferriol and Belén Picó (2008) Pumpkin and Winter Squash, In Vegetables I:
Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Chenopodicaceae, and Cucurbitaceae (edited) by Jaime
Prohens and Fernando Nuez, Springer, pp. 317-350.
o Teppner, H. (2004) Notes on Lagenaria and Cucurbita (Cucurbitaceae) - review
and new contributions, Phyton, 44 (2):245-308.
Cudweed - Antennaria dioica - (?)
Cuernecillo - Acacia cornigera - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuernito - Acacia cornigera - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuernitos - Acacia cornigera - (Atlas Mexico)
- Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuerno de toro - Acacia cornigera - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuerno de venado, see Yerba de Alonso Garcia
Cuero (Leather)
Cuipa de sabina - Juniperus sp. - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cují - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuji aromo - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuji cimarrón - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo bastardo - Asplenium trichomanes - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo de pozo - Adiantum capillus-veneris - (Elsa Campos)
- Asplenium trichomanes - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo hawaiiano - Asplenium trichomanes - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantrillo menor - Asplenium trichomanes - (EthnobotDB)
Culantrillo rojo - Asplenium trichomanes - (Spanish-Américas)
Culantro, Coriandrum sativum
Cultivated tobacco - Nicotiana tabacum - (BONAP)
Culuncuahui - Acacia millefolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cum - Cucurbita moschata - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cumbacuare - Nymphaea odorata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuntich - Acacia farnesiana - (Quintana Roo)
Cuphea - P. Br. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lythraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Ayauhtona - - (Nahuatl)
Calavera - - (Mexican-American)
Cancerina - - (Mexican-American)
Chanclana - -
Mexican heather - - (Mexican-American)
Waxweed - - (BONAP)
Yerba del cancer - -
Yerba del coyote - - (Mexican-American)
Species in New Mexico (according to BONAP):
Cuphea viscosissima - Jacq. - (BONAP)
(= Blue waxweed),
Cuphea wrightii - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Wright's waxweed).
Cuphea aequipetala - Cav. - (Tropicos)
Lythraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alcancer - -
Ayauhtona - - (Nahuatl)
Calavera - -
Cancerina - - (Mexican-American)
- - (Mexican-American)
Mexican heather - - (Mexican-American)
Yerba del cancer - - (Mexican-American)
Yerba del coyote - -
Found in Mexico (e.g., Chiapas, Coahuila,
Distrito Federal, Guanajuato,
Guerrero, Hidalgo, Michoacan,
Morelos, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla,
Queretaro, San Luis Potosi,
Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz), Guatemala,
and Honduras.
Cuphea jorullensis - Kunth - (Tropicos)
Lythraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alcancer - -
Ayauhtona - - (Nahuatl)
Calavera - -
Cancerina - - (Mexican-American)
- - (Mexican-American)
Mexican heather - - (Mexican-American)
Yerba del cancer - - (Mexican-American)
Yerba del coyote - -
Found in Mexico (e.g., Michoacán).
Cuphea viscosissima - Jacq. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Lythraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Blue waxweed - - (BONAP)
Cuphea petiolata - (L.) Koehne - (BONAP)
Parsonsia petiolata - (L.) Rusby - (BONAP)
Cuphea wrightii - Gray - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lythraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Wright's waxweed - - (BONAP)
Cuphea wrightii var. nematopetala - Bacig. -
Parsonsia wrightii - (Gray)
Kearney - (BONAP)
Cupressaceae - Rich. ex Bartl. -
Family Name
- Dumort. - Order Name
Higher level lineages (Cantino, et al., 2007):
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
In New Mexico, 2 genera:
Cupressus L.
(= Cypress),
Juniperus L.
(= Juniper).
See notes.
Cuquet - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Curaçao milkweed - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Curguatón - Aralia humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Curled dock - Rumex crispus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Curly dock - Rumex crispus - (BONAP)
Cuscuta megalocarpa - Rydb. - Species Name
Family Convolvulaceae
Common name
Bigfruit dodder - - (BONAP)
Cuscuta - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Dodder - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Golden thread - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Love vine - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Strangle weed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba mala - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba sin raiz - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Cuscuta curta - (Engelm.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Cuscuta gronovii var. curta - Engelm. - (BONAP)
Placed in family Cuscutaceae Bercht. & J.Presl by BONAP,
now as before considered part of family Convolvulaceae.
Cuscuta spp. - ? - (Armando González Stuart)
Family Convolvulaceae - - (APG III)
Common name
“Azafrán” - - (Armando González Stuart)
Zacatlaxcale - - (Armando González Stuart)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Cushaw - Cucurbita moschata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cutleaf anemone - Pulsatilla patens ssp. multifida - (BONAP)
Cutleaf coneflower - Rudbeckia laciniata - (BONAP)
- Rudbeckia laciniata var. ampla - (BONAP)
- Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata - (BONAP)
Cutler's milkweed - Asclepias coulteri - (NM)
Cutupito - Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuxubean - Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cymbopogon - Spreng. - (BONAP)
Family Poaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cymbopogon - - (BONAP)
Cymbopogon citratus - (DC. ex Nees) Stapf - (BONAP)
(= Andropogon citratus)
Family Poaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Citronella - - (Elsa Campos)
Hierba de limon - - (Elsa Campos)
Hierba luisa - - (Mexico)
Lemon grass - - (BONAP, Elsa Campos)
Te de limon - - (Mexico)
Zacate de limon - - (Elsa Campos)
Cymopterus - Raf. - Genus Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Spring-parsley - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 16 species: - - (NM)
o Cymopterus alpinus Gray
(= Alpine parsley);
o Cymopterus bakeri (Coulter & Rose) M.E. Jones
(= Baker's alpine parsley);
o Cymopterus bulbosus A. Nelson
(= Bulbous spring-parsely);
o Cymopterus constancei R.L. Hartman
(= Lincoln's spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus davidsonii (Coulter & Rose) R.L. Hartman
(= Davidson's spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus glomeratus (Nuttall) A.P. de Candolle
var. fendleri (Gray) R.L. Hartman
(Cymopterus acaulis = Cymopterus glomeratus)
(= Plains spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus hendersonii (Coulter & Rose) Cronquist
(= Henderson's spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus lemmonii (Coulter & Rose) Dorn
(= Lemmon's spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus longiradiatus (Matthias, Constance, & Theobald) B.L. Turner
(= Spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus macrorhizus Buckley
(= Big-root spring-parsley or Bigroot springparsley);
o Cymopterus montanus Nuttall ex Torrey & Gray
(= Mountain spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus multinervatus (Coulter & Rose) Tidestrom
(= Purple-nerve spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus petraeus M.E. Jones
(= Rocky spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus purpureus S. Watson
(= Purple spring-parsley);
o Cymopterus sessiliflorus (Theobald & Tseng) R.L. Hartman
(= Sessile spring-parsley); and
o Cymopterus spellenbergii Hartman & Larson (= ?)
In New Mexico, leaves and stems of at least one species boiled
to make a beverage. - - (Moerman)
Certain species (mostly used as food or spice) are only
occasionally used as medicinal herbs.
In Arizona, Cymopterus newberryi (S. Wats.) M.E. Jones (= Sweetroot
springparsley) is applied as a lotion from an infusion of the plant to
treat wounds. - - (Moerman)
In Arizona, Cymopterus purpurascens (Gray) M.E. Jones
(= Water parsnip) is used
as an antiemetic and analgesic
(orthopedic) aid. - - (Moerman)
Cymopterus bulbosus - A. Nelson - Species Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Bulbous spring-parsely - - (BONAP, NM)
In New Mexico, used as a gastrointestinal aid and medicine. - - (Moerman)
Also, above ground plant eaten like celery; and tap root eaten raw,
roasted in ashes or dried.
Cymopterus glomeratus - (Nuttall) A.P. de Candolle - Species Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Biscuit root - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chimaha - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chimaja - - (Moore)
Chimaya - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fendler's springparsley - - (BONAP)
Plains spring-parsley - - (NM)
Plains springparsley - - (BONAP)
Wild celery - - (Moerman)
In New Mexico, 1 variety: - - (NM)
Cymopterus glomeratus (Nuttall) A.P. de Candolle
var. fendleri (Gray) R.L. Hartman
Cymopterus acaulis var. fendleri - (Gray) Goodrich - (BONAP)
Cymopterus fendleri - Gray - (NM)
Although the long tap root is persistent, the above ground part of this
plant appears in March or April and disappears by the end of May.
In New Mexico, the leaves and seeds are used as a spice for flavoring - - (Moerman, Moore)
soups and meats. Flavor of leaves is said to be intermediate between
that of
celery and carrot or similar to that of Cilantro even when dried.
The long tap root can be eaten raw, baked, or dried. - - (Moerman)
Restraunts in Albuquerque and Belen are said to have once provided
the seeds with a strong flavor between that of celery and cumin as an
after meal digestive aid. - - (Moore)
Cymopterus lemmonii - (Coulter & Rose) Dorn - Species Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Lemmon's spring-parsley - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Peucedanum lemmonii - Coulter & Rose - (NM)
Pseudocymopterus filicinus - Wooton & Standley - (NM)
Pseudocymopterus montanus - (Gray) Coulter & Rose - (NM)
Pseudocymopterus multifidus - Rydberg - (NM)
Pseudocymopterus purpureus - (Coulter & Rose) Rydberg - (NM)
Pseudocymopterus tenuifolius - (Gray) Rydberg - (NM)
Thaspium montanum - Gray - (NM)
In New Mexico, used as a emetic and gastrointestinal aid. - - (Moerman)
In Arizona, the above ground plant is used for greens. - - (Moerman)
Cymopterus purpureus - S. Watson - Species Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Chimaja - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Purple spring-parsley - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Aulospermum purpureum - (S. Watson) Coulter & Rose - (NM)
Spanish New Mexicans made a tepid tea by boiling the leaves and flowers;
this tea was taken three times a day for debility and stomach problems.
The leaves harvested in spring were used to season beans. - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
This is a small plant with a relatively large root that can be eaten raw.
Cynara scolymus - Alcachofa - (Mexican-American)
- Artichoke -
- Quahtlahuitzquilitl - (Nahuatl)
Cynodon dactylon - (L.) Pers. - Species Name
Common Name
Acaxacahuitztli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Agrarista - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Asqui - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bermuda - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bermuda de la costa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bermuda grass - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bermudagrass - - (BONAP)
Bramilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Brena - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Canzuuc - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chepica - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Common bermudagrass - - (Herbalgram)
Devilgrass - - (Herbalgram)
Diente de perro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Estrella gigante - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ferrer - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gallito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gallitos - - (Atlas Mexico)
Grama - - (Atlas Mexico, PIER)
Grama común - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de Bermuda - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de la costa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de marajó - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de pará - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de seda - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama dulce - - (PIER)
Grama menor - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama pie de pollo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama rastera - - (PIER)
Grama-seda - - (Herbalgram)
Grama zastrera - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Gramilla brava - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramilla colorada - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramilla forestall - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramilla italiana - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramillón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grana - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba de Bermuda - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la Virgen - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasto alicia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasto de Bermuda - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasto estrella - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasto ferrer - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pata de gallo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Pata de perdíz - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pata de pollo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tejedora - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Uño de gato - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate - - (Atlas Mexico)
Zacate agrarista - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate agujilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate alicia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate Bermuda - - (Atlas Mexico)
Zacate borrego - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate chino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate de gallina - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate del conejo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate de luna - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate ferrer - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate inglés - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zacate pelillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zarzuue - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico, introduced - - (NM)
Capriola dactylon - (L.) Kuntze - (BONAP)
Panicum dactylon - L. - (BONAP)
Cyperaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Poales - Small - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Commelinidae Takhtajan (= commelinids);
o Monocotyledoneae de Candolle (= monocots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 14 genera: - - (NM)
Bolboschoenus (Asch.) Palla in Hallier & Brand
(= Bulrush),
Bulbostylis Kunth
(= Hair-sedge),
Carex L.
(= Sedge, Caric-sedge),
Cladium P. Browne
(= Saw-grass),
Cyperus L.
(= Flat-sedge),
Eleocharis R. Br.
(= Spike-rush),
Eriophorum L.
(= Cotton-grass),
Fimbristylis Vahl
(= Fimbry),
Fuirena Rottboll
(= Umbrella-sedge),
Kobresia Willd.
(= Kobresia),
Kyllinga Rottb.
(= Spike-sedge),
Lipocarpha R.Br.
(= Chaff-sedge),
Schoenoplectus (Rchb.) Palla
(= Bulrush),
Scirpus L.
(= Bulrush).
Cyperus - L. - Genus Name
Family Cyperaceae
Common Name
Flat-sedge - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 25 species or varieties: - - (NM)
Cyperus acuminatus Torrey & Hooker ex Torrey
(= Taper-tip flat-sedge);
Cyperus aggregatus (Willdenow) Endlicher
(= Inflated flat-sedge);
Cyperus bipartitus Torrey
(= Shining flat-sedge);
Cyperus compressus Linnaeus
(= Poorland flat-sedge);
Cyperus difformis Linnaeus
(= Variable flat-sedge);
Cyperus dipsaceus Liebmann
(= Wright's flat-sedge);
Cyperus elegans Linnaeus
(= Royal flat-sedge);
Cyperus erythrorhizos Muhlenberg
(= Red-root flat-sedge);
Cyperus esculentus Linnaeus var. leptostachyus Boeckeler
(= Chufa, Yellow nut-sedge);
Cyperus esculentus Linnaeus var. macrostachyus Boeckeler
(= Chufa, Yellow nut-sedge);
Cyperus fendlerianus Boeckeler
(= Fendler's flat-sedge);
Cyperus flavicomus Michaux
(= White-edge flat-sedge);
Cyperus niger Ruiz & Pavón
(= Black flat-sedge);
Cyperus odoratus Linnaeus var. squarrosus (Britton) Jones, Wipff, & Carter
(= Rusty flat-sedge);
Cyperus pallidicolor (Kükenthal) G. Tucker
(= Pale flat-sedge);
Cyperus parishii Britton
(= Parish's flat-sedge);
Cyperus pseudothyrsiflorus (Kukenthal) R. Carter & S.D. Jones
(= False southern flat-sedge);
Cyperus retroflexus Buckley var. pumilus (Britton) R. Carter & S.D. Jones
(= One-flowered flat-sedge);
Cyperus rotundus Linnaeus
(= Purple nut-sedge);
Cyperus schweinitzii Torrey
(= Sand flat-sedge);
Cyperus setigerus Torrey & Hooker
(= Lean flat-sedge);
Cyperus sphaerolepis Boeckeler
(= Rusby's flat-sedge);
Cyperus squarrosus Linnaeus
(= Awned flat-sedge);
Cyperus strigosus Linnaeus
(= Straw-color flat-sedge); and
Cyperus tetragonus Elliott
(= Four-angle flat-sedge).
In Historia plantarum, the ancient Greek Theophrastus describes the Egyptian use
of the tubers [malinathalle (tigar nuts)] of Cyperus esculentus (mnasion) boiled in
beer made from barley and used as a sweet-meat. He describes the underground
systems of the tuberous nutsedges (both Cyperus rotundus and Cyperus esculentus)
as differing from that of the rhizomatous, non-tuberous galingale (Cyperus longus).
Theophrastus together with Herodotus refers to the tubers or roots of Cyperus rotundus
(kypeiron) as a source of perfume and medicine. - - (EB 46(1): 64–71,1992)
Cyperus articulatus - L. - Species Name
Family Cyperaceae
Common Name
Adrue - - (Grieve)
Apoyomatli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Camelote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chintul - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chintule - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chintule grande - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Guinea rush - - (Grieve)
Jointed flatsedge - - (PFAF)
Junco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Piri piri - - (PFAF)
Tule chico - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In Mexico, an aromatic sedge closely related to the aromatic Cyperus rotundus;
this species is widespread globally, but not as widespread as Cyperus rotundus.
It is "common in Jamaica, and on the banks of the Nile." - - (Grieve)
In USA, it is found in southeast as far west as Texas, but not in New Mexico,
Colorado, or other western states.
Cyperus esculentus - L. - Species Name
Family Cyperaceae
Common Name
Abelasia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelasir - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelasis - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cebolleta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cebollín - - (Atlas Mexico, Spanish-Américas)
Chufa - - (NM)
Chufas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coco capim - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coquí - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coquillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coquillo amarillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coquinho - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coquito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coquito amarillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Corocito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Corocilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Corocillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cotufa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Earth almond - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Juncia avellanada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Juncia redonda - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Junça - - (Spanish-Américas)
Junça de comer - - (Spanish-Américas)
Junça doce - - (Spanish-Américas)
Junça mansa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Junquinho do Rio Grande - - (Spanish-Américas)
Macagüita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Peonía - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Peonía de botica - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Peonía del país - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rush-nut - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tiger nuts - - (EB 46(1): 64–71,1992)
Tochufa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tolpache - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tolpatle - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tolpatli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tule - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tulillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yellow nut-grass - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yellow nut-sedge - - (NM)
Yellow nutsedge - - (EB 46(1): 64–71,1992)
Zacate de tule - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico, widespread in wet areas with 2 native varieties: - - (NM)
Cyperus esculentus Linnaeus var. leptostachyus Boeckeler
(Chufa, Yellow nut-sedge); and
Cyperus esculentus Linnaeus var. macrostachyus Boeckeler
(Chufa, Yellow nut-sedge).
Cyperus rotundus - L. - Species Name
Family Cyperaceae
Common Name
Ajo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Almendra de tierra - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Artikira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Boto-botonis - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Brown nutsedge - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Castanuela - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Castañuela - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Cebolleta - - (PFAF)
Cebollin - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Cebollín - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Chintul - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chufa - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Chufila - - (PFAF)
Cipero - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Cípero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coco - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Coco-grass - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Coco grass - - (PFAF)
Conisaca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Contra yerba - - (PFAF)
Coquí - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coquillo - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Coquillo morado - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coquillo purpura - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Coquito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Corocilla - - (PFAF)
Cortadera - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Coyolillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Irriakura - - (Spanish-Américas)
Java-grass - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Java grass - - (PFAF)
Jonquillo - - (PFAF)
Juncea - - (PFAF)
Juncia - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Juncia de tallo circular - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Juncia real - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Juncia redonda - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lengua de gallina - - (PFAF)
Negrillo - - (PFAF)
Nut-grass - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nutgrass - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Nut sedge - - (PFAF)
Nutsedge - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Paraquita - - (PFAF)
Pasto bolita - - (PFAF)
Pimientillo - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Purple galingale - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Purple nut-grass - - (PFAF)
Purple nut-grass - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Purple nutgrass - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Purple nut-sedge - - (NM)
Purple nutsedge - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Red grass - - (PFAF)
Red nut sedge - - (PFAF)
Red nutsedge - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Round cyperus - - (?)
Sweet cyperus - - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Sweet rush - - (?)
Tuk'uch - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Totorilla - - (PFAF)
Water grass - - (PFAF)
In New Mexico, introduced and found wild on disturbed soil
only in southwestern
part of state (i.e., Grant, Hidalgo, and
Doña Ana counties). - - (NM)
Evidence of use of roasted, ground, leached or sifted tubers
of C. rotundus as a major food staple (carbohydrate source)
can be traced as far back in prehistory as the late-Paleolithic
(16000-15000 B.C.) community of Wadi Kubbaniya in Upper Egypt. - - (EB 46(1): 64–71,1992)
Dakota mock vervain - Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida - (BONAP)
Dalea - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
- - (BONAP)
Family Fabaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Prairieclover - - (BONAP)
Members of
Dalea in New Mexico not in main list are:
albiflora - Gray - (BONAP)
Whiteflower prairieclover),
Dalea aurea - Nutt. ex Pursh -
(= Golden prairieclover),
bicolor - Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. - (BONAP)
(= Silver prairieclover),
Dalea bicolor var. argyrea
- (Gray) Barneby - (BONAP)
(= Silver
Dalea brachystachya - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Fort Bowie prairieclover),
Dalea candida - Willd. -
(= Slender white prairieclover),
Dalea candida var. oligophylla - (Torr.) Shinners -
(= White prairieclover),
compacta - Spreng. - (BONAP)
(= Compact
Dalea compacta var. pubescens -
(Gray) Barneby - (BONAP)
(= Compact
Dalea cylindriceps - Barneby - (BONAP)
(= Andean prairieclover),
Dalea enneandra - Nutt. -
(= Nineanther prairieclover),
exigua - Barneby - (BONAP)
(= Chihuahuan
Dalea filiformis - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Sonoran prairieclover),
Dalea frutescens - Gray -
(= Black prairieclover),
grayi - (Vail) L.O. Williams - (BONAP)
Gray's prairieclover),
Dalea greggii - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Gregg's prairieclover),
Dalea jamesii - (Torr.)
Torr. & Gray - (BONAP)
(= James'
Dalea lachnostachys - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Glandleaf prairieclover),
Dalea lanata - Spreng. -
(= Woolly prairieclover),
lanata var. lanata - Spreng. - (BONAP)
(= Woolly prairieclover),
Dalea lanata var. terminalis
- (M.E. Jones) Barneby - (BONAP)
(= Woolly
Dalea leporina - (Ait.) Bullock - (BONAP)
(= Foxtail prairieclover),
Dalea nana - Torr. ex Gray
(= Dwarf prairieclover),
nana var. carnescens - Kearney & Peebles - (BONAP)
(= Dwarf prairieclover),
Dalea nana var. nana -
Torr. ex Gray - (BONAP)
(= Dwarf
Dalea neomexicana - (Gray) Cory - (BONAP)
(= Downy prairieclover),
Dalea neomexicana var.
neomexicana - (Gray) Cory - (BONAP)
New Mexican prairieclover),
Dalea pogonathera - Gray -
(= Bearded prairieclover),
polygonoides - Gray - (BONAP)
Sixweeks prairieclover),
Dalea pogonathera var.
pogonathera - Gray - (BONAP)
Bearded prairieclover),
Dalea pulchra - H.C. Gentry -
(= Santa Catalina prairieclover),
Dalea purpurea - Vent. - (BONAP)
Purple prairieclover),
Dalea purpurea var. arenicola
- (Wemple) Barneby - (BONAP)
(= Violet
Dalea purpurea var. purpurea -
Vent. - (BONAP)
(= Violet prairieclover),
Dalea scariosa - S. Wats. - (BONAP)
(= Albuquerque prairieclover),
Dalea tenuifolia -
(Gray) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= Slimleaf
Dalea urceolata - Greene - (BONAP)
(= Pineforest prairieclover),
Dalea villosa - (Nutt.)
Spreng. - (BONAP)
(= Silky prairieclover),
Dalea villosa var. villosa - (Nutt.) Spreng. -
(= Silky prairieclover),
wrightii - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Wright's
Dalea formosa - Torr. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Fabaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Featherplume - - (BONAP)
Yerba de Alonso
garcia - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Dandelion (= Chicoria)
Datil - Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yucca baccata var. baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca glauca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Datilla - Yucca - (Mexican-American)
- Yucca
schidigera - (Mexican-American)
- Yucca valida -
Datura - L. - (BONAP)
Genus Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Datura - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 4 species: - - (BONAP)
Datura ferox (= Chinese thornapple),
Datura inoxia (= Pricklyburr),
Datura stramonium (= Jimsonweed),
Datura wrightii (= Sacred thornapple)
Datura ferox - L. - (BONAP)
Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Chinese thornapple - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Datura quercifolia - Kunth - (BONAP)
Datura inoxia - P. Mill. - (BONAP)
Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Pricklyburr - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Datura stramonium - L. - (BONAP)
Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Angel's trumpet - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Apple of Peru - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Jimsonweed - - (BONAP)
Toloache - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Datura stramonium var. tatula - (L.) Torr. - (BONAP)
Datura tatula - L. - (BONAP)
Datura wrightii - Regel - (BONAP)
Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Angel's trumpet - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Apple of Peru - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Jamestown Weed - - (?)
Sacred thornapple - - (BONAP)
Thornapple - - (?)
Toloache - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Datura meteloides - DC. ex Dunal - (BONAP)
Datura metel var. quinquecuspida - Torr. - (BONAP)
Day - Acacia angustissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Dayflower - Commelina coelestris - (Elsa Campos)
Dead, The Efficacious
Deer's Ears, Cebadilla
Dennstaedtiaceae - Lotsy - (Family
Polypodiales - Link -
(Order Name)
Higher level lineages: Leptosporangiate;
Leptosporangiate; Tree
level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyte; Monilophyte
Family in New Mexico, including species of 1 genus:
- Gleditsch ex Scop. - (BONAP)
Denseflower knotweed - Persicaria glabra - (USDA)
Dentallaria - Plumbago - (Mexican-American)
- Plumbago
pulchella - (Mexican-American)
- Plumbago scandens -
Genus Plumbago not native in New
Dentate falsepennyroyal - Hedeoma dentata - (BONAP)
Desert broom - Baccharis spp. - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern
- Baccharis sarothroides - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
Desertbroom - Baccharis sarothroides - (BONAP)
Desert gourd - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Moerman)
Desert mahonia - Berberis fremontii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Desert milkweed - Asclepias subulata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Desert tea, Canutillo del campo
Desert thorn - Lycium andersonii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Desert-thorn - Lycium - (?)
Desert tobacco - Nicotiana trigonophylla - (BONAP)
Desert wolfberry - Lycium andersonii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Destemplamiento de la cabeza, see Ruda de la sierra
Devilgrass - Cynodon dactylon - (Herbalgram)
Devil's apple, Toloache
Devil's beggartick - Bidens frondosa - (BONAP)
Devil's claw - Acacia greggii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Devil's fig - Argemone mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Devil's pitchfork - Bidens frondosa - (NM)
Diente de perro - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Dinhángoa - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Dinosaur plant - Selaginella lepidophylla - (?)
Discorea densiflora - Barbasco - (Mexican-American)
- Dove
weed - (Mexican-American)
- Palillo - (Mexican-American)
Pionillo - (Mexican-American)
Discorea floribunda - Barbasco - (Mexican-American)
- Dove
weed - (Mexican-American)
- Palillo - (Mexican-American)
Pionillo - (Mexican-American)
Distichlis - Raf. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Poaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Saltgrass - - (BONAP)
Genus with one
species in New Mexico.
Distichlis spicata - (L.) Greene - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Poaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Inland saltgrass - - (BONAP)
Yerba del
burro - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Synonyms Distichlis
spicata var. borealis - (J. Presl) Beetle - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley) Distichlis spicata var. divaricata -
Beetle - (Upper Rio Grande Valley) Distichlis spicata var.
nana - Beetle - (Upper Rio Grande Valley) Distichlis
spicata var. stolonifera - Beetle - (Upper Rio Grande
Valley) Distichlis spicata var. stricta - (Torr.)
Scribn. - (Upper Rio Grande Valley) Distichlis spicata ssp.
stricta - (Torr.) Thorne - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Distichlis stricta - (Torr.) Rydb. - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Distichlis stricta var. dentata - (Rydb.) C.L. Hitchc.
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley) Uniola spicata - L. - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Dittany - Cunia lythrifolia - (Bye)
Doblegee - Tribulus terrestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Dock - Rumex - (BONAP)
Dock-leaf smartweed - Persicaria lapathifolia - (NM)
Doctorbush - Plumbago scandens - (BONAP)
Doctrine of Signatures, see Alegria, Brazil, Lechones, Palo amarillo, Varas de San Jose, Yerba de la golondrina, Yerba de la sangre
Dodder - Cuscuta megalocarpa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Dog cloves, Clavelina
Dogbane, Lechuguilla
Dogwood, see Yerba del chivato
Don juan - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Donjuán - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Doradilla - Selaginella lepidophylla - (?)
Dormidera - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Dormilon - Ratibida tagetes - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rudbeckia laciniata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata - (Upper Rio Grande
- Verbena macdougalii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Dotted smartweed - Persicaria punctata - (NM)
Dove's foot, Patita de leon
Dove weed (= Barbasco) - Croton corymbulosus (= Croton pottsii
var. pottsii) - (Mexican-American)
- Croton texensis - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Discorea densiflora - (Mexican-American)
Discorea floribunda - (Mexican-American)
Dragon's blood, Sangre de venado
Dropseed grass - Gutierrezia sarothrae - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Drosera - Drosera rotundifolia - (Elsa Campos)
Drosera rotundifolia - Drosera - (Elsa Campos)
- Sundew -
(Elsa Campos)
Drummond's falsepennyroyal - Hedeoma drummondii - (BONAP)
Dryopteridaceae - Herter - (Family
Aspleniales - Pic. Serm. ex Reveal - (Order Name)
level lineages:
fern/polypod; polypod;
I; dryopteroid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
core ferns;
Family in New Mexico, including species of 2 genera:
- Adans. - (BONAP)
(= Woodfern)
Phanerophlebia - K. Presl - (BONAP)
(= Phanerophlebia)
Although listed under Dryopteridaceae by
the following genera should be
members of the family Woodsiaceae:
- Roth - (BONAP)
(= Ladyfern)
- Bernh. - (BONAP)
(= Bladderfern)
Gymnocarpium - Newman - (BONAP)
(= Oakfern)
Woodsia - R. Br. - (BONAP)
(= Woodsia)
Dryopteris - Adans. - Genus Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Dryopteridaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Woodfern - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (BONAP)
Dryopteris filix-mas (= Male fern).
See notes.
Dryopteris filix-mas - (L.) Schott - Species Name
Family Dryopteridaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Male fern - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Dubbletge - Tribulus terrestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Duke of Argyll's tea plant - Lycium barbarum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Duke of Argyll's teaplant - Lycium barbarum - (GRIN)
Duke of Argyll's teatree - Lycium barbarum - (GRIN)
Durazno, Prunus Persica
Dwarf cheeseweed - Malva neglecta - (NM)
Dysodia papposa, Pague
Dysphania - R. Brown - Genus Name
See also the genus Chenopodium.
Family Amaranthaceae
(Once placed, as done by BONAP, in family Chenopodiaceae,
which is now often united within family Amaranthaceae.)
Common Name
Wormseed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 3 species: - - (NM)
Dysphania ambrosioides (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants
(= Mexican tea),
Dysphania botrys (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants
(= Jerusalem-oak),
Dysphania graveolens (Willdenow) Mosyakin & Clemants
(= Fetid goosefoot)
See notes.
Earth almond - Cyperus esculentus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Eastern white-thorn acacia - Acacia constricta var. vernicosa - (NM)
Ebenaceae - Gürke - Family Name
Ericales - Dumort. - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Ericales + Gentianidae (= Garryidae + Campanulidae)
or the Ericales + euasterid lineage;
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
Echinacea - Echinacea purpurea - (Elsa Campos)
Echinacea purpurea - Echinacea - (Elsa Campos)
- Equinacia -
(Elsa Campos)
- Purple cone-flower - (Elsa Campos)
Echinocereus paucispinus, Pitajaya
Echinocystis - Torr. & Gray - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Cucurbitaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Echinocystis - - (BONAP)
Echinocystis lobata - (Michx.) Torr. & Gray - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Cucurbitaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Big root - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Estrella del norte (star of the north) - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Wild cucumber - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Zarza - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
lobata - (Michx.) Greene - (BONAP)
lobata - Michx. - (BONAP)
Egg, use of, see Trementina de pinon, Yerba mansa, Yerba del peco
Efficacacious, Dead
Elaeagnaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Rosales - Perleb - Order Name
Common Name
Oleaster family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o nitrogen-fixing lineage;
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado]
In New Mexico, 2 genera: - - (NM)
Elaeagnus Linnaeus (= Oleaster)
Shepherdia Nuttall (= Buffalo-berry)
Elaeagnus - Linnaeus - Genus Name
Family Elaeagnaceae
Common Name
Oleaster - - (NM)
In New Mexico, one introduced species: - - (NM)
Elaeagnus angustifolia Linnaeus (= Russian olive).
Elaeagnus angustifolia - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Elaeagnaceae
Common Name
In New Mexico, wild in some places but introduced.
Russian olive - - (NM)
Elder flower - Sambucus mexicana - (Mexican-American)
- Sambucus nigra - (Mexican-American)
- Sambucus racemosa - (Mexican-American)
Elderberry (Flor de sauz) - Sambucus - (BONAP)
- Sambucus melanocarpa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Sambucus mexicana - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Elettaria cardamomum - (L.) Maton - (BONAP)
Family Zingiberaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cardamom - - (BONAP)
Cardamomo - - (Mexico)
Cardamum - - (Mexico)
Eleusine indica - (L.) Gaertn. - Species Name
Family Poaceae
Common Name
Grama de caballo - - (PIER)
Indian goosegrass - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Cynosurus indicus - L. - (BONAP)
Elfdock - Inula helenium - (Elsa Campos)
El Mercado Juarez of Toluca: - - (EB 54(4): 427–438,2000)
See notes.
Elotl (= Corn silk) - Zea mays - (Nahuatl)
Elytrigia - Desv. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Poaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Couch - (Delta)
- Quick Grass - (Delta)
- Scutch -
- Wheatgrass - (BONAP)
or subspecies and varieties in New Mexico (according to BONAP)
not in main list that may be medicinal are
Elytrigia elongata
(Host) Nevski (= Tall wheatgrass),
Elytrigia intermedia
(Host) Nevski (= Intermediate wheatgrass),
intermedia ssp. intermedia (Host) Nevski (= Intermediate
Elytrigia pontica (Podp.) Holub (= Rush
wheatgrass), and
Elytrigia repens (L.) Desv. ex B.D.
Jackson (= Creeping quackgrass)
Elytrigia repens var. repens - (L.) Desv. ex B.D.
Jackson - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - -
Family Poaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Blue-joint - (northern U.S.A.)
- Colorado blue-grass -
(northern U.S.A.)
- Couch-grass - (northern U.S.A.)
Dog-grass - (northern U.S.A.)
- False Wheat - (northern U.S.A.)
- Knot-grass - (northern U.S.A.)
- Pond-grass - (northern
- Quack-grass - (northern U.S.A.)
- Quackgrass -
- Quichens - (northern U.S.A.)
Quitch-grass - (northern U.S.A.)
- Scutch - (Delta)
Shelly-grass - (northern U.S.A.)
- Shear-grass - (northern
- Slough-grass - (northern U.S.A.)
- Squitch -
(northern U.S.A.)
- Stroil - (northern U.S.A.)
- Twitch-grass
- (northern U.S.A.)
- Wickens - (northern U.S.A.)
Witch-grass - (northern U.S.A.)
Agropyron repens
- (L.) Beauv. - (BONAP)
Agropyron repens
var. subulatum - (Schreb.) Roemer & J.A. Schultes -
Elymus repens - (L.) Gould -
Triticum repens - L. -
Introduced from Europe (naturalized
in U.S.A.), often a troublesome weed, and native to Europe and Asia.
Embarranada - Ratibida tagetes - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Encinilla - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
Encinillo, Quercus fendleri
Encino, Quercus gambelii
Encino - Quercus rugosa - (Elsa Campos)
Encino de la hoja ancha, Quercus gambelii
Encino rojo - Quercus conspersa - (Elsa Campos)
Eneldo, see Hinojo
English barberry - Berberis vulgaris - (southwest US & Mexico)
English broad beans, Habas
English lavender (= Alhucema) - Lavandula angustifolia -
- Lavandula spica - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Lavandula vera - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Entrana - Opuntia imbricata var. imbricata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Enula - Inula helenium - (Elsa Campos)
Epasote - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Epazote - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Elsa Campos)
- Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Epazote de comer - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Epazote de coyote - Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Epazote de perro - Chenopodium graveolens - (Atlas Mexico)
Epazote de toro - Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Epazote de zorrillo - Chenopodium graveolens - (Atlas Mexico)
Epazote morado - Chenopodium graveolens - (Atlas Mexico)
Epazotl - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ephedra - L - Genus Name
Family Ephedraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Ephedra - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 6 species - - (BONAP, NM)
Ephedra aspera Engelmann ex S. Watson
(= Rough ephedra),
Ephedra coryi E.L. Reed
(= Cory's ephedra),
Ephedra cutleri Peebles
(= Cutler's ephedra),
Ephedra torreyana var. torreyana Torrey ex S. Watson
(= Torrey's ephedra),
Ephedra trifurca Torrey ex S. Watson
(= Longleaf ephedra),
Ephedra viridis Coville
(= Green ephedra)
Ephedra torreyana, Canutillo del campo
Ephedraceae - Dumort. - Family Name
Ephedrales - Dumort. - Order Name
Higher level lineages (Cantino, et al., 2007):
[Gnetales Luerss. = Gnetophyta Bessey]
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
In New Mexico, 1 genus - - (BONAP)
Ephedra L
(= Ephedra)
Equinacia - Echinacea purpurea - (Elsa Campos)
Equisetaceae - Michx. ex DC. - Family
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
- Dumort. - Order Name
Higher level lineages: Equisetopsida;
Equisetophyte; Monilophyte?
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Equisetum - L. - Species Name
Family Equisetaceae
Common Name
Horsetail - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico,
Equisetum arvense - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Equisetaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Cola de caballo - (Elsa
- Field horsetail - (BONAP)
Horsetail - (Elsa Campos)
Equisetum arvense
var. alpestre - Wahlenb - (BONAP)
Equisetum arvense var. boreale - (Bong.) Rupr. -
Equisetum arvense var.
campestre - Wahlenb. - (BONAP)
arvense var. riparium - Farw. - (BONAP)
Equisetum calderi - Boivin - (BONAP)
Equisetum X ferrissii - Clute (pro sp.) - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Equisetaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Ferriss' horsetail -
Equisetum hyemale
var. elatum - (Engelm.) Morton - (BONAP)
Equisetum hyemale var. intermedium - A.A. Eat. -
Equisetum intermedium - (A.A.
Eat.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Equisetum hyemale - L. -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Equisetaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Canutillo del llano -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Scouringrush horsetail - (BONAP)
Equisetum hyemale var. affine - (Engelm.) A.A. Eat.
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Equisetaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Scouringrush horsetail -
Equisetum affine - Engelm. - (BONAP)
Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine - (Engelm.) Calder & Taylor - (BONAP)
Equisetum hyemale var. californicum - Milde - (BONAP)
Equisetum hyemale var. pseudohyemale - (Farw.) Morton - (BONAP)
Equisetum hyemale var. robustum - (A. Braun) A.A.
Eat. - (BONAP)
Equisetum praealtum -
Raf. - (BONAP)
Equisetum robustum -
A. Braun - (BONAP)
Equisetum laevigatum -
A. Braun - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - -
Family Equisetaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Smooth horsetail - (BONAP)
Equisetum funstonii - A.A. Eat. - (BONAP)
Equisetum kansanum - Schaffn. - (BONAP)
Equisetum laevigatum ssp. funstonii - (A.A. Eat.)
Hartman - (BONAP)
Ericaceae - Juss. - Family Name
(including Empetraceae, Epacridaceae, Monotropaceae,
Pyrolaceae, Vacciniaceae)
Ericales - Dumort. - Order Name
Higher level lineages (Cantino, et al., 2007):
o Ericales + Gentianidae (= Garryidae + Campanulidae)
or the Ericales + euasterid lineage;
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 10 genera, - - (BONAP)
*Arbutus L.
(= Madrone),
*Arctostaphylos Adans.
(= Manzanita),
*Chimaphila Pursh
(= Pipsissewa, Prince's pine),
*Gaultheria L.
(= Snowberry, Wintergreen),
Moneses Salisb. ex S.F. Gray
(= Moneses, Wintergreen),
Monotropa L.
(= Indian-pipe, Indianpipe, Indian pipe),
Orthilia Raf.
(= Orthilia, Wintergreen),
Pterospora Nutt.
(= Pinedrops),
Pyrola L.
(= Pyrola, Wintergreen),
Vaccinium L.
(= Blueberry, Vaccinium).
See notes.
Ericameria - Nutt. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Heathgoldenrod - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 5 species, - - (BONAP)
including some subspecies and varieties:
o Ericameria cuneata (Gray) McClatchie
(= Cliff heathgoldenrod),
Ericameria cuneata var. spathulata (Gray) Hall
(= Cliff heathgoldenrod),
o Ericameria laricifolia (Gray) Shinners
(= Turpentine bush),
o Ericameria microcephala (Cronq.) Kartesz & Gandhi
(= Smallhead heathgoldenrod),
o *Ericameria nauseosa (Pallas ex Pursh) Nesom & Baird
(= ?),
*Ericameria nauseosa ssp. consimilis (Greene) Nesom & Baird
(= ?),
*Ericameria nauseosa ssp. consimilis
var. arenaria (L.C. Anders.) Nesom & Baird
(= ?),
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. consimilis
var. juncea (Greene) Nesom & Baird
(= ?),
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. consimilis
var. nitida (L.C. Anders.) Nesom & Baird
(= ?),
*Ericameria nauseosa ssp. consimilis
var. oreophila (A. Nels.) Nesom & Baird
[In California, treated as Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britton
ssp. consimilis (E. Greene) H.M. Hall & Clements]
(= ?),
*Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa (Pallas ex Pursh) Nesom & Baird
(= ?),
*Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa
var. bigelovii (Gray) Nesom & Baird
[In Texas, treated as Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pursh) Britt.
ssp. bigelovii (Gray) Hall & Clem. by Hatch et al, 1990]
(= Rubber rabbitbrush),
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa
var. glabrata (Gray) Nesom & Baird
[In Texas, treated as Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pursh) Britt.
ssp. graveolens (Nutt.) Piper by Hatch et al, 1990]
(= ?),
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa
var. hololeuca (Gray) Nesom & Baird
[In California, treated as Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britton
ssp. hololeucus (A. Gray) H.M. Hall & Clements]
(= ?),
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa
var. latisquamea (Gray) Nesom & Baird
(= ?),
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. nauseosa
[In California, treated as Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britton]
(= ?),
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa
var. speciosa (Nutt.) Nesom & Baird
[In California, treated as Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pallas) Britton
ssp. albicaulis (Nutt.) H.M. Hall & Clements]
(= ?),
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa
var. texensis (L.C. Anders.) Nesom & Baird
[In Texas, treated as Chrysothamnus nauseosus (Pursh) Britt.
ssp. texensis L.C. Anders. by Hatch et al, 1990]
(= ?),
o Ericameria parryi (Gray) Nesom
(= ?),
Ericameria parryi var. attenuata (M.E. Jones) Nesom & Baird
(= ?),
Ericameria parryi var. howardii (Parry ex Gray) Nesom & Baird
(= ?),
Ericameria parryi var. parryi (Gray) Nesom
[In California, treated as Chrysothamnus parryi (A. Gray) E. Greene]
(= ?).
Erigeron - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Fleabane - - (BONAP)
Erigeron canadensis, see Conyza canadensis var. canadensis
Erigeron flagellaris - Gray - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Trailing fleabane - - (BONAP)
Zarzilla - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Eriogonum racemosum, Colita de rata
Erodium - L'Her. ex Ait. - Genus Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Gentianaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Stork's bill - - (BONAP)
Storksbill - - (Mexican-American)
Species or subspecies in New Mexico:
Erodium cicutarium - (L.) L'Her. ex Ait. - (BONAP)
(= Redstem stork's bill),
Erodium cicutarium ssp. cicutarium - (L.) L'Her. ex Ait. - (BONAP)
(= Redstem stork's bill),
Erodium texanum - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Texas stork's bill)
Erodium cicutarium - (L.) L'Her. ex Ait. - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Gentianaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alfilaria - - (Mexican-American)
Alfilerillo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Fillery - - (Mexican-American)
Heronsbill - - (Mexican-American)
Redstem stork's bill - - (BONAP)
Storksbill - - (Mexican-American)
An ancient herb introduced from Old World.
Erodium cicutarium ssp. cicutarium - (L.) L'Her. ex Ait. - Subspecies Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Gentianaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alfilaria - - (Mexican-American)
Alfilerillo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Fillery - - (Mexican-American)
Heronsbill - - (Mexican-American)
Redstem stork's bill - - (BONAP)
Storksbill - - (Mexican-American)
An ancient herb introduced from Old World.
Erva agrimónia - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva carpinteira - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva das cortadelas - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva de São João - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva de todos los males - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva do Bom Deus - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva do rei - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva do tabaco - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos cachos da India - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos cancros - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos carpinteiros - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos golpes - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos militares - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos soldados - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva eupatória - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva formiga - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva formigueira - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva formigueira branca - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva hepática - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva santa - Nicotiana rustica - (Spanish-Américas)
- Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva tintureira - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Erysimum - L. - Genus Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Brassicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Wallflower - - (BONAP)
Species or varieties in New Mexico:
Erysimum capitatum - (Dougl. ex Hook.) Greene - (BONAP)
(= Sanddune wallflower),
Erysimum capitatum var. argillosum - (Greene) R.J. Davis - (BONAP)
(= Sanddune wallflower),
Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum - (Dougl. ex Hook.) Greene - (BONAP)
(= Sanddune wallflower),
Erysimum capitatum var. purshii - (Dur.) Rollins - (BONAP),
Erysimum inconspicuum - (S. Wats.) MacM. - (BONAP)
(= Shy wallflower),
Erysimum inconspicuum var. inconspicuum - (S. Wats.) MacM. - (BONAP)
(= Shy wallflower),
Erysimum repandum - L. - (BONAP)
(= Spreading wallflower).
Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum - (Dougl. ex Hook.) Greene - Variety Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Brassicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Sanddune wallflower - - (BONAP)
Western wallflower - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wallflower - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba del Apache - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cheirinia aspera - (Nutt.) Britt. - (BONAP)
Erysimum amoenum - (Greene) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Erysimum angustatum - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Erysimum arkansanum - Nutt. - (BONAP)
Erysimum asperum - (Nutt.) DC. - (BONAP)
Erysimum asperum var. angustatum - (Rydb.) Boivin -
Erysimum asperum var. arkansanum - (Nutt.) Gray - (BONAP)
Erysimum asperum var. amoenum - (Greene) Reveal -
Erysimum asperum var. capitatum - (Dougl. ex Hook.) Boivin - (BONAP)
Erysimum capitatum var. amoenum - (Greene) R.J.
Davis - (BONAP)
Erysimum capitatum var. stellatum - (J.T. Howell) Twisselmann - (BONAP)
Erysimum capitatum var. washoense - G. Rossb. -
Erysimum elatum - Nutt. - (BONAP)
Erysimum moniliforme - Eastw. - (BONAP)
Erysimum nivale - (Greene) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Erysimum wheeleri - Rothrock - (BONAP)
Erysimum elatum, see Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum.
Escariote - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Escoba - Abutilon incanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Escoba de la vibora - Gutierrezia sarothrae - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Escobilla - Phalaris canariensis - (Quattrocchi)
- Scabiosa atropurpurea - (Mexico)
Esculcona - Galium mexicanum - (Atlas Mexico)
- Stevia serrata - (Atlas Mexico)
Espicanardo - Aralia racemosa - (Mexico)
Espicardo - Aralia racemosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Espigol mascle - Lavandula latifolia - (Elsa Campos)
Espiga de maiz, see Maiz
Espina blanca - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Espina del diablo - Tribulus terrestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Espina divina o sagrada - Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
Espinaca de América - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Espinheiro vinheto - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Espinillo - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Espino - Acacia berlandieri - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Espino blanco - Acacia cornigera - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
- Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia pennatula - (Atlas Mexico)
Espino cambrón - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Espinocilla - Argemone ochroleuca - (Atlas Mexico)
Espino de jiote - Acacia pennatula - (Spanish-Américas)
Espliego - Lavandula latifolia - (Elsa Campos)
Estafiate - Artemisia absinthium - (Mexican-American)
- Artemisia dracunculus ssp. dracunculus - (Southwest
U.S.A./Northern Mexico)
- Artemisia franserioides -
- Artemisia ludoviciana - (New Mexico
Spanish, Elsa Campos)
- Artemisia ludoviciana ssp.
mexicana - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Estiercol de cabra, see Chamiso hediondo
Estilos de maiz (= Corn silk) - Zea mays - (Mexican-American)
Estramonio, Toloache
Estrelas-do-Egipto (Portugal) - Coreopsis tinctoria - (JEP 2010:132, 483-490)
Estrella del norte (star of the north) - Echinocystis lobata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Estrella gigante - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Eucalipto - Eucalyptus globulus - (Elsa Campos)
Eucalypt - Eucalyptus globulus - (Elsa Campos)
Eucalyptus globulus - Eucalipto - (Elsa Campos)
- Fever tree -
(Elsa Campos)
Eupatoria - Agrimonia eupatoria - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Eupatoria dos griegos - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Eupatorio - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
- Eupatorium cannabium - (Elsa Campos)
Eupatorium, Mata
Eupatorium arizonicum, Mata
Eupatorium cannabium - Eupatorio - (Elsa Campos)
- Hemp
agrimony - (Elsa Campos)
Euphorbia serpyllifolia, see Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia.
European alder - Alnus glutinosa - (BONAP)
European barberry - Berberis vulgaris - (southwest US & Mexico)
European black elder - Sambucus nigra - (BONAP)
European common reed - Phragmites australis - (PFAF)
European pasqueflower - Pulsatilla vulgaris - (BONAP)
European Pennyroyal - Mentha puleguim - (Moore)
Euphorbiaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Malpighiales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG IV) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 11 genera: - - (BONAP, NM)
Acalypha L.
(= Copperleaf),
Bernardia Houst. ex Mill.
(= Bernardia),
Chamaesyce S.F. Gray = Euphorbia L.
(= Sandmat, Spurge),
Croton L.
(= Croton),
Ditaxis Vahl ex A.Juss.
(= Silverbush),
Euphorbia L.
(= Spurge),
Jatropha L.
(= Nettle-spurge),
Phyllanthus L.
(= Leaf-flower),
Reverchonia Gray
(= Sandy-mat),
Stillingia Garden ex L.
(= Tooth-leaf),
Tragia Plum. ex L.
(= Noseburn).
European red elderberry - Sambucus racemosa ssp. pubens var. microbotrys - (BONAP)
Evening primrose, Flor de San Juan
Eve's needle - Yucca faxoniana - (BONAP)
Eve's thread - Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yucca baccata var. baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca glauca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Evergreen oak - Quercus conspersa - (Elsa Campos)
Everlasting - Anaphalis margaritacea - (?)
- Gnaphalium - (?)
- Pseudognaphalium - (?)
Fabaceae - Lindl. - (APG III) Family Name
[= Leguminosae Juss., including
Kunth (= Caesalpiniaceae R. Br.),
Leguminosae-Papilionoideae DC.
(= Papilionaceae Giseke, Prael.),
and Leguminosae-Mimosoideae
Kunth (= Mimosaceae R. Br.)]
Fabales - Bromhead - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o nitrogen-fixing lineage;
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, species of 58 genera: - - (BONAP, NM)
Acaciella Britton & Rose (= Acacia),
Albizia Durz. (= Albizia, Silktree),
Alhagi Gagnebin (= Alhagi, Camel-thorn),
Amorpha L. (= Indigo-bush, Indigobush),
Astragalus L. (= Locoweed, Milkvetch),
Caesalpinia L. (= Nicker, Paradise-flower),
Calliandra Benth. (= Stickpea, Stick-pea),
Caragana Fabr. (= Pea-shrub),
Cercis L. (= Redbud),
Chamaecrista (L.) Moench (= Partridge-pea, Sensitive pea),
Cologania Kunth (= Cologania),
Colutea L. (= Bladder-senna),
Coronilla L. (= Crownvetch, Crown-vetch),
Crotalaria L. (= Rattlebox),
Dalea L. (= Prairieclover, Prairie-clover),
Desmanthus Willd. (= Bundleflower, Bundle-flower),
Desmodium Desv. (= Ticktrefoil, Tick-trefoil),
Erythrina L. (= Coral-bean, Erythrina),
Eysenhardtia Kunth (= Kidneywood),
Galactia P. Br. (= Milkpea, Milk-pea),
Gleditsia L. (= Honey-locust, Locust),
Glycyrrhiza L. (= Licorice),
Hedysarum L. (= Sweetvetch, Sweet-vetch),
Hoffmannseggia Cav. (= Hoffmanseggia, Rush-pea),
Indigofera L. (= Indigo),
Lathyrus L. (= Peavine, Sweetpea),
Leucaena Benth. (= Leadtree),
Lotus L. (= Trefoil),
Lupinus L. (= Lupine),
Macroptilium (Benth.) Urban (= Bush-bean, Macroptilium),
Marina Liebm. (= Marina, Prairie-clover),
Mariosousa Seigler & Ebinger (= Acacia),
Medicago L. (= Alfalfa, Medick),
Melilotus P. Mill. (= Sweetclover, Sweet-clover),
Mimosa L. (= Mimosa, Sensitive plant),
Onobrychis P. Mill. (= Sainfoin),
Oxytropis DC. (= Crazyweed),
Parkinsonia L. (= Palo-verde, Parkinsonia),
Parryella Torr. & Gray ex Gray (= Dune-broom, Parryella),
Pediomelum Rydb. (= Breadroot, Pediomelum),
Peteria Gray (= Peteria),
Phaseolus L. (= Bean),
Pomaria Cav. (= Pomaria),
Prosopis L. (= Mesquite),
Psoralidium Rydb. (= Psoralidium, Scurf-pea),
Psorothamnus Rydb. (= Dalea, Smokebush),
Rhynchosia Lour. (= Snoutbean, Snout-bean),
Robinia L. (= Locust),
Senegalia Rafinesque (= Acacia),
Senna P. Mill. (= Senna),
Sophora L. (= Sophora),
Sphaerophysa DC. (= Bladder-vetch, Sphaerophysa),
Strophostyles Ell. (= Fuzzybean, Fuzzy-bean),
Tephrosia Pers. (= Hoary-pea, Tephrosia),
Thermopsis R. Br. ex Ait. f. (= Golden-pea, Thermopsis),
Trifolium L. (= Clover),
Vachellia Wight & Arnott. (= Acacia), and
Vicia L. (= Vetch).
Fachina - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico)
Fagaceae - Dumort - (APG III) Family Name
Fagales - Engl. - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o nitrogen-fixing lineage;
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, species of 1 genus: - - (BONAP)
Quercus L. (= Oak).
Falaris - Phalaris canariensis - (Spanish-Américas)
Fallugia paradoxa, Ponil
Falsa arnica or Falsa árnica - Heterotheca inuloides - (Mexican-American)
Heterotheca spp. - (Mexican-American)
False goldenrod, Chamiso cimarron
Falsepennyroyal - Hedeoma - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma apiculata - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma costata - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma costata var. pulchella - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma hyssopifolia - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma nana - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma nana ssp. nana - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma oblongifolia - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma plicata - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma pulcherrima - (BONAP)
False saffron, Azafran False saffron (= Azafran) - Carthamus tinctorius - (Mexican-American)
Falsía - Asplenium trichomanes - (Spanish-Américas)
Falso bamboo - Arundo donax - (PFAF)
Falso cardo - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Falso sicómoro - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Feather acacia - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Feather geranium - Chenopodium botrys - (southwest US & Mexico)
Featherfew - Tanacetum parthenium - (Mexican-American)
Featherfoil - Tanacetum parthenium - (Mexican-American)
Featherplume - Dalea formosa - (BONAP)
Fedegosa - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Fedegoso - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Feiteirinha - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Fendler oak, Encinillo
Fendler's globemallow - Sphaeralcea fendleri - (BONAP)
- Sphaeralcea fendleri ssp. fendleri - (BONAP)
Fennel, Hinojo
Fern acacia - Acacia angustissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fernleaf acacia - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ferrer - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Feteirinha - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Fetid goosefoot - Chenopodium graveolens - (BONAP)
Fetid marigold, Pague
Fever tree - Eucalyptus globulus - (Elsa Campos)
Feverfew - Tanacetum parthenium - (Mexican-American)
Fewflower beggarticks - Bidens leptocephala - (BONAP)
Ficus carica (= Carica, Higos) - Amate - (Mexican-American)
Amatl - (Nahuatl)
- Common fig - (Mexican-American)
Higueroa - (Mexican-American)
- Tepe-amatl - (Nahuatl)
Texcal-amatl - (Nahuatl)
Field mint - Mentha arvensis - (NM)
Field poppy - Papaver rhoeas - (Mexican-American)
Field pumpkin - Cucurbita pepo - (NM)
Field pussytoes - Antennaria neglecta - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Field sagewort - Artemisia campestris - (BONAP)
Fig, Higos
Fig-leaved gourd - Cucurbita ficifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fillery (= Alfilerillo) - Erodium cicutarium - (Mexican-American)
Fineleaf yucca - Yucca angustissima var. angustissima - (BONAP)
Fiñisachi - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Fique - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Fir - Abies - (BONAP)
- Abies balsamea - (Mexico)
Fitolaca - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Flanders poppy - Papaver rhoeas - (Mexican-American)
Flannel leaf (= Punchon) - Verbascum thapsus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Flatbud prickly poppy - Argemone hispida - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flat-sedge - Cyperus - (NM)
Flaxseed, Linasa
Fleabane - Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Flor blanca - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de agua - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de aroma - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de calentura - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor decampante - Anoda cristata - (Atlas Mexico)
Flor de culebra - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de la calentura - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de la pluma - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de maiz, see Maiz
Flor de manita - Chiranthodendron pentadactylon - (Mexican-American)
Flor de mayo - Plumeria rubra - (Elsa Campos)
Flor de niño - Acacia constricta - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Flor de peña - Selaginella lepidophylla - (?)
Flor de pluma - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de sangre - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor de san juan, Anogra runcinata
Flor de Santa Rita - Castilleja integra - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Castilleja integra var. integra - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Castilleja linariifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Flor de sauz - Sambucus melanocarpa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Sambucus mexicana - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Flor de tigre - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Flor sauco - Sambucus mexicana - (Mexican-American)
Sambucus nigra - (Mexican-American)
- Sambucus racemosa
- (Mexican-American)
Flores do paraíso - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Florifundio - Burgmansia x candida - (Elsa Campos)
Floripondio - Burgmansia x candida - (Elsa Campos)
Flour, use of, see Ponil, Yedra
Fly, see Clavelina, Alfalfon
Foeniculum vulgare, Hinojo
Formigueira - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Four-o'clock - Mirabilis jalapa - (Mexican-American)
Mirabilis longiflora - (Mexican-American)
- Mirabilis multiflora
(= Quamoclidion multiflorum) - (Mexican-American)
Fragrant sand-verbena - Abronia fragrans - (NM)
Fragrant sumac, Lemita
Fragrant water-lily - Nymphaea odorata - (FNA)
Fragrant Water Lily - Nymphaea odorata - (PFAF)
Fragrant white sand verbena - Abronia elliptica - (BONAP)
Franseria acanthicarpa, see Ambrosia acanthicarpa
Franseria tenuifolia, see Ambrosia confertiflora
Frasera speciosa, Cebadilla
Frei-jorge - Cordia alliodora - (Elsa Campos)
Fremont's barberry - Berberis fremontii (= Mahonia fremontii) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Fremont's mahonia - Berberis fremontii (= Mahonia fremontii) - (BONAP)
Frijoles (Beans), Phaseolus vulgares
Frijolillo, Garbancillo, Habas, Patito del pais, Trebol [?], Yerba de Alonso Garcia, Yerba del coyote [?]
Frijolillo, Oxytropis lambertii
Fringed sagewort - Artemisia frigida - (BONAP)
Frutilla - Lycium andersonii - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium berlandieri var. berlandieri - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium berlandieri var. parviflorum - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium pallidum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fumaria - Fumaria officinalis - (Elsa Campos)
Fumaria officinalis - Fumaria - (Elsa Campos)
- Fumitory -
(Elsa Campos)
Fumitory - Fumaria officinalis - (Elsa Campos)
Fumo - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo agreste - Nicotiana rustica - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo brasileiro - Nicotiana rustica - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo de paisano - Nicotiana rustica - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo roxo - Nicotiana rustica - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo rústico - Nicotiana rustica - (Spanish-Américas)
Gabia - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Gafetí - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Gaillardia - Foug. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Blanket flower - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 4 speces - - (NM)
Gaillardia aristata Pursh.
(= Great blanket-flower);
Gaillardia multiceps Greene
(= Onion blanket-flower);
Gaillardia pinnatifida Torrey
(= Red-dome blanket-flower); and
Gaillardia pulchella Fougeroux
(= Firewheel).
Gaillardia pinnatifida - Torr. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Blanket flower - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Coronilla - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
dome blanketflower - - (BONAP)
Yerba del sol
- - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gaillardia pinnatifida var. linearis - (Rydb.)
Biddulph - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Red dome blanketflower - - (BONAP)
Gaillardia pinnatifida var. pinnatifida - Torr. -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Red dome blanketflower - -
Gaillardia gracilis
- A. Nels. - (BONAP)
Gaillardia mearnsii
- Rydb. - (BONAP)
Galio - Galium odoratum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Galio oloroso - Galium odoratum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Galium - L. - Genus Name
Family Rubiaceae
Common Name
Bedstraw - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 12 species: - - (NM)
Galium aparine Linnaeus
(= Sticky-willy);
Galium bifolium S. Watson
(= Twin-leaf bedstraw);
Galium boreale Linnaeus
(= Northern bedstraw);
Galium fendleri Gray
(= Fendler's bedstraw);
Galium mexicanum Kunth
var. asperrimum (Gray) Higgins & Welsh
Galium mexicanum Kunth
var. mexicanum
(= Mexican bedstraw);
Galium microphyllum Gray
(= Bract-leaf bedstraw);
Galium multiflorum Kellogg
var. multiflorum
(= Shrubby bedstraw);
Galium multiflorum Kellogg
var. coloradoense (Wight) Cronquist
(= Colorado bedstraw);
Galium pilosum Aiton
(= Hairy bedstraw);
Galium proliferum Gray
(= Limestone bedstraw);
Galium trifidum Linnaeus
var. subbiflorum Wiegand
(= Three-petal bedstraw);
Galium triflorum Michaux
(= Fragrant bedstraw); and
Galium wrightii Gray
(= Wright's bedstraw).
Galium mexicanum - Kunth - Species Name
Family Rubiaceae
Common Name
Amor de hortelano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuajaleche - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Esculcona - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba de la pulga - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del coyote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mexican bedstraw - - (NM)
Pegajosa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pegarropa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Presera - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico, 2 varieties: - - (NM)
Galium mexicanum Kunth
var. asperrimum (Gray) Higgins & Welsh
Galium mexicanum Kunth
var. mexicanum
(= Mexican bedstraw)
Galium odoratum - (L.) Scop. - Species Name
Family Rubiaceae
Common Name
Asperilla dulce - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Asperilla olorosa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Asperula - - (Mexico)
Galio - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Galio oloroso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hepatica estrellada - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Reina de los bosques - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rubilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sweetscented bedstraw - - (U.S.A.)
Sweet woodruff - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Woodruff - - (Mexico)
Asperula ordata - L. - (KEW)
Native to Europe, North Africa, West Asia, and Siberia.
Gallipato alcublano - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gallito - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gallitos - Cynodon dactylon - (Atlas Mexico)
- Tillandsia recurvata - (Atlas Mexico, Southern Sonora)
Gallua - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Gallubera - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Gambell's scrub oak, Encino
Gambó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Garbanzón - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Garabatá - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Garambullo - Lycium berlandieri var. berlandieri - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium berlandieri var. parviflorum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Garambuyo - Lycium torreyi - (Spanish-Américas)
Garbancillo, Lupinus aduncus
Garden basil - Ocimum basilicum - (Elsa Campos)
Garden huckleberry, Tomate del campo
Garden lovage - Levisticum officinale - (NM)
Garden onion, Cebolla, (also see Manzanilla)
Garden pumpkin - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Garlic (= Ajo) - Allium sativum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley, Galisteo)
Garlic sented petiveria - Petiveria alliacea - (Elsa Campos)
Garrapote - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Garrobo - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Garryaceae - Lindley - Family Name
Garryales - Martius - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Garryidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids I = asterids I = lamiids);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, one genus: - - (NM)
Garrya Douglas ex Lindl (= Silktassel)
Garrya - Douglas ex Lindl. - Genus Name
Family Garryaceae
Common Name
Cuauchichic - - (Moore)
Quinine bush - - (Moore)
Silktassel - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 2 species: - - (NM)
Garrya ovata Benth. (= Cuahchichie)
Garrya wrightii Torrey (= Wright's silktassel)
Garrya laurifolia
Family Garryaceae
Common Name
Chichicahuite - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuauchichi - - (Spanish-Américas)
Guachichi - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ovitano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Garrya ovata - Benth. - Species Name
Family Garryaceae
Common Name
Chichicuáhuitl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cuahchichie - - (Atlas Mexico)
In New Mexico, one subspecies: - - (NM)
Garrya ovata Bentham subsp. goldmanii (Wooton & Standley) Dahling
(= Goldman's silktassel)
Garrya goldmanii - Wooton & Standley - (NM)
Garrya wrightii - Torrey - Species Name
Family Garryaceae
Common Name
Wright's silktassel - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Gatuña - Acacia greggii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gaulla - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Gaura - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Onagraceae
Common Name
Beeblossom - - (BONAP)
Species or subspecies in New Mexico not in main list are:
Gaura hexandra - Ortega - (BONAP)
(= Harlequinbush),
Gaura hexandra ssp. gracilis - (Woot. & Standl.) Raven & Gregory - (BONAP)
(= Harlequinbush),
Gaura neomexicana - Woot. - (BONAP)
(= New Mexico beeblossom),
Gaura neomexicana ssp. neomexicana - Woot. - (BONAP)
(= New Mexico beeblossom),
Gaura parviflora - Dougl. ex Lehm. - (BONAP)
(= Velvetweed),
Gaura suffulta - Engelm. ex Gray - (BONAP)
(= Kisses),
Gaura suffulta ssp. nealleyi - (Coult.) Raven & Gregory - (BONAP)
(= Nealley's kisses),
Gaura villosa - Torr. - (BONAP)
(= Woolly beeblossom),
Gaura villosa ssp. villosa - Torr. - (BONAP)
(= Woolly beeblossom).
Gaura coccinea - Nutt. ex Pursh - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Onagraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Scarlet beeblossom - - (BONAP)
Scarlet gaura - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba de la virgen - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gaura coccinea var. arizonica - Munz - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gaura coccinea var. epilobioides - (Kunth) Munz - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gaura coccinea var. glabra - (Lehm.) Munz - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gaura coccinea var. parvifolia - (Torr.) Rickett - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gaura coccinea var. typica - Munz - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gaura glabra - Lehm. - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gaura odorata - Sesse ex Lag. - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gaúva - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Gavia - Acacia angustissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Acacia rigudula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gayuba - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Gayubera - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Genciana - Anoda cristata - (Atlas Mexico)
Family: Gentianaceae -
- Order: Gentianales - Lindl.
Higher level lineages:
Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot; Asterid;
Euasterid I
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Family: Geraniaceae
- Juss.
(Close to families Ledocarpaceae Meyen & Vivianiaceae
- Order: Geraniales - Dumort.
Higher level
lineages: Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot; Rosid;
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Geranio (Geranium), Pelargonium graveolens
Geranium, Geranio
Geranium atropurpureum, Patita de leon
Giant cane - Arundo donax - (PFAF)
Giant oleander - Thevetia thevetioides - (Mexican-American)
Giant reed - Arundo - (NM)
- Arundo donax - (PFAF)
Giant reed grass - Arundo donax - (PFAF)
Gibaguy - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Gigantillo - Acacia constricta - (Spanish-Américas)
Ginger, use of, see Yerba del lobo
Girasol, Anil
Girasolillo - Verbesina encelioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Girimu - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Glandularia - J.F. Gmel. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Verbenaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Mock vervain - - (BONAP)
Members of
genus in New Mexico not in main list are:
bipinnatifida - (Nutt.) Nutt.
(= Dakota mock vervain),
Glandularia bipinnatifida var. brevispicata - Umber
(= Dakota mock vervain),
Glandularia canadensis - (L.)
Nutt. - (BONAP)
(= Rose mock vervain),
Glandularia chiricahensis - Umber - (BONAP)
(= Chiricahua Mountain mock vervain),
gooddingii - (Briq.) Solbrig - (BONAP)
Southwestern mock vervain),
Glandularia pumila - (Rydb.)
Umber - (BONAP)
(= Pink mock vervain),
Glandularia racemosa - (Eggert) Umber - (BONAP)
(= Pale mock vervain),
Glandularia tumidula - (Perry)
Umber - (BONAP)
(= Plains mock vervain).
Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida -
(Nutt.) Nutt. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - -
Family Verbenaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Dakota mock vervain - - (BONAP)
- - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Verbena - - (Upper Rio Grande
Verbena ambrosiifolia - Rydb. ex
Small - (BONAP)
Verbena bipinnatifida
- Nutt. - (BONAP)
Verbena bipinnatifida
var. latilobata - Perry - (BONAP)
Verbena ciliata - Benth. - (BONAP)
Verbena ciliata var. longidentata - Perry - (BONAP)
Verbena ciliata var. pubera - (Greene) Perry -
Verbena demareei - Moldenke -
Verbena pubera - Greene -
Glechoma hederacea - Alehoof - (Elsa Campos)
- Ground ivy -
(Elsa Campos)
- Hiedra terrestre - (Elsa Campos)
Glycyrrhiza - L. - (BONAP: genus Name)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Fabaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Licorice - - (BONAP)
Glycyrrhiza lepidota - Nuttall ex Pursh - Species Name
Family Fabaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
American licorice - - (NM)
Amolillo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Licorice - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Licorice root - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nuttall's licorice - - (CRC)
Orozuz - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Orozuz americano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Raíz del desierto - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Regaliz - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Wild licorice - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Glycyrrhiza glutinosa - Nutt. - (BONAP)
Glycyrrhiza lepidota var. glutinosa - (Nutt.) S.
Wats. - (BONAP)
Liquivitia lepidota - Nuttall - (NM)
Globe mallow - Sphaeralcea angustifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Globemallow - Sphaeralcea - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium - L. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cudweed - - (BONAP, NM)
Everlasting - - (?)
Life-everlasting - - (?)
In New Mexico, 2 or 3 species: - - (BONAP, NM)
Gnaphalium exilifolium A. Nels. (= Slender cudweed)
Gnaphalium palustre Nutt. (= Western marsh cudweed)
Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus (= Marsh cudweed)
See notes.
Gnaphalium exilifolium - A. Nels. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Slender cudweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium angustifolium - A. Nelson - (NM)
Gnaphalium grayi - A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium strictum - Torrey - (NM)
See notes.
Gnaphalium palustre - Nutt. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cudweed - - (southwest US & northern Mexico)
Everlasting - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gordolobo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Western marsh cudweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium uliginosum - L. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Marsh everlasting - - (?)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Gobernadora, Hediondilla
Goji-berry - Lycium barbarum - (GRIN)
Goldbloom - Calendula officinalis - (Elsa Campos)
Golden bush, Chamiso cimarron
Golden crownbeard - Verbesina encelioides - (CRC)
- Verbesina encelioides var. encelioides - (NM)
- Verbesina encelioides var. exauriculata - (NM)
Golden thread - Cuscuta megalocarpa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Goldenrod, Mariquilla
Golden tickseed - Coreopsis tinctoria - (BONAP)
Golden-wave - Coreopsis grandiflora - (southwest US & Mexico)
Goldenwaves - Coreopsis tinctoria - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gold weed (= Anil del muerto) - Verbesina encelioides - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Goldweed - Verbesina crocata - (Mexican-American)
- Verbesina encelioides - (Mexican-American)
- Verbesina spp. - (Mexican-American)
Goma arabe - Acacia senegal - (Mexico)
Goma arábiga - Acacia senegal - (Spanish-Américas)
Gombo - Abelmoschus esculentus - (MMPND-English, MMPND-Spanish)
Goosefoot - Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gopher earth, Tierra de rata
Gordolobo - Achillea millefolium - (USDA)
- Anaphalis margaritacea - (Kay)
- Gnaphalium - (Mexico Spanish)
- Pseudognaphalium - (Mexico Spanish)
- Pseudognaphalium attenuatum - (Atlas Mexico)
- Pseudognaphalium viscosum - (Elsa Campos)
- Verbascum thapsus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gorrincha - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Gossypium - L. - Genus Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Cotton - - (?)
In Mexico, two species at least are
used medicinally: - - (Atlas-Mexico)
Gossypium barbadense L. (= Creole cotton) and
Gossypium hirsutum L. (= Upland cotton).
Gossypium barbadense - L. - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Algodoeiro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoeiro americano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoeiro crioulo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoeiro da costa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoeiro da Guiné - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoeiro da praia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoeiro das Barbadas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoeiro de Pernambuco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoeiro egipcio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoeiro folha parreira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algodón americano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón común - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algodón de las Indias - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón de las islas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón del país - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algodón jujure - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón vicuña - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodonero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algodonero de las Barbadas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodonero egipcio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cotton - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Creole cotton - - (?)
Egyptian cotton - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jtaman - - (Atlas-Mexico)
Palo de algodón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pima cotton - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sarobei - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sea island cotton - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tamán - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ts'iin - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Xurata - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In Mexico, used Medicinally.
Gossypium hirsutum - L. - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Alcotón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodão americano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodoero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algodoero americano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Algodoeiro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón - - (Atlas-Mexico)
Algodón americano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón coyuche - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón de la altura - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón de ratón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón de riñón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón del país - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón morado - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón silvestre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodón velloso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodonal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodonero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Algodonero americano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ixcatl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mooj - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Musá - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Suruata - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Taman - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Xurata - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Upland cotton - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In Mexico, used Medicinally.
Gourd - Cucurbita - (NM)
- Cucurbita foetidissima - (Moerman)
- Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama - Cynodon dactylon - (Atlas Mexico, PIER)
Grama común - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de agua - Paspalum dilatatum - (PIER)
Grama de Bermuda - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de caballo - Eleusine indica - (PIER)
Grama de la costa - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de marajó - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de pará - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama de Rodas - Chloris gayana - (PIER)
Grama de seda - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama dulce - Cynodon dactylon - (PIER)
- Paspalum notatum - (PIER)
Gramalote - Axonopus fissifolius - (PIER)
Grama menor - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama pie de pollo - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grama rastera - Cynodon dactylon - (PIER)
Grama-seda - Cynodon dactylon - (Herbalgram)
Grama trenza - Axonopus compressus - (PIER)
Grama zastrera - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grana encarnada - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Gramilla - Cynodon dactylon - (Atlas Mexico)
- Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Gramilla brava - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramilla colorada - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramilla forestall - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramilla italiana - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramillón - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gramón - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grana - Cynodon dactylon - (Atlas Mexico)
Granillo - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Grass nut, Cebollita del campo
Greasewood, Hediondilla
Great pokeweed - Phytolacca americana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Great valley gumweed - Grindelia camporum var. camporum - (BONAP)
Greek milkweed - Asclepias speciosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Green dye, see Capulin
Green prairie coneflower - Ratibida tagetes - (BONAP)
Green-striped cushaw - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (southwest US & Mexico)
Green striped cushaw squash - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (?)
Greenthread - Thelesperma filifolium var. intermedium - (NM)
Gretaña - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Grindelia - Grindelia camporum var. camporum - (Elsa Campos)
Grindelia - Willd. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Gumweed - - (BONAP)
Gum weed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico, 7 species and 3 varieties:
Grindelia arizonica Gray var. arizonica
(= Arizona gumweed, narrowleaf gumweed),
Grindelia arizonica Gray var. neomexicana (Wooton & Standley) Nesom
(= New Mexico gumweed),
Grindelia ciliata (Nuttall) Sprengel
(= Spanish gold),
Grindelia decumbens Greene var. subincisa (Greene) Steyermark
(= Reclined gumweed),
Grindelia havardii Steyermark
(= Havard's gumweed),
Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott
(= Hairy gumweed, sharpleaf gumweed, rolled gumweed),
Grindelia scabra Greene
(Rough gumweed), and
Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal
(= Curly-cup gumweed, curlytop gumweed).
Grindelia aphanactis, see Grindelia squarrosa.
Grindelia camporum var. camporum - Greene - Variety Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Great valley gumweed - - (BONAP)
Grindelia - - (Elsa Campos, Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de la goma - - (Spanish-Américas)
Grindelia robusta - Nutt. p.p. - (BONAP)
Relatives also found in North America north of Mexico
but not in New Mexico are:
Grindelia camporum Greene
(= Great Valley gumweed),
Grindelia camporum var. bracteosa - (J.T. Howell) M.A. Lane
(= Bract gumweed).
Grindelia integrifolia - DC. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Puget Sound gumweed - - (BONAP)
Grindelia robusta, see Grindelia camporum var. camporum.
Grindelia squarrosa - (Pursh) Dunal - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
August flower - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gum plant - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gumweed - - (BONAP)
Gum weed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pegapega - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Resin weed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba del buey - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Donia squarrosa - Pursh - (NM)
Grindelia aphanactis - Rydberg - (NM)
Grindelia nuda - Wood - (NM)
Grindelia pinnatifida - Wooton & Standley - (NM)
Grindelia serrulata - Rydberg - (NM)
Grindelia squarrosa var. nuda - (Wood) Gray - (NM)
Grindelia squarrosa var. serrulata - (Rydberg) Steyermark - (NM)
Grindelia subalpina Greene - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Subalpine gumweed - - (BONAP)
Uncertainly present in New Mexico.
Grosellero negro - Ribes nigrum - (Elsa Campos)
Ground cherry, Tomate del campo
Ground ivy - Glechoma hederacea - (Elsa Campos)
Ground tomato, Tomate del campo
Groundsel - Senecio - (BONAP)
Senecio flaccidus var. flaccidus - (Upper Rio Grande
- Senecio spartioides var. multicapitatus -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Senecio eremophilus var.
kingii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Guaba - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Guachichi - Garrya laurifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Guaco, Cleome serrulata
Guaco - Mikania guaco - (Elsa Campos)
Guajalote, Ambystoma tigrium, see Leche de vaca
Guajana - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Guaje brujo - Acacia angustissima - (Atlas Mexico)
Guajillo - Acacia angustissima - (Atlas Mexico)
- Acacia berlandieri - (Elsa Campos)
Guajillo Acacia - Acacia berlandieri - (?)
Guajito - Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Guang apix y guana arich - Acacia cornigera - (Atlas Mexico)
Guano - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Guariaca - Ligusticum porteri - (southwest US & Mexico)
Guarico - Sambucus mexicana - (Mexican-American)
Sambucus nigra - (Mexican-American)
- Sambucus racemosa
- (Mexican-American)
Guascanal - Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Guasima - Guazuma tomentosa - (Mexican-American)
- Guazuma
ulmifolia - (Mexican-American)
Guatamote - Baccharis salicifolia - (Southwest U.S.A./Northern Mexico) Guayamé - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Guayuba - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Mexico)
Guazima - Guazuma tomentosa - (Mexican-American)
- Guazuma
ulmifolia - (Mexican-American)
Guazuma tomentosa - Ahiya - (Nahuatl)
- Aquiche - (Maya)
Cuahulote - (Mexican-American)
- Cuauholotl - (Nahuatl)
Guasima - (Mexican-American)
- Guazima - (Mexican-American)
Huasima - (Mexican-American)
- Pixoy - (Maya)
- Pricklenut -
- West Indian mulberry - (Mexican-American)
Guazuma ulmifolia - Ahiya - (Nahuatl)
- Aquiche - (Maya)
Cuahulote - (Mexican-American)
- Cuauholotl - (Nahuatl)
Guasima - (Mexican-American)
- Guazima - (Mexican-American)
Huasima - (Mexican-American)
- Pixoy - (Maya)
- Pricklenut -
- West Indian mulberry - (Mexican-American)
Gubaguih - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Güérigo - Populus balsamifera - (Spanish-Américas)
- Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni - (Spanish-Américas)
- Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii - (Spanish-Américas)
Gueto - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Güicho - Tillandsia recurvata - (Spanish-Américas)
Guievada - Asclepias glaucescens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Guijones, see Hinojo
Güín - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Güincho - Tillandsia recurvata - (Spanish-Américas)
Guinea rush - Cyperus articulatus - (Grieve)
Guingambó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Guingombó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Guinole - Acacia cochliacantha - (Kay)
Güirigo - Populus balsamifera - (Spanish-Américas)
Guisache - Acacia cochliacantha - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia cornigera - (Atlas Mexico)
- Acacia farnesiana - (Mexico)
Güisache - Acacia farnesiana - (Spanish-Américas)
Guisache corteño - Acacia cochliacantha - (Spanish-Américas)
Guisantes de América - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Guizache - Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
Guizache yondero - Acacia farnesiana - (Michoacán)
Gum arabic - Acacia senegal - (BONAP)
Gumbo - Abelmoschus esculentus - (MMPND-English)
Gumbó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Gum elemi, Tecomaca
Gum plant - Grindelia squarrosa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gumweed - Grindelia - (BONAP)
- Grindelia squarrosa - (BONAP)
Gum weed - Grindelia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Grindelia squarrosa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gurney's yucca - Yucca glauca var. gurneyi - (BONAP)
Gutierrezia - Lag. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Snakeweed - - (BONAP)
Species in New
Mexico (according to BONAP)
not in main list
that may be medicinal are:
Gutierrezia microcephala -
(DC.) Gray - (BONAP)
(= Threadleaf
Gutierrezia sphaerocephala - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Roundleaf snakeweed),
Gutierrezia texana - (DC.)
Torr. & Gray - (BONAP)
(= Texas
snakeweed), and
Gutierrezia wrightii - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Wright's snakeweed).
Gutierrezia sarothrae - (Pursh) Britt. & Rusby -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Broom snakeweed - - (BONAP)
Brown weed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Collalle - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Dropseed grass - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Escoba de la vibora - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley) Rattlesnake
root - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rattlesnake weed - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Sheep weed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Snake weed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Snakeweed - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Yellow weed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba de la vibora - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Gutierrezia diversifolia - Greene - (BONAP)
Gutierrezia lepidota - Greene - (BONAP)
Gutierrezia linearifolia - Lag. - (BONAP)
Gutierrezia linearis - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Gutierrezia linoides - Greene - (BONAP)
Gutierrezia longipappa - Blake - (BONAP)
Gutierrezia pomariensis - (Welsh) Welsh - (BONAP)
Gutierrezia sarothrae var. pomariensis - Welsh -
Gutierrezia tenuis - Greene -
Solidago sarothrae - Pursh -
Xanthocephalum sarothrae -
(Pursh) Shinners - (BONAP)
sarothrae var. pomariense - (Welsh) Welsh - (BONAP)
Xanthocephalum tenue - (Greene) Shinners - (BONAP)
Gutierrezia tenuis, see Gutierrezia sarothrae.
Guu - Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Habas (Horse beans), Vicin faba, (also see Patito del pais)
Habros - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Haca - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hacayote - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Haematoxylon Campechianum, Brazil
Halal - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Halanche - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Handflower tree - Chiranthodendron pentadactylon - (Mexican-American)
Haplopappus - Cass. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae
See notes.
Hardtack, Palo duro
Haremint, Oregano
Harinoso - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Harriman's Spanish bayonet - Yucca harrimaniae var. harrimaniae - (BONAP)
Hat-thorn acacia - Acacia hindsii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hauve cane - Phragmites australis - (Moerman)
Hay-fever weed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English-Canada)
Hazel alder - Alnus serrulata - (BONAP)
He - Papaver rhoeas - (Elsa Campos)
Heart's-delight - Abronia fragrans - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hedeoma - Pers. - Genus Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Genus with 11 species in New Mexico.
Hedeoma apiculata - W.S. Stewart - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Hedeoma costata - Gray - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Species with one variety in New Mexico.
Hedeoma costata var. pulchella - (Greene) Irving - Variety Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Hedeoma convisae - A. Nels. - (BONAP)
Hedeoma pulchella - Greene - (BONAP)
Hedeoma dentata - Torr. - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Dentate falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Hedeoma drummondii - Benth. - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Drummond's falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Hedeoma campora - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Hedeoma ciliata - Nutt. - (BONAP)
Hedeoma drummondii var. crenulata - Irving - (BONAP)
Hedeoma longiflora - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Hedeoma ovata - A. Nels. - (BONAP)
Hedeoma hyssopifolia - Gray - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Hedeoma nana - (Torr.) Briq. - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Species with one subspecies in New Mexico.
Hedeoma nana ssp. nana - (Torr.) Briq. - Subspecies Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Hedeoma nana ssp. typica - W.S. Stewart - (BONAP)
Hedeoma thymoides - Gray - (BONAP)
Hedeoma oblongifolia - (Gray) Heller - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Poleo chino - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Hedeoma piperita var. oblongifolia - Gray - (BONAP)
Hedeoma thymoides var. oblongifolia - (Gray) Gray - (BONAP)
Hedeoma plicata - Torr. - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Hedeoma pulcherrima - Woot. & Standl. - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Hedeoma reverchonii - (Gray) Gray - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Reverchon's falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Species with one variety in New Mexico.
Hedeoma reverchonii var. serpyllifolia - (Small) Irving - Variety Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Reverchon's falsepennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Hedeoma sancta - Small - (BONAP)
Hedeoma serpyllifolia - Small - (BONAP)
Hedeoma todsenii - Irving - Species Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Todsen's falsepennyroyal - (BONAP)
Hedge-apple - Maclura pomifera - (?)
Hediondilla, Covillea glutinoso
Hediondillo - Chenopodium graveolens - (Spanish-Américas)
Helenio - Inula helenium - (Elsa Campos)
Helenium hoopesii, see Hymenoxys hoopesii.
Helianthus annuus - Anil - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Helichrysum italicum - - (?)
Helicrizo - - (Elsa
Live ever - - (Elsa Campos)
Sol de oro - - (Elsa
Yellow chaste weed - - (Elsa Campos)
Helicrizo - Helichrysum italicum - (Elsa Campos)
Hemlock, see Yerba del peco
Hemp agrimony - Eupatorium cannabium - (Elsa Campos)
Henequén - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Heno - Tillandsia recurvata - (Atlas Mexico)
Heno chino - Tillandsia recurvata - (Southern Sonora)
Hepatica estrellada - Galium odoratum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Heracleum - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Apiaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name - - U.S.A. or
Cowparsnip - - (BONAP)
Heracleum with only one species in New Mexico.
Heracleum maximum - Bartr. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Bear weed - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Common cowparsnip - - (BONAP)
Cow parsnip - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yerba del oso - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Heracleum lanatum -
Michx. - (BONAP)
Heracleum sphondylium
var. lanatum - (Michx.) Dorn - (BONAP)
Heracleum sphondylium ssp. montanum - (Schleich. ex
Gaudin) Briq. - (BONAP)
Herb of the Apache, Yerba del Apache
Herb of the bad woman, Yerba de la mala mujer
Herb of the blood - Berberis repens (= Mahonia repens) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Herb of the fish, see Yerba del pescado
Herb of the he-goat, Yerba del chivato
Herb of the horse, Yerba del caballo
Herb of the negress, Yerba de la negrita
Herb of the negro, Yerba del negro
Herb of the ox, Yerba del buey
Herb of the prairie dog, Yerba de la tusa
Herb of San Pedro, Yerba de San Pedro
Herb of the skunk, Yerba del zorillo
Herb of the snake, Escoba de la vibora
Herb of the stone, Yerba de la piedra
Herb of the swallow, Yerba de la golondrina
Herb of the toad, Yerba del sapo
Herb of the Virgin, Yerba de la Virgen
Herb of the wolf, Yerba del lobo
Heronsbill (= Alfilerillo) - Erodium cicutarium - (Mexican-American)
Herva ambrósia - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva de bicho - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Hervor de sangre, see Cuipa de sabina
Herva de São João - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva do carpintero - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva do Méjico - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Herva mata pulgas - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Heterotheca - Cass. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Arnica del pais - - (Mexican-American)
Arnica Mexicana - - (Mexican-American)
Camphor weed - - (Mexican-American)
Falsa arnica - - (Mexican-American)
Telegraphplant - - (BONAP)
Telegraph weed - - (Mexican-American)
Tlalyetl - - (Nahuatl)
In New Mexico, 6 species: - - (NM)
o Heterotheca canescens
(= Gray camphorweed, Hoary golden-aster),
o Heterotheca fulcrata var. amplifolia
(= Green camphorweed),
Heterotheca fulcrata var. arizonica
(= Arizona camphorweed),
Heterotheca fulcrata var. fulcrata
(= Green camphorweed),
Heterotheca fulcrata var. senilis
(= Green camphorweed),
o Heterotheca stenophylla
(= Stiff-leaf golden-aster),
o Heterotheca subaxillaris var. latifolia
(= Camphorweed),
o Heterotheca villosa var. angustifolia
(= Stiff-leaf golden-aster),
Heterotheca villosa var. minor
(= Hairy golden-aster),
Heterotheca villosa var. nana
(= Hairy golden-aster),
Heterotheca villosa var. pedunculata
(= Zion golden-aster),
Heterotheca villosa var. scabra
(= Hairy golden-aster),
Heterotheca villosa var. sierrablancensis
(= Sierra Blanca golden-aster),
Heterotheca villosa var. villosa
(= Hairy golden-aster), and
o Heterotheca viscida
(= Cliff golden-aster).
See notes.
Heterotheca inuloides - Cass. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Arnica - - (Durango)
Arnica del pais - - (Mexican-American)
Arnica falsa - - (Elsa Campos)
Arnica Mexicana - - (Mexican-American)
Camphor weed - - (Mexican-American)
Falsa arnica - - (Mexican-American)
Fancy falsegoldenaster - - (BONAP)
Mexican arnica - - (Elsa Campos)
Telegraph weed - - (Mexican-American)
Tlalyetl - - (Nahuatl)
Hewe bread, see Alegria, Maiz
Hichin - Acacia farnesiana - (Veracruz)
Hides, see Tanning
Hiedra - Toxicodendron rydbergii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Hiedra terrestre - Glechoma hederacea - (Elsa Campos)
Hierba or zacate de limon - Cymbopogon citratus - (Elsa Campos)
Hierba almizclada - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba amarilla - Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba anis - Artemisia dracunculus - (?)
- Illicium verum - (?)
- Pimpinella anisum - (?)
- Tagetes filifolia - (?)
- Tagetes lucida - (?)
- Tagetes micrantha - (?)
Hierba carmesí - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba carmín - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba carmín decandra - Phytolacca americana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba carpintera - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba china - Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de Aquiles - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de Bermuda - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de chivatito - Chenopodium botrys - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de chivato - Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de cochino - Ligusticum porteri - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Hierba de culebra - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba de hicotea - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de la bruja - Verbesina encelioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la China - Abutilon theophrasti - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la consolación - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de la cortadura - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la culebra - Abelmoschus moschatus - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba del aire - Stevia salicifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del amor - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Hieba de la mariposa - Asclepias tuberosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la muela - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la mula - Stevia salicifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la oblea - Phytolacca americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de la pulga - Galium mexicanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Stevia viscida - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la punzada - Asclepias linaria - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la Santa Rita - Stevia salicifolia - (Soejarto)
Hierba de la Virgen - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la vibora - Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la víbora - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de las cortaduras - Achillea millefolium - (ITIS, USDA)
Hierba del carpintero - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del cochino - Ligusticum porteri - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba del cortes - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del coyote - Galium mexicanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del cuervo - Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba del diablo - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de leche - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del gran prior - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del indio - Asclepias - (Kay)
Hierba del monte - Lycium andersonii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de los carpinteros - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de los tiñosos - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del piojo - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1):
54–64, 2003)
- Hippocratea excelsa - (EB 57(1):
54–64, 2003)
Hierba del podador - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del pollo - Commelina coelestris - (Elsa Campos)
Hierba del sapo - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba del susto - Rivina humilis - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba del tiñoso - Arctium lappa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del zorrillo - Petiveria alliacea - (Elsa Campos)
Hierba de perro - Chenopodium graveolens - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba de sangre - Berberis repens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de San Guillermo - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de San Nicolás - Stevia salicifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Thelesperma megapotamicum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de santa - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de santa maría - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de semilla de culebra - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba de todos los males - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de zorrillo cimarrón - Chenopodium botrys - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba hedionda - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba hormiguera - Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba loca - Argemone ochroleuca - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba María - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba mora - Anoda cristata - (Atlas Mexico)
- Morus microphylla - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierbamora - Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba mora roja - Rivina humilis - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierba racemosa - Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba racimosa - Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba sagrada - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba santa - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
- Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba vomiqueira - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
High mallow - Malva sylvestris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Higo del infierno - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Higos, Ficus carica
Higueroa - Ficus carica - (Mexican-American)
Hinds acacia - Acacia hindsii - (?)
Hincha del estomago, see Yerba del lobo
Hinojo, Foeniculum vulgare
Himalayan goji - Lycium barbarum - (GRIN)
Hipazote, Chenopodium ambrosioides
Hipericón - Stevia serrata - (Soejarto)
Hippocratea celastroides - Kunth - (EB 57(1): 54–64)
(= Hippocratea acapulcensis)
Family Celastraceae
- - (APG II)
Barajilla - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Barajita - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Bejuco de piojo -
- (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Cucaracho - - (EB 57(1): 54–64,
Hierba del piojo - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
- - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Ixcate cimarron - - (EB 57(1):
54–64, 2003)
Izcate blanco - - (EB 57(1): 54–64,
Mata piojo - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
- - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Piojoso - - (EB 57(1): 54–64,
Quina - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Hippocratea excelsa - Kunth - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
(= Hemiagium excelsum)
Family Celastraceae - - (APG II)
Alcancer - - (Mexican-American)
Ayauhtona - - (Nahuatl)
Calavera - - (Mexican-American)
Cancerina - - (Elsa Campos)
Chanclana - - (Mexican-American)
Hierba del piojo - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Ixcate - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Izcate rojo - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Mata piojo - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Matapiojo - - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Mexican heather - - (Mexican-American)
Yaco-yage - - (Elsa Campos)
Yerba del cancer - - (Mexican-American)
Yerba del coyote - - (Mexican-American)
In Mexico, a table spoon of
bark of root in 1 liter water is commonly
boiled for a few
minutes, cooled to room temperature, and drunk
during the day
instead of water (used as agua de tiempo or day water).
Hoarhound, Marrubio
Hoco - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Hog-weed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English)
Hoitzmamaxali - Acacia cornigera - (Spanish-Américas)
Hoitzmamazali - Acacia cornigera - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hoja delgada - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Hoja de petate - Abies religiosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hoja de veneno - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hoja petate - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Holly-grape - Berberis repens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Holly-leafed barberry - Berberis repens (= Mahonia repens) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Hollyleaved barberry - Berberis repens - (BONAP)
Holy thistle - Argemone mexicana - (Kay)
Honey, see Barbasco, Chile, Escoba de la vibora, Flor de Santa Rita,
Honey ants - Hormigas meliferas - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Hongos (Mushrooms)
Hop - Humulus - (BONAP)
Hopi-tea - Thelesperma megapotamicum - (NM)
Hopi tea - Thelesperma megapotamicum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hopi-tea greenthread - Thelesperma megapotamicum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hopi tea greenthread - Thelesperma megapotamicum - (BONAP)
Hormigas coloradas - ? - (?)
Family - - (?)
Common Name
Large red ants - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Red ants - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Hormigas mieleras - ? - (?)
Family - - (?)
Common Name
Honey ants - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pouched ants - - (?)
In New Mexico
Horse beans, Habas
Horsemint (= Oregano, Oregano del campo) - Monarda menthaefolia -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Monarda pectinata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Horsetail - Equisetum arvense - (Elsa Campos)
Horseweed - Conyza - (BONAP)
- Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Hoyito - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Huacatay - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Huajillo - Acacia berlandieri - (?)
Huasima - Guazuma tomentosa - (Mexican-American)
- Guazuma ulmifolia - (Mexican-American)
Huatamote - Baccharis salicifolia - (Kay)
Huauhtli - Amaranthus spp. - (Nahuatl)
Huauzontle - Chenopodium berlandieri - (AJP1885-Mexico-8)
Hubbard squash - Cucurbita maxima - (Moerman)
Huechachin (náhuatl) - Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Hueso de abuelo
Hueso de cereza (Cherry stones), Prunus cerasus
Huichaxin - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huichin - Verbesina persicifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
Huichuri - Asclepias coulteri - (Spanish-Américas)
Huinol - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huinarillo - Anoda cristata - (?)
Huinole - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huirivo - Populus balsamifera - (Spanish-Américas)
Huisache - Acacia cochliacantha - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia constricta - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia farnesiana - (Mexico, Guerrero)
- Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huisache costeño - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Huisache de semilla - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huisache yóndiro - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huisache tepame - Acacia cochliacantha - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huispancle - Acacia berlandieri - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huitzaxin - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huitzcolotl - Berberis moranensis - (Atlas Mexico)
Huitziloxitl - Myroxylon balsamum var. Pereirae - (Nahuatl)
- Myroxylon spp. - (Nahuatl)
Huitzmamaxalli - Acacia cornigera - (Kay)
Huitzquilitl - Argemone hispida - (southwest US & Mexico)
Huizache - Acacia constricta - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia cornigera - (Atlas Mexico)
- Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
Humble-weed - Rivina humilis - (NM)
Humming bird's dinner horn, Varas de San Jose
Humulus - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Cannabaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name - - U.S.A. or
Hop - - (BONAP)
Humulus lupulus - L. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Cannabaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name - - U.S.A. or
Common hop - - (BONAP)
Humulus lupulus var. neomexicanus - A. Nels. &
Cockerell - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - -
Family Cannabaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name - - U.S.A. or
Common hop - - (BONAP)
Wild hops
- - (BONAP)
Zarza - - (BONAP)
Zarza parilla - - (BONAP)
Hung wort (= Punchon) - Verbascum thapsus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Huyama - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Hybrid common reed - Phragmites australis - (PFAF)
Hybrid mint - Mentha X rotundifolia - (NM)
Hymenoxys - Cass. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Rubberweed - - (NM)
Species in New Mexico
(according to BONAP)
not in main list that
may be medicinal are:
Hymenoxys ambigens - (Blake) Bierner
- (BONAP),
Hymenoxys bigelovii -
(Gray) Parker - (BONAP)
(= Bigelow's
Hymenoxys brachyactis - Woot. & Standl. -
(= East View rubberweed),
helenioides - (Rydb.) Cockerell - (BONAP)
(= Intermountain hymenoxys),
Hymenoxys odorata - DC. -
(= Bitter rubberweed),
quinquesquamata - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Rincon rubberweed),
Hymenoxys rusbyi - (Gray) Cockerell -
(= Rusby's rubberweed),
Hymenoxys vaseyi - (Gray) Cockerell - (BONAP)
(= Vasey's rubberweed).
Hymenoxys is close to the
genus Tetraneuris Greene.
Hymenoxys floribunda, see Hymenoxys richardsonii var. floribunda.
Hymenoxys hoopesii - (Gray) Bierner - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Yerba del lobo - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Dugaldia hoopesii - (Gray)
Rydb. - (BONAP)
Helenium hoopesii -
Gray - (BONAP)
Hymenoxys richardsonii - (Hook.) Cockerell - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Colorado rubberweed - -
Pingue - - (NM)
hymenoxys - - (BONAP)
Hymenoxys richardsonii var. floribunda - (Gray)
Parker - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Colorado rubber plant - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Colorado rubberweed - - (BONAP)
Pinhue - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pingue - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Hymenoxys floribunda - ? - (?)
Hymenoxys olivacea - Cockerell - (BONAP)
Hymenoxys richardsonii var. utahensis - Cockerell -
Illicium verum - Anis de estrella - (Mexican-American)
- Star
anise - (Mexican-American)
Imortal - Asclepias asperula ssp. capricornu - (Mexico)
Indian Hemp, Lechuguilla
Indian licorice - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Indian liquorice - Abrus precatorius - (Uphof, 1959)
Indian mallow - Abutilon incanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Indian paint brush - Castilleja - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Castilleja integra - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Castilleja integra var. integra - (Upper Rio Grande
- Castilleja linariifolia - (Upper Rio Grande
Indian paintbrush - Castilleja - (BONAP)
Indian parsley - Ligusticum porteri - (Moore)
Indian root - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Indian tabacco - Nicotiana quadrivalvis - (BONAP)
- Nicotiana rustica - (PFAF)
Indian tea - Thelesperma megapotamicum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Indigo - Batisia tintoria - (Mexico)
- Indigofera - (BONAP)
- Indigofera suffruticosa - (Armando González Stuart)
Indigo dye - Batisia tintoria - (Mexican-American)
Inland saltgrass - Distichlis spicata - (BONAP)
Inmortal - Asclepias - (Kay)
- Asclepias asperula - (Mexico Spanish)
- Asclepias asperula ssp. capricornu - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Asclepias lemmonii - (Kay)
- Asclepias linaria - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Asclepias tuberosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Intendente - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Intermediate yucca - Yucca baileyi var. intermedia - (BONAP)
Inula helenium - Elfdock - (Elsa Campos)
- Enula - (Elsa Campos)
- Helenio - (Elsa Campos)
Inundido - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
Ipecacuana de las Antillas - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Ipomoea - L. - Genus Name
Family Convolvulaceae
Common Name
Morning-glory - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 13 species, 4 varieties: - - (NM)
Ipomoea barbatisepala Gray
(= Canyon morning-glory),
Ipomoea capillacea (Kunth) G. Don
(= Purple morning-glory),
Ipomoea cardiophylla Gray
(= Dutchman's-pipe morning-glory),
Ipomoea costellata Torrey
(= Crested morning-glory),
Ipomoea cristulata H. Hall
(= Trans-Pecos morning-glory),
Ipomoea dumetorum Willdenow ex Roemer & Schultes
(= Railway-creeper),
*Ipomoea hederacea Jacquin
(= Ivy-leaf morning-glory),
Ipomoea leptophylla Torrey
(= Bush morning-glory),
Ipomoea lindheimeri Gray
(= Lindheimer's morning-glory),
Ipomoea plummerae Gray var. cuneifolia (Gray) Macbride
(= Huachuca morning-glory),
Ipomoea plummerae Gray var. plummerae
(= Plummer's morning-glory),
Ipomoea pubescens Lamarck
(= Silky morning-glory),
Ipomoea purpurea (Linnaeus) Roth
(= Common morning-glory),
Ipomoea tenuiloba Torrey var. tenuiloba
(= Spiderleaf), and
Ipomoea ternifolia Cavanilles var. leptotoma (Torrey) McDonald
(= Three-leaf morning-glory).
Ipomoea spp. - ? - Some Species of Genus
Family Convolvulaceae
Common Name
Amole - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amoli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amolli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amollyi - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Iris, Lirio
Irriakura - Cyperus rotundus - (Spanish-Américas)
Iscanal - Acacia cornigera - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Iscanal negro - Acacia hindsii - (EOL)
Iscum - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Istacayota - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Istowan piocha - Melia azedarach - (Atlas Mexico)
Ixiconal - Acacia hindsii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ixcate - Hippocratea excelsa - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Ixcate cimarron - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Ix-im (= Corn silk) - Zea mays - (Maya)
Ix'k'ann lool - Argemone mexicana - (Yucatán)
Ixtle manso - Agave angustifolia - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Iyamole - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Izcanal - Acacia cornigera - (Spanish-Américas)
Izcate blanco - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Izcate rojo - Hippocratea excelsa - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Iztacayotli - Cucurbita pepo - (Distrito Federal)
Jabonera - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Jacinto - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Jalapa - Jatropha macrorhiza - (Spanish-Américas)
Jalatripa - Rivina humilis - (Atlas Mexico)
Jalocote - Abies religiosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jam - Argemone mexicana - (Atlas Mexico: Yucatán)
Jamacha - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jamaica feverplant - Tribulus
cistoides - (Mexican-American)
- Tribulus
terrestris - (Mexican-American)
Jamaica liquorice - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Jamestown weed, Toloache
Jara - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jarilla - Stevia salicifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
Jarita, Salix exigua
Jarretadera - Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Jasmín de soldado - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Jatropha - L. - Genus Name
Family Euphorbiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Chicioaquahatl - - (Nahuatl)
Limberbush - - (Mexican-American)
Nettle-spurge - - (New Mexico)
Palo Sangriento - - (Mexican-American)
Quauhayohuachtli - - (Nahuatl)
Sangre de Drago - - (Mexican-American)
Sangre de Cristo - - (Mexican-American)
Sangregado - - (Mexican-American)
Telondilla - - (Mexican-American)
Tzontecapatli - - (Nahuatl)
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (New Mexico)
Jatropha macrorhiza Bentham
(= Ragged nettle-spurge).
Jatropha dioica - Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Chicioaquahatl - - (Nahuatl)
Leatherstem - - (BONAP)
Limberbush - - (Mexican-American)
Palo Sangriento - - (Mexican-American)
Quauhayohuachtli - - (Nahuatl)
Sangre de Drago - - (Mexican-American)
Sangre de Cristo - - (Mexican-American)
Sangregado - - (Mexican-American)
Telondilla - - (Mexican-American)
Tzontecapatli - - (Nahuatl)
Jatropha macrorhiza - Bentham - Species Name
Family Euphorbiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Chicioaquahatl - - (Nahuatl)
Jalapa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Limberbush - - (Mexican-American)
Palo Sangriento - - (Mexican-American)
Quauhayohuachtli - - (Nahuatl)
Ragged nettle-spurge - - (New Mexico)
Ragged nettlespurge - - (BONAP)
Sangre de Drago - - (Mexican-American)
Sangre de Cristo - - (Mexican-American)
Sangregado - - (Mexican-American)
Telondilla - - (Mexican-American)
Tzontecapatli - - (Nahuatl)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Jaundice berry - Berberis vulgaris - (Pak. J. Pharm. Sci. 20(1):83-92)
Java-grass - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Java grass - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Jejiri - Lycium andersonii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jeniquén - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Jequerity seeds - Abrus precatorius - (Plant Book)
Jequiriti - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Jequirity - Abrus precatorius - (Uphof, 1959)
Jequirity bean - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Jerimum - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Jerusalem oak - Chenopodium botrys - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Jerusalem oak goosefoot - Chenopodium botrys - (BONAP)
Jicaca - Asclepias glaucescens - (Spanish-Américas)
Jimson weed, Toloache
Jointed flatsedge - Cyperus articulatus - (PFAF)
Jiote - Acacia pennatula - (Spanish-Américas)
Jisca - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Joco - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Joco pino - Pinus arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jocoyol (= Socoyol) - Oxalis violacea - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
John crow beads - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Joko - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Jonquillo - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Joso - Lycium berlandieri var. berlandieri - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium berlandieri var. parviflorum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Juan - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Juanita - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Juglans sp., Nogal
Jumbie bead - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Jumete - Asclepias albicans - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Asclepias subulata - (Kay)
Juncea - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Juncia - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Juncia avellanada - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Juncia de tallo circular - Cyperus rotundus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Juncia real - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Juncia redonda - Cyperus esculentus - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cyperus rotundus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Junça - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Junça de comer - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Junça doce - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Junça mansa - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Junco - Cyperus articulatus - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Phragmites australis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Junco gigante - Arundo donax - (PFAF)
Juniper mistletoe, Bellota de sabina
Juniper pitch (= Almaciga de sabina) - oleoresin
of Juniperus monosperma - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
See resin
production in conifers.
Juniperus - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Cupressaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Juniper - - (BONAP)
Species in New Mexico not listed here that may be medicinal are
Juniperus ashei Buchh. (Ashe's juniper),
deppeana Steud. (Alligator juniper),
erythrocarpa Cory (Redberry juniper),
osteosperma (Torr.) Little (Utah juniper),
pinchotii Sudworth (Pinchot's juniper), and
scopulorum Sarg. (Rocky Mountain juniper).
For example,
Juniperus scopulorum of New Mexico
could be used similar
to European savin,
which is also used similar to the dried scale-leaves
eastern North American Juniperus virginiana.
Juniperus communis - L. -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Cupressaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Bellota de Sabina - -
Common juniper - - (BONAP)
Drooping juniper - - (Mexican-American)
Enebro - -
Guata - - (Mexican-American)
juniper - - (Mexican-American)
Sabino - - (Mexican-American)
low shrub, often spreading, leaves on mature branches not scalelike,
smooth and shining above, glaucous (waxy) beneath.
Juniperus communis var. depressa - Pursh - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Cupressaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Common juniper - - (BONAP)
Dwarf juniper - - (NM)
Mule pine - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Pino macho - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Prostrate juniper - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Sabina macho - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Juniperus canadensis -
Lodd. ex Burgsd. - (BONAP)
communis ssp. depressa - (Pursh) Franco - (BONAP)
Juniperus depressa - (Pursh) Raf. - (BONAP)
The variety Juniperus communis Linnaeus var. saxatilis
(= Juniperus communis Linnaeus var. montana
= Juniperus sibirica Burgsdorff) is apparently not
in New Mexico;
and the dwarf juniper is represented only by
Juniperus communis var. depressa Pursh.
Juniperus monosperma -
(Engelm.) Sarg. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - -
Family Cupressaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Names - - U.S.A. or
Almaciga de sabina (oleoresin or pitch) - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Oneseed juniper - - (BONAP)
Rama de sabina (Juniper branch) - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Juniperus occidentalis
var. gymnocarpa - Lemmon - (BONAP)
Sabina monosperma - (Engelm.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Juniperus spp. - ? - (?)
In New Mexico - -
Family Cupressaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Bellota de Sabina - - (Mexican-American)
Common juniper - -
Drooping juniper - -
Enebro - - (Mexican-American)
Guata - -
Mexican juniper - - (Mexican-American)
- - (Mexican-American)
Junquinho do Rio Grande - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Justicia - L - (Atlas, Mexico)
Genus Name
Family Acanthaceae - - (Atlas, Mexico)
Common Name
Justica - - (BONAP)
In Morelos, a medicinal genus.
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (BONAP)
Justicia wrightii Gray (= Wright's waterwillow)
Kaibab pussytoes - Antennaria rosulata - (BONAP, SEINet)
Kallstroemio brachystylis, Contrayerba
K'ank'ilixche - Acacia farnesiana - (Quintana Roo)
Kankilizche - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Kanlal - Argemone mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
K'an-mul - Bidens - (Maya)
- Bidens pilosa - (Maya)
Kantiriz - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Kí - Agave fourcroydes - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Yucatán)
Ki'che - Verbesina crocata - (Yucatán)
Kid stew, see Culantro
King's cureall, Flor de San Juan
King's groundsel - Senecio eremophilus var. kingii - (BONAP)
Kinnikinick - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (PFAF)
Kinnikinik - Cornus amomum - (Menomini)
- Cornus sericea ssp. sericea - (Potawatomi)
Kinnikinnic - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Kinnikinnick - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (PFAF)
- Cornus alternifolia - (Menomini, Ojibwe)
- Cornus amomum - (Menomini)
- Cornus sericea ssp. sericea - (Gosiute)
Kix-xtez - Amaranthus spp. - (Maya)
Knotgrass - Polygonum aviculare - (southwest US & Mexico)
Komerillo - Bidens bipinnata - (Spanish-Américas)
Kongaran - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Kongarani - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
K'onguarani - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Konguera - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Konguera blanca - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Konguera prieta - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Family: Krameriaceae -
- Order: Zygophyllales - Chalk.
Higher level
lineages: Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot; Rosid;
Eurosid I
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Kuká - Acacia farnesiana - (Sonora)
K'uum - Cucurbita moschata - (Quintana Roo)
Ku-xub - Bixa orellana - (Maya)
Lacahuiti - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Lacayote - Cucurbita ficifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
- Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Ladies' fingers - Abelmoschus esculentus - (MMPND-English)
Lady bleeding, Alegria
Lady's chewing tobacco, Hinojo
Lady's finger - Abelmoschus esculentus - (MMPND-English)
La envidia - Stevia salicifolia - (Soejarto)
Lagarto - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Lama del agua
Lamb's quarter - Chenopodium album - (NM)
Lamiaceae - Martynov - Family Name
(= Labiatae Juss. or Menthaceae, including Symphoremataceae Van Tiegh.
many genera once placed in
Verbenaceae Jaume St-Hil.;
but it
excludes Tetrachondraceae Wettst.)
Lamiales - Bromhead - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Lamiidae Takhtajan;
o Garryidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids I = asterids I);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 21 genera
Agastache (= Giant-hyssop)
Dracocephalum (= Dragonhead)
Hedeoma (= False-pennyroyal)
Lamium (= Henbit)
Leonurus (= Motherwort)
Lycopus (= Water-horehound)
Marrubium (= Horehound)
Mentha (= Mint)
Monarda (= Beebalm)
Monardella (= Mountainbalm)
Nepeta (= Catnip)
Physostegia (= False dragonhead)
Poliomintha (= Rosemary-mint)
Prunella (= Selfheal)
Salvia (= Sage)
Satureja (= Wild-basil)
Scutellaria (= Skullcap)
Stachys (= Hedge-nettle)
Teucrium (= Germander)
Trichostema (= Bluecurls)
Vitex (= Chaste-tree)
Lamparaza - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Lampaza - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Lampazo - Arctium lappa - (Mexico)
- Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Nuphar - (Spanish-Américas)
- Nymphaea odorata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lampazo menor - Arctium minus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lanceleaf tickseed - Coreopsis lanceolata - (BONAP, NM)
Lanceleaf tickseed - Coreopsis lanceolata - (BONAP)
Lantana camara - ? - Species Name
Cinco negritos - - (Elsa Campos)
Largeleaf lantana - - (Elsa Campos)
Lanten - Plantago major - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lapa - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Lard, use of, see Cadillos, Cebadilla, Frijolillo, Marrubio, Punche
Largancillo - Acacia constricta - (southwest US & Mexico)
Large-flower tickseed - Coreopsis grandiflora - (NM)
Largeflower tickseed - Coreopsis grandiflora - (BONAP)
Large Indian cress - Tropaeolum majus - (Elsa Campos)
Tropaeolum seemanii - (Elsa Campos)
Largeleaf lantana - Lantana camara - (Elsa Campos)
Large pie pumpkin - Cucurbita pepo - (Moerman)
Large red ants - Hormigas coloradas - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Largoncillo - Acacia constricta - (Spanish-Américas)
Larrea glutinosa, Hediondilla
Lasater's pride - Abronia fragrans - (southwest US & Mexico)
La señorita - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Lata - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Lathyrus decaphyllus, Patito del pais
Family: Lauraceae - Juss.
Order: Laurales - Perleb
Higher level lineages: Angiosperm;
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Laurel, Laurus nobilis
Lauris nobilis, Laurel
Lavender (= Alhucema) - Lavandula angustifolia -
- Lavandula latifolia - (Elsa Campos)
Lavandula spica - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Lavandula spp. -
- Lavandula vera - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lavandula angustifolia - Alhucema - (Mexican-American)
English lavender - (U.S.A.)
- Lavender - (Mexican-American)
Lavandula latifolia - Alhucema - (Elsa Campos)
- Barballo -
(Elsa Campos)
- Espigol mascle - (Elsa Campos)
- Espliego -
(Elsa Campos)
Lavandula spica (= Lavandula angustifolia) - Alhucema -
- English lavender - (U.S.A.)
- Lavender -
Lavandula spp. - Alhucema - (Mexican-American)
- Lavender -
Lavandula vera (= Lavandula angustifolia) - Alhucema - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- English lavender - (U.S.A.)
- Lavender -
Leadwort - Plumbago - (Mexican-American)
- Plumbago
pulchella - (Mexican-American)
- Plumbago scandens -
Genus Plumbago not native in New
Leatherstem - Jatropha dioica - (BONAP)
Leche de burro (Burro's milk)
Leche de conejo (Rabbit's milk)
Leche de vaca (Cow's milk)
Lechero - Asclepias speciosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lecheros - Asclepias speciosa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lechestrenza - Asclepias linaria - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lechón - Asclepias speciosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lechones, Asclepins galioides
Lechones - Asclepias latifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Asclepias verticillata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lechugas - Asclepias verticillata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley: Galisteo)
Lechuguilla - Abronia fragrans - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Agave lechuguilla - (BONAP, Spanish-Américas)
Apocynum cannabinum var. lividum - (Upper Rio Grande
- Yucca - (Mexican-American)
- Yucca
schidigera - (Mexican-American)
- Yucca valida -
Lechuria - Asclepias verticillata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley: Cienega)
Lengua de vaca - Asclepias verticillata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley: Galisteo)
Legústico - Levisticum officinale - (Spanish-Américas)
Lemita, Rhus trilobata
Lemmon's beggarticks - Bidens lemmonii - (BONAP)
Lemmon's milkweed - Asclepias lemmonii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lemon cutweed - Pseudognaphalium viscosum - (Elsa Campos)
Lemon grass - Cymbopogon citratus - (Elsa Campos)
Lemonade berry, Lemita
Lengua de gallina - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Lengua de pájaro - Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
Lengua de vaca - Rumex crispus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Asclepias verticillata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley:
Lennox soap, use of, see Pazote
Lepachys tagetes, see Ratibida tagetes.
Lepidium alyssoides, Mostacilla
Lesser burdock - Arctium minus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lesser canarygrass - Phalaris minor - (NM)
Lesser cat's foot - Antennaria neglecta - (Charlotte Erichsen-Brown)
Levestico - Levisticum officinale - (Spanish-Américas)
Levístico - Levisticum officinale - (Spanish-Américas)
- Ligusticum porteri - (southwest US & Mexico)
Levisticum - Hill - Genus Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Lovage - - (NM)
In New Mexico, an introduced garden plant Levisticum officinale from Europe.
See notes.
Levisticum officinale - Koch - Species Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Apio de montaña - - (Spanish-Américas)
Apio de monte - - (Spanish-Américas)
Apio montano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Garden lovage - - (NM)
Legústico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Levestico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Levístico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ligústico - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lovage - - (NM)
Osha - - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Osha del campo - - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Osha del jardin - - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Perejil silvestre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zazalicpatli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico, a garden plant introduced from Europe.
See notes.
Lichen, Yerba de la piedra
Licor indio - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Licorice - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
- Glycyrrhiza lepidota - (southwest US & Mexico)
Licorice bean - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Licorice root - Glycyrrhiza lepidota - (southwest US & Mexico)
Licorice vine - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Liendre de cochino - Persicaria punctata - (Atlas Mexico)
Ligústico - Levisticum officinale - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ligusticum - L. - Genus Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Wild-lovage - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 species
Ligusticum porteri Coulter & Rose (= Osha)
Since Ligusticum L. is not monophyletic,
this genus has species in more than one separate
(not directly related) lineage within the family.
See notes.
Ligusticum grayi - J.M. Coult. & Rose - Species Name
Family Apiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Chuchupate - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gray's licorice-root - - (ITIS)
Indian parsley - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oshá - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oshala - - (Karin Rohland)
Xoxouhca-pahtli - - (southwest US & Mexico)
See notes.
Ligusticum porteri - Coulter & Rose - Species Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Bear medicine - - (Moore)
Bear root - - (Moore)
Chuchupate - - (Atlas Mexico: Chihuahua, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Colorado cough root - - (Moore)
Chuchupate raiz - - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Guariaca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Indian parsley - - (Moore)
Hierba de cochino - - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Hierba del cochino - - (Atlas Mexico)
Levístico - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Osha - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Oshá - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Osha de la sierra - - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Oshá de la sierra - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Perejil del campo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Porter's Licorice-root - - (?)
Porter's lovage - - (Moore)
Raíz del cochino - - (Atlas Mexico)
Wild-lovage - - (NM)
In New Mexico
See notes.
Lila - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Lila de China - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lila de las Indias - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Lila de Persia - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilaila - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilás das Antilhas - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilás de India - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilás do Cabo - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilayo - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
- A.L. de Jussieu - (APG II: Family Name)
Common Name
Lily family - - (?)
- Perleb - (APG II: Order Name)
Higher level lineages (APG II,
Angiosperm; Monocot
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
The family in Mew Mexico comprises 6 genera:
Calochortus - Pursh - (BONAP)
Erythronium - L. - (BONAP)
Fritillaria - L. - (BONAP)
- L. - (BONAP)
Lloydia - Salisb. ex
Reichenb. - (BONAP)
Streptopus -
Michx. - (BONAP)
Lime, Cal, (also Cana agria, Mostacilla)
Limberbush - Jatropha - (Mexican-American)
- Jatropha dioica - (Nahuatl)
- Jatropha macrorhiza - (Nahuatl)
Limoncillo, Pectis angustifolia
Limonium - Mill. - Genus Name
Family Plumbaginaceae
Common Name
Sea-lavender - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (NM)
*Limonium limbatum Small
(= Southwestern sea-lavender).
Limonium limbatum - Small - Species Name
Family Plumbaginaceae
Common Name
Southwestern sea-lavender - - (NM)
Trans-Pecos sea-Lavender
In New Mexico
Although only one historical report could be found that this species was used medicinally by
only one Native American tribe in the state, other species of the genus (e.g., L. californicum,
L. carolinianum, and L. vulgare) have been reported to be used medicinally by a few other
Native American tribes elsewhere in North America and especially in folk medicine of people
in Europe and Asia.
Linasa, Linum lewisii
Linseed, Linasa
Lipstick tree - Bixa orellana - (Mexican-American)
Lirio (Iris)
Lirio da India - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Lirio de agua - Nuphar - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lithospermum onosmodium - J. Cohen - Species Name
Family Boraginaceae
Common Name
Marble-seed - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Onosmodium bejariense - A.P. de Candolle - (NM)
Onosmodium molle - Michaux - (NM)
Onosmodium occidentale - Mackenzie - (NM)
See notes.
Little-leaf pussytoes - Antennaria parvifolia - (BONAP)
Littleleaf pussytoes - Antennaria parvifolia - (NM)
Littleleaf mulberry - Morus microphylla - (southwest US & Mexico)
Little mallow - Malva parviflora - (southwest US & Mexico)
Little-seed canary grass - Phalaris minor - (southwest US & Mexico)
Little trumpet - Cordia boissieri - (Mexican-American)
Live ever - Helichrysum italicum - (Elsa Campos)
Loasaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Cornales - Link. - Order Name
Higher level lineages (Cantino, et al., 2007):
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 2 genera - - (NM)
Cevallia (= Stinging-serpent) and
Mentzelia (= Blazingstar, Stickleaf).
See notes.
Loco weed, Frijolillo
Logwood, Brazil
Lomatium dissectum - (Nuttall) Mathias & Constance - Species Name
Family Apiaceae
Common Name
Biscuit root - - (Moore)
Leptotaenia - - (Moore)
In New Mexico, 1 variety - - (NM)
Lomatium dissectum (Nuttall) Mathias & Constance var. multifidum (Nuttall) Mathias & Constance
known only from Rio Arriba County.
Lombricera - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Lombrigueira - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Long-stalk greenthread - Thelesperma longipes - (southwest US & Mexico)
Longstalk greenthread - Thelesperma longipes - (BONAP)
Loranthaceae - Juss. - (APG II: Family
Santalales - Dumort. - (APG II: Order Name)
level lineages: Angiosperm;
Eudicot; core
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Louisiana sagewort - Artemisia ludoviciana - (BONAP)
Lovage - Levisticum officinale - (NM)
Love bean - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Love pea - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Love vine - Cuscuta megalocarpa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Low ragweed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English)
Lucerne (=Alfalfa) - Medicago sativa - (Mexican-American)
Lucky bean - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Lucky beans - Abrus precatorius - (Plant Book)
Lucumxiu - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lunar caustic, Piedra infernal
Lupine, Garbancillo
Lupinus aduncus, Garbancillo
Lupulin - sifted yellow powder procured by beating or rubbing the flowers (strobiles) of hops - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lupulite - bitter principle of hops - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lycium - L. - Genus Name
Family Solanaceae
Common Name
Box-thorn - - (?)
Desert-thorn - - (?)
Palo de gallina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Wolfberry - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 6 species, one with 2 varieties: - - (NM)
Lycium andersonii Gray
(= Anderson's wolfberry),
Lycium barbarum Linnaeus
Lycium berlandieri var. berlandieri Dunal
(= Silver wolfberry),
Lycium berlandieri var. parviflorum (Gray) Terracciono
(= Silver wolfberry),
Lycium pallidum Miers
(= Pale wolfberry),
Lycium torreyi Gray and
(= Torrey's wolfberry).
Lycium parishii A. Gray is expected in New Mexico,
but awaits varification.
Lycium andersonii - Gray - Species Name
Family Solanaceae
Common Name
Anderson's wolfberry - - (NM)
Box thorn - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Desert thorn - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Desert wolfberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Frutilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba del monte - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Jejiri - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Manzanita - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Salicieso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sigreropo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tomato berry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Vara prieta - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Waterjacket - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico
Lycium barbarum - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Solanaceae
Common Name
Barbary matrimony-vine - - (GRIN)
Chinese boxthorn - - (GRIN)
Chinese wolfberry - - (GRIN)
Duke of Argyll's tea plant - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Duke of Argyll's teaplant - - (GRIN)
Duke of Argyll's teatree - - (GRIN)
Goji-berry - - (GRIN)
Himalayan goji - - (GRIN)
Matrimony-vine - - (NM)
Matrimony vine - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ning xia gou qi - - (GRIN)
Tibetan goji - - (GRIN)
In New Mexico, an introduced species.
Lycium halimifolium - Miller - (NM)
Lycium vulgare - (Aiton) Dunal - (NM)
Lycium berlandieri var. berlandieri - Dunal - Variety Name
Family Solanaceae
Common Name
Barchata - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cilindrillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Frutilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Garambullo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Joso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Salicieso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Silver wolfberry - - (NM)
Tomatillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Wolfberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico
Lycium berlandieri var. parviflorum - (Gray) Terracciono - Variety Name
Family Solanaceae
Common Name
Barchata - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cilindrillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Frutilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Garambullo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Joso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Salicieso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Silver wolfberry - - (NM)
Tomatillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Wolfberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico
Lycium parviflorum - Gray - (NM)
Lycium pallidum - Miers - Species Name
Family Solanaceae
Common Name
Box thorn - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cambronera - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chico - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Frutilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pale wolfberry - - (NM)
Tomatillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico
Lycium parishii - A. Gray - Species Name
Lycium torreyi - Gray - Species Name
Family Solanaceae
Common Name
Box thorn - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Garambuyo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tomatillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tomatillo mexicano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Torrey's wolfberry - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Lygodesmia juncea, Chicote embarranada
Lythraceae - J.St.-Hil. - (APG II: Family
(Includes Punicaceae Horan.)
Myrtales - Rchb. - (APG
II: Order Name)
Higher level lineages: Angiosperm;
Eudicot; core
Eudicot; Rosid; Eurosid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Family in New Mexico, including species of 5 genera:
Ammannia - L. - (BONAP)
- P. Br. - (BONAP)
Lythrum - L. -
Nesaea - Comm. ex Kunth -
Rotala - L. - (Roalson &
Macagüita - Cyperus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
MacDougal verbena - Verbena macdougalii - (BONAP)
Machaeranthera - Nees - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Machaeranthera - - (BONAP)
Species, subspecies, or varieties in New Mexico not in main list:
Machaeranthera asteroides var. asteroides - (Torr.)
Greene - (BONAP)
(= New Mexico tansyaster),
Machaeranthera bigelovii - (Gray) Greene - (BONAP)
(= Bigelow's tansyaster),
Machaeranthera bigelovii
var. bigelovii - (Gray) Greene - (BONAP)
(= Bigelow's tansyaster),
Machaeranthera blephariphylla
- (Gray) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= Texas
Machaeranthera canescens - (Pursh) Gray -
(= Hoary aster),
canescens ssp. canescens var. ambigua - B.L. Turner
(= Hoary aster),
canescens ssp. glabra var. aristata - (Eastw.) B.L.
Turner - (BONAP)
(= Hoary tansyaster),
Machaeranthera canescens ssp. canescens - (Pursh)
Gray - (BONAP)
(= Hoary aster),
Machaeranthera canescens ssp. canescens var.
canescens - (Pursh) Gray - (BONAP)
Cutleaf goldenweed),
Machaeranthera canescens ssp. glabra
- (Gray) B.L. Turner - (BONAP)
(= Hoary
Machaeranthera canescens ssp. glabra
var. glabra - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Hoary
Machaeranthera canescens ssp. canescens
var. incana - (Lindl.) Gray - (BONAP)
Cutleaf goldenweed),
Machaeranthera gracilis - (Nutt.)
Shinners - (BONAP)
(= Slender goldenweed),
Machaeranthera grindelioides - (Nutt.) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= Rayless aster),
Machaeranthera grindelioides var.
grindelioides - (Nutt.) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= Rayless aster),
Machaeranthera gypsitherma - Nesom,
Vorobik & Hartman - (BONAP)
(= La Playa
Springs tansyaster),
Machaeranthera gypsophila - B.L.
Turner - (BONAP)
(= Gypsum tansyaster),
Machaeranthera parviflora - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Smallflower tansyaster),
Machaeranthera pinnatifida
- (Hook.) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= Lacy
Machaeranthera pinnatifida ssp. pinnatifida
var. chihuahuana - B.L. Turner & Hartman - (BONAP)
(= Chihuahua aster),
Machaeranthera pinnatifida ssp.
pinnatifida var. glaberrima - (Rydb.) B.L. Turner &
Hartman - (BONAP)
(= Lacy tansyaster),
Machaeranthera pinnatifida ssp. pinnatifida -
(Hook.) Shinners - (BONAP)
(= Lacy
Machaeranthera riparia - (Kunth) A.G. Jones -
(= Chiricahua Mountain tansyaster),
Machaeranthera tagetina - Greene - (BONAP)
(= Mesa tansyaster),
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia -
(Kunth) Nees - (BONAP)
(= Tanseyleaf aster),
Machaeranthera viscida - (Woot. & Standl.) R.L.
Hartman - (BONAP)
(= Sticky tansyaster).
Machaeranthera pinnatifida ssp. pinnatifida var.
pinnatifida - (Hook.) Shinners - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Lacy tansyaster - - (BONAP)
Yerba de la quintana - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Amellus spinulosus - Pursh, non Machaeranthera
spinulosus Greene - (BONAP)
spinulosus - DC. - (?)
Aster pinnatifidus - (Hook.)
Kuntze - (BONAP)
Dieteria spinulosa -
(Pursh) Nutt. - (BONAP)
pinnatifidus - Hook. - (BONAP)
australe - Greene - (BONAP)
spinulosum - (Pursh) Greene - (BONAP)
Eriocarpum wootonii - Greene - (BONAP)
Haplopappus coulteri - Harvey & Gray ex Gray - (BONAP)
Haplopappus spinulosus - (Pursh) DC. - (BONAP)
Haplopappus spinulosus ssp. australis - (Greene)
Hall - (BONAP)
Haplopappus spinulosus
ssp. cotulus - (Small) Hall - (BONAP)
Haplopappus spinulosus var. canescens - Gray -
Haplopappus spinulosus var.
glaber - Gray - (BONAP)
spinulosus ssp. laevis - (Woot. & Standl.) Hall -
Haplopappus spinulosus var.
turbinellus - (Rydb.) Blake - (BONAP)
Haplopappus texensis - R.C. Jackson - (BONAP)
Machaeranthera australis - (Greene) Shinners - (BONAP)
Machaeranthera laevis - (Woot. & Standl.) Shinners -
Machaeranthera pinnata -
(Nutt.) Shinners - (BONAP)
texensis - (R.C. Jackson) Shinners - (BONAP)
Sideranthus australis - (Greene) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Sideranthus cotula - Small - (BONAP)
Sideranthus laevis - Woot. & Standl. - (BONAP)
Sideranthus machaerantherus - Small - (BONAP)
Sideranthus puberulus - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Sideranthus spinulosus - (Pursh) Sweet ex Rydb. - (BONAP)
Sideranthus turbinellus - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Sideranthus wootonii - (Greene) Standl. - (BONAP)
Starkea pinnata - Nutt. - (BONAP)
Maclura - Maclura pomifera - (Spanish-Américas)
Maclura - Nutt. - Genus Name
Family Moraceae
Common Name
Osage-orange - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 introduced species: - - (NM)
*Maclura pomifera (Rafinesque) Schneider
(= Osage-orange).
Maclura pomifera - (Rafinesque) Schneider - Species Name
Family Moraceae
Common Name
Bois d'arc - - (PFAF)
Hedge-apple - - (?)
Maclura - - (Spanish-Américas)
Madera de arco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mock orange - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Naranjo de chino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Naranjo de osage - - (Spanish-Américas)
Naranjo del Osage - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Osage orange - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Osage-orange - - (Moerman, NM, PFAF)
In New Mexico, introduced.
Toxylon pomiferum - Rafinesque - (NM)
Native in east of the state of New Mexico.
However, it has widely
escaped or it persists from old
plantings in the state. - - (NM)
Macpalxochitl - Chiranthodendron pentadactylon - (Nahuatl)
Madera de arco - Maclura pomifera - (Spanish-Américas)
Mad apple, Toloache
Madroño rastrero - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas, Mexico)
- Agave
atrovirens - (Spanish-Américas, Kay, BONAP, ITIS,
Maguey africano - Agave angustifolia - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey amarillo - Agave americana - (Kay)
Maguey americano - Agave americana - (ITIS)
Maguey arroqueño - Agave americana - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey blanco - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey chichimeco - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey chino - Agave americana - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey de aguamiel - Agave atrovirens - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey de mezcal - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey de montaña - Agave atrovirens - (ITIS)
Maguey de pulque - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Agave
atrovirens - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey del cumbre - Agave atrovirens - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey delgado - Agave angustifolia - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey espadín - Agave angustifolia - (ITIS)
Maguey fino - Agave americana - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey javalin - Agave atrovirens - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Maguey meco - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Maguey manso - Agave atrovirens - (Spanish-Américas)
Mahogany milkweed - Asclepias hypoleuca - (NM)
Mahonia - Berberis fremontii - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Berberis repens - (Spanish-Américas)
Mahonia común - Berberis repens - (Spanish-Américas)
Maidenhair fern - Adiantum capillus-veneris - (Elsa Campos)
Maidenhair spleenwort - Asplenium trichomanes - (NM)
Mail - Cucurbita ficifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Maiz (Corn) - Zea Mays - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Maíz de perro - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Majagua - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Majchow - Arundo donax - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca)
Malabar gourd - Cucurbita ficifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malba - Malva parviflora - (Atlas Mexico)
Mal casada - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Malcasada - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Maleza de mariposa - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mallow - Malva - (NM)
- Malva crispa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Malpighiaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Malpighiales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG IV) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
Malva - Abutilon incanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Anoda cristata - (Atlas Mexico)
- Malva crispa - (Spanish-Américas)
- Malva neglecta - (Atlas Mexico)
- Malva parviflora - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Malva rotundifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
- Malva sylvestris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva - L. - Genus Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Cheeseweed - - (NM)
Mallow - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 3-4 introduced (exotic) species: - - (BONAP, NM)
Malva crispa (Linnaeus) Linnaeus
(Crisp cheeseweed),
Malva neglecta Wallroth
(Dwarf cheeseweed),
Malva parviflora Linnaeus
(Small-flower cheeseweed),
Malva sylvestris Linnaeus
(Tall cheeseweed).
At least three species are used medicinally in Mexico. - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva neglecta (L.) Wall.
Malva parviflora L.
Malva rotundifolia L. = Malva pusilla Sm.
Malva almizclera - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva blanca - Malva sylvestris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malvaceae - Juss. - Family Name
(Includes Sterculiaceae Vent. ex. Salisb., Tiliaceae Juss.)
Malvales - Dumort. - (APG III) Order Name
Common Name
Mallow family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, 14 genera: - - (NM)
*Abutilon Mill.
(= Indian-mallow),
Alcea L.
(= Hollyhock),
Allowissadula D.M.Bates
(= Indian-mallow),
*Anoda Cav.
(= Anoda),
Callirhoe Nutt.
(= Poppy-mallow),
Herissantia Medik.
(= Bladder-mallow),
*Hibiscus L.
(= Rose-mallow),
Iliamna Greene
(= Wild-hollyhock),
*Malva L.
(= Cheeseweed, Mallow),
Malvella Jaub. & Spach
(= Mallow),
Rhynchosida Fryxell
(= Buff-petal),
*Sida L.
(= Fan-petal),
Sidalcea A.Gray
(= Checker-mallow), and
*Sphaeralcea A.St.-Hil.
(= Globemallow).
In Mexico, at least one or more species of 12 genera are used medicinally: - - (Atlas Mexico)
*Abelmoschus Medik. (e.g., Almis),
*Anoda (e.g., Violeta),
*Gossypium L. (e.g., Jtaman, Algodón),
*Hampea Schltdl. (e.g., Nacahuita, Sakjool),
*Hibiscus (e.g., Tulipán, Jamaica, Ch'ixol ak'),
*Malva (e.g., Malva or Malva de quesitos, Malva or Ahala, Malva or Malvón),
*Malvastrum A.Gray (e.g., Guiñare de anten),
*Malvaviscus Fabr. (e.g., Manzanita),
*Modiola Moench (e.g., Malva chiquita),
*Pavonia Cav. (e.g., Cadillo),
*Sida (e.g., Malva or Ajalache, Escobilla or Malvilla), and
*Sphaeralcea (e.g., Hierba del negro).
Malva chica - Anoda cristata - (?)
Malva común - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva con espuelas - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva crespa - Malva crispa - (Spanish-Américas)
- Malva parviflora - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva crespa verdadeira - Malva crispa - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva crispa - (L.) L. - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Crisp cheeseweed - - (NM)
Mallow - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Malva - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva crespa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva crespa verdadeira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de Castilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva rizada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva rosa - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
An exotic (introduced plant) said to have been once collected in
Tularosa in New Mexico,
but not reported since 1907 in state. - - (NM)
In New Mexico, it was at least once found sometimes growing in gardens
and said to have been much taller than
Malva parviflora. - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Malva das boticas - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva das hortas - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de casa - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de Castilla - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Malva crispa - (Spanish-Américas)
- Malva neglecta - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Malva parviflora - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de campo - Malva parviflora - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva de España - Malva rotundifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de flor chica - Malva parviflora - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de flores pequeñas - Malva parviflora - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva de hoja pequeña - Malva parviflora - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de hoja redonda - Malva rotundifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de hojas redondas - Malva neglecta - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva de quesitos - Malva neglecta - (Atlas Mexico)
- Malva parviflora - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva del campo - Malva neglecta - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Malva parviflora - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva enana - Malva neglecta - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva extranjera - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva grande - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva india - Abutilon theophrasti - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva índica - Abutilon theophrasti - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvaísco - Malva parviflora - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva maior - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva medicinal - Malva neglecta - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva morada - Anoda cristata - (?)
Malva neglecta - Wallroth - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Cheeses - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Common mallow - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Dwarf cheeseweed - - (NM)
Malva - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva de Castilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva de hojas redondas
Malva de quesitos - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva del campo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva enana - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva medicinal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Umbrella mallow - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico, an introduced species.
Malva parviflora - L. - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Ahala - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cheeseweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Little mallow - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malba - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva crespa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de campo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva de Castilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de flor chica - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de flores pequeñas - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva de hoja pequeña - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de quesitos - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva del campo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva silvestre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvaísco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quesito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Salicieso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Small-flower cheeseweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, an introduced species.
Malva peluda - Abutilon incanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva real - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva rizada - Malva crispa - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva rosa - Malva crispa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Malva rotundifolia - L. - Species Name
= Malva pusilla Sm.
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Malva - - (Atlas Mexico)
Malva de España - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de hoja redonda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvón - - (Atlas Mexico)
This species, not in New Mexico, is not the same as
the M. rotundifolia
of past New Mexico authors, which is either M. neglecta or M. parviflora. - - (NM)
Malva selvagem - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva selvática - Malva sylvestris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva silvestre - Malva parviflora - (Spanish-Américas)
- Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva sylvestris - L. - Species Name
Family Malvaceae
Common Name
Alboheza - - (Spanish-Américas)
Belehui - - (southwest US & Mexico)
High mallow - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva blanca - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva común - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva das boticas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva das hortas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva de casa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva extranjera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva grande - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva maior - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva real - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva selvagem - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva selvática - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Malva silvestre - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malva verde - - (Spanish-Américas)
Malves - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quelite - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tall cheeseweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, an introduced species.
Malva verde - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvavisco - Anoda cristata - (Atlas Mexico)
Malvavisco de Indias - Abutilon theophrasti - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvavisco de las Indias - Abutilon theophrasti - (Spanish-Américas)
Malves - Malva sylvestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvilla - Malva parviflora - (Spanish-Américas)
Malvón - Malva rotundifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
Malvón de campo - Anoda cristata - (Atlas Mexico)
Malvón de quesitos - Anoda cristata - (Atlas Mexico)
Mammillaria - Haw. - Genus Name
Family Cactaceae
Common Name
Nipple-cactus - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 5 species: - - (NM)
Mammillaria barbata Engelmann (= Nipple-cactus);
Mammillaria grahamii Engelmann (= Graham's nipple-cactus);
Mammillaria heyderi Muehlenpfordt (= Heyder's nipple-cactus);
Mammillaria lasiacantha Engelmann (= Lacy-spine nipple-cactus); and
Mammillaria wrightii Engelmann (= Wilcox's nipple-cactus, Wright's nipple-cactus).
Mammillaria grahamii - Engelmann - Species Name
Family Cactaceae
Common Name
Graham's nipple-cactus - - (NM)
In New Mexico.
Mammillaria heyderi - Muehlenpfordt - Species Name
Family Cactaceae
Common Name
Biznaga - - (EB 27(2) 241-251,1973)
Biznaga de chilillo - - (EB 27(2) 241-251,1973)
Heyder's nipple-cactus - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 3 varieties: - - (NM)
Mammillaria heyderi var. meiacantha (Engelmann) L. Benson;
Mammillaria heyderi var. heyderi; and
Mammillaria heyderi var. macdougalii (Rose) L. Benson.
Manfreda - Salisb. - Genus Name
[Transferred to Agave L.]
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae)
Common Name
Amole - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amoli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amolli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amollyi - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Mano de dragon - Chiranthodendron pentadactylon - (Mexican-American)
Mansanilla - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
Manteca de pela: the outside fat of sheep. - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Manteca de zorillo (Skunk lard)
Manto de San José - Stevia serrata - (Atlas Mexico)
Manzanete - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Manzanilla - Anthemis nobilis - (Mexico)
- Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
- Matricaria discoidea - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Manzanilla de Alemania - Matricaria discoidea - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Manzanilla del pastor - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Manzanita - Arctostaphylos - (NM)
- Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
- Arctostaphylos spp. - (Kay)
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Californian Spanish, Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Lycium andersonii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mapacho - Nicotiana rustica - (?)
Mapipitza - Asclepias linaria - (Spanish-Américas)
Maraquiana - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Maravilla - Mirabilis jalapa - (Mexican-American)
- Mirabilis longiflora - (Mexican-American)
- Mirabilis multiflora (= Quamoclidion multiflorum) - (Mexican-American) (also Ponil)
Marble-seed - Lithospermum onosmodium - (NM)
Margarita - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
- Bidens pilosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Margarita silvestre - Bidens pilosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Margosa - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Margoseira - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Marigold - Calendula officinalis - (Elsa Campos)
Mariguana - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Marihuana - Cannabis sativa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Mariola, Artemisia rhizomata
Mariquilla, Solidago canadensis
Maroma - Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
Marquesotes, see Tequesquite
Marrow - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Marrubio, Marrubium vulgare, (also Ponil)
Marrubium - L. - Genus Name
In New Mexico, including 1 species - - (BONAP)
Marrubium vulgare - L.
Originally introduced from Europe for a
garden herb in the Atlantic States, and now found wild across the
continent and from
Maine to Texas and New Mexico.
Marsh-pepper smartweed - Persicaria hydropiper - (?)
Marsh-pepper knotweed - Persicaria hydropiper - (USDA)
Marshpepper - Persicaria hydropiper - (southwest US & Mexico)
Marshpepper knotweed - Persicaria hydropiper - (USDA)
Masiquía - Bidens pilosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Mastranto, Marrubio
Mastranzo, Marrubio
Mastranzo cimarron, Marrubio
Mastranzo mexicano, Marrubio
Mastruço - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Mata, Eupatorium arizonicum
Matacaballos - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Matacandelillas - Asclepias albicans - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Asclepias subulata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Matacoyotes - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mata gallina - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Mata piojo - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64,
- Hippocratea excelsa - (EB 57(1): 54–64,
These plants are called lice killers because a paste is
made of the ground
seeds or the whole fruit and applied to kill
head lice. - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Matapiojo - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64,
- Hippocratea excelsa - (EB 57(1): 54–64,
These plants are called lice killers because a paste is
made of the ground
seeds or the whole fruit and applied to kill
head lice. - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Matapulgas - Stevia viscida - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mate - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Mate candelilla - Asclepias albicans - (Kay)
Matita - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Matorral - Acacia berlandieri - (Spanish-Américas)
Matricaria discoidea - DC. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Chamomila - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Chamomile - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Disc mayweed - - (BONAP)
Manzanilla - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Manzanilla de Alemania - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pineappleweed - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Sweet false chamomile - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Wild chamomile - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Matrimony-vine - Lycium barbarum - (NM)
Matrimony vine - Lycium barbarum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Matruz - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mauto - Acacia millefolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Mazorquilla - Phytolacca americana - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Meadow rue, Ruda de la sierra
Mecoztli - Agave americana - (Kay)
Medicago sativa - Alfalfa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lucerne - (Mexican-American)
- Purple medic - (Mexican-American)
Medronheiro rojante - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Medronheiro ursino - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Spanish-Américas)
Me'exch'u - Tillandsia recurvata - (Yucatán)
Megarrhiza lobata, Estrella del norte
Meliaceae - Juss. - (APG III) Family Name
Sapindales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Order Name
Common Name
Mahogany family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, one introduced genus.
Melia L. (= Chinaberry tree).
Mélia - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Melia - L. - Genus Name
Family Meliaceae
Common Name
Chinaberry tree - - (NM)
In New Mexico, one introduced species.
Melia azedarach L.
(= Chinaberry tree, Pride-of-India).
Melia azedarach - L. - Species Name
Family Meliaceae
Common Name
Acederaque - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agriar - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agriaz - - (Spanish-Américas)
Agrión - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alelaila - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alelí - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alhelí - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alilaila - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amargoseira brastarda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amargoseira do Himalaya - - (Spanish-Américas)
Árbol de quitasol - - (Spanish-Américas)
Árbol del paraíso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Árbol enano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Árbol paraíso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Árvore dos rosarios - - (Spanish-Américas)
Árvore santa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Azahar lila - - (Spanish-Américas)
Baya china - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Canela - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Canelo - - (Spanish-Américas)
China berry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chinaberry tree - - (NM)
Cinamomo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cinamono - - (Spanish-Américas)
Conteira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cotula fétida - - (Spanish-Américas)
Falso sicómoro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Flores do paraíso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Granillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Intendente - - (Spanish-Américas)
Istowan piocha - - (Atlas Mexico)
Jacinto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Jasmín de soldado - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lila - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lila de China - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lila de las Indias - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lila de Persia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilaila - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilás das Antilhas - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilás de India - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilás do Cabo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lilayo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lirio da India - - (Spanish-Américas)
Margosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Margoseira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mélia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mélia do Himalaya - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mirabobo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nido de paloma - - (Spanish-Américas)
Panjí - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Paraguas chino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Paraíso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Paraíso chino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Paraíso morado - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Paternoster - - (Spanish-Américas)
Persian lilac - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pestaña - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pioch - - (Atlas Mexico)
Piocha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pioche - - (Atlas Mexico)
Piochi - - (Atlas Mexico)
Piocho - - (Atlas Mexico)
Pride-of-India - - (NM)
Prusiana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Rosariera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quitasol - - (Spanish-Américas)
Rosarieria - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sicomoro bastardo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sicomoro falso - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tendente - - (Spanish-Américas)
Texas umbrella tree - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Umbrella tree - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Violeta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Viuva - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico, introduced. - - (NM)
Although not native, used medicinally in Mexico - - (Atlas Mexico)
(e.g., in Veracruz or San Luis Potosí).
Mélia do Himalaya - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Melilotus alba, Alfalfon
Melocotón - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Melón - Apodanthera undulata - (Hicks)
- Cucurbita maxima - (Atlas Mexico)
Melon de coyote - Apodanthera undulata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Meloncillo - Apodanthera undulata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Melon lóco - Apodanthera undulata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Melon-loco - Apodanthera - (NM)
- Apodanthera undulata - (NM)
Mentha - L. - Genus Name
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
Mint - - (BONAP)
Pennyroyal - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Poleo - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Mentha is a widely used but difficult genus due to polyploidy.
Mentha arvensis in New Mexico is sometimes referred to as
canadensis L. by some authors.
According to Roalson & Allred,
Mentha canadensis L. = Mentha arvensis L.
However, according to BONAP, North American Mentha canadensis
not in New Mexico.
According to Roalson & Allred,
Mentha X rotundifolia (Linnaeus) Hudson is a hybrid of the
Mentha spicata L. [= Mentha longifolia
auct. non (L.) Huds.]
and Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. However,
the last mentioned species is
not listed by these authors as
found in New Mexico.
Members of Mentha listed by BONAP for North America that are not
wild in New Mexico are:
Mentha aquatica - L. - (BONAP)
(= Water mint),
? Mentha canadensis - L. - (BONAP)
(= Canadian mint),
Mentha X gracilis - L. - (BONAP)
(= Red mint),
Mentha X gracilis - Sole (pro sp.) - (BONAP)
(= Mint),
Mentha X piperita - L. (pro sp.) - (BONAP)
(= Peppermint),
Mentha X piperita var. citrata - (Ehrh.) Briq. - (BONAP)
(= Lemon mint),
Mentha X piperita var. piperita - L. - (BONAP)
(= Peppermint),
Mentha pulegium - L. - (BONAP)
(= Pennyroyal),
Mentha requienii - Benth. - (BONAP)
(= Mint),
Mentha X smithiana - Graham - (BONAP)
(= Smith's mint),
Mentha suaveolens - Ehrh. - (BONAP)
(= Apple mint),
Mentha X verticillata - L. - (BONAP)
(= Mint),
Mentha X villosa - Huds. (pro sp.) - (BONAP)
(= Hairy mint).
Mentha arvensis - L. - Species Name
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
Brook mint - - (Moore)
Chichilticxihoitl - - (Nauatl)
Field mint - - (NM)
Mint - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Poleo - - (Moore)
Poleo del pais - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Poleo grande - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Tlalatochietl - - (Nauatl)
Wild mint - - (BONAP)
Yerba buena - - (Kay, in Colorado)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Mentha gentilis - L. - (BONAP)
Mentha arvensis in New Mexico is sometimes referred to as
Mentha canadensis L. by some authors.
According to
Roalson & Allred,
Mentha canadensis L. = Mentha
arvensis L.
However, according to BONAP, Mentha canadensis
L. is in
North America (surely native) but not in New Mexico.
Mentha canadensis - L. - Species Name
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
American wild mint - - (PFAF)
Canadian mint - - (BONAP)
Poleo - - (Moore)
Poleo del pais - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Poleo grande - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico (?) - - (NM)
Mentha arvensis - auct. non L. - (BONAP)
Mentha arvensis ssp. borealis - (Michx.) Taylor & MacBryde - (BONAP)
Mentha arvensis var. canadensis - (L.) Kuntze - (BONAP)
Mentha arvensis var. glabrata - (Benth.) Fern. - (BONAP)
Mentha arvensis ssp. haplocalyx - Briq. - (BONAP)
Mentha arvensis var. lanata - Piper - (BONAP)
Mentha arvensis var. sativa - auct. non Benth. - (BONAP)
Mentha arvensis var. villosa - (Benth.) S.R. Stewart - (BONAP)
Mentha glabrior - (Hook.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Mentha penardii - (Briq.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
Mentha arvensis in New Mexico is sometimes referred to as the same as
Mentha canadensis by some authors.
According to
Roalson & Allred,
Mentha canadensis L. = Mentha
arvensis L.
However, according to BONAP, Mentha canadensis
L. is in
North America (surely native) but not in New Mexico.
Mentha puleguim - L. - Species Name
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
Chichilticxihoitl - - (Kay)
European Pennyroyal - - (Moore)
Pennyroyal - - (BONAP)
Poleo - - (Kay, Mexico)
According to BONAP, this species
is found in North America but
not in New Mexico. It occurs as a
cultivated and escaped species
along or near coast in California
north to Southwest Canada and
south to Baja. Brought to North
America from Spain or Europe.
Maztranzo - Mentha X rotundifolia - (Kay)
Mentha X rotundifolia - (L.) Huds. (pro sp.) - Hybrid Species Name
Family Lamiaceae
Common Name
Hybrid mint - - (NM)
Maztranzo - - (Kay)
Mint - - (NM)
Tlachichinoa herbáceo - - (Kay)
Zacatlachichinoa - - (Kay)
In New Mexico (introduced) - - (NM)
Mentha spicata - L. - Species Name
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Spearmint - - (BONAP)
Yerba buena - - (Moore)
Yerbabuena - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Mentha cordifolia - auct. - (BONAP)
Mentha longifolia - auct. non (L.) Huds. - (BONAP)
Mentha viridis - L. - (BONAP)
Although not native (introduced), often
found along water ways
or streams in mountains of New Mexico.
Mentholatum, see Cuero, Escoba de la vibora
Menstruço - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Mentrusto - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Mentruz - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Mentzelia multiflora, Pegapega
Mercadela - Calendula officinalis - (Elsa Campos)
Mermasangre - Agrimonia eupatoria - (Spanish-Américas)
Mescal - Agave americana - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Mescal casero - Agave angustifolia - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Mescal del monte - Agave angustifolia - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Mescalito - Tillandsia recurvata - (Southern Sonora)
Mescalito de huitlicochi - Tillandsia recurvata - (Southern Sonora)
Mescat acacia - Acacia constricta - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mesquite bush, see Tornillo
Metl - Agave americana - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
- Agave atrovirens - (Kay, Mansfeld's
Mexican Barberry - Berberis gracilis - (PFAF)
Mexican bedstraw - Galium mexicanum - (NM)
Mexican heather - Cuphea - (Mexican-American)
- Cuphea
aequipetala - (Mexican-American)
- Cuphea jorullensis -
- Hippocratea excelsa (= Hemiagium excelsum) -
Mexican mulberry - Morus microphylla - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mexican oil, see Aceite mexicano
Mexican poppy - Argemone mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mexican pricklypoppy - Argemone mexicana - (U.S.A.)
Mexican tea, Pazote
Mexican tea - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mexican water-lily - Nymphaea mexicana - (FNA)
Mexican wormseed, Pazote
Mexican yellowshow - Amoreuxia palmatifida - (NM)
Mezcal - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
- Agave angustifolia - (southern Sonora)
Mezcalito - Tillandsia recurvata - (Southern Sonora)
Mezquitillo - Acacia constricta - (southwest US & Mexico)
Micrampelis lobata, Estrella del norte
Mikania guaco - Guaco - (Elsa Campos)
Milflor - Achillea millefolium - (Mexico)
Milfoil (= Plumajillo) - Achillea millefolium - (ITIS,
European English)
- Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Milfoil acacia - Acacia millefolia - (NM)
Milfoil wattle - Acacia millefolia - (BONAP)
Milfolhada - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Milfolio - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Milgranada - Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Milhojas - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Milkweed - Asclepias - (BONAP, NM)
- Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Asclepias glaucescens - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Asclepias lanuginosa - (Mexico)
- Asclepias latifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Asclepias verticillata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Millenrama - Achillea millefolium - (Mexico)
Mimbre - Acacia berlandieri - (Spanish-Américas)
Mimosa - Acacia farnesiana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mint - Mentha - (BONAP)
- Mentha arvensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Mentha X rotundifolia - (NM)
Mirabilis jalapa - Amarilla - (Mexican-American)
- Chuyem -
- Four-o'clock - (Mexican-American)
Maravilla - (Mexican-American)
- Quetzalatzonyatli - (Nahuatl)
Tlaquiln - (Nahuatl)
- Tsutsuy-xiu - (Maya)
Mirabilis longiflora - Amarilla - (Mexican-American)
- Chuyem
- (Mexican-American)
- Four-o'clock - (Mexican-American)
Maravilla - (Mexican-American)
- Quetzalatzonyatli - (Nahuatl)
Tlaquiln - (Nahuatl)
- Tsutsuy-xiu - (Maya)
Mirabilis multiflora (= Quamoclidion multiflorum) - Amarilla -
- Chuyem - (Mexican-American)
Four-o'clock - (Mexican-American)
- Maravilla -
- Quetzalatzonyatli - (Nahuatl)
- Tlaquiln
- (Nahuatl)
- Tsutsuy-xiu - (Maya)
Mirabobo - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mirasol, Anil
Missouri gourd - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Moerman, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Mock orange - Cucurbita foetidissima - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Maclura pomifera - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mock vervain - Glandularia - (BONAP)
Moco de guajolote - Persicaria glabra - (Atlas Mexico)
Moco de pavo - Persicaria glabra - (Spanish-Américas)
Moganga - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Moka - Morus alba - (Atlas Mexico)
Molondrón - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Monarda, Oregano
Monarda menthaefolia - Bee balm - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Bergamot - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Haremint - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Horsemint - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Monarda - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Oregano - (Upper Rio Grande
- Oregano de la sierra - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Oswego tea - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Monarda pectinata - Horsemint - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Oregano del campo - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Monito - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Montezuma cypress - Taxodium mucronatum - (Mexican-American)
Mora - Morus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
- Morus microphylla - (Atlas Mexico)
- Morus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Mora blanca - Morus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Mora de tierra caliente - Morus alba - (Atlas Mexico)
Moraceae - Gaudich. - Family Name
Rosales - Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG IV) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o nitrogen-fixing lineage;
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 2 genera: - - (NM)
*Maclura Nutt.
(= Osage-orange) and
*Morus L.
(= Mulberry).
Mora de árbol - Morus nigra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Moradilla - Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Moral - Morus alba - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Morus microphylla - (Atlas Mexico)
- Morus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
- Morus rubra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Moral blanco - Morus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Moral negro - Morus microphylla - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Morus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Moral rojo - Morus rubra - (Spanish-Américas)
Mora negra - Morus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Moras - Morus microphylla - (Puebla)
Moras de árbol - Morus microphylla - (Atlas Mexico)
Moreda - Morus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Morera - Morus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
- Morus nigra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Morera blanca - Morus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Morera negra - Morus microphylla - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Morus nigra - (Spanish-Américas)
Morero - Morus alba - (Spanish-Américas)
Morito - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Mormon tea, Canutillo del campo
Morus - L. - Genus Name
Family Moraceae
Common Name
Mulberry - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 2 species: - - (NM)
*Morus alba Linnaeus
(= White mulberry) and
*Morus microphylla Buckley
(= Texas mulberry).
Morus alba - Linnaeus - Species Name
Family Moraceae
Common Name
Amoreira branca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amoreira multicaule - - (Spanish-Américas)
Baya - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Moka - - (Atlas Mexico)
Mora - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mora blanca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mora de tierra caliente - - (Atlas Mexico)
Moral - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Moral blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Morera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Morera blanca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Morero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Silk worm mulberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
White mulberry - - (NM)
In New Mexico, introduced.
Morus microphylla - Buckley - Species Name
= Morus celtidifolia Kunth
Family Moraceae
Common Name
Amacapulín - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Apurí - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Baya - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba mora - - (Atlas Mexico)
Littleleaf mulberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mexican mulberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mora - - (Atlas Mexico)
Moral - - (Atlas Mexico)
Moral negro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Moras - - (Atlas Mexico: Puebla)
Moras de árbol - - (Atlas Mexico)
Morera negra - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo moral - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Texas mulberry - - (NM)
Tzitzi - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Wild mulberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico
Morus nigra - L. - Species Name
Family Moraceae
Common Name
Amoreira negra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amoreira preta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Black mulberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mora - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mora de árbol - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mora negra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Moral - - (Spanish-Américas)
Moral negro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Moreda - - (Spanish-Américas)
Morera - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Morera negra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Persian mulberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sycamine - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Morus rubra - L. - Species Name
Family Moraceae
Common Name
Moral - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Moral rojo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Red mulberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Moss, Lama del agua, (also Yerba de la piedra)
Mostacilla, Lepidium alyssoides
Mostaza, Brassica campestris
Mostaza montés - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Mota - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Motua - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Mountain cottonwood (= Àlamo sauco) - Populus angustifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Mountain everlasting - Antennaria dioica - (BSBI List 2007)
Mountain mahogany, Palo duro
Mountain mugwort - Artemisia franserioides - (Mexican-American)
Mozote - Bidens pilosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Mulberry - Morus - (NM)
Mule pine, Sabina macho
Mule's fat - Baccharis salicifolia - (BONAP)
Mulix - Tillandsia recurvata - (Yucatán)
Mullein (= Punchon) - Verbascum thapsus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Mushrooms, Hongos
Musk mallow - Abelmoschus moschatus - (MMPND-English)
Musk okra - Abelmoschus moschatus - (MMPND-English)
Musky-seeded hibiscus - Abelmoschus moschatus - (MMPND-English)
Mustard - Brassica - (BONAP)
Brassica rapa var. rapa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
My lady's wash bowl, Clavelina
Myosurus apetalus - Gay - (BONAP)
Reported to be used medicinally in New Mexico.
Myroxylon - L.f. - (KEW)
Family Fabaceae - - (BONAP)
= Leguminosae-Papilionoideae DC.
Myloxylon balsamum (L.) Harms
Chuchupate - - (Lower Rio Grande)
Myroxylon balsamum var. Pereirae - Balsamo - (Mexican-American)
- Balsamo de Cartagena - (Mexican-American)
- Balsamo de las Indias - (Mexican-American)
- Balsamo negro del peru - (Mexican-American)
- Huitziloxitl - (Nahuatl)
- Tolu balsam - (Mexican-American)
Myroxylon spp. - Balsamo - (Mexican-American)
- Balsamo de Cartagena - (Mexican-American)
- Balsamo de las Indias - (Mexican-American)
- Balsamo negro del peru - (Mexican-American)
- Huitziloxitl - (Nahuatl)
- Tolu balsam - (Mexican-American)
Family: Myrtaceae - Juss.
Order: Myrtales - Rchb.
Higher level lineages: Angiosperm;
Eudicot; core
Eudicot; Rosid; Eurosid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Nacazcalotl - Acacia farnesiana - (Morelos)
Nahuiliput - Verbesina crocata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nahuilipute - Verbesina crocata - (Spanish-Américas)
Najcala - Asclepias glaucescens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Najú or ñajú or ñangú - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Namole - Phytolacca icosandra - (Morelos)
Ñamole - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Naranjo de chino - Maclura pomifera - (southwest US & Mexico)
Naranjo de osage - Maclura pomifera - (Spanish-Américas)
Naranjo del Osage - Maclura pomifera - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nardo - Argemone hispida - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nardo americano - Aralia racemosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Narciso amarillo - Thevetia thevetioides - (Mexican-American)
Narrow dock - Rumex crispus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Narrowleaf cottonwood - Populus angustifolia - (BONAP)
Narrow-leafed cottonwood (= Àlamo sauco) - Populus angustifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Narrowleaf yucca - Yucca angustissima - (BONAP)
Navajo-tea - Thelesperma megapotamicum - (NM)
Navajo tea - Thelesperma longipes - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Thelesperma megapotamicum - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Thelesperma subnudum var. subnudum - (BONAP)
Navajo yucca - Yucca baileyi - (BONAP)
- Yucca baileyi var. navajoa - (BONAP)
Negrillo - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Nenúfar - Nuphar - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Nymphaea mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nenufar amarillo - Nuphar - (Spanish-Américas)
Nenúfar amarillo - Nuphar - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nenúfar de América - Nymphaea odorata - (Spanish-Américas)
Nenúfar oloroso - Nymphaea odorata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nenúfar perfumado - Nymphaea odorata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nequén - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Netleaf oak - Quercus rugosa - (Elsa Campos)
Nettle-spurge - Jatropha - (New Mexico)
Newberry's tickseed - Coreopsis californica var. newberryi - (BONAP)
New Mexico milkweed - Asclepias hypoleuca - (Nabhan)
New Mexico Spanish bayonet - Yucca harrimaniae var. neomexicana - (BONAP)
Niamol - Phytolacca icosandra - (Náhualt)
Niamole - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Nicociana - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Nicotiana - L. - Genus Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Tobacco - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 3 species: - - (BONAP)
Nicotiana attenuata (= Coyote tobacco)
Nicotiana glauca (= Tree tobacco)
Nicotiana trigonophylla (= Desert tobacco)
See notes.
Nicotiana attenuata - Torrey ex S. Watson - Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Coyote tobacco - - (BONAP)
Punche - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Punche mejicano - - (?)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
See notes.
Nicotiana glauca - Graham - Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Almorranera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Arbol del tabaco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Belénbelén - - (Spanish-Américas)
Buenamoza - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caralahua - - (Spanish-Américas)
Charuteira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Charuto do rei - - (Spanish-Américas)
Don juan - - (Spanish-Américas)
Donjuán - - (Spanish-Américas)
Gretaña - - (Spanish-Américas)
Juanita - - (Spanish-Américas)
Maraquiana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mariguana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Marihuana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mostaza montés - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Palán - - (Spanish-Américas)
Palancho - - (Spanish-Américas)
Palán-palán - - (Spanish-Américas)
Palanpalán - - (Spanish-Américas)
Palo pelado - - (Spanish-Américas)
Palo virgen - - (Spanish-Américas)
Palqui extranjero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco amarillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco bravo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco cimarrón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco feiticeira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco lampiño - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco moruno - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabacón mejicano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaquillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tacote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tepozán - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tree tobacco - - (BONAP)
Tronadora - - (Spanish-Américas)
Virginio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yerba del gigante - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
See notes.
Nicotiana quadrivalvis - Pursh - Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Indian tabacco - - (BONAP)
Tabaco del Missouri - - (Spanish-Américas)
Not wild in New Mexico, 4 varieties: - - (BONAP)
(1) Nicotiana quadrivalvis var. bigelovii (Torr.) DeWolf
(= Bigelow's tobacco)
Nicotiana bigelovii - (Torr.) S. Wats. - (BONAP)
(2) Nicotiana quadrivalvis var. multivalvis (Lindl.) Mansf.
(= Indian tobacco)
Nicotiana bigelovii var. multivalvis - (Lindl.) Eastw. - (BONAP)
(3) Nicotiana quadrivalvis var. quadrivalvis Pursh
(= Indian tobacco)
Nicotiana bigelovii var. quadrivalvis - (Pursh) Eastw. - (BONAP)
(4) Nicotiana quadrivalvis var. wallacei (Gray) Mansf.
(= Wallace's tobacco)
Nicotiana bigelovii var. wallacei - Gray - (BONAP)
See notes.
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia - Viviani - Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Tabaquillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tex-Mex tobacco - - (BONAP)
Not wild in New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Nicotiana rustica - Linnaeus - Species Name
Common Name
Aztec tobacco - - (BONAP)
Erva santa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo agreste - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo brasileiro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo de paisano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo roxo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo rústico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Indian tabacco - - (PFAF)
Mapacho - - (?)
Picietl - - (PFAF)
Punche mexicano - - (?)
Punche de mexicano - - (Winter, 2001)
Tobacco - - (PFAF)
Tabaco Kaya - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco cimarrón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco de machuchi - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco de México - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco rústico - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco salvaje - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco turco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco verde - - (Spanish-Américas)
Turkish tobacco - - (PFAF)
Virginia alemão - - (Spanish-Américas)
Wild tobacco - - (PFAF)
Yetl - - (PFAF)
Although known to have been cultivated by Native Americans
since the early historic period, the presence in wild in
New Mexico requires conformation - - (Roalson & Allred)
See notes.
Nicotiana tabacum - L. - Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cafuche - - (Spanish-Américas)
Common Tobacco - - (Uphuf, 1959)
Cultivated tobacco - - (BONAP)
Erva de todos los males - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva do rei - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva do tabaco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva santa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fumo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de la consolación - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de todos los males - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del diablo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del gran prior - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba santa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Nicociana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Petén - - (Spanish-Américas)
Peti - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pitrén - - (Spanish-Américas)
Puteí - - (Spanish-Américas)
Putey - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sayri - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tobacco - - (BONAP)
Tabaco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaco de olor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabacoeiro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaqueira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaquera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaquillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
See notes.
Nicotiana trigonophylla - Dunal - Species Name
Family Solanaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Desert tobacco - - (BONAP)
Punche - - (?)
Tabaco del desierto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tabaquillo - - (?)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Nicotiana obtusifolia - Mertens & Galeotti - (BONAP)
Nicotiana obtusifolia var. obtusifolia - - (BONAP)
Nicotiana trigonophylla var. trigonophylla - Dunal - (BONAP)
See notes.
Nido de gungulén - Tillandsia recurvata - (Spanish-Américas)
Nido de paloma - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Nightwillow herb, Flor de San Juan
Nigrito - Sambucus mexicana - (Mexican-American)
Sambucus nigra - (Mexican-American)
- Sambucus racemosa
- (Mexican-American)
Ninfea - Nymphaea mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ninfea amarilla - Nuphar - (Spanish-Américas)
- Nymphaea mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ning xia gou qi - Lycium barbarum - (GRIN)
Niño muerto - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Nistamal, see Maravilla
Nodding beggartick - Bidens cernua - (BONAP)
Nodding milkweed - Asclepias glaucescens - (NM)
Nogal, Juglans sp.
Nolina - Michx. - (BONAP)
Family Ruscaceae
(including Nolinaceae) - - (BONAP)
Common name
Beargrass - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
See notes.
Nolina microcarpa - S. Wats. - (BONAP)
Family Ruscaceae (including Nolinaceae) - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Sacahuista - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
See notes.
Nopal - Opuntia spp.
Northwest sagebrush - Artemisia lindleyana - (BONAP)
Nosebleed (= Plumajillo) - Achillea millefolium - (European
- Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Nuphar - Sm. - Genus Name
Family Nymphaeaceae
Once all North Americian species of the genus were
considered one species called Nuphar luteum, which
is now usually divided into the eight distinct species:
N. advena (Aiton) W. T. Aiton,
N. microphylla (Persoon) Fernald,
N. orbiculata (Small) Standley,
N. polysepala Engelmann,
N. rubrodisca Morong,
N. sagittifolia (Walter) Pursh,
N. ulvacea (G. S. Miller & Standley) Standley,
and N. variegata Durand.]
Common Name
Cow-lily - - (FNA)
Cubilete - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lampazo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lirio de agua - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nenúfar - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nenufar amarillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Nenúfar amarillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ninfea amarilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pond-lily - - (NM)
Pondlilly - - (BONAP)
Spatterdock - - (FNA)
Yellow pond-lily - - (FNA)
Yellow pond lily - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yellow water lily - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico, one species:
Nuphar polysepala Engelmann (= Yellow pondlily)
Nuphar polysepala - Engelmann - Species Name
Family Nymphaeaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Rocky Mountain pond-lily - - (PFAF)
Rocky Mountain pondlily - - (?)
Spatterdock - - (PFAF)
Yellow pondlily - - (NM)
In New Mexico, northern mountains. - - (NM)
Nuphar lutea ssp. polysepala - (Engelm.) E.O. Beal - (BONAP)
Nymphaea polysepala - (Engelm.) Greene - (BONAP, NM)
Nymphozanthus polysepalus - (Engelm.) Fern. - (BONAP)
Nutgalls: See notes.
Nut-grass - Cyperus rotundus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nutgrass - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Nutmeg, see Sangre de venado, Yerbabuena, Yerba del lobo
Nut sedge - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Nutsedge - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Nuttall's licorice - Glycyrrhiza lepidota - (CRC)
Nyctaginaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Caryophyllales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Order Name
Common Name
Four o'clock family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 9 genera - - (NM)
Abronia Juss. (= Sand-verbena),
Acleisanthes Gray (= Angel's trumpets),
Allionia L. (= Windmills),
Boerhavia L. (= Spiderling),
Commicarpus Standley (= Wart-club),
Cyphomeris Standley (= Cyphomeris),
Mirabilis L. (= Four-o'clock),
Nyctaginea Choisy (= Devil's-bouquet), and
Tripterocalyx (Torrey) Hooker (= Sand-puffs).
Nymphaea - L. - Genus Name
Family Nymphaeaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Water-lily - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 2 rare, introduced species: - - (NM)
Nymphaea mexicana Zuccarini
(Banana water-lily, Mexican water-lily, Yellow water-lily)
Nymphaea odorata Aiton subsp. odorata
(Fragrant water-lily, Pond-lily, White water-lily)
Nymphaeaceae - Salisbury - Family Name
Nymphaeales - Salisb. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Order Name
Common Name
Water-lily Family - - (FNA)
Higher level lineages:
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
o early (first or second) branching angiosperms
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(= seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, 2 genera - - (BONAP)
Nuphar Smith (= Pond-lily),
Nymphaea L. (= Water-lily).
Nymphaea mexicana - Zuccarini - Species Name
Family Nymphaeaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Apapatla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Banana water-lily - - (FNA)
Cabeza de negro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Blue waterlily - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Mexican water-lily - - (FNA)
Nenúfar - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ninfea - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ninfea amarilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tambácuaro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yellow water-lily - - (FNA)
In New Mexico, a rare, introduced species
reported to be found wild only in one location
in Sierra County south of Socorro. - - (NM)
Nymphaea odorata - Aiton - Species Name
Family Nymphaeaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
American white waterlily - - (PFAF)
Azucena de América - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cumbacuare - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Fragrant water-lily - - (FNA)
Fragrant Water Lily - - (PFAF)
Lampazo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nenúfar de América - - (Spanish-Américas)
Nenúfar oloroso - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Nenúfar perfumado - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pond-lily - - (FNA)
White water-lily - - (FNA)
In New Mexico, a rare, introduced subspecies
N. odorata Aiton subsp. odorata - - (NM)
found wild only in bootheel region.
Oblea - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Ocatl - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ocimum basilicum - L. - Species Name
Family Lamiaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Albaca - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Albacar - - (EB 54(4): 427–438,2000; Mexican-American)
Albacaron - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Albahaca - - (Mexican-American)
Albahacar - - (Mexican-American)
Alvaca - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Alvacar - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Basil - - (Elsa Campos)
Common basil - - (Mexican-American)
Garden basil - - (Elsa Campos)
Kla-kal-tun - - (Maya)
Sweet basil - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
See notes.
Ocimum spp. - Albacar - (Mexican-American)
- Albahaca - (Mexican-American)
- Albahacar - (Mexican-American)
Ocopetla - Abies religiosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ocote - Pinus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Pinus edulis - (Spanish-Américas)
- Pinus arizonica - (Spanish-Américas)
Ocotl - Pinus - (Kay, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Ocpatl - Acacia angustissima - (C. Ratsch)
Ocra - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas, MMPND-Spanish)
Ochro - Abelmoschus esculentus - (EthnobotDB)
Ocuchichupa - Phalaris canariensis - (Quattrocchi)
Oenothera - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Onagraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Eveningprimrose - - (BONAP)
subspecies, or varieties in New Mexico (according to BONAP)
not in main list that may be medicinal are
albicaulis Pursh (= Whitest eveningprimrose),
brachycarpa Gray (= Shortfruit eveningprimrose),
canescens Torr. & Frem. (= Spotted eveningprimrose),
Oenothera cespitosa Nutt. (= Tufted eveningprimrose),
Oenothera cespitosa ssp. macroglottis (Rydb.) W.L.
Wagner (= Tufted eveningprimrose),
Oenothera cespitosa
ssp. marginata (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) Munz (= Tufted
Oenothera cespitosa ssp. navajoensis
W.L. Wagner, Stockhouse & Klein (= Navajo eveningprimrose),
Oenothera coronopifolia Torr. & Gray (= Crownleaf
Oenothera elata Kunth (= Hooker's
Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima
(Gray ex S. Wats.) W. Dietr. (= Hooker's eveningprimrose),
elata ssp. texensis W. Dietr. & W.L. Wagner (= Texas
Oenothera engelmannii (Small) Munz (=
Engelmann's eveningprimrose),
Oenothera flava (A. Nels.)
Garrett (= Yellow eveningprimrose),
Oenothera flava ssp.
flava (A. Nels.) Garrett (= Yellow eveningprimrose),
Oenothera flava ssp. taraxacoides (Woot. &
Standl.) W.L. Wagner (= Yellow eveningprimrose),
grandis (Britt.) Smyth (= Showy eveningprimrose),
laciniata Hill (= Cutleaf eveningprimrose),
longissima Rydb. (= Longstem eveningprimrose),
latifolia (Rydb.) Munz (= Mountain eveningprimrose),
neomexicana (Small) Munz (= New Mexico eveningprimrose),
Oenothera organensis Munz (= Organ Mountain
Oenothera pallida Lindl. (= Pale
Oenothera pallida ssp. gypsophila
(Eastw.) Munz & W. Klein (= Whitepole eveningprimrose),
Oenothera pallida ssp. pallida Lindl. (= Pale
Oenothera primiveris Gray (= Desert
Oenothera primiveris ssp. primiveris
Gray (= Desert eveningprimrose),
Oenothera pubescens
Willd. ex Spreng. (= South American eveningprimrose),
rhombipetala Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray (= Fourpoint
Oenothera rosea L'Her. ex Ait. (= Rose
Oenothera speciosa Nutt (= Pinkladies),
Oenothera triloba Nutt. (= Stemless eveningprimrose),
Oenothera villosa Thunb. (= Hairy eveningprimrose),
Oenothera villosa ssp. strigosa (Rydb.) W. Dietr. &
Raven (= Hairy eveningprimrose), and
Oenothera villosa
ssp. villosa Thunb. (= Hairy eveningprimrose).
Oenothera biennis - L. -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Onagraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Common eveningprimrose - -
Seeds rich in essential (omega-6
fatty acid) gamma-linoleinc acid (GLA);
used in alternative
medicine, this oil is said to prevent hardening of the arteries,
heart disease, skin rashes (eczema and atopic dermatitis),
cirrhosis of the liver,
rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis,
and high blood pressure.
Also it is claimed to be useful in
treatment of menopause, PMS,
and could have a positive influence
on sex hormone response,
including that involving estrogen and
Although there are indications of its usefulness in
skin rashes,
many of these claims need to be confirmed by further
Evening Primrose Oil is obtained by pressing oil from
the minute seeds
or the ground seeds can be used in a similar way
to flax seed.
The bark and the leaves are said to be astringent
and sedative.
The fragrant yellow flowers, lemon scented leaves,
and sweet, starchy roots are edible.
Oenothera pallida ssp. runcinata - (Engelm.) Munz &
W. Klein - (BONAP)
(= Anogra runcinata)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Onagraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Evening primrose - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Flor de San Juan - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Kings cureall - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Nightwillow herb
- - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pale eveningprimrose - - (BONAP)
Scabbish - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Scurvish - - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
Tree primrose - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Ojibwe squash - Cucurbita maxima - (Moerman)
Ojo de ratón - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Okra - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas, BONAP)
Old fashioned red rose, Rosa de castilla
Old man (= Plumajillo) - Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Old man's beard - Clematis lasiantha - (Mexican-American)
Clematis spp. - (Mexican-American)
- Clematis virginiana -
Old woman - Artemisia absinthium - (Mexico)
Family: Oleaceae - Hoffmanns.
& Link
- Order: Lamiales - Bromhead
Higher level
lineages: Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot; Asterid;
Euasterid I
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Olive oil, use of, see Calabazilla, Malva de castilla, Manzanilla, Romerillo, Sangre de venado, Trementina de pinon
Olmo - Populus balsamifera - (Spanish-Américas)
One-seeded juniper, Rama de sabina
Onagraceae - Juss. - Family Name
Myrtales - Rchb. - Order Name
Common Name
Evening primrose family - - (NM)
Higher level lineages:
o Malvidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids II = malvids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, 8 genera: - - (NM)
(= Fireweed),
(= Suncup),
(= Enchanter's-nightshade),
(= Willow-herb),
(= Suncup),
(= Ground-smoke),
(= Primrose-willow), and
(= Evening-primrose).
Opuntia - P. Mill. - (BONAP)
Genus Name
Famiy Cactaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Beaver tail - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Nopal - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Prickly pear - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pricklypear - - (BONAP)
Tuna - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico, 26 species: - - (BONAP)
Opuntia arenaria (= El Paso pricklypear),
Opuntia chlorotica (= Dollarjoint pricklypear),
Opuntia clavata (= Club cholla),
Opuntia cymochila (= Grassland pricklypear),
Opuntia engelmannii (= Cactus apple),
Opuntia erinacea (= Grizzlybear pricklypear),
Opuntia ficus-indica (= Tuna cactus),
Opuntia fragilis (= Brittle pricklypear),
Opuntia fulgida (= Jumping cholla),
Opuntia grahamii (= Graham's pricklypear),
Opuntia humifusa (= Pricklypear),
Opuntia imbricata (= Tree cholla),
Opuntia kleiniae (= Candle cholla),
Opuntia kunzei (= Devil's cholla),
Opuntia leptocaulis (= Christmas cactus),
Opuntia macrorhiza (= Twistspine pricklypear),
Opuntia macrocentra (= Purple pricklypear),
Opuntia phaeacantha (= Tulip pricklypear),
Opuntia polyacantha (= Plains pricklypear),
Opuntia santa-rita (= Santa Rita pricklypear),
Opuntia spinosior (= Walkingstick cactus),
Opuntia tunicata (= Thistle cholla),
Opuntia valida (= Pricklypear),
Opuntia versicolor (= Staghorn cholla),
Opuntia viridiflora (= Rattail cholla),
Opuntia whipplei (= Whipple cholla).
Opuntia imbricata - (Haw.) DC. - (BONAP)
Species Name
Famiy Cactaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Entrana - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Tree cholla - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 1 variety: - - (BONAP)
Opuntia imbricata var. imbricata (= Tree cholla)
Opuntia imbricata var. imbricata - (BONAP)
Variety Name
Famiy Cactaceae - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Entrana - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Tree cholla - - (BONAP)
Cereus imbricatus - Haw. - (BONAP)
Cylindropuntia imbricata - (Haw.) F.M. Knuth - (BONAP)
Opuntia arborescens - Engelm. - (BONAP)
Opuntia imbricata var. arborescens - (Engelm.) Weniger - (BONAP)
Opuntia imbricata var. vexans - (Griffiths) Weniger - (BONAP)
Opuntia leptocaulis - DC. - (BONAP)
Species Name
Famiy Cactaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Christmas cactus - - (BONAP)
Coyote cactus - - (Mescalero and Chiricahua)
Garrambulo - - (Mescalero and Chiricahua)
Tasajulla - - (Mescalero and Chiricahua)
Turkey cactus - - (Mescalero and Chiricahua)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
It is claimed that eating a single fruit will make one
"drunk and dizzy." Once added to Tiswin (= Tesvino).
Opuntia spp. - Beaver tail - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Nopal - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Prickly pear - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Tuna - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Orange blossoms (= Azahar, Azahares) - Citrus aurantium - (Mexican-American)
- Citrus sinensis - (Mexican-American)
Orange milkweed - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Asclepias tuberosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oregano, Monarda menthaefolia, (also Culantro)
Oregano de la sierra, Monarda menthaefolia
Oregano del campo, Monarda pectinata
Oregon-grape - Berberis repens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oregon grape - Berberis repens (= Mahonia repens) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Oregongrape - Berberis repens (= Mahonia repens) - (BONAP)
Oreja de burro - Asclepias glaucescens - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oreja de liebre - Asclepias glaucescens - (Atlas Mexico)
- Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Oreja de lobo - Verbesina encelioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oreja de mula - Asclepias glaucescens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oreja de venado - Asclepias atropurpurea - (southwest US & Mexico)
Orobanchaceae - Vent. - Family Name
(Including plants [e.g., Castilleja] once
placed in family Scrophulariaceae Juss.)
Lamiales - Bromhead - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Lamiidae Takhtajan;
o Garryidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids I = asterids I);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
Orozuz - Glycyrrhiza lepidota - (southwest US & Mexico)
Orozuz americano - Glycyrrhiza lepidota - (southwest US & Mexico)
Osage orange - Maclura pomifera - (southwest US & Mexico)
Osage-orange - Maclura pomifera - (Moerman, NM, PFAF)
Osha - Levisticum officinale - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
- Ligusticum porteri - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Oshá - Ligusticum porteri - (southwest US & Mexico)
Osha de la sierra - Ligusticum porteri - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Oshá de la sierra - Ligusticum porteri - (southwest US & Mexico)
Osha del campo - Levisticum officinale - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Osha del jardin - Levisticum officinale - (Bye & Linares, 1986)
Ostrya - Scop. - Genus Name
Family Betulaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Hop-hornbeam - - (New Mexico)
Hophornbean - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 1 species: - - (BONAP)
Ostrya knowltonii Coville
(= Knowlton's hop-hornbeam).
Ostrya baileyi - Rose - (New Mexico)
Oswego tea, Oregano
Our Lord's candles - Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande
- Yucca baccata var. baccata - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Yucca glauca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Ovitano - Garrya laurifolia - (Spanish-Américas)
Oyama - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Oyamel - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Oyametl - Abies religiosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oyamol - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Oxalis - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Common Name - - U.S.A. or
Woodsorrel - - (BONAP)
and subspecies in New Mexico not in main list are:
albicans - Kunth - (BONAP)
(= Radishroot
Oxalis albicans ssp. albicans - Kunth
(= Radishroot woodsorrel),
albicans ssp. pilosa - (Nutt.) Eiten - (BONAP)
(= Radishroot woodsorrel),
Oxalis alpina - (Rose) Rose
ex R. Knuth - (BONAP)
(= Alpine woodsorrel),
Oxalis caerulea - (Small) R. Knuth - (BONAP)
(= Blue woodsorrel),
Oxalis corniculata - L. - (BONAP)
(= Creeping woodsorrel),
Oxalis decaphylla - Kunth -
(= Tenleaf woodsorrel),
dillenii - Jacq. - (BONAP)
(= Dillen's
Oxalis dillenii ssp. dillenii - Jacq. -
(= Dillen's oxalis),
drummondii - Gray - (BONAP)
Drummond's woodsorrel),
Oxalis frutescens - L. - (BONAP)
(= Shrubby woodsorrel),
Oxalis frutescens ssp.
angustifolia - (Kunth) Lourteig - (BONAP)
(= Shrubby woodsorrel),
Oxalis latifolia - Kunth -
(= Broadleaf woodsorrel),
stricta - L. - (BONAP)
(= Common yellow
The acid taste is due to its content of oxalic acid.
Oxalis violacea - L. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Oxalidaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Chocoyle - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Jocoyol - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Shamrock - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Trefoil - - (Upper Rio Grande
Violet wood-sorrel - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
woodsorrel - - (BONAP)
Wood sorrel - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Ionoxalis violacea
- (L.) Small - (BONAP)
Oxalis violacea
var. trichophora - Fassett - (BONAP)
Oxcoac - Abrus precatorius - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oxoak - Abrus precatorius - (southwest US & Mexico)
Oxytropis lambertii, Frijolillo
Pablito - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Pacific ponderosa pine - Pinus ponderosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pacote - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Pakaab - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo Amarillo - Berberis gracilis - (?)
- Berberis haematocarpa - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Berberis moranensis - (Atlas Mexico)
Palo de la rosa - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Palo de muerto - Berberis moranensis - (Atlas Mexico)
Palo espino - Verbesina crocata - (Atlas Mexico)
Palohuisi - Asclepias glaucescens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo moral - Morus microphylla - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo santo - Aralia humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Paraquita - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Pasto alicia - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasto bolita - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Pasto de Bermuda - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasto estrella - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasto ferrer - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasto romano - Phalaris minor - (Spanish-Américas)
Pata de gallo - Cynodon dactylon - (Atlas Mexico)
Pata de perdíz - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pata de pollo - Cynodon dactylon - (southwest US & Mexico)
Patamu - Arundo donax - (southwest US & Mexico)
Patito - Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Pega-pega - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Pegamacaco - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Pegamasco menor - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Pegotes - Arctium minus - (Spanish-Américas)
Pagua - Persea butyracea - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
- Persea Ligue - (AJP1885-Mexico-1)
Pague, Dysodia papposa
Paico - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Paico mocho - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Painted cup - Castilleja integra - (Upper Rio Grande
- Castilleja integra var. integra - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
- Castilleja linariifolia - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Painter's brush - Castilleja integra - (Upper Rio Grande
- Castilleja integra var. integra - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
- Castilleja linariifolia - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Paistle - Tillandsia recurvata - (Atlas Mexico)
Paisté - Tillandsia recurvata - (Atlas Mexico)
Palha teixeira - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Paja (Straw)
Pajiza - Abelmoschus manihot - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palán - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Palancho - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Palán-palán - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Palanpalán - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Pale wolfberry - Lycium pallidum - (NM)
Palillo - Croton corymbulosus (= Croton pottsii var. pottsii) -
- Croton texensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Discorea densiflora - (Mexican-American)
- Discorea
floribunda - (Mexican-American)
Palma - Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yucca baccata var. baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca glauca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Palmilla - Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yucca baccata var. baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca glauca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca
schidigera - - (Mexican-American)
- Yucca valida - -
Palmilla ancha - Yucca baccata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Yucca baccata var. baccata - (Upper Rio Grande
- Yucca glauca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Palmillas - Young shoots of yucca - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Boiled for hours to make stimulating drink and thicked into a
syrup that is
kept to rub on rheumatic joints - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Palo amarillo - Berberis fremontii (= Mahonia fremontii) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Palo azul, Blue stick (herb store worker)
Palo de gallina - Lycium - (Spanish-Américas)
Palo chino - Acacia greggii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo de arco - Acacia roemeriana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo de cucharitas - Acacia cochliacantha - (Spanish-Américas)
Palo de ocote - Pinus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Palo de pingüica - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
Palo de pulque - Acacia angustissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo duro, Cercocarpus montanus
Palo garrobo - Acacia pennatula - (southwest US & Mexico)
Palo pelado - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Palo Sangriento - Jatropha - (Mexican-American)
- Jatropha dioica - (Nahuatl)
- Jatropha macrorhiza - (Nahuatl)
Palo virgen - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Palqui extranjero - Nicotiana glauca - (Spanish-Américas)
Panete - Plumbago - (Mexican-American)
- Plumbago
pulchella - (Mexican-American)
- Plumbago scandens -
Genus Plumbago not native in New
Panjí - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Panthahochoixachin - Acacia farnesiana - (Morelos)
Papa cimarron, Solanum Jamesii
Papas (Potatoes) Solanum tuberosum
Papas cimarron, Papa cimarron
Papaver rhoeas - Adormidera - (Mexican-American)
- Amapola -
- Corn poppy - (Mexican-American)
- Field
poppy - (Mexican-American)
- Flanders poppy - (Mexican-American)
- He - (Elsa Campos)
- Red poppy - (Elsa Campos)
Papaveraceae - Juss. - Family Name
Ranunculales - Dumort. - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
[= eudicots (with Ranunculales basal or peripheral)];
o Ceratophyllales + eudicots
o monocots + [Ceratophyllales + eudicots];
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants).
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
Papera (Goitre)
Papoula de espinho - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Papoula espinhosa - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Papoula de México - Argemone mexicana - (Spanish-Américas)
Paraguas chino - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Paraíso - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Paraíso chino - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Paraíso morado - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Parosela formosa, see Dalea formosa.
Parry's wormwood - Artemisia laciniata - (NM)
- Artemisia laciniata subsp. parryi - (NM)
Parsley fern, Ponso
Pasilla - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Pasmo - Tribulus cistoides - (Spanish-Américas)
Pasmo: See notes.
Pasote - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Paspalum dilatatum - Poir. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Poaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Dallasgrass - (BONAP)
- Grama de agua
- (PIER)
Paspalum notatum - ? - (?)
Family Poaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Grama dulce - (PIER)
Paternoster - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Paternoster beans - Abrus precatorius - (Plant Book)
Patita de la paloma, Garbancillo
Patita de leon, Geranium atropurpureum
Patito del campo, Lathyrus decaphyllus, Lathyrus decaphyllus
Patito - Acacia greggii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Patitos - Acacia greggii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Patusai - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Paxtle - Tillandsia recurvata - (Atlas Mexico)
Pazoli - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Pazote - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Pazotillo - Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Peach, Durazno
Pectis angustifolia, Limoncillo
Pedo de burro - Acacia farnesiana - (Atlas Mexico)
Pedo de culebra - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pelo de gato - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pegadillo - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Pegajosa - Galium mexicanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Stevia salicifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
Pegapega - Grindelia squarrosa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Mentzelia multiflora - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pegotes - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Pelargonium graveolens, Geranio
Pegarropa - Galium mexicanum - (Spanish-Américas)
Pelotazo - Abutilon incanum - (BONAP, NM)
Pelotazo chico - Abutilon incanum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Penca - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Pennyroyal - Mentha - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Mentha puleguim - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma
oblongifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pentstemon torreyi - Baras de San Jose - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Beard tongue - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Varas de San
Jose - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Varitas de San Jose - (Upper
Rio Grande Valley)
- Humming
-bird's dinner horn - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Red pentstemon - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Scarlet bugler - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Peonía - Abrus precatorius - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cyperus esculentus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Peonía de botica - Cyperus esculentus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Peonía del país - Cyperus esculentus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pepino del diablo - Cucurbita foetidissima - (southwest US & Mexico)
Peppergrass, Mostacilla
Pepperidge - Berberis vulgaris - (Pak. J. Pharm. Sci. 20(1):83-92)
Pepperidge bush - Berberis vulgaris - (Pak. J. Pharm. Sci. 20(1):83-92)
Pepperweed, Mostacilla
Perejil del campo - Ligusticum porteri - (southwest US & Mexico)
Perejil silvestre - Levisticum officinale - (Spanish-Américas)
Perfume, see Geranio
Pergamasso - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Pergamasso maior - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Pericome - Gray - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Pericome - - (BONAP)
Only one species of
the genus in New Mexico.
Pericome caudata - Gray - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Names
Mountain leaftail - - (BONAP)
Yerba del chivato - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Pericome caudata var. glandulosa - (Goodman) Harrington - (BONAP)
Pericón - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
- Pimpinella anisum - (Cheo Torris)
- Tagetes filifolia - (Mexican-American)
- Tagetes lucida (most commonly) - (Mexican-American)
- Tagetes micrantha - (Mexican-American)
- Tribulus cistoides - (Spanish-Américas)
Pericón blanco - Stevia eupatoria - (?)
Perla de China - Phytolacca icosandra - (Spanish-Américas)
Peronía - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Persia americana - Miller - (México Desconocido)
Family Lauraceae - (México Desconocido)
Common Names - - U.S.A.
or Mexico
- Aguacate - (Mexican-American)
- Ahuacate -
- Ahuacatl - (En Nahuatl)
- Alligator pear - (Elsa
- Avocado - (Mexican-American)
Persia gratissima - - (Mexican-American)
- Ahuacate -
- Avocado - (Mexican-American)
Persian lilac - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Persian mulberry - Morus nigra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Persian yellow rose, Rosa de castilla
Persicaria - Miller - Genus Name
Family Polygonaceae
Common Name
Smartweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 7 species: - - (NM)
Persicaria amphibia (Linnaeus) S.F. Gray
(= Water smartweed),
Persicaria bicornis (Rafinesque) Nieuwland
(= Pinkweed),
*Persicaria hydropiper (Linnaeus) Spach
(= Water pepper),
*Persicaria lapathifolia (Linnaeus) Gray
(= Dock-leaf smartweed),
Persicaria maculosa Gray
(= Lady's-thumb),
Persicaria pensylvanica (Linnaeus) M. Gomez
(= Pennsylvania smartweed),
*Persicaria punctata (Elliott) Small
(= Dotted smartweed).
P. lapathifolia and P. maculosa are
introduced species.
Persicaria acederifolia - Persicaria lapathifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Persicaria glabra - (Willd.) M.Gómez - Species Name
Family Polygonaceae
Common Name
Atencocotl - - (Atlas Mexico)
Camalote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Camelote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilillo de varita - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilpun xuitl - - (Atlas Mexico)
Denseflower knotweed - - (USDA)
Moco de guajolote - - (Atlas Mexico)
Moco de pavo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Smooth smartweed - - (FNA)
Polygonum mexicanum - Small - (Atlas Mexico)
Persicaria hydropiper - (Linnaeus) Spach - Species Name
= Persicaria hydropiper (L.) Delarbre
Family Polygonaceae
Common Name
A-chili - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Atacaya - - (Spanish-Américas)
Capitiçova - - (Spanish-Américas)
Centinodia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chileperro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de hicotea - - (Spanish-Américas)
Marsh-pepper smartweed - - (?)
Marsh-pepper knotweed - - (USDA)
Marshpepper - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Marshpepper knotweed - - (USDA)
Persicaria mordaz - - (Spanish-Américas)
Persicaria picante - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Persicaria urente - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pimenta da agua - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pimienta acuática - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pimienta de agua - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Plumerillo del campo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Potincoba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Resquemona - - (Spanish-Américas)
Smartweed - - (FM, HDR)
Water pepper - - (FM, NM)
Waterpepper - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Persicaria hydropiper - (L.) Opiz - (?)
Polygonum hydropiper - Linnaeus - (NM)
In New Mexico
Persicaria hydropiperoides - (Michaux) Small - Species Name
Family Polygonaceae
Common Name
Camalote - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chile cimarrón - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Waterpepper - - (southwest US & Mexico)
The possible presence in New Mexico awaits verification.
Persicaria lapathifolia - (Linnaeus) Gray - Species Name
Family Polygonaceae
Common Name
Achilillo hembra - - (Atlas Mexico)
Ananash - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chilillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chilillo blanco - - (Atlas Mexico)
Dock-leaf smartweed - - (NM)
Persicaria acederifolia - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Poligono pata de perdiz - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Venenillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Willowleaf smartweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Willow weed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zarzaparrilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico, introduced.
Persicaria incarnata - (Elliott) Small - (NM)
Polygonum incarnatum - Elliott - (NM)
Polygonum lapathifolium - Linnaeus - (NM)
Persicaria mordaz - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Persicaria picante - Persicaria hydropiper - (southwest US & Mexico)
Persicaria punctata - (Elliott) Small - Species Name
Family Polygonaceae
Common Name
Ananash - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ajicillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Atencocotl - - (Atlas Mexico)
Caa-tay - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caátay - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Chilillo rojo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Dotted smartweed - - (NM)
Liendre de cochino - - (Atlas Mexico)
Venenillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Water smartweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yerba del bicho - - (Spanish-Américas)
Polygonum punctatum - Elliott - (NM)
In New Mexico
Persicaria urente - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Pestaña - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Petalostemum purpureum, Yerba del lobo
Petén - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Peti - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Petiveria alliacea - Anamu - (Elsa Campos)
- Garlic sented petiveria - (Elsa Campos)
- Hierba del zorrillo - (Elsa Campos)
Peumus - Molina - (KEW)
Family Monimiaceae
- (KEW)
Peumus boldus - ? - (?)
Family Monimiaceae
- (KEW)
- Bold - (Mexican-American)
- Boldo - (Mexican-American)
Phalaris - L. - Genus Name
Family Poaceae
Common Name
Canarygrass - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 5 species: - - (NM)
Phalaris angusta Nees ex Trinius
(= Timothy canarygrass);
Phalaris arundinacea Linnaeus
(= Reed canarygrass);
Phalaris canariensis Linnaeus
(= Common canarygrass);
Phalaris caroliniana Walter
(= Carolina canarygrass); and
Phalaris minor Retzius
(= Lesser canarygrass).
Of the five species in New Mexico, only two are native
(P. arundinacea and P. minor) and the rest are introduced.
Only two species, P. canariensis & P. minor, reported
to be medicinal. However, P. angusta is known to have
neuropathological effects, causing deaths of cattle and
sheep, and poisoning in cattle. Therefore, this species
may be toxic or poisonous to livestock, somtimes causing
"phalaris staggers" and "phalaris sudden death," - - (Quattrocchi)
depending on the presence and concentration of certain
toxic alkaloids. Also, in sheep, P. arundinacea is known
to cause phalaris staggers, including distress, convulsions,
and even death. Several alkaloids can sometimes be
detected in this species, including hordenine and various
indoles (e.g., gramine and 5-methoxy-N-methyltryptamine). - - (Quattrocchi)
P. caroliniana (= Maygrass) is a native annual grass
distributed over the southern United States and northern
Mexico that is thought to have been cultivated or - - (EB 38(1): 114–120,1984)
domesticated by prehistoric people in eastern North
America for its relatively nutritious grains. Even though
the grains are non-toxic, grazing of this species has also
sometimes resulted in outbreaks of livestock poisoning.
The indole alkaloids (tryptamines or indolealkylamines)
produced by P. arundinacea and related species [e.g.,
P. aquatica L. (= P. tuberosa L.)] include mostly DMT
(N,N-dimethyltryptamine) and 5DMT (5-methoxy-N,N-
dimethyltryptamine). Therefore, smoking a properly
prepared extract from the leaves of these grasses is - - (C. Ratsch)
said to produce the psychoactive effects of DMT.
Phalaris canariensis - L. - Species Name
Family Poaceae
Common Name
Alpista - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alpiste - - (Atlas Mexico)
Alpiste blanco - - (Quattrocchi)
Alpiste canario - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpiste de canarios - - (Quattrocchi)
Alpistera - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpisteria - - (Spanish-Américas)
Annual Canary grass - - (Quattrocchi)
Birdseed grass - - (Quattrocchi)
Birdseedgrass - - (Poisonous Plants Checklist)
Canary grass - - (Quattrocchi)
Canarygrass - - (Poisonous Plants Checklist)
Canary seed grass - - (Quattrocchi)
Common Canary grass - - (Quattrocchi)
Escobilla - - (Quattrocchi)
Falaris - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ocuchichupa - - (Quattrocchi)
Grains employed for bladder problems and placentary retention. - - (Quattrocchi)
Probably the species called phalaridos included in Dioscorides'
De Materia Medica. However, it could possibly be some other
species of the genus Phalaris. - - (C. Ratsch)
As suggeted by several of its common names, P. canariensis
is also commonly known as a source of birdseed.
Phalaris minor - Retzius - Species Name
Family Poaceae
Common Name
Alfarín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alpiste - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpiste menor - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpiste silvestre - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpiste valillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Alpistillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lesser canarygrass - - (NM)
Little-seed canary grass - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pasto romano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Rabillo de cordero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Talaceiro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Possibly toxic or very poisonous in young stage
but older and dried samples safer. - - (Quattrocchi)
Rhizome paste has been applied to wounds.
Phaseolus vulgares, Frijoles
Phlox - ? - Species Name
Family Polemoniaceae
Common Name
Phlox - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 12 species
(with a subspecies of the species): - - (NM)
Phlox austromontana Coville
(= Mountain phlox);
Phlox caryophylla Wherry
(= Pagosa phlox);
Phlox cluteana A. Nelson
(= Navajo phlox);
Phlox condensata (Gray) E. Nelson
(= Dwarf phlox);
Phlox hoodii Richardson
subsp. canescens (Torrey & Gray) Wherry
(= Carpet phlox);
Phlox longifolia Nuttall
(= Long-leaf phlox);
Phlox mesoleuca Greene
(= Thread-leaf phlox);
Phlox multiflora A. Nelson
(= Rocky Mountain phlox);
Phlox nana Nuttall
(= Santa Fe phlox);
Phlox pulvinata (Wherry) Cronquist
(= Cushion phlox);
Phlox triovulata Thurber ex Torrey
(= Three-seed phlox); and
Phlox woodhousei (Torrey ex Gray) E. Nelson
(= Woodhouse's phlox).
Phlox nana - Nutt. - Species Name
Family Polemoniaceae
Common Name
Alpine pink - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rosita morada - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Santa Fe phlox - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Phoradendron juniperinum - Bellota de sabina - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Juniper mistletoe - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Phragmites - Adans. - Genus Name
Family Poaceae
Common Name
Reed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 species with three races
(1 variety and 2 subspecies): - - (NM)
Phragmites australis (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel
(= Common reed).
The genus Phragmites is in the arundo tribe (Arundineae) together
with the related giant reed (Arundo donax) that is commonly referred
to as a type of bamboo.
P. australis may be the most widely distributed of all vascular seed plants.
Phragmites australis - (Cavanilles) Trinius ex Steudel - Species Name
Family Poaceae
Common Name
Acatl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
American common reed - - (PFAF)
Bixilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cane - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cane grass - - (Moerman)
Caniço - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caniço de agua - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caniço dos ribeiros - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña borde - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña de India - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña de indio - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caña de pantano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañavera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañeta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañete - - (Spanish-Américas)
Canna de vassoura - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañota - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cañoto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carricillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carriço - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carrizal reed - - (Moerman)
Carrizo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Carrizo común - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carrizo grass - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carrizo reed - - (Moerman)
Cisca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Common reed - - (NM)
Commonreed - - (Moerman)
Common reed grass - - (Moerman)
European common reed - - (PFAF)
Halal - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hauve cane - - (Moerman)
Hybrid common reed - - (PFAF)
Jisca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Junco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Picuaremo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Picuáremu - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Reed - - (Moerman)
Reed grass - - (Moerman)
Subtropical common reed - - (PFAF)
Sweet flag - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tibisí - - (Spanish-Américas)
Zacate - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zachalal - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Zaragüelles - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico, 3 races (2 subspecies and 1 variety) - - (NM)
Phragmites australis subsp. americanus Saltonstall, Peterson & Soreng
(= Common reed);
Phragmites australis subsp. australis
(= Common reed); and
Phragmites australis var. berlandieri (Fournier) Reed
(= Common reed).
Phragmites communis - Trinius - (NM)
Flowering shoots as tall as 2 meters or more;
plume-like flower clusters (panicles); glumes
(two basal leaf-like bracts of spikelets) unequal
in length, the first glume ~half as long as the
second one; rachilla (axis of spikelet) with long,
silky hairs; lemma (one of two bracts immediately
subtending each flower) hairless.
A species of sub-cosmopolitan distribution (see above),
used medicinally in Mexico, Europe, China, and elsewhere.
Also, reported to have been used medicinally by
several Native (North American) tribes, a few in
southwest USA and two in New Mexico. - - (Moerman)
Some Native Americans have used the sap as a
sweetener and source of sugar.
Rhizomes (rootstock) contains N,N-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT,
bufotenine, and gramine. However, when used in - - (C. Ratsch)
ayahuasca analogs, unpleasant side effects may occur.
This species is a claimed antidote, febrifuge, - - (PFAF)
miscellany, and sialagogue, also with antiasthmatic,
antiemetic, antitussive, depurative, diuretic,
lithontripic, refrigerant, stomachic, and styptic
Possibly mentioned as phragmites in
Dioscorides' De Materia Medica.
Physalis neomexicana, Tomate del campo
Phytolacca - L. - Genus Name
Family Phytolaccaceae
Common Name
Pokeweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 variety of 1 species:
Phytolacca americana L. var. americana
(= American pokeweed).
Phytolacca americana var. americana - L. - Variety Name
Family Phytolaccaceae
Common Names
Bagá noiva - - (Spanish-Américas)
Bledo carbonero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Calalú - - (Spanish-Américas)
Capa rosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carminera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos cachos da India - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva dos cancros - - (Spanish-Américas)
Erva tintureira - - (Spanish-Américas)
Espinaca de América - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fitolaca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Grana encarnada - - (Spanish-Américas)
Granilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Great pokeweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba carmesí - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba carmín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba carmín decandra - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de la oblea - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mazorquilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pigeonberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pokeberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pokeroot - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pokeweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Scoke - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Uva de América - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uva de Canadá - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uva de España - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uva de macaco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Uva dos tintureiros - - (Spanish-Américas)
Vermelhão - - (Spanish-Américas)
In New Mexico
Phytolacca icosandra - L. - Species Name
Family Phytolaccaceae
Common Names
Amole - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Amolquelite - - (Spanish-Américas)
Amolquilitl - - (Atlas Mexico)
Amolxihuitl - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Barba china - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bledo carbonero - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Cargamanta - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Carricillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Congarey - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cóngera - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Congeraman - - (Atlas Mexico)
Congora - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cóngora - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cónguera - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Congueran - - (Atlas Mexico)
Conjira - - (Atlas Mexico)
Fitoloca - - (Atlas Mexico)
Guaba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba china - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Iyamole - - (Spanish-Américas)
Jabonera - - (Spanish-Américas)
Juan - - (Spanish-Américas)
Kongaran - - (Atlas Mexico)
Kongarani - - (Atlas Mexico)
K'onguarani - - (Atlas Mexico)
Konguera - - (Atlas Mexico)
Konguera blanca - - (Atlas Mexico)
Konguera prieta - - (Atlas Mexico)
Maíz de perro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Mazorquilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Namole - - (Morelos)
Ñamole - - (Spanish-Américas)
Niamol - - (Náhualt)
Niamole - - (Spanish-Américas)
Oblea - - (Spanish-Américas)
Oyamol - - (Atlas Mexico)
Perla de China - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pokeweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quelite - - (Atlas Mexico)
Quelite de toro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Reventón - - (Atlas Mexico)
Sicamole - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tarasca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tarasca de negros - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tarascana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Te'elkox - - (Atlas Mexico)
T'elkokox - - (Atlas Mexico)
Telcocox - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Telcox - - (Atlas Mexico)
Telkox - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tesmol de monte - - (Atlas Mexico)
Tonojosa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Verbachina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yamole - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Phytolacca octandra - L. - (Atlas Mexico)
Phytolacca longespica - Moq. - (Atlas Mexico)
Phytolaccaceae - R.Br. - Family Name
Caryophyllales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 2 genera: - - (NM)
Phytolacca L. (= Pokeweed), and
Rivina L. (= Humble-weed).
The family Phytolaccaceae including Rivina (and closely related genera)
is likely polyphyletic.
Although still debatable, the monophyletic family should include only the
subfamily Phytolaccoideae Arnott [= Phytolaccaceae s.s.,
Phytolacca (and closely related genera)] plus the genus Agdestis Sesse
& Mocino ex de Candolle plus (possibly ?) the genus Sarcobatus Nees
(= Greasewood).
See notes.
Piche - Acacia angustissima - (Spanish-Américas)
Picea común - Abies religiosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pichehumo - Acacia angustissima - (Spanish-Américas)
Pichejumo - Acacia angustissima - (Spanish-Américas)
Pichihumo - Acacia angustissima - (Spanish-Américas)
Pichijumo - Acacia angustissima - (Spanish-Américas)
Picietl - Nicotiana rustica - (PFAF)
Picuaremo - Phragmites australis - (Spanish-Américas)
Picuáremu - Phragmites australis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pie de gato - Antennaria dioica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Piedra alumbre
Piedra azul (Copper sulphate)
Piedra infernal
Piedra lumbre
Pigeonberry - Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Phytolacca americana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pigweed (= Chile puerco, Quelite salado)
- Amaranthus
blitoides - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Amaranthus powellii -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Amaranthus spp. - (Mexican-American)
Piki bread, see Alegria, Azafran, Maiz
Piloncillo, use of, see Alfilerillo, Alhucema, Altamisa de la sierra, Capulin, Chamiso hediondo, Coralillo, Coronilla, Dormilon, Maiz, Manzanilla, Osha, Yerba del buey
Pimenta da agua - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Pimienta acuática - Persicaria hydropiper - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pimienta de agua - Persicaria hydropiper - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pimientillo - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Pimpín - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Pimpinella anisum, Anis Pimpinella anisum - Anis - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Anise - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pinabete - Abies concolor - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Abies religiosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Pinus ponderosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Pinaceae - Lindley - Family Name
= Pinaceae Spreng. ex F.Rudolphi
Pinales - Dumort. - Order Name
= Pinales Gorozh.
Higher level lineages (Cantino, et al., 2007):
[Coniferae may (?) also include
Gnetophyta sister to Pinaceae]
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
In New Mexico, 4 genera:
Abies P. Mill. (= Fir)
Picea A. Dietrich (= Spruce)
Pinus L. (= Pine)
Pseudotsuga Carriere (= Douglas-fir)
Pinclover, Alfilerillo
Pine - Pinus - (BONAP)
Pineappleweed, Manzanilla
Pine-needle milkweed - Asclepias linaria - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pineneedle milkweed - Asclepias linaria - (BONAP)
Pingue, see Pinhue
Pinguica - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Kay)
- Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Mexico)
Pingüica - Arctostaphylos pungens - (Spanish-Américas)
Pinhue, Hymenoxys floribunda
Pinillo - Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Pinkets, Alfilerillo
Pink pussy toes - Antennaria rosea - (Moerman)
Pino - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
- Pinus edulis - (Spanish-Américas)
- Pinus ponderosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino arizónica - Pinus arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino blanco - Abies concolor - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Pinus arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Pinus ponderosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Pinus scopulorum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino cembroide - Pinus edulis - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino cenizo - Pinus arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino de Arizona - Pinus edulis - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino de méxico - Pinus edulis - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino fino - Pinus arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino oyamel - Abies religiosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino piñón - Pinus edulis - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino piñonero - Pinus edulis - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino ponderosa - Pinus ponderosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real - Abies arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Pinus ponderosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Pinus scopulorum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real americano - Pinus ponderosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real blanco - Abies concolor - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Abies arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real blanco de las sierras - Abies arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real Colorado - Pinus scopulorum - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pinole: See notes.
Piñon - Pinus edulis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Piñon pitch: Trementina de pinon
Pintapinta - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Pinto beans, Frijoles
Pintura - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Piñuela - Acacia cornigera - (Spanish-Américas)
- Acacia hindsii - (Spanish-Américas)
Pinus - L. - Genus Name
Family Pinaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Ocote - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Ocotl - - (Kay, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Palo de ocote - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pine - - (NM)
Pitch pine - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Torch pine - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico, 10 species,
5 varieties
(2 in P. cembroides,
2 in Pinus edulis,
and 1 in P. leiophylla):
Pinus aristata Engelmann
(= Bristlecone pine),
Pinus arizonica Engelmann
[= Pinus ponderosa Lawson var. arizonica (Engelmann) Shaw]
(= Arizona pine),
Pinus cembroides Zuccarini var. cembroides
(= Mexican piñon pine),
Pinus cembroides Zuccarini var. bicolor Little
(= Mexican piñon pine),
Pinus edulis Engelmann var. edulis
(= Piñon pine),
Pinus edulis Engelmann var. fallax Little
[= Pinus monophylla Torrey & Fremont subsp. fallax (Little) Zavarin]
(= Arizona single-leaf piñon),
Pinus engelmannii Carrier
(= Apache pine),
Pinus flexilis James
(= Limber pine),
Pinus leiophylla Schiede & Deppe var. chihuahuana (Engelmann) Shaw
(= Chihuahua pine),
Pinus scopulorum (Engelmann) Lemmon
[= Pinus ponderosa Lawson var. scopulorum Engelmann]
(= Rocky Mountain pine, Western yellow pine),
Pinus strobiformis Engelmann
(= Southwestern white pine).
Pinus edulis - Engelm. - (BONAP)
Family Pinaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Ocote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino cembroide - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino de Arizona - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino de México - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino piñón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino piñonero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Piñon - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Piñón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Piñón mexicano - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pinyon - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Twoneedle pinyon - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
Pinus cembroides var. edulis - (Engelm.) Voss - (BONAP)
Pinus ponderosa - Lawson - (FNA)
Family Pinaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Pacific ponderosa pine - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pinabete - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino blanco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino ponderosa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real americano - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ponderosa pine - - (BONAP)
Western yellow pine - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Yellow pine - - (southwest US & Mexico)
According to Flora of North America,
Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex Lawson & C. Lawson
includes Pinus ponderosa var. arizonica (Engelmann) Shaw
(more recently considered Pinus arizonica Engelmann,
an uncommon tree in southwestern New Mexico),
Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa
(more recently considered Pinus ponderosa Lawson in the Pacific Coast region),
and Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum Engelmann
(more recently considered Pinus scopulorum, a common tree in New Mexico).
Pinus ponderosa var. arizonica - (Engelmann) Shaw - (FNA)
= Pinus arizonica Engelmann
Family Pinaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Arizona pine - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Joco pino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ocote - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pino arizónica - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino blanco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino cenizo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino fino - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Úkui - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Western yellow pine - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In southwestern New Mexico
Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum - Engelmann - (FNA)
= Pinus scopulorum (Engelmann) Lemmon
Family Pinaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Pino blanco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pino real Colorado - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Ponderosa pine - - (BONAP)
Rocky Mountain pine - - (NM)
Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Western yellow pine - - (NM)
Yellow pine - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico
Pinus brachyptera - Engelmann - (NM)
Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum - Engelmann - (NM)
Pinyon - Pinus edulis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Pioch - Melia azedarach - (Atlas Mexico)
Piocha - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Pioche - Melia azedarach - (Atlas Mexico)
Piochi - Melia azedarach - (Atlas Mexico)
Piocho - Melia azedarach - (Atlas Mexico)
Piojoso - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Pionillo - Croton corymbulosus (= Croton pottsii var. pottsii) -
- Croton texensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Discorea densiflora - (Mexican-American)
- Discorea
floribunda - (Mexican-American)
Family: Piperaceae -
Bercht. & J. Presl
(Piperaceae C.A. Agardh, according to
includes Peperomiaceae (Miq.) Wettst.)
- Order:
Piperales - Dumort.
Higher level lineages: Angiosperm;
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Pipián - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Pipitzáhuatl - Stevia viscida - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pipizhuatl - Stevia viscida - (?)
Pipitzomeh - Asclepias glaucescens - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos)
Pirca - Bidens pilosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Piri piri - Cyperus articulatus - (PFAF)
Pisate - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita americana - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita-ci - Agave angustifolia - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Pita común - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita fina - Agave atrovirens - (Spanish-Américas)
Pita maguey - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Pitahaya, see Entrana, Pitajaya
Pitajaya, Echinocereus paucispinus
Pitaya, Pitajaya
Pitch pine - Pinus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Piteira - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Piteira brava - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Piteira de boi - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Pitera - Agave americana - (Spanish-Américas)
Pitrén - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Pixoy - Guazuma tomentosa - (Maya)
- Guazuma ulmifolia -
Pizate - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Plains coreopsis - Coreopsis tinctoria - (
Plains yucca - Yucca campestris - (BONAP)
Planta de escobas - Baccharis conferta - (Kay)
Plantaginaceae - Juss. - (APG III) Family Name
(= Antirrhinaceae Pers. = Veronicaceae Durande)
[Scroph II, including plants [e.g., Bacopa] once
placed in traditional
family Scrophulariaceae Juss. plus the traditional families
Plantaginaceae (now tribe Plantagineae), Callitrichaceae
(now tribe
Callitricheae), Globulariaceae (now tribe Globularieae),
Haloragidaceae (Hippuridaceae; now tribe Hippurideae), and
Veronicaceae (now tribe Veroniceae) in the new family Plantaginaceae.]
Lamiales - Bromhead - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Lamiidae Takhtajan;
o Garryidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids I = asterids I);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
Plantago - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Plantaginaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Plantain - - (BONAP)
Members in New
Mexico not in main list are:
Plantago argyraea - Morris -
(= Saltmeadow plantain),
aristata - Michx. - (BONAP)
Largebracted plantain),
Plantago australis - Lam. -
(= Mexican plantain),
australis ssp. hirtella - (Kunth) Rahn - (BONAP)
(= Mexican plantain),
Plantago elongata - Pursh -
(= Longleaf plantain),
elongata ssp. elongata - Pursh - (BONAP)
(= Prairie plantain),
Plantago eriopoda - Torr. -
(= Redwool plantain),
helleri - Small - (BONAP)
(= Heller's
Plantago lanceolata - L. - (BONAP)
(= Narrowleaf plantain),
Plantago patagonica - Jacq. -
(= Woolly plantain),
rhodosperma - Dcne. - (BONAP)
(= Redseed
Plantago tweedyi - Gray - (BONAP)
(= Tweedy's plantain),
Plantago virginica - L. -
(= Virginia plantain),
wrightiana - Dcne. - (BONAP)
(= Wright's
Plantago major - L. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Plantaginaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Common plantain - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Lanten - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yanten - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Plantago major var. major - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Plantaginaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Common plantain - - (BONAP)
Plantain - Plantago - (BONAP)
Plantain everlasting - Antennaria plantaginifolia - (Moerman)
Plantain leaf everlasting - Antennaria plantaginifolia - (Charlotte Erichsen-Brown)
Planta que da frutos acinosos al tomatl - Arctostaphylos spp. - (Kay)
Plaster, see Cal
Platanillo - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Plato y taza - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Plectocephalus - D. Don - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Basketflower - - (FNA)
Plectocephalus americanus - (Nuttall) D. Don - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
American basketflower - - (FNA)
American star-thistle - - (FNA)
Cardo del valle - - (FNA)
Centaura - - (Spanish-Américas)
Powderpuff - - (FNA)
Thornless thistle - - (FNA)
Pluerisy root - Asclepias tuberosa - (Mexico)
Pluma de la tierra (feather of the land) - Achillea millefolium - (Kay)
Plumbaginaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Caryophyllales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae Takhtajan;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, 1 genus: - - (NM)
*Limonium Mill.
(= Sea-lavender).
Plumajillo (little feather) - Achillea millefolium - (ITIS)
- Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis (=
Achillea lanulosa) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Plumajo - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Plumbago - Plumbago - (BONAP)
Plumbago - L. - (BONAP)
Plumbaginaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alacran - -
Cola de iguana - - (Mexican-American)
Dentallaria - - (Mexican-American)
Leadwort - -
Panete - - (Mexican-American)
Plumbago - -
Tlachichinolli - - (Nahuatl)
Tlepatli - - (Nahuatl)
Yerba del alacran - -
Yerba del pescado - - (Mexican-American)
Genus Plumbago not native in New Mexico.
Plumbago pulchella - ? - (?)
Family Plumbaginaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alacran - - (Mexican-American)
Cola de iguana - -
Dentallaria - - (Mexican-American)
- - (Mexican-American)
Panete - - (Mexican-American)
Tlachichinolli - - (Nahuatl)
Tlepatli - - (Nahuatl)
del alacran - - (Mexican-American)
Yerba del pescado - -
Plumbago scandens - L. - (BONAP)
Family Plumbaginaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Alacran - - (Mexican-American)
Cola de iguana - - (Mexican-American)
Dentallaria - - (Mexican-American)
Doctorbush - - (BONAP)
Leadwort - - (Mexican-American)
Panete - - (Mexican-American)
Tlachichinolli - - (Nahuatl)
Tlepatli - - (Nahuatl)
Yerba del alacran - - (Mexican-American)
Yerba del pescado - - (Mexican-American)
Plumeria rubra - Cacaloxochitl - (Elsa Campos)
- Flor de mayo - (Elsa Campos)
- Pomelia - (Elsa Campos)
- Tipanier - (Elsa Campos)
Plumerillo - Asclepias linaria - (Spanish-Américas)
Plumerillo del campo - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Plumilla - Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
Poaceae - (R.Br.) Barnh. - Family Name
(= Gramineae Juss.)
Poales - Small - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Commelinidae Takhtajan (commelinids)
o Monocotyledoneae de Candolle (= monocots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
Pochishihuy - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Pochitoco - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Pointleaf manzanita - Arctostaphylos pungens - (NM)
Pois rouge - Abrus precatorius - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Poison Ivy - Toxicodendron rydbergii - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Poison oak - Toxicodendron - (BONAP)
Pokeberry - Phytolacca americana - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pokeroot - Phytolacca americana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pokeweed - Phytolacca americana - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Polemoniaceae - Juss. - (APG III) Family Name
Common Name
Phlox Family - - (?)
Ericales - Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Ericales + Gentianidae (= Garryidae + Campanulidae)
or the Ericales + euasterid lineage;
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, 8 genera: - - (BONAP, Roalson & Allred)
*Collomia Nutt. (= Mountaintrumpet),
*Eriastrum Woot. & Standl. (= Woolstar),
*Gilia Ruiz & Pavon (= Gilia),
*Ipomopsis Michx. (= Gilia),
*Linanthus Benth. (= Linanthus),
Navarretia Ruiz & Pavon (= Navarretia),
*Phlox L. (= Phlox),
*Polemonium L. (= Polemonium),
See notes.
Polemonium - L. - Genus Name
Family Polemoniaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Polemonium - - (BONAP)
Jacob's-ladder - - (Roalson & Allred)
In New Mexico, 5 species: - - (BONAP, Roalson & Allred)
Polemonium brandegeei (Gray) Greene
(= Brandegee's Jacob's-ladder, Polemonium brandegei),
Polemonium flavum Greene
(= Yellow Jacob's-ladder, Polemonium foliosissimum var. flavum),
Polemonium foliosissimum Gray
(= Jacob's-ladder, Towering Jacobsladder),
*Polemonium pulcherrimum Hooker var. delicatum (Rydberg) Cronquist
(= Beautiful Jacob's-ladder, Skunkweed polemonium),
*Polemonium viscosum Nuttall
(= Sky-pilot, Sticky polemonium).
See notes.
Poleo - Cunia lythrifolia - (Bye)
- Mentha - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Mentha arvensis - (Moore)
- Mentha canadensis - (Moore)
- Mentha puleguim - (in Kay, Mexico)
Poleo chino - Hedeoma oblongifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Poleo de campo - Cunia lythrifolia - (Bye)
Poleo del pais - Mentha arvensis - (Upper Rio Grande
- Mentha canadensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Poleo grande - Mentha arvensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Mentha canadensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Polkuch - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Poliadas, see Cal
Polianthes geminiflora - (Lex.) Rose - Species Name
= Agave coetocapnia (M. Roem.) Govaerts & Thiede
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae)
Common Name
Amole - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amoli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amolli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amollyi - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Poligono heterofilo - Polygonum aviculare - (southwest US & Mexico)
Poligono pata de perdiz - Persicaria lapathifolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Politrico - Asplenium trichomanes - (Spanish-Américas)
Family: Polygalaceae -
Hoffmanns. & Link
(Polygalaceae Juss., according to Delta)
Order: Fabales - Bromhead
Higher level lineages: Angiosperm;
Eudicot; core
Eudicot; Rosid; Eurosid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Polygonaceae - Juss. - Family Name
Caryophyllales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae Takhtajan;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, 12 genera: - - (NM)
Bistorta Adanson
(= Bistort),
Chorizanthe R. Brown
(= Spine-flower),
*Eriogonum Michaux
(= Wild-buckwheat),
Fagopyrum Miller
(= Buckwheat),
Fallopia Adanson
(= Black-bindweed),
Oxyria Hill
(= Mountain-sorrel),
*Persicaria Miller
(= Smartweed),
Polygonella Michaux
(= Jointweed),
*Polygonum L.
(= Knotweed, Smartweed),
Pterostegia Fischer & C. A. Meyer
(= Threadstem),
*Rumex L.
(= Dock),
Stenogonum Nuttall
(= Wild-buckwheat).
Polygonum - L. - Genus Name
Family Polygonaceae
Common Name
Knotweed - - (NM)
Smartweed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 8 species: - - (NM)
Polygonum arenastrum Jordan ex Boreau
(= Oval-leaf knotweed),
Polygonum argyrocoleon Steudel ex Kunze
(= Silver-sheath knotweed),
*Polygonum aviculare Linnaeus
(= Yard knotweed),
Polygonum douglasii Greene
(= Douglas's knotweed),
Polygonum erectum Linnaeus
(= Erect knotweed),
Polygonum polygaloides Wallich ex Meisner subsp. confertiflorum (Nuttall ex Piper) Hickman
(= White-margin knotweed),
Polygonum polygaloides Wallich ex Meisner subsp. kelloggii (Greene) Hickman
(= White-margin knotweed),
Polygonum ramosissimum Michaux
(= Yellow-flower knotweed),
Polygonum sawatchense Small
(= Sawatch knotweed).
P. arenastrum, P. argyrocoleon, and
P. aviculare are introduced.
The possible presence of P. bellardii Allioni, which would be another introduced species,
awaits verification.
Polygonum aviculare - L. - Species Name
Family Polygonaceae
Common Name
Albohol - - (Spanish-Américas)
Albohol de Castilla - - (Spanish-Américas)
Altabaquillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Altamandría - - (Spanish-Américas)
Centinodia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cien nudos - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Correhuela - - (Spanish-Américas)
Corrigiola - - (Spanish-Américas)
Knotgrass - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lengua de pájaro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Poligono heterofilo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Prostrate knotweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sanguinaria - - (Atlas Mexico)
Sanguinaria mayor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Saucillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yard knotweed - - (NM)
Polygonum buxiforme - Small - (NM)
In New Mexico, introduced.
Polypodiaceae - Bercht. & J. Presl
- Order: Polypodiales -
A.B. Frank
Higher level lineages: Leptosporangiate;
Leptosporangiate; Polypod;
Dryopteroid; Polygrammoid
Pomelia - Plumeria rubra - (Elsa Campos)
Ponchilhuite - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Ponchilhuits - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ponchiuis - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Ponderosa pine - Pinus scopulorum - (NM)
Pond-lily - Nuphar - (NM)
- Nymphaea odorata - (FNA)
Pondlilly - Nuphar - (BONAP)
Ponil, Fallugia paradoxa (also see Maravilla)
Ponso, Tanacetum vulgare
Popo - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Popote - Arundo donax - (Spanish-Américas)
Popoton, Stipa vaseyi
Popotillo, Canutillo del campo
Popular - Populus - (Mexican-American)
- Populus alba - (Mexican-American)
- Populus angustifolia - (Mexican-American)
- Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni - (Mexican-American)
Populus - L. - Genus Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Àlamo - - (Mexican-American)
Cottonwood - - (BONAP, Mexican-American)
Popular - - (Mexican-American)
In New Mexico, 5 species: - - (BONAP)
Populus alba (= White poplar),
Populus angustifolia (= Narrowleaf cottonwood),
Populus deltoides (= Eastern cottonwood),
Populus fremontii (= Fremont's cottonwood),
Populus tremuloides (= Quaking aspen).
2 hybrids: - - (New Mexico)
Populus X acuminata (= Lance-leaf cottonwood),
Populus X hinckleyana (= Hinckley poplar).
Populus X acuminata - Rydb. - Hybrid Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Lanceleaf cottonwood - - (BONAP)
Lance-leaf cottonwood - - (New Mexico)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Hybrids between Populus angustifolia × Populus deltoides - - (New Mexico)
Populus acuminata var. rehderi - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus alba - L. - Species Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Abedul - - (Spanish-Américas)
Abelo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo - - (Mexican-American)
Àlamo boleana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chopo boleana - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cottonwood - - (Mexican-American)
Popular - - (Mexican-American)
White poplar - - (BONAP, New Mexico)
In New Mexico, introduced - - (BONAP, New Mexico)
Populus alba var. bolleana - Lauche - (BONAP)
Populus alba var. pyramidalis - Bunge - (BONAP)
Populus angustifolia - James - Species Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Àlamo - - (Mexican-American)
Àlamo sauco - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cottonwood - - (Mexican-American)
Mountain cottonwood - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Narrow-leafed cottonwood - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Narrowleaf cottonwood - - (BONAP)
Popular - - (Mexican-American)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Populus balsamifera var. angustifolia - (James) S. Wats. - (BONAP)
Populus canadensis var. angustifolia - (James) Wesmael - (BONAP)
Populus fortissima - A. Nels. & J.F. Macbr. - (BONAP)
Populus salicifolia - Raf. - (BONAP)
Populus X sennii - Boivin - (BONAP)
Populus tweedyi - Britt. - (BONAP)
Populus balsamifera - L. - Species Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Àlamo - - (Mexican-American)
Balm of Gilead Poplar - - (Moore)
Balsam poplar - - (BONAP)
Chopo - - (Mexican-American)
Güérigo - - (Mexican-American)
Güirigo - - (Mexican-American)
Huirivo - - (Mexican-American)
Olmo - - (Mexican-American)
Tacamaca común - - (Mexican-American)
Populus deltoides - Bartr. ex Marsh. - Species Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Àlamo de la Carolina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo carolino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Eastern cottonwood - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 3 subspecies: - - (BONAP)
Populus deltoides ssp. deltoides
(= Eastern cottonwood),
Populus deltoides ssp. monilifera
(= Plains cottonwood),
Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni
(= Rio Grande cottonwood).
Populus deltoides ssp. deltoides - Bartr. ex Marsh. - Subspecies Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Eastern cottonwood - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Populus angulata - Ait. - (BONAP)
Populus angulata var. missouriensis - A. Henry - (BONAP)
Populus balsamifera var. missouriensis - (A. Henry) Rehd. - (BONAP)
Populus balsamifera var. pilosa - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus balsamifera var. virginiana - (Foug.) Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus canadensis var. virginiana - (Foug.) Fiori - (BONAP)
Populus deltoides var. angulata - (Ait.) Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus deltoides var. missouriensis - (A. Henry) A. Henry - (BONAP)
Populus deltoides var. pilosa - (Sarg.) Sudworth - (BONAP)
Populus deltoides var. virginiana - (Foug.) Sudworth - (BONAP)
Populus nigra var. virginiana - (Foug.) Castigl. - (BONAP)
Populus palmeri - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus virginiana - Foug. - (BONAP)
Populus virginiana var. pilosa - (Sarg.) F.C. Gates - (BONAP)
Populus deltoides ssp. monilifera - (Ait.) Eckenwalder - Subspecies Name
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Plains cottonwood - - (BONAP)
Monilistus monilifera - (Ait.) Raf. ex B.D. Jackson - (BONAP)
Populus besseyana - Dode - (BONAP)
Populus deltoides var. occidentalis - Rydb. - (BONAP)
Populus monilifera - Ait. - (BONAP)
Populus occidentalis - (Rydb.) Britt. ex Rydb. - (BONAP)
Populus sargentii - Dode - (BONAP)
Populus sargentii var. texana - (Sarg.) Correll - (BONAP)
Populus texana - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni - (S. Wats.) Eckenwalder - Subspecies Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Àlamo - - (Mexican-American, Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo de hoja redonda - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Àlamo de la hoja redonda - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Güérigo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cottonwood - - (Mexican-American)
Popular - - (Mexican-American)
Rio Grande cottonwood - - (BONAP)
Valley cottonwood - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Populus deltoides var. wislizeni - (S. Wats.) Dorn - (BONAP)
Populus fremontii var. wislizeni - S. Wats. - (BONAP)
Populus wislizeni - (S. Wats.) Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus fremontii - S. Wats. - Species Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Àlamo - - (Moore, Spanish-Américas)
Fremont's cottonwood - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, 1 subspecies: - - (BONAP)
Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii
(= Fremont's cottonwood).
Populus fremontii ssp. fremontii - S. Wats. - Subspecies Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Àlamo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Güérigo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Fremont's cottonwood - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Populus arizonica - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus arizonica var. jonesii - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus canadensis var. fremontii - (S. Wats.) Kuntze - (BONAP)
Populus fremontii var. arizonica - (Sarg.) Jepson - (BONAP)
Populus fremontii var. macdougalii - (Rose) Jepson - (BONAP)
Populus fremontii var. macrodisca - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus fremontii var. pubescens - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus fremontii var. toumeyi - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus fremontii var. thornberi - Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus macdougalii - Rose - (BONAP)
Populus X hinckleyana - Correll - Hybrid Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Hinckley poplar - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, - - (BONAP)
Hybrids between Populus angustifolia × Populus fremontii - - (New Mexico)
Populus nigra - L. - Species Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Àlamo argentino - - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo criollo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo de Lombardía - - (Spanish-Américas)
Àlamo negro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chopo de Italia - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chopo lombardo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Lombardy poplar - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico, awaits verification - - (New Mexico)
If present, introduced.
Populus dilatata - Ait. - (BONAP)
Populus italica - (Du Roi) Moench - (BONAP)
Populus nigra var. italica - Du Roi - (BONAP)
Populus tremuloides - Michx. - Species Name
Family Salicaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Àlamo temblón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Alamillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chopo temblón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Quaking aspen - - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Populus aurea - Tidestrom - (BONAP)
Populus cercidiphylla - Britt. - (BONAP)
Populus X polygonifolia - Bernard - (BONAP)
Populus tremuloides var. aurea - (Tidestrom) Daniels - (BONAP)
Populus tremuloides var. cercidiphylla - (Britt.) Sudworth - (BONAP)
Populus tremuloides var. intermedia - Victorin - (BONAP)
Populus tremuloides var. magnifica - Victorin - (BONAP)
Populus tremuloides var. rhomboidea - Victorin - (BONAP)
Populus tremula ssp. tremuloides - (Michx.) A.& D. Love - (BONAP)
Populus tremuloides var. vancouveriana - (Trel.) Sarg. - (BONAP)
Populus vancouveriana - Trel. - (BONAP)
Porcupine grass, Popoton
Porter's Licorice-root - Ligusticum porteri - (?)
Porter's lovage - Ligusticum porteri - (Moore)
Portulacaceae - Juss.- Family Name
Caryophyllales - Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o core Caryophyllales or caryophyllids;
Eudicotyledoneae (= eudicots);
Gunneridae (= core eudicots);
Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
Caryophyllales + Asteridae
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Family in New Mexico, including 8 genera:
- Kunth - (BONAP)
Cistanthe - Spach -
Claytonia - L. - (BONAP)
Lewisia - Pursh - (BONAP)
- L. - (BONAP)
Portulaca - L. -
Talinopsis - Gray - (BONAP)
Talinum - Adans. - (BONAP)
Posole, see Maiz
Potatoes, Papas
Potincoba - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Potts' leatherweed - Croton pottsii var. pottsii - (BONAP)
Pouched ants - Hormigas mieleras - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Prairie acacia - Acacia angustissima - (BONAP)
- Acacia angustissima var. suffrutescens - (BONAP)
- Acacia angustissima var. texensis - (NM)
Prairie wattle - Acacia angustissima var. texensis - (BONAP)
Prairieclover - Dalea - (BONAP)
Prairie coneflower - Ratibida - (BONAP)
Prairie everlasting - Antennaria neglecta - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Prayer bean - Abrus precatorius - (southwest US & Mexico)
Prayer beads - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Prazer das damas - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Precatory bean - Abrus precatorius - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Precatory-pea - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Presera - Galium mexicanum - (Spanish-Américas)
Pricklenut - Guazuma tomentosa - (Mexican-American)
- Guazuma
ulmifolia - (Mexican-American)
Prickly pear, Nopal
Prickle poppy - Argemone hispida - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Argemone mexicana - (Kay)
Prickly-poppy - Argemone - (NM)
Pride-of-India - Melia azedarach - (NM)
Pride weed - Conyza canadensis var. canadensis - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Primulaceae - Batsch ex. Borkh. - (APG III) Family Name
[Primulaceae Vent. (according to Delta), including
Maesaceae Anderb., B.StÃ¥hl & Källersjö,
Myrsinaceae R.Br., nom. cons.,
Theophrastaceae G.Don, nom. cons.]
Ericales - Dumort. - Order Name
Higher level lineages (Cantino, et al., 2007):
Eudicotyledoneae (= eudicots);
Gunneridae (= core eudicots);
Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis;
Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
Asteridae (= asterids)
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
In New Mexico, 2 genera - - (BONAP, NM)
Androsace L. (= Rock-jasmine, Rockjasmine)
Primula L. (= Primrose)
See notes.
Princess feather, Alegria
Pringle's abutilon - Abutilon incanum - (BONAP)
Prochnyanthes - S.Watson - Genus Name
[Transferred to Agave L.]
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae)
Common Name
Amole - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amoli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amolli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amollyi - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Prochnyanthes mexicana - (Zucc.) Rose - Species Name
= Agave bulliana (Baker) Thiede & Eggli
Family Asparagaceae (including Agavaceae)
Common Name
Amole - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amoli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amolilla - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amolli - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Amollyi - - (EB 32(2): 124-130,1978)
Prostrate knotweed - Polygonum aviculare - (southwest US & Mexico)
Prunus - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Rosaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Prunus - (BONAP)
Species or varieties
in New Mexico (according to BONAP) not in main
list that may be medicinal are
Prunus americana Marsh. (=
American plum),
Prunus angustifolia Marsh. (= Chickasaw
Prunus angustifolia var. angustifolia Marsh.
(= Chickasaw plum),
Prunus angustifolia var. watsonii
(Sarg.) Waugh (= Watson's plum),
Prunus emarginata (Dougl.
ex Hook.) Walp. (= Bitter cherry),
Prunus emarginata var.
emarginata (Dougl. ex Hook.) Walp. (= Bitter cherry),
gracilis Engelm. & Gray (= Oklahoma plum),
serotina Ehrh. (= Black cherry),
Prunus serotina var.
rufula (Woot. & Standl.) McVaugh (= Black cherry),
serotina var. virens (Woot. & Standl.) McVaugh (=
Black cherry),
Prunus virginiana L. (= Common
chokecherry), and
Prunus virginiana var. demissa
(Nutt.) Torr. (= Western chokecherry)
Prunus armeniaca - L. -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Rosaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Albaricoque - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
- Apricot - (BONAP)
Prunus cerasus - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Rosaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Hueso de Cereza - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Sour cherry -
Prunus laurocerasus - L.
Family Rosaceae
- - (BONAP)
- Capulin - (Elsa Campos)
Cherry-bay-tree - (Elsa Campos)
- Cherry-laurel - (Elsa Campos)
- Cherry laurel - (BONAP)
virginiana var. melanocarpa - (A. Nels.) Sarg. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Rosaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Black chokecherry - (BONAP)
- Capulin
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Choke cherry - (Upper Rio Grande
- Rum cherry - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Padus melanocarpa - (A. Nels.) Shafer - (BONAP)
Padus virginiana ssp. melanocarpa - (A. Nels.) W.A.
Weber - (BONAP)
Prunus melanocarpa -
(A. Nels.) Rydb. - (BONAP)
virginiana ssp. melanocarpa - (A. Nels.) Taylor &
MacBryde - (BONAP)
Prunus persica - (L.) Batsch - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Rosaceae - - (BONAP)
Durazno - (Mexico, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Peach - (BONAP)
- Peach tree - (Mexico)
Amygdalus persica
- L. - (BONAP)
Persica vulgaris - P.
Mill. - (BONAP)
Prusiana - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Pseudognaphalium - Kirp. - Genus Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Cudweed - - (Jepson)
Everlasting - - (Jepson)
Gordolobo - - (Mexico Spanish)
Gordolobo Mejicano - - (Mexico Spanish)
Rabbit-tobacco - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 7 species: - - (BONAP, NM)
Pseudognaphalium canescens (DC.) W.A. Weber
(= Wright's rabbit-tobacco),
Pseudognaphalium jaliscense (Greenman) A. Anderberg
(= Jaliso rabbit-tobacco),
Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum (Gray) A. Anderberg
(= White rabbit-tobacco),
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (Linnaeus) Hilliard & Burtt
(= Jersey rabbit-tobacco),
Pseudognaphalium macounii (Greene) Kartesz
(= Macoun's rabbit-tobacco),
Pseudognaphalium pringlei (Gray) A. Anderb.
(= Pringle's rabbit-tobacco), and
Pseudognaphalium stramineum (Kunth) W.A. Weber
(= Cotton-batting-plant)
See notes.
Pseudognaphalium attenuatum - (DC.) Anderb. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Gordolobo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Gnaphalium attenuatum - DC. - (Atlas Mexico)
Pseudognaphalium beneolens - (Davidson) Anderb. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Fragrant everlasting - - (Calflora)
Fragrant rabbit-tobacco - - (FNA)
Wright's cudweed - - (EOL)
Gnaphalium beneolens - Davidson - (FNA)
Gnaphalium canescens subsp. beneolens - (Davidson) Stebbins & D. J. Keil - (FNA)
Pseudognaphalium canescens subsp. beneolens - (Davidson) Kartesz - (FNA)
Pseudognaphalium bicolor - (Bioletti) A. Anderb. - Species Name
= Pseudognaphalium biolettii Anderb.
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Bioletti's cudweed - - (Calflora)
Cudweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Everlasting - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Gordolobo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Twocolor cudweed - - (Calflora)
Two-toned everlasting - - (?)
Gnaphalium bicolor - Bioletti - (Calflora)
Pseudognaphalium bourgovii - (A.Gray) Anderb. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Gordolobo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Lobito - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Manzanilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Manzanilla del río - - (Atlas Mexico)
Gnaphalium bourgovii - A. Gray - (Atlas Mexico)
Pseudognaphalium californicum - (DC.) Anderb. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
California cudweed - - (?)
California everlasting - - (?)
California pearly everlasting - - (?)
California rabbit tobacco - - (FNA)
Ladies' tobacco - - (Calflora)
Gnaphalium californicum - de Candolle - (FNA)
Gnaphalium decurrens var. californicum - (de Candolle) A. Gray - (FNA)
Pseudognaphalium canescens - (DC.) W.A. Weber - Species Name
= Pseudognaphalium canescens (de Candolle) Anderberg
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Cauellos hediondos - - (Mexico Spanish)
Gordolobo - - (Mexico Spanish)
Gordolobo Mejicano - - (Mexico Spanish)
Papaconi - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tlacochichic - - (Mexico Spanish)
Tzonpoton - - (Mexico Spanish)
Tzonpotonic - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Wright's rabbit-tobacco - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium canescens - DC. - (BONAP, FNA)
Gnaphalium sonorae - I. M. Johnston - (FNA)
Gnaphalium texanum - I. M Johnston - (FNA)
Gnaphalium viridulum - I. M. Johnston - (FNA)
Gnaphalium wrightii - A. Gray - (BONAP, FNA)
Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. canescens - (DC.) W.A. Weber - (BONAP)
Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. microcephalum - (Nutt.) Kartesz - (BONAP)
See notes.
Pseudognaphalium chartaceum - (Greenm.) Anderb. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Gordolobo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Gnaphalium chartaceum - Greenman - (Atlas Mexico)
Pseudognaphalium conoideum - (Kunth) Anderb. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Gordolobo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Popu - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Gnaphalium conoideum - Kunth - (Atlas Mexico)
Pseudognaphalium jaliscense - (Greenman) A. Anderberg - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Jaliso rabbit-tobacco - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Gnaphalium jaliscense - Greenman - (NM)
Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum - (Gray) A. Anderberg - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Everlasting - - (American Southwest)
Gordolobo - - (American Southwest)
Lampaquate - - (American Southwest)
Lemon cudweed - - (American Southwest)
Manzanilla - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Manzanilla del campo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Manzanilla del rio - - (American Southwest)
Sticky rabbit-tobacco - - (?)
White cudweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
White rabbit-tobacco - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Gnaphalium leucocephalum - Gray - (NM)
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum - (Linnaeus) Hilliard & Burtt - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Jersey rabbit-tobacco - - (NM)
Pseudognaphalium macounii - (Greene) Kartesz, comb. nov. ined. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Clammy cudweed - - (USDA)
Macoun's cudweed - - (USDA)
Winged cudweed - - (USDA)
In New Mexico - - (NM)
Gnaphalium decurrens - Ives, non L. - (USDA)
Gnaphalium macounii - Greene - (USDA)
Pseudognaphalium viscosum - auct. non (Kunth) W.A. Weber - (USDA)
Pseudognaphalium microcephalum
Family Asteraceae
Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium
Family Asteraceae
Pseudognaphalium oxyphyllum - (DC.) Kirp. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Gordolobo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Gnaphalium oxyphyllum - DC. - (Atlas Mexico)
Pseudognaphalium pringlei - (Gray) A. Anderb. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Pringle's rabbit-tobacco - - (FNA)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium pringlei - A. Gray - (BONAP)
Pseudognaphalium ramosissimum
Family Asteraceae
Pseudognaphalium roseum - (Kunth) Anderb. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Gordolobo - - (Chiapas)
Rosy cudweed - - (EOL)
Rosy rabbit-tobacco - - (EOL)
Sak nich vomol - - (Chiapas)
Sanalotodo - - (Honduras)
Xela momol - - (Chiapas)
Gnaphalium nitens - Willd. ex Spreng. - (EOL)
Gnaphalium oblanceolatum - Greenm. - (EOL)
Gnaphalium roseum - Kunth - (EthnobotDB)
Gnaphalium roseum var. angustifolium - Benth. - (EOL)
Gnaphalium roseum var. hololeucum - Benth. - (EOL)
Gnaphalium roseum var. roseum - Kunth - (EOL)
Gnaphalium roseum var. sordescens - Benth. - (EOL)
Gnaphalium roseum var. stramineum - Kuntze - (EOL)
Pseudognaphalium semiamplexicaule - (DC.) Anderb. - Species Name
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Gordolobo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Gnaphalium semiamplexicaule - DC. - (Atlas Mexico)
Pseudognaphalium stramineum - (Kunth) W.A. Weber - Species Name
= Pseudognaphalium stramineum (Kunth) Anderberg
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Cotton-batting-plant - - (FNA)
Cottony everlasting - - (?)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium chilense - Spreng. - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium chilense var. confertifolium - Greene - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium gossypinum - Nuttall - (FNA)
Gnaphalium lagopodioides - Rydberg - (FNA)
Gnaphalium proximum - Greene - (FNA)
Gnaphalium stramineum - Kunth - (BONAP)
Gnaphalium sulphurescens - Rydberg - (FNA)
See notes.
Pseudognaphalium thermale
Family Asteraceae
Pseudognaphalium viscosum - (Kunth) W.A. Weber - Species Name
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Canelilla - - (Atlas Mexico)
Everlasting - - (Elsa Campos)
Gordolobo - - (Elsa Campos)
Lemon cutweed - - (?)
Sticky rabbit-tobacco - - (?)
Gnaphalium hirtum - Kunth - (Atlas Mexico)
Gnaphalium leptophyllum - DC - (Atlas Mexico)
Gnaphalium tenue - Kunth - (Atlas Mexico)
Gnaphalium viscosum - Kunth - (BONAP)
See notes.
Psoralea pentaphylia - Contrayerba - (Elsa Campos)
- Contrayerba blanca - (Elsa Campos)
- E.D.M. Kirchn. - Family Name
(= Pteridaceae Reichb.)
(Includes Adiantaceae Newman,
Sinopteridaceae Koidz,
and Vittariaceae (C. Presl) R.C. Ching,
among other once distinct
Polypodiales - Link - (Smith, et al., 2006) Order Name
(= polypods)
Higher level lineages:
o tree ferns/polypods;
o core leptosporangiate ferns
(= heterosporous water ferns in families
Marsileaceae and Salviniaceae, including Azollaceae,
plus tree ferns/polypods);
o Leptosporangiatae Bessey
(= leptosporangiate ferns);
o Monilophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= monilophytes);
Highest level lineages:
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes = vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
(land plants).
In New Mexico, 9 genera: - - (NM)
Adiantum L. (= Maidenhair fern),
Argyrochosma (Sm.) Windham (= Cliffbrake, Cloak-fern),
Astrolepis D.M.Benham & Windham (= Cloak-fern),
Bommeria Fourn. (= Bommeria fern),
Cheilanthes Sw. (= Lipfern),
Cryptogramma R. Br. (= Rockbrake),
Notholaena R. Br. (= Cloak fern),
Pellaea Link (= Cliffbrake), and
Pentagramma Yatskievych, Windham & Wollenweber (= Goldfern)
Puas de piedra (Thorns of stone) - Acacia cornigera - (Kay)
Pub, see Aguapa
Pujos, Yerba del peco
Pulque tree - Acacia angustissima - (C. Ratsch)
Pulsatilla - Pulsatilla spp. - (BONAP)
- Pulsatilla vulgaris - (BONAP)
Pulsatilla - P. Mill. - (BONAP)
Family Ranunculaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Pulsatilla - - (BONAP)
Pulsatilla patens - (L.) P. Mill. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Ranunculaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
American pasqueflower - -
Pulsatilla patens ssp. multifida - (Pritz.) Zamels -
Family Ranunculaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cutleaf anemone - - (BONAP)
Anemone ludoviciana - Nutt. - (BONAP)
Anemone multifida - (Pritz.) Zamels, non Poir. - (BONAP)
Anemone nuttalliana - DC. - (BONAP)
Anemone patens var. multifida - Pritz. - (BONAP)
Anemone patens var. nuttalliana - (DC.) Gray -
Anemone patens var.
wolfgangiana - (Bess. ex Richards) Trauvtr. & Mey ex F.
Kurtz - (BONAP)
Pulsatilla hirsutissima
- (Pursh) Britt. - (BONAP)
ludoviciana - Heller - (BONAP)
nuttalliana - (DC.) Spreng. - (BONAP)
Pulsatilla patens ssp. hirsutissima - (Pursh)
Zamels - (BONAP)
Pulsatilla vulgaris - Miller - (BONAP)
(= Anemone pulsatilla)
Family Ranunculaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
European pasqueflower - - (BONAP)
Pulsatilla - - (Mexico)
Pumpion pumpkin - Cucurbita pepo - (Moerman)
Pumpkin - Cucurbita argyrosperma - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Cucurbita maxima - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cucurbita moschata - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Punah-ki - Tribulus cistoides
- (Maya)
- Tribulus terrestris -
Punche - Nicotiana attenuata - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Nicotiana trigonophylla - (?)
Punche mejicano - Nicotiana attenuata - (?)
Punche Mexicano - Nicotiana rustica - (?)
Punchon - Verbascum thapsus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Punchuhuiche - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Puncture vine - Tribulus
cistoides - (Mexican-American)
- Tribulus
terrestris - (Mexican-American)
Purple cone-flower - Echinacea purpurea - (Elsa Campos)
Purple medic (=Alfalfa) - Medicago sativa - (Mexican-American)
Purple galingale - Cyperus rotundus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Purple nut-grass - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Purple nutgrass - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Purple nut-sedge - Cyperus rotundus - (NM)
Purple nutsedge - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Purple spring-parsley - Cymopterus purpureus - (NM)
Purplish red dye, see Capulin, Malva, Rosita morada
Purpùrea - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Puru - Cucurbita pepo - (southwest US & Mexico)
Purú - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Pussy-toes - Antennaria dioica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pussy toes - Antennaria parvifolia - (Moerman)
- Antennaria rosulata - (Moerman)
Pussytoes - Antennaria - (BONAP)
- Antennaria rosea - (Moerman)
Puteí - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Putey - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Quahtlahuitzquilitl - Cynara scolymus - (Nahuatl)
Quaker bonnets, Garbancillo
Quamoclidion multiflorum, Maravilla
Quauhayohuachtli - Jatropha - (Nahuatl)
- Jatropha dioica - (Nahuatl)
- Jatropha macrorhiza - (Nahuatl)
Quauhizquitli - Baccharis conferta - (Kay)
Quelite - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
- Malva sylvestris - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quelite apestoso - Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quelite cenizo - Chenopodium album - (Atlas Mexico)
Quelite cimarrón - Chenopodium album - (Atlas Mexico)
Quelite de toro - Phytolacca icosandra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quelite de trigo - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Quelite de zorrillo - Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quelite hediondo - Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quelite salado - Chenopodium album - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Quelite verde - Chenopodium album - (Atlas Mexico)
Quelites colorado yus, Amaranthus powellii
Quelites salados - Chenopodium album - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Quelites yus, Amaranthus powellii
Quema cosas - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quenopódio - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Quenopodio ambrosio - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (Spanish-Américas)
Quenopodio blanco - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Quercus conspersa - Encino rojo - (Elsa Campos)
- Evergreen
oak - (Elsa Campos)
Quercus fendleri, Encinillo
Quercus gambelii, Encino
Quercus rugosa - Encino - (Elsa Campos)
- Netleaf oak - (Elsa
Quesito - Anoda cristata - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Malva parviflora - (southwest US & Mexico)
Queso (Cheese)
Quetzalatzonyatli - Mirabilis jalapa - (Nahuatl)
- Mirabilis longiflora - (Nahuatl)
- Mirabilis multiflora (= Quamoclidion multiflorum) - (Nahuatl)
Quiabeiro - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Quiabo - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Quiebra muela - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quiebra muelas - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Quiebramuelas - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Quiebra ojo - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quiebraojo - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Quielite - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Quigombó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Quigombó de cheiro - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Quihlitl - Amaranthus spp. - (Nahuatl)
Quilete blanco - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Quimbombo - Abelmoschus esculentus - (MMPND-Spanish)
Quimbombó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
- Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Quina - Hippocratea celastroides - (EB 57(1): 54–64, 2003)
Quingombo - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Quingombó - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Quingua del campo - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Quinguilla - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Quinoa de perro - Chenopodium album - (Spanish-Américas)
Quinine bush - Garrya - (Moore)
Quitasol - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Quixzaclol - Argemone mexicana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rabbit brush, Chamiso cimmaron
Rabbit thorn, Chico
Rabbit's milk, Leche de conejo
Rabillo de cordero - Phalaris minor - (southwest US & Mexico)
Racimosa - Chenopodium botrys - (Spanish-Américas)
Radicula nasturtium-aquaticum (= Radicula nasturtium = Rorippa
- Berro - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Water cress - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Ragged nettle-spurge - Jatropha macrorhiza - (New Mexico)
Ragged nettlespurge - Jatropha macrorhiza - (BONAP)
Ragweed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English)
Ragweed sagebrush - Artemisia franserioides - (U.S.A.)
Raisin, use of, see Malva, Malva de castilla
Raiz de angelica - Angelica archangelica - (Mexican-American)
- Angelica atropurpurea - (Mexico)
Raíz del desierto - Glycyrrhiza lepidota - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rama de sabina, Juniperus monosperma
Rama de sabina, Rosita morada
Ranunculaceae - Juss. - (APG III) Family Name
Ranunculales - Dumort. - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
Eudicot (peripheral)
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Family in New Mexico, including species of 14 genera:
Aconitum - L. - (BONAP)
- L. - (BONAP)
Anemone - L. - (BONAP)
Aquilegia - L. - (BONAP)
- L. - (BONAP)
Ceratocephala - Moench
Clematis - L. - (BONAP)
Consolida - S.F. Gray - (BONAP)
Delphinium - L. - (BONAP)
- L. - (BONAP)
Pulsatilla - P. Mill.
Ranunculus - L. - (BONAP)
Thalictrum - L. - (BONAP)
Trautvetteria - Fisch. & C.A. Mey. - (BONAP)
Ratibida - Raf. - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Prairie coneflower - - (BONAP)
One additional species in New Mexico not in main list is:
Ratibida columnifera - (Nutt.) Woot. & Standl. - (BONAP)
(= Upright prairie coneflower).
Ratibida tagetes - (James) Barnh. - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
Common Name
Cone flower - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Dormilon - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Embarranada - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Green prairie coneflower - - (BONAP)
Yerba de la tusa - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rudbeckia globosa - Nutt. - (BONAP)
Rudbeckia tagetes - James - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Rattlesnake master - Gutierrezia sarothrae - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rattlesnake oil: Aceite de la vibora - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rattlesnake root - Gutierrezia sarothrae - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rattlesnake weed - Gutierrezia sarothrae - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rattleweed, Frijolillo
Red Aztec spinach - Chenopodium berlandieri - (Commercial name)
Real de oro - Achillea millefolium - (southwest US & Mexico)
Red barberry - Berberis haematocarpa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Red grass - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Red mahonia - Berberis haematocarpa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Red nut sedge - Cyperus rotundus - (PFAF)
Red nutsedge - Cyperus rotundus - (EB 174 540-560,2015)
Red Oregon-grape - Berberis haematocarpa - (NM)
Reed - Arundo donax - (Moerman)
- Phragmites australis - (Moerman)
Reed grass - Phragmites australis - (Moerman)
Reed-stem milkweed - Asclepias subulata - (Kay)
Reina de los bosques - Galium odoratum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rejalgar - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Requesón - Anoda cristata - (Atlas Mexico)
Retamilla - Berberis vulgaris - (Spanish-Américas)
Reventón - Phytolacca icosandra - (Atlas Mexico)
Revienta - Asclepias curassavica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Revienta muelas - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Revientamuelas - Asclepias curassavica - (Spanish-Américas)
Rewé - Anoda cristata - (?)
Reweque - Anoda cristata - (?)
Rita Mountain yellowshow - Amoreuxia gonzalezii - (?)
Rivina - L. - Genus Name
Family Phytolaccaceae
Common Name
Humble-weed - - (NM)
In New Mexico, 1 species:
Rivina humilis L.
(= Humble-weed).
Rivina humilis - L. - Species Name
Family Phytolaccaceae
Common Name
Ají de culebra - - (Spanish-Américas)
Baja tripa - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Bajatripa - - (Atlas Mexico)
Bloodberry rouge-plant - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Caimancillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caimoní - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caimoní cimarrón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Caimonicillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carmín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Carpintero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Chilillo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilocuaco - - (Atlas Mexico)
Chilpanxuitl - - (Atlas Mexico)
Colorín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coqueta - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coral - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coral xilacuaco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coralillo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coralito - - (Spanish-Américas)
Coralito cimarrón - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Coralitos - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cuachalalacua - - (Atlas Mexico)
Cuxubean - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Flor blanca - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba de la vibora - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba de los carpinteros - - (Spanish-Américas)
Hierba del susto - - (Atlas Mexico)
Hierbamora - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Hierba mora roja - - (Atlas Mexico)
Humble-weed - - (NM)
Jalatripa - - (Atlas Mexico)
Mata gallina - - (Spanish-Américas)
Ojo de ratón - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pigeonberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Pimpín - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pintapinta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pintura - - (Spanish-Américas)
Pokeberry - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Quilete blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Rouge-plant - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ruivinha - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sacatinta - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sangre de toro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Small pokeweed - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tangandoto - - (Atlas Mexico)
Teihuisí - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Tomatillo - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ucuquiro - - (southwest US & Mexico)
Xilacuaco - - (southwest US & Mexico)
In New Mexico
Rivina portulacoides - Nuttall - (NM)
Rayless thelesperma - Thelesperma megapotamicum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Red alder - Alnus rubra - (BONAP)
Red ants - Hormigas coloradas - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Red bead plant - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Red bean vine - Abrus precatorius - (CRC)
Red bearberry - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Red cockscomb, Alegria
Red dye, see Alegria, Brazil, Capulin, Cota, Palo duro,
Red mulberry - Morus rubra - (southwest US & Mexico)
Red pentstamon, Varas de San Jose
Red poppy - Papaver rhoeas - (Elsa Campos)
Redstem stork's bill - Erodium cicutarium - (BONAP)
- Erodium cicutarium ssp. cicutarium - (BONAP)
Red-stemmed filaree, Alfilerillo
Reed - Phragmites - (NM)
Regaliz - Glycyrrhiza lepidota - (southwest US & Mexico)
Regaliz de las Antillas - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Remolino (also Anis)
Rennet, see Cuajo
Repalesa - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Requesón - Stevia serrata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Resfrio en los huesos, see Yerba del buey
Resin weed - Grindelia squarrosa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Respigón - Arctium lappa - (Spanish-Américas)
Resquemona - Persicaria hydropiper - (Spanish-Américas)
Resurrection Plant - Selaginella lepidophylla - (?)
Reverchon's falsepennyroyal - Hedeoma reverchonii - (BONAP)
- Hedeoma reverchonii var. serpyllifolia - (BONAP)
Rhus trilobata, Lemita
Rhus toxicodendron, see Toxicodendron rydbergii.
Ribes nigrum - Black current - (Elsa Campos)
- Grosellero negro - (Elsa Campos)
Rio Grande cottonwood - Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni - (BONAP)
Ristra, see Chile, Maiz
Raíz de pleuresia - Asclepias tuberosa - (southwest US & Mexico)
Raíz de pleuriz - Asclepias tuberosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Rob (Arabic) - refers to "a thick fruit syrup which has been
made by slowly boiling fruit juice until a great deal of its water
content has been evaporated."
- (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rob de sauco - Sambucus melanocarpa - (Upper Rio Grande
- Sambucus mexicana - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
See Rob.
Rock tickseed - Coreopsis basalis var. wrightii - (BONAP, NM)
Rocky Mountain bee plant, Guaco
Rocky Mountain beggarticks - Bidens heterosperma - (BONAP)
Rocky Mountain fir - Abies arizonica - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rocky Mountain pine - Pinus scopulorum - (NM)
Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine - Pinus scopulorum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rocky Mountain pond-lily - Nuphar polysepala - (PFAF)
Rocky Mountain pondlily - Nuphar polysepala - (?)
Rocky Mountain sage, Estafiate
Rocky Mountain white fir - Abies concolor - (CRC)
Roemer acacia - Acacia roemeriana - (NM)
Roman bitterweed - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English-Canada)
Roman squash - Cucurbita pepo - (Moerman)
Roman wormwood - Ambrosia artemisiifolia - (English)
Romerillo, Artemisia filifolia, (also Escoba de la vibora)
Romerillo - Artemisia filifolia - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Asclepias linaria - (Atlas Mexico)
- Bidens pilosa - (Spanish-Américas)
- Coreopsis (C. sp.) - (Spanish-Américas)
Romerillo del llano
Romero de castilla, Chrysanthemum balsamita (also Punche)
Rompe muelas - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Rorippa - Scop. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico -
Family Brassicaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
- Yellowcress - (BONAP)
Species and
varieties in New Mexico (according to BONAP) not
in main list that may be medicinal are Rorippa curvipes Greene
(Bluntleaf yellowcress), Rorippa curvipes var. curvipes Greene
(Bluntleaf yellowcress), Rorippa curvipes var. truncata (Jepson)
Rollins, Rorippa microphylla (Boenn. ex Reichenb.) Hyl. ex A.& D.
Love (Onerow yellowcress), Rorippa palustris (L.) Bess. (Bog
yellowcress), Rorippa palustris ssp. fernaldiana (Butters & Abbe)
Jonsell (Fernald's yellowcress), Rorippa palustris ssp. hispida
(Desv.) Jonsell (Hispid yellowcress), Rorippa palustris ssp.
occidentalis (S. Wats.) Abrams (Western bog yellowcress), Rorippa
sinuata (Nutt.) A.S. Hitchc. (Spreading yellowcress), Rorippa
sphaerocarpa (Gray) Britt. (Roundfruit yellowcress), Rorippa
sylvestris (L.) Bess. (Creeping yellowcress), and Rorippa tenerrima
Greene (Modoc yellowcress).
Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum - (L.) Hayek - (BONAP)
Family Brassicaceae
Common Name
Berro - - (Mexican-American, Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Watercress - - (BONAP, Mexican-American)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Nasturtium nasturtium-aquaticum - (L.) Karsten - (BONAP)
Nasturtium officinale - Ait. f. - (BONAP)
Nasturtium officinale var. siifolium - (Reichenb.) W.D.J. Koch - (BONAP)
Sisymbrium nasturtium-aquaticum - L. - (BONAP)
Note also Radicula nasturtium (= Radicula nasturtium-aquaticum = Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum)
Rosa almiscarada - Abelmoschus moschatus - (Spanish-Américas)
Rosa cimarron, Rosa fendleri
Rosa de castilla, Rosa
Rosa de jerico - Selaginella lepidophylla - (?)
Rosa del campo, Rosa fendleri
Rosa fendleri, Rosa cimarron
Rosaceae - Juss. - Family Name
(Rosaceae L. according to Delta, including families Amygdalaceae and Malaceae.)
Rosales - Perleb - Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o nitrogen-fixing lineage;
o Fabidae W.S. Judd, D.E. Soltis & P.S. Soltis
(= eurosids I = fabids);
o eurosids (= Fabidae + Malvidae);
o Rosidae Takhtajan (= rosids);
o Superrosidae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, and P. S. Soltis;
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangiophytes;
o Embryophyta Endlicher, 1836, emend. Lewis and McCourt
[= Embryopsida Pirani & Prado
(land plants)].
In New Mexico, including 25 genera: - - (NM)
Agrimonia Tourn. ex L.
(= Burhead),
Alchemilla L.
(= Lady's-mantle),
Amelanchier Medik.
(= Serviceberry),
Cercocarpus Kunth
(= Mountain mahogany),
Crataegus L.
(= Hawthorn),
Dasiphora Raf.
(= Shrubby cinquefoil),
Fallugia Endl.
(= Apache-plume),
Fragaria L.
(= Strawberry),
Geum L.
(= Avens),
Holodiscus (K.Koch) Maxim.
(= Mountain-spray),
Malus Mill.
(= Apple),
Peraphyllum Nutt.
(= Indian-apple),
Petrophyton (Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray) Rydb.
(= Rockmat),
Physocarpus (Cambess.) Raf.
(= Ninebark),
Potentilla L.
(= Cinquefoil),
Prunus L.
(= Plum or Cherry),
Purshia DC. ex Poir.
(= Bitterbrush),
Pyracantha M.Roem.
(= Firethorn),
Pyrus L.
(= Pear),
Rosa L.
(= Rose),
Rubus L.
(= Raspberry or Blackberry),
Sanguisorba L.
(= Burnet),
Sibbaldia L.
(= Glow-wort),
Sorbus L.
(= Mountain-ash), and
Vauquelinia Correa ex Bonpl.
(= Rosewood).
Rosariera - Melia azedarach - (Spanish-Américas)
Rosarieria - Melia azedarach - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rosario - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Rosary pea - Abrus precatorius - (Uphof, 1959)
Rosarypea - Abrus precatorius - (Lady Bird Johnson)
Rose of Jericho - Selaginella lepidophylla - (?)
Roseta, Cenchrus pauciflorus
Roseta - Tribulus terrestris - (Spanish-Américas)
Rosetilla, Yerba del sapo
Rosita morada, Phlox nana
Rosy pussytoes - Antennaria rosea - (NM)
Rouge-plant - Rivina humilis - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rough prickly poppy - Argemone hispida - (U.S.A.)
Round cyperus - Cyperus rotundus - (?)
Roundflower catclaw - Acacia roemeriana - (BONAP)
Family: Rubiaceae -
- Order: Gentianales - Lindl.
Higher level lineages:
Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot; Asterid;
Euasterid I
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Rubia menor - Alnus glutinosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Rubilla - Galium odoratum - (southwest US & Mexico)
Ruda, Ruta graveolens
Ruda cimarron, Thalictrum fendleri
Ruda de la sierra, Thalictrum fendleri
Rudbeckia - L. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Coneflower - - (BONAP)
One additional
species and variety in New Mexico not in main list is:
hirta - L. - (BONAP)
(= Blackeyed
Rudbeckia hirta var. pulcherrima - Farw. -
(= Blackeyed Susan).
Rudbeckia laciniata - L. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cutleaf coneflower - - (BONAP)
- - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Tall cone flower - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Rudbeckia laciniata var. ampla - (A. Nels.) Cronq. -
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cutleaf coneflower - -
Rudbeckia ampla
- A. Nels. - (BONAP)
Rudbeckia laciniata
ssp. ampla - (A. Nels.) W.A. Weber - (BONAP)
Rudbeckia laciniata var. laciniata - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cutleaf coneflower - -
Dormilon - - (Upper Rio Grande
Tall cone flower - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rudbeckia laciniata var. hortensis - Bailey -
Rudbeckia tagetes, see Ratibida tagetes.
Rue, Ruda
Ruibarbo - Abelmoschus esculentus - (Spanish-Américas)
Ruivinha - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Rum cherry (= Capulin) - Prunus melanocarpa - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rumex - Rumex crispus - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rumex - L. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico
- - (BONAP)
Family Polygonaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Dock - - (BONAP)
Members in New Mexico
not in main list are:
Rumex acetosella - L. - (BONAP)
(= Common sheep sorrel),
Rumex altissimus - Wood -
(= Pale dock),
aquaticus - L. - (BONAP)
(= Western
Rumex aquaticus var. fenestratus - (Greene)
Dorn - (BONAP)
(= Western dock),
densiflorus - Osterhout - (BONAP)
Denseflowered dock),
Rumex hastatulus - Baldw. - (BONAP)
(= Heartwing sorrel),
Rumex maritimus - L. - (BONAP)
(= Golden dock),
Rumex nematopodus - Rech. f. -
(= Arizona dock),
obtusifolius - L. - (BONAP)
(= Bitter
Rumex orthoneurus - Rech. f. - (BONAP)
(= Chiricahua Mountain dock),
Rumex salicifolius -
Weinm. - (BONAP)
(= Willow dock),
salicifolius var. denticulatus - Torr. - (BONAP)
(= Toothed willow dock),
Rumex salicifolius var.
mexicanus - (Meisn.) C.L. Hitchc. - (BONAP)
(= Mexican dock),
Rumex tomentella - Rech. f. -
(= Willow Creek dock),
venosus - Pursh - (BONAP)
(= Veiny
Rumex verticillatus - L. - (BONAP)
(= Swamp dock),
Rumex violascens - Rech. f. - (BONAP)
(= Violet dock).
Rumex crispus - L. - (BONAP)
New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Polygonaceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Curled dock - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Curly dock - -
Lengua de vaca - - (Upper Rio Grande
Narrow dock - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rumex - -
(Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Sour dock - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Yellow dock - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Rumex hymenosepalus - Torr. - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Polygonaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Cana agria - - (Upper Rio
Grande Valley)
Canaigra - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Canaigre dock - - (BONAP)
Wild pieplant - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
hymenosepalus var. euhymenosepalus - Rech. f. - (BONAP)
Rumex hymenosepalus var. salinus (A. Nels.) - Rech.
f. - (BONAP)
Rush milkweed - Asclepias subulata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Rush-nut - Cyperus esculentus - (southwest US & Mexico)
Russet buffalo-berry - Shepherdia canadensis - (NM)
Russian olive - Elaeagnus angustifolia - (NM)
Ruta graveolens, Ruda
Family: Rutaceae - Juss.
Order: Sapindales - Dumort.
Higher level lineages: Angiosperm;
Eudicot; core
Eudicot; Rosid; Eurosid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Sabina - Taxodium mucronatum - (Mexican-American)
Sabina macho, Juniperus sibirica
Sabino - Juniperus communis - (Mexican-American)
- Juniperus spp. - (Mexican-American)
- Taxodium mucronatum - (México Desconocido)
Saca espinas - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Sacatinta - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Sacaton, Popoton
Sac-ci - Agave fourcroydes - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Mexico)
Sacred fir - Abies religiosa - (Southwestern N. America/Mexico)
Sadugua - Chenopodium graveolens - (southwest US & Mexico)
Saetilla - Bidens pilosa - (Spanish-Américas)
Safflower (= Azafran) - Carthamus tinctorius - (Mexican-American)
Saffron, Azafran
Sagán - Abrus precatorius - (Spanish-Américas)
Sagebrush, Anisote, Chamiso hediondo, Mariola, Saint Peter's wort, Altimisa mexicana
Saitas, Cebollita del campo
Sak-ki - Agave fourcroydes - (Mansfeld's Encyclopedia-Yucatán)
Sak-tuk - Yucca schidigera - (Maya)
- Yucca spp. - (Maya)
- Yucca valida - (Maya)
Salicieso - Lycium andersonii - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium berlandieri var. berlandieri - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Lycium berlandieri var. parviflorum - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Malva parviflora - (southwest US & Mexico)
Salix exigua, Jarita
Salt, use of, see Aceite de la vibora, Altamisa de la sierra, Anil, Anil del muerto, Anisote, Brazil, Cadillos, Chamiso, Chan, Chile, Coronilla Cuipa de sabina, Geranio, Higos Malva, Pazote, Poleo, Poleo del pais, Ponil, Ponso, Popoton, Romerillo, Tomate del campo, Tomatillo del campo, Trementina de pinon, Yedra, Yerba de la quintana, Yerba del sapo
Saltbush, Chamiso
Saltgrass - Distichlis - (BONAP)
Salts of sorrel: Salts of oxalic acid found in species of Oxalis.
Salvaçao do mundo - Achillea millefolium - (Spanish-Américas)
Salvia reflexa, Chan
Salvilla - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
- Scabiosa atropurpurea - (Mexico)
Sambo - Cucurbita maxima - (Spanish-Américas)
Sambucus - L. - (BONAP)
Family Adoxaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Elderberry - - (BONAP, NM)
In New Mexico, 4 varieties of 2 species: - - (NM)
Sambucus caerulea Rafinesque var. mexicana (C. Presl ex A.P. de Candolle) L. Benson
(Mexican elderberry),
Sambucus caerulea Rafinesque var. neomexicana (Wooton) Rehder
(New Mexico elderberry)
Sambucus racemosa Linnaeus var. melanocarpa (Gray) McMinn
(Red elderberry), and
Sambucus racemosa Linnaeus var. microbotrys (Rydberg) Kearney & Peebles
(Red elderberry).
See notes.
Sambucus caerulea var. mexicana - (C. Presl ex A.P. de Candolle) L. Benson - Variety Name
Family Adoxaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Alcanfor - - (Atlas Mexico: Chiapas)
Azumate - - (Atlas Mexico: Veracruz)
Azumatl - - (Atlas Mexico: Veracruz, N+S of Mexican border)
Azumiate - - (Mexican-American)
Bi-xhumi - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Blue elderberry - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Capiro - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Capulin - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Capulin silvestre - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Cayapa - - (Atlas Mexico: Chiapas)
Chuté - - (Atlas Mexico: Chiapas)
Chiki té - - (Atlas Mexico: Chiapas)
Chijii té - - (Atlas Mexico: Chiapas [Tzeltal/Tzotzil])
Coyapa - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Coyopa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Cumdemba - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Cundumba - - (Spanish-Américas)
Desert elderberry - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Elder flower - - (Mexican-American)
Flor de sauz - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Flor de sauco - - (Atlas Mexico)
Flor sauco - - (Mexican-American)
Guarico - - (Mexican-American)
Ita tinao - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca [Yuku])
Ita tindoo - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca [Yaa, Mixteco])
Joday llochic - - (Atlas Mexico: Nayarit [Tepehuano])
Kondembasí - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán)
Mexican elder - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Mexico elderberry - - (NM)
Mexicana mayor - - (Spanish-Américas)
Nigrito - - (Mexican-American)
Nttzirza - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Ocoquihui - - (Atlas Mexico: Chiapas, N+S of Mexican border)
Sauco - - (Mexican-American)
Sauco azul - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Sauco chico - - (Atlas Mexico)
Sauco grande - - (Atlas Mexico)
Saugua - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Sauzo - - (Atlas Mexico)
Shaul - - (Atlas Mexico: Chiapas)
Sawko - - (Atlas Mexico: San Luis Potosí [Tenek])
Sikil anjel - - (Atlas Mexico: Chiapas [Tzotzil])
Tapiro - - (Mexican-American)
Tengatsi - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán, Puebla)
Tlsolos-che - - (Maya)
Tongatsi - - (Atlas Mexico: Puebla [Otomí])
Topsiwi - - (Atlas Mexico: Puebla [Totonaco])
Toqiwa - - (Atlas Mexico: Puebla)
Toxem - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca [Mixe])
Toxeem - - (Atlas Mexico: Oaxaca [Mixe])
Toxio - - (Atlas Mexico: Veracruz [Tepehua])
Toxiwua - - (Atlas Mexico: Veracruz)
Xiiksh - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Xomet - - (Atlas Mexico: Michoacán, Puebla; N+S of Mexican border)
Xometl - - (Atlas Mexico: Morelos [Nahuatl])
Xumetl - - (Atlas Mexico: Puebla, Nahuatl)
Yutmicate - - (Spanish-Américas)
Yutnucate - - (N+S of Mexican border)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Sambucus canadensis L. var. mexicana - (Presl ex A.P. de Candolle) Sargent - (NM)
Sambucus glauca Nuttall var. arizonica - Sargent - (NM)
Sambucus mexicana - Presl ex A.P. de Candolle - (NM)
See notes.
Sambucus caerulea var. neomexicana - (Wooton) Rehder - Variety Name
Family Adoxaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
New Mexico elderberry - - (NM)
Sambucus glauca Nuttall var. neomexicana - A. Nelson - (NM)
Sambucus neomexicana - Wooton - (NM)
Sambucus neomexicana Wooton var. vestita - (Wooton & Standley) Kearney & Peebles - (NM)
Sambucus vestita - Wooton & Standley - (NM)
Sambucus nigra - L. - Species Name
Family Adoxaceae - - (APG II)
Common Names
Back elderberry - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Cañilero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Canillero - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Elder flower - - (Mexican-American)
Europen elder - - (N+S of Mexican border)
European black elder - - (BONAP)
Flor sauco - - (Mexican-American)
Guarico - - (Mexican-American)
Linsusa - - (Spanish-Américas)
Nigrito - - (Mexican-American)
Sabuco - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Sabugo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sabugueiro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sabugueiro negro - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sabugueiro preto - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sauco - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Saúco blanco - - (Spanish-Américas)
Saúco europeo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sauco negro - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Sauquero - - (Spanish-Américas)
Sayugo - - (Spanish-Américas)
Tapiro - - (Mexican-American)
Tlsolos-che - - (Maya)
Xumetl - - (Nahuatl)
Yezgo - - (Spanish-Américas)
See notes.
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis - (L.) R. Bolli - Subspecies Name
= Sambucus canadensis L.
Family Adoxaceae - - (APG II)
Common Names
Azumiate - - (Mexican-American)
Capulin silvestre - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Elder blows - - (Sievers, 1930)
Elder flower - - (Mexican-American)
Flor de sauz - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Flor sauco - - (Mexican-American)
Guarico - - (Mexican-American)
Nigrito - - (Mexican-American)
Sauco - - (Mexican-American)
Sweet elder - - (Sievers, 1930)
Tapiro - - (Mexican-American)
Tlsolos-che - - (Maya)
Xumetl - - (Nahuatl)
Sambucus racemosa var. melanocarpa - (Gray) McMinn -
Variety Name
Family Adoxaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Blackberry elder - - (?)
Capulin silvestre - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Elderberry - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Flor de sauz - - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Red elderberry - - (NM)
Sauco - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Sauco de racimos - - (N+S of Mexican border)
Sauco rojo - - (N+S of Mexican border)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Sambucus melanocarpa - Gray - (NM)
See notes.
Sambucus racemosa var. microbotrys - (Rydberg) Kearney & Peebles - Variety Name
Family Adoxaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Mountain red elder - - (?)
Red elderberry - - (NM)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP, NM)
Sambucus microbotrys - Rydberg - (NM)
Sanalotodo (cure-all): See notes.
Sand bur, see Roseta
San Carlos - Argemone ochroleuca - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sand fringedpod - Thelesperma subnudum - (BONAP)
Sand puff - Abronia fragrans - (U.S.A.)
Sand sagebrush - Artemisia filifolia - (U.S.A.)
Sanddune wallflower - Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum - (BONAP)
Sand verbena - Abronia - (BONAP)
- Abronia fragrans - (BONAP)
Sandbar willow, Jarita
Sangre, (Blood)
Sangre de drago - Berberis repens - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Jatropha - (Mexican-American)
- Jatropha dioica - (Nahuatl)
- Jatropha macrorhiza - (Nahuatl)
Sangre de Cristo- Berberis repens (= Mahonia repens) - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
- Jatropha - (Mexican-American)
- Jatropha dioica - (Nahuatl)
- Jatropha macrorhiza - (Nahuatl)
Sangre de toro - Rivina humilis - (Spanish-Américas)
Sangre de venado, Calomus draco, (also see Azahar, Brazil, Ponil)
Sangregado - Jatropha - (Mexican-American)
- Jatropha dioica - (Nahuatl)
- Jatropha macrorhiza - (Nahuatl)
Sanguinaria - Polygonum aviculare - (Atlas Mexico)
Sanguinaria mayor - Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
San Pablillo - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
San Pedro agats - Argemone mexicana - (Oaxaca)
Santa Juana - Stevia salicifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
Santa maria - Tanacetum parthenium - (Mexican-American)
Family: Santalaceae -
(Includes Viscaceae Batsch, Viscaceae Miq., according to
- Order: Santalales - Dumort.
Higher level lineages:
Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Santa Rita acacia - Acacia millefolia - (southwest US & Mexico)
Santa Rosa - Asclepias curassavica - (Atlas Mexico)
Santa Teresa - Stevia salicifolia - (Atlas Mexico)
- Stevia serrata - (southwest US & Mexico)
Santónico americano - Chenopodium ambrosioides - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sanvitalia - Lam. - (BONAP)
In New
Mexico - - (BONAP)
Family Asteraceae
- - (BONAP)
Common Name
Sanvitalia - - (BONAP)
Only one species
of this genus is found in New Mexico.
Sanvitalia abertii - Gray - (BONAP)
In New Mexico - - (BONAP)
Asteraceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Albert's creeping zinnia - -
Yerba fria - - (Upper Rio Grande
Sapallo - Cucurbita moschata - (Spanish-Américas)
Sapindaceae - Juss. - (APG III) Family Name
(Includes family Aceraceae Juss.
and Hippocastanaceae A.Rich.)
Sapindales - Dumort. - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot; Rosid;
Eurosid II (Malvids)
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Sapindaceae in New Mexico, including 3 genera:
- L. - (BONAP)
(= Maple),
- L. - (BONAP)
(= Soapberry),
- Endl. - (BONAP)
(= Ungnadia).
Sapino - Abies balsamea - (Spanish-Américas)
Saponaria officinalis, Clavelina
Soapberry tree
The soapberry tree is native to southern Arizona, New Mexico and
Texas, extending south through Mexico, Central and South America.
Sapotaceae - Juss. - (APG II: Family
Ericales - Dumort. - (APG II: Order Name)
Higher level
lineages: Angiosperm; Eudicot;
core Eudicot; Asterid
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Sapotaceae in New Mexico, including 1 genus:
Sideroxylon - L. - (BONAP)
Sapuyo - Cucurbita pepo - (Spanish-Américas)
Satureja - L. - Genus Name
Family Lamiaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Wild-basil - - (NM)
In New Mexico, including 2 species
Satureja arkansana (Nuttall) Briquet
(= Limestone wild-basil)
Satureja vulgaris (Linnaeus) Fritsch
(= Wild-basil)
Satureja arkansana (Nuttall) Briquet
Family Lamiaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Limestone wild-basil - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Calamintha arkansana (Nuttall) Shinners
Satureja vulgaris (Linnaeus) Fritsch
Family Lamiaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Wild-basil - - (NM)
In New Mexico
Clinopodium vulgare Linnaeus
Satureja douglasii - (Benth.) Briq. - (BONAP)
Family Lamiaceae - - (APG II)
Common Name
Yerba buena - - (Saunders, 1920)
Native in shaded
woods and damp ravines of the Coast Ranges from
British Columbia to the neighborhood of Los Angeles.
The dried leaves steeped for a few minutes
in hot water make a palatable beverage that is mildly
stimulating to the digestion and used as substitute for tea.
Saucillo - Polygonum aviculare - (Spanish-Américas)
Sauco - Sambucus mexicana - (Mexican-American)
- Sambucus nigra - (Mexican-American)
- Sambucus racemosa - (Mexican-American)
Saw-tooth candyleaf - Stevia serrata - (NM)
Sawtooth stevia - Stevia serrata - (?)
Saya - Amoreuxia palmatifida - (southwest US & Mexico)
- Amoreuxia gonzalezii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Saya mome - Amoreuxia gonzalezii - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sayasaga - Amoreuxia palmatifida - (southwest US & Mexico)
Sayri - Nicotiana tabacum - (Spanish-Américas)
Scabish - Scabiosa atropurpurea - (Mexico)
Scabbish, Flor de San Juan
Scabiosa - L. - Genus Name
[Including Sixalix]
Family Dipsacaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Scabious - - (PB)
The species are native to Eurasia, about half occur in Europe in
Mediterranian countries, some in mountains of East Africa and
in South Africa.
Scabiosa atropurpurea - L. - Species Name
[Sometimes mispelled as Scabiosa atropurea]
Family Dipsacaceae - - (BONAP)
Common Name
Ambarina - - (?)
Ambarina Negra - - (?)
Escobilla - - (Mexico)
Salvilla - - (Mexico)
Scabish - - (Mexico)
This annual species is native to southern Europe, including Spain,
but it is widely cultivated as an ornamental.
The flowers are dark
purple to white.
Scabious - Scabiosa - (PB)
Scarlet bugler, Varas de San Jose
Scarlet beeblossom - Gaura coccinea - (BONAP)
Scarlet elderberry - Sambucus racemosa - (BONAP)
- Sambucus racemosa var. racemosa - (BONAP)
Scarlet gaura - Gaura coccinea - (Upper Rio Grande Valley)
Schisandraceae - Blume - (APG II:
Family Name)
(= Illicium + [Schisandra + Kadsura])
(Includes Illiciaceae A.C.Sm.)
- Order: Austrobaileyales -
Takht. ex. Reveal
Higher level lineages: Angiosperm;
Highest level lineages:
(land plants);
Euphyllophyta; Spermatophyta
(seed plants)
Schott's yucca - Yucca schottii - (BONAP)
Scoke - Phytolacca americana - (southwest US & Mexico)
Scouring rush, Canutillo del Llano
Screw bean, Tornillo
Scrophulariaceae - Juss. - (APG II:
Family Name)
(Scroph I, including traditional families
Buddlejaceae K.Wilh.
and Myoporaceae R.Br. and excluding several
former members
that are now assigned to Calceolariaceae (D.Don)
Orobanchaceae Vent. and Plantaginaceae Juss.)
Lamiales - Bromhead - (APG III) Order Name
Higher level lineages:
o Lamiidae Takhtajan;
o Garryidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids I = asterids I);
o Gentianidae R.G. Olmstead, W.S. Judd & P.D. Cantino
(= euasterids or core asterids);
o Asteridae Takhtajan (= asterids);
o Caryophyllales + Asteridae;
o Superasteridae W. S. Judd, D. E. Soltis, & P. S. Soltis
(= superasterids);
o Pentapetalae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd;
o Gunneridae D.E. Soltis, P.S. Soltis & W.S. Judd
(= core eudicots);
o Eudicotyledoneae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= eudicots);
o Mesangiospermae M.J. Donoghue, J.A. Doyle & P.D. Cantino
(= mesangiosperms);
o Angiospermae Lindley (= flowering plants)
Highest level lineages:
o Spermatophyta Britton & Brown
(seed plants);
o Euphyllophyta P.D. Cantino & M.J. Donoghue
(= euphyllophytes);
o Tracheophyta Sinnott
(eutracheophytes or vascular plants);
o polysporangio